View Full Version : TX - Student suspended for "finger gun" Zero Tolerance BS. (VIDEO)

04-20-10, 12:25
Follow link for video with interview of parents & child: http://www.kvue.com/news/state/Texas-student-suspended-for-finger-gun-91514929.html

The parents of a student in the Houston area are stunned after their daughter was suspended and accused of making a terroristic threat after she was spotted making the shape of a gun with her hand.

The girl says she and her friends were pretending to be police officers. The schools says the teacher feared for her life.

The absurdity of this is absolutely astounding!

04-20-10, 18:40
"the teacher feared for her life"

WTF? Absolute crap.

04-20-10, 18:56
In Texas even c'mon everyone old enough to pick up a gun is carrying. I have a fellow officer who transferred to our dept from Texas. He said his cousins ages 7 and 8 carried guns into the store with them and their dad, when going out shooting. Jesus guess Texas isn't as loose as they used to be with their gun laws these days.

04-20-10, 21:48
Common sense is taking the final swirl towards the bottom of the toilet bowl.

04-20-10, 23:33
Fire the teacher.

04-20-10, 23:38
The schools says the teacher feared for her life.

Sounds like time to seek professional help.


the Bamster
04-21-10, 07:44
1. Remember, always check and make sure your finger is unloaded and pointed down range.
2. This is why schools should be finger free zones. Zero tollerance for fingers
3. remember children if you see a finger........ don't touch it! leave the area and tell an adult.
4. Contact the national finger association for information on a proper finger safety class near you.
5. Use finger locks. The Chinese ones are very good.
6. Use a finger in the a crime, double the time.
7. Always keep your finger stored in a safe place such as a nose or an ass.
8. maximum finger capacity should be restricted to five, whether or not a thumb is a finger is still under ATF review.
9. Cutting your fingernails to short is a felony without proper registration and a $200 tax stamp.
10. Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my finger!

04-21-10, 07:56
If the teacher feared for her life when a child pointed a finger at her, I wonder what must go through her mind each time the entire class raises their hands to answer a question.

04-21-10, 08:50
"terroristic threat"

What in the world is a terroristic threat? Since when did that become a word?

04-21-10, 08:55
It's time to leave. The lunatics have taken over the asylum!!!!

04-21-10, 09:21
Judas Priest! How Stupid!

I wonder how many times I would have been suspended for my antics in school.

This is just dumb.

04-21-10, 09:34
man I used to draw battle scenes with planes, tanks, bombs on my book covers during school back then. I would be expelled today!

04-21-10, 12:27
Im ok with zero tolerance for weapons, real weapons, but this stuff is ridiculous, I remember having one of my rifles in the rack in the window of my pickup in high school because I was going hunting after school with a few buddies, and the principle seeing it and asking to check it out, i showed it to him and he told me what a fine rifle he thought it was, gave it back, and sent my on my way to class...

Every day our country takes one step closer to complete insanity.

04-21-10, 12:33
Im ok with zero tolerance for weapons, real weapons, but this stuff is ridiculous, I remember having one of my rifles in the rack in the window of my pickup in high school because I was going hunting after school with a few buddies, and the principle seeing it and asking to check it out, i showed it to him and he told me what a fine rifle he thought it was, gave it back, and sent my on my way to class...

Every day our country takes one step closer to complete insanity.

Please clarify your statement. You say you're OK with zero tolerance for "real weapons" and then describe a story about yourself that totally contradicts what zero tolerance is. I'm not tracking what you're saying.

Lightning Struck
04-21-10, 12:50
Because times have changed. What was ok back in my day won't fly now. There were a few times I had a 12ga in the trunk of my car at school. Was it a big deal? Nope.. But times are definitely different. This story, while completely over the top and ridiculous, clearly illustrates that.

Funny how sticking out my index finger, and raising my thumb is considered as heinous as pulling down my pants and aiming my SBR at her.

04-21-10, 14:11
I'm not surprised by this. I hear about some pretty moronic crap going on in the Houston schools from some of my friends. When my wife and I decide to have kids, I do believe they're gonna get home schooled. I'll have to figure out some productive way to socialize them aside from the public school system.

04-21-10, 14:47
Please clarify your statement. You say you're OK with zero tolerance for "real weapons" and then describe a story about yourself that totally contradicts what zero tolerance is. I'm not tracking what you're saying.


I always hear older people describe a better society in the same breath that they acquiesce to the kind of stuff that made that society disappear before I was born.

Not a personal attack, just an observation.

04-21-10, 19:28
To say that the teacher overreacted does not even begin to describe how inane her response was. If she was truly that frightened by a pointed finger maybe she should just crawl under a rock and hide from the world. Recognize also that the school principle and administrators are fully culpable for the child's suspension, because it was their decision. I have 'heard tell' that Texas has more conservative values and common sense than some other states, (e.g. my CA), but apparently, stupidity knows no state boundaries.

Now barring the sarcasm, this is really an issue of the Progressive/Liberal mindset: Individuality and personal freedoms will not be tolerated, the Progressive/Liberal Agenda can control/change human nature to create a socialist utopia, and the answer to all of our problems is a larger, more controlling government that will dictate the acceptability of all actions, speech and beliefs.

The only way to correct our country's current descent down the toilet bowl is to campaign for, support, and vote for, true conservative candidates in each and every election. The Progressives within both the Dem. & Rep. parties are truly the enemies of our Constitutional Republic, and are far more dangerous than all of our external enemies combined.