View Full Version : Bloomberg's gun show "loophole"

04-21-10, 09:35
Bloomberg is at it again, not that he ever stopped.

CNN Video (http://cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2010/04/20/am.interview.bloomberg.cnn)

"A dealer can take all of his or her inventory and go to a gun show and sell it without the background checks."

He didn't use his wonderful "private dealer" nomenclature either, but flat out said that dealers have to conduct background checks at gun stores, but "at guns shows, explicitly, there is no requirement to do background checks".

We really should just start hanging liars.

04-21-10, 09:42
so now a 1/3rd of guns confiscated originate from gun shows?

"if its more difficult for a criminal to get a gun, they are less likely to do it, and it will make our children safer"


04-21-10, 09:59
Bloomberg is at it again, not that he ever stopped.

CNN Video (http://cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2010/04/20/am.interview.bloomberg.cnn)

"A dealer can take all of his or her inventory and go to a gun show and sell it without the background checks."

He didn't use his wonderful "private dealer" nomenclature either, but flat out said that dealers have to conduct background checks at gun stores, but "at guns shows, explicitly, there is no requirement to do background checks".

We really should just start hanging liars.

Bloomberg is an idiot.

It's already against federal law to "engage in the business of dealing in firearms" without a Federal Firearms License...

It's already against federal law for an FFL to transfer a firearm without the completed 4473 and background check (if required for that particular person in that state).

04-21-10, 10:53
As it is already a felony to knowlingly sell/transfer/furnish a firearm or ammunition to a prohibited person, why not make it super duper duper illegal to do so? :p

The whole "gun show loophole" is a red herring, and will be used to prohibit all private sales.

04-21-10, 11:10
The NRA needs to counter with an aggressive ad campaign countering this crap, but I'm not holding me breath that they'll part ways with some of the fricking money they've been collecting from us members to do so. There should be a constant stream of NRA ads targeting this dude and so far all I've seen are meek responses in articles and a bunch of solicitation requests in my mail box.

04-21-10, 11:15
The NRA needs to counter with an aggressive ad campaign countering this crap, but I'm not holding me breath...

Good thing, they've had years to do just what you're recommending.

04-21-10, 19:53
I hate to 'beat a dead horse' . . . unless I'm out of ammo . . . Ha, Ha. Sorry, but I just had to inject some small amount of humor into my posts. Seriously though, this is just the latest example of the Progressive Agenda to subvert our Constitution and chip away at our individual freedoms. The radical left tells blatant lies to scare the public, the 'Formerly Mainstream Media' trumpets their support far and wide, the uninformed and the 'Kool-Aid Drinkers' fall for it 'hook, line and sinker', then legislation is passed to protect our citizenry from the Constitution.

Vote out of office all of the Progressives/Liberals at every opportunity, (including the RINOs - Republican In Name Only). Tell anyone, and everyone, who will listen.