View Full Version : Should I oil my LPK before installing?

04-12-10, 08:46
I noticed that several LPKs come well-lubed, but mine is not. The parts are in perfect shape, but I'm afraid they might rust or otherwise damage if I do not keep a little bit of oil on them. Should I go ahead and dab a bit of oil to cover all the parts? Pins, springs, and all; or just certain ones?

Thank you!

04-12-10, 09:48
I lightly lube mine on install. They are moving metal parts, I would think they need lube.

04-12-10, 09:52
Sounds like a plan! Thank you!

04-12-10, 10:36
just a little bit to keep the trigger and contact surfaces smooth. Will make the trigger feel smoother and lighter during shooting.

04-12-10, 12:13
I’ve received LPK’s covered with a thick CPC type oil to prevent corrosion during shipping and/or storage.

I prefer to wash those parts down in Mineral Spirits. When dried I can look them over for any obvious defects. If GTG, the parts then get a wipe down with a damp CLP patch and assembly can begin.

The FCG pins will get a light coat of Tetra Grease during installation.

04-12-10, 12:38
That's some great tips! Thank you! I will try to pick up a bit of grease as well.