View Full Version : US Grunt Gear Tactical Belt

04-11-10, 18:21
Just figured I would post my response to a question asked on another forum here. I often see people searching for the "perfect" setup for their gear. Thought some of you here may find the info useful, and it's about time I try and do my part to add something to the forum. ;-)

"In full disclosure, the owner of US Grunt Gear is a good friend of mine. I am a master class Production shooter in USPSA, and a very active shooter with very specific needs in both pistol and rifle equipment. I have one of the first Infidel belts, and can truly say there is nothing better out there for my specific needs. The gear is hand made by Robert himself, using only top quality mil spec components. If you are looking for a comparison, Eagle's quality while very good, is not as good, crisp, or detailed as what Robert is putting out. Then again, that can be expected since they are not hand making / sewing their gear. His mag pouches for the belt are exceptionally fast for quick reloads, yet have enough tension to hold a fully loaded mag upside down and shaken without falling out. The belt is insanely comfortable and all decked out, I can walk to the line with 6 mags on my belt and not be forced to wear a cumbersome chest rig in the hot Florida sun. I have shot a few rifle classes with this setup, and can say that the belt and pouches were so well noticed that in one of the classes an FBI instructor for HRT in Miami decided to outfit his whole unit with them. From what I hear, they are also becoming a hit with some professional instructors in the 3-gun environment. Hope this helps, if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask away."

As an aside, I have personally witnessed pistol reloads just under a second from shot to shot on a timer using this belt setup with pistol pouches. Super fast (about as fast as my CR Speed race setup) yet the retention still manages to be impeccable. In the standing reload picture below, notice the mag is still falling out of the rifle with the full mag already presented.

Hope some of you looking for a great setup got some added info. Also, I believe there is a review of the belt & pouches in an upcoming SWAT magazine article.
As always, YMMV.


For more info: www.usgruntgear.com

04-11-10, 19:04

04-11-10, 20:22
My particular setup is designed with rifle classes & 3 gun in mind primarily. My rifle mags start at my left front hip bone, and continue around the side and back of the belt in order to eliminate the need for vests / other gear to lug 5 or 6 mags to the firing line. Reloads are just fine from the back as well - this is where dry-firing your gear comes in handy.

El Mac
04-11-10, 22:34
Just figured I would post my response to a question asked on another forum here. I often see people searching for the "perfect" setup for their gear. Thought some of you here may find the info useful, and it's about time I try and do my part to add something to the forum. ;-)

"In full disclosure, the owner of US Grunt Gear is a good friend of mine. I am a master class Production shooter in USPSA, and a very active shooter with very specific needs in both pistol and rifle equipment. I have one of the first Infidel belts, and can truly say there is nothing better out there for my specific needs. The gear is hand made by Robert himself, using only top quality mil spec components. If you are looking for a comparison, Eagle's quality while very good, is not as good, crisp, or detailed as what Robert is putting out. Then again, that can be expected since they are not hand making / sewing their gear. His mag pouches for the belt are exceptionally fast for quick reloads, yet have enough tension to hold a fully loaded mag upside down and shaken without falling out. The belt is insanely comfortable and all decked out, I can walk to the line with 6 mags on my belt and not be forced to wear a cumbersome chest rig in the hot Florida sun. I have shot a few rifle classes with this setup, and can say that the belt and pouches were so well noticed that in one of the classes an FBI instructor for HRT in Miami decided to outfit his whole unit with them. From what I hear, they are also becoming a hit with some professional instructors in the 3-gun environment. Hope this helps, if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask away."

As an aside, I have personally witnessed pistol reloads just under a second from shot to shot on a timer using this belt setup with pistol pouches. Super fast (about as fast as my CR Speed race setup) yet the retention still manages to be impeccable. In the standing reload picture below, notice the mag is still falling out of the rifle with the full mag already presented.

Hope some of you looking for a great setup got some added info. Also, I believe there is a review of the belt & pouches in an upcoming SWAT magazine article.
As always, YMMV.


For more info: www.usgruntgear.com

What pistol holter are you running on that Infidel belt?

04-12-10, 07:00
It's the Blade-tech with tech-lock

04-12-10, 07:09
I have a Warhog belt from USGG that I wore for three days of handgun/carbine at Frank Garcia's place. Based on my experience there I'm having them make me up a second dedicated pistol belt for use in training and USPSA.

The fact that it's not a belt and a sleeve, but a singular belt, works better than the belt/sleeve combos I've seen and tried. The MOLLE system on the Warhog on the sides is a sleeve, but the way it's secured makes it far less prone to shifting around.

I don't conduct "mounted" operations so that's not a factor for me, but I have driven with the belt on for short distances.

04-12-10, 14:01
I have a Warhog belt from USGG that I wore for three days of handgun/carbine at Frank Garcia's place. Based on my experience there I'm having them make me up a second dedicated pistol belt for use in training and USPSA.

Clarification: Another belt because you liked it so well in that config that you want a training belt in addition to your first line?

04-12-10, 14:05
I want two belts; one pistol-only for USPSA and one pistol/carbine for carbine matches. although I'm going to talk to USGG about possibly configuring two sleeves and simply changing them out as the need arises. Probably the better, and less expensive, solution.

04-12-10, 18:28
The sleeve idea is a pretty neat idea - simple to change out, and off you go. Also a cheaper option than buying another complete setup. I am going to look into the same option for my belt for pistol classes that I am not running my CR Speed Rig - a much more confortable setup than even a plain old wilderness belt and holster.

Thanks for the idea

04-12-10, 18:32
I said that, and then arrived home to find my new Peters holster which was actually the whole reason I was doing a separate belt: one with pistol light, one without.


04-12-10, 19:35

04-13-10, 04:50