View Full Version : Need some help with berm construction

04-14-10, 21:12
I have volunteered to head up an improvement project at my gun club and need some help with berm construction. I really don't know what my options are for safe and budget conscious construction. I need a 120' long 5' high barrier between the rifle range and 2 possible pistol/carbine bays that doesn't have a large footprint.

Any thoughts?

Jay Cunningham
04-14-10, 21:13
Call it a "sporting berm" and you'll be GTG.

04-14-10, 21:21
How about the "Great Wall of Fudd", or the "Wall of Antilitigiousness"?

04-14-10, 22:17
I'm lost (nothing new and not the T.V. show) are you looking
for idea's on how to build one?

Like finding local construction that needs a place to dump their fill dirt
or place a craigslist ad looking for "fill dirt" you never know you much get lucky
or shave the ground and make some of your own but for a berm your going to
NEED a lot, tons even.

I'd LOVe to see pic's of your super-berm when it gets finished.
(super berm cuz it stops speeding bullets... lol)

04-14-10, 22:31

do what the we do in the desert..

metal 'baskets' with canvas bags in them and fill-em up..

04-14-10, 22:38
I'm lost (nothing new and not the T.V. show) are you looking
for idea's on how to build one?

Like finding local construction that needs a place to dump their fill dirt
or place a craigslist ad looking for "fill dirt" you never know you much get lucky
or shave the ground and make some of your own but for a berm your going to
NEED a lot, tons even.

I'd LOVe to see pic's of your super-berm when it gets finished.
(super berm cuz it stops speeding bullets... lol)

I can't just pile dirt in this location as it is also the roadway out to the 200 and 400 meter ranges. I need a wall, not a 25' wide dirt pile and I don't know what my options for construction type are.

04-14-10, 22:47
How about something like this: http://www.inter-block.com/

two rows spaced the proper distance apart... fill the void between them with soil.

Sorry - no clue on cost, but that is what the "bay" divders are made with at the local club.

04-14-10, 23:02

do what the we do in the desert..

metal 'baskets' with canvas bags in them and fill-em up..

Interesting stuff. Here's a link to the manufacturer: http://www.hesco.com/US_CIVIL/index.html

04-15-10, 01:48
I would suggest higher than 5' if you can. We did 5' at our range in MT and we still had strays going over the top from the pistol range and the rifle and trap shooters were complaing about hearing the whizzes over head.

Preferred User
04-15-10, 06:23
Probably need to check your local zoning laws, but typically for every 3 feet of width you can have 1 foot of elevation.

Univ of Minnesota Building Soil Berms (http://www.sustland.umn.edu/implement/soil_berms.html)

04-15-10, 08:54
I would suggest higher than 5' if you can. We did 5' at our range in MT and we still had strays going over the top from the pistol range and the rifle and trap shooters were complaing about hearing the whizzes over head.

I was thinking the same thing

04-15-10, 11:32
Check the NRA site. They have a pretty good site for range building with minimum height's and thickness's for different heights. Not sure what they would consider minimum for a side berm, but, if I remember correctly, for an end wall berm it was 12' tall minimum and I think the base was supposed to be the same width as the total height.

04-15-10, 19:34
Interesting stuff. Here's a link to the manufacturer: http://www.hesco.com/US_CIVIL/index.html

Those are a definite possibility.

04-15-10, 20:38
Could you build two parallel walls with cinder blocks and concrete, say 12" apart and fill between them with soil? Seems like that should work. I mean, you don't need to stop RPGs, just the errant pistol and rifle round, right?

04-15-10, 20:56
these are only to be dividers for bays, and not backstops (but need to stop bullets)?

04-15-10, 21:07
Check this site out, it might provide some info to you that could be helpful:


04-15-10, 21:25
Hesco's are awesome. Sort of like building a man sized sand castle.

Also try the old FM 5-103 Survivability. Google it. It has lot's of designs for bunkers, berms and other fortifications.

04-16-10, 06:24
not the prettiest thing, but have seen it work in other places. Drive posts into the ground then stack tires on the posts (fill each tire with sand). use a double row, staggered. easy to replace tires if they get too shot up. keep some spray paint handy to help with the appearance. good luck

04-16-10, 06:53
For that length and height you are going to need A LOT of material. Tires sound like a good idea since they will be easy to come by because it costs money to dump them. Old railroad ties can be found, even if semi rotted they can make a retaining wall/walls that can be filled with dirt.

Kinda depends on how nice it needs to look, and how much you can spend.

04-16-10, 10:15
If this is a barrier between bays that it sounds like, cinder block would be your best bet for size, but you're going to want at least 7', not 5. 90 blocks ($180) per 8" row.

They use this exact same setup at Ben Avery in Phoenix. (Site I found with a bad pic (http://johndherrick.blogspot.com/2008/06/ben-avery-shooting-range.html)) It cut down on errant rounds, but the walls eventually get ate up around the 50-75yrd line because pistol shooters on the ends with targets close in tend to shoot into them quite a bit. The range rule there was that they always put pistols towards the center if possible.

04-16-10, 10:32
This will be a side wall between a rifle range and new bays. This wall will run parallel with the rifle shooters and be behind the new bays. It only needs to be 5' tall because the ground level is about 20' lower where the new bays wil go.

I like the Hesco gabions, but I don't know how long they will hold up.

04-16-10, 11:15
Check with your local concrete companies for the Interblock type barriers. Many times they use leftover concrete from returning trucks to make these and they can be quite cheap. My local rifle club uses them for non- round impacting barriers.
