View Full Version : Superstrong 4.5 folding combat knife with good handel?

04-17-10, 21:47
I currently carry a CRKT M21 14SFG as a primary and a Kershaw speed safe tanto as a back up. I am looking for the best combat folder to use if my weapon jams. A fighting knife should be extra strong especially in the lock. It should also have a handel designed in such a way that you wont lose your grip even when not using a thumb or pinky end hold. Im not impressed with 5.11, kershaw, crkt, benchmade, gerber, smith and wesson etc. BTW I carry a cold steel rajah when on a hike but dont feel comfortable carrying a 6 inch in public. Is there a super strong 4-4.5 inch folder out there? The CRKt doesnt look all that strong...


04-17-10, 23:05

pretty strong but have to wait, if your military they well try too meet your deployment.


strong folder, cheaper too

I own this I think it's a pretty good knife


04-17-10, 23:36
I have a Emerson CQC-11.

I am surprised at how strong and durable the thing is.

04-18-10, 10:18
Having used a WIDE variety of folding knives over 15+ years I now own and carry only Benchmade folders.

From my experience they have the perfect balance of cost and high quality. They use great steel in their blades, and their locks are solid and strong.

For me I prefer the Axis lock models.

YMMV but for me I only carry Benchmade.

04-18-10, 13:04
Depends on how much you want to spend. Hinderer XM-18 and Strider come to mind, but you will pay for them.


04-18-10, 13:23
If your M21 hasn't failed you, I'd say don't worry about upgrading. You know, if it ain't broke don't. . . . I have been carrying the M21-04 for years (when did they come out?) and some of those years have seen hard use and what some will say is abuse:

Working with homeless population, our can opener would frequently "walk away" I can't count the number of times I have punched through the lid of a can and then cut the can open with my M21. I have used it to baton firewood.

You say
I am looking for the best combat folder to use if my weapon jams. Well, human flesh is not much compared to can metal and fire wood. For your intended use, it is really hard to imagine the M21 not being up to snuff. I view a knife as a tool to be used until used up and then replaced. I don't expect to "hand down" any knives to my children, they aren't jewelry, they are tools. The M21 has impressed me with its longevity & I have no qualms about sacrificing a knife to get the job done. Knifemakers can write good ad copy, I can tell you the M21 hasn't failed.

04-18-10, 21:37

04-19-10, 23:47
I find that knives must been seen/handled/compared in person.

If you want super strong, look at frame locks.

My short list would be Strider (SMF, AR, or GB) or a Zero Tolerance.

I like my Emersons, but my SMF is WAY, WAY, WAY stronger than my Super SOCFK.

04-20-10, 08:40
I have to say I kinda agree with Macx on the CRKT knives. I have been carrying a CRKT M16-04 1* on duty for 12 years now and it has not let me down.

Is it a top shelf knife like some of the knives mentioned? No.

Does it give you bragging rights? No.

Can it be destroyed if abused? Yes. Just like any knife if not cared for and used properly.

Would I like to have a top shelf knife for every day carry? Yes and no. I used to carry Benchmade knives until I lost one while on duty. It was the AFAK if memory serves me correctly. An automatic knife that makes me sick thinking that a scumbag might have in his possession a knife he can't legally own because of me.

I don't discourage or belittle anyone for wanting to carry an expensive knife. But in my job, with all the wrestling and jostling I do, I can't afford to be buying those kinds of knives for other people to enjoy.

I know there will be others that will take offense to what I have said, and I predict some name calling. But for my situation, a CRKT has done everything my Benchmades did.

no one should be butt hurt because you like CRKT knives, I have one and it's a good knife, the best is always subjective, especially in knives. The rule of you get what you pay for usually applies but there are exceptions, personally if you want a combat folder the ZT 0300 is one of the best bang for the buck knives out there in that category, USA made s30v steel, Strider, Ken Onion design.

04-20-10, 16:19

04-20-10, 22:55
My ZT is built like a Russian tank, I have yet to hurt this knife, highly recommended.

04-24-10, 00:28
I carry a Spyderco Captain and love it

04-24-10, 12:48

pretty strong but have to wait, if your military they well try too meet your deployment.


strong folder, cheaper too

I own this I think it's a pretty good knife


+2 on crusader/trident folders. For the criteria that you listed in your post they would be a good choice. They are more overbuilt than a strider and as close as you can get to fixed blade strength in a folder.


Here's some comparison pics.