View Full Version : BLOWING $5,000 BIG ONeS!!

Sean Price
04-23-10, 20:31
When it comes to all things gun, in the words of Mobb Deep's Prodigy, "I'm a maniac, braniac, FANATIC for that!"

ALOT of penny pinching, and a FINAL bonus paycheck(from the job I quit to go to Tokyo) and I'm now at $5,000 big ones!!

My love affair with AR's started with this beautiful specimen


I found this site about 8 months ago when I was researching my "DREAM GUN" now named PERFECTION and boy have I learned a lot..I read this forum almost on a daily basis! Fast forward to today!

I was saving and saving so that I could buy/build my very own PERFECTION , ALL IN ONE SHOT!! But something happened along the way... NOW I'm not so sure thats the way to go anymore.. too much has changed, HIGH QUALITY AR's are STUPID cheap now.. and well BCM is always out of parts..

NOW instead of blowing my $5,000 on PERFECTION I have been agonizing over another route instead..

use my $5,000 in the following ways..

1. BCM MIDDY Complete $1300 - basically build piece by piece a complete BCM middy rifle. This will be my primary rifle, in other words I intend for this one to be my PERFECTION

2. DDM4v3 $1200 - actually the ONLY reason for buying this...Its so RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP, I feel as if I'd be stupid NOT to!! I mean, come on its amazing piece.. plus EVERYTHING it comes with, for only $1200? BANANAS!!

3. DD 6.8 $1500 - I want to get into hunting...mainly deer hunting. From what I read, I believe 6.8 is what I would need.. unless you guys know different.. Or if the $1500 can be used for a different AR style hunting gun...

There you have it...

Input, opinion's.. What do yall think?

As I said, I start my Hunter safety course this Monday and I have 2 AR classes lined up in the summer... Ammo-wise, I'm aight.. I have a little bit and I plan on doing a minimum of at least $50 EVERY month to stockpile some.. Unfortunately I live in the city, and its NOT too AR friendly.. I mean I have to drive 3-4 hours just to get to a range that will allow rifle shooting, i.e. .223, I have to drive an hour just to get to my Hunter Safety course.. and as for my AR carbine class's... its about 5-6 hour drive.. fun, can't wait for that one!!

So keeping that in mind.... I'm NOT going to lie.. these guns will mainly be TROPHY showpieces.. wall hangers if you will..and generally I guess for when SHTF!! THo I do plan on having PERFECTION by my side during bedtime! wink!

gun show this weekend, so I hope I don't blow any of that $5,000 tomorrow!! Just gotta tell myself, PERFECTION, PERFECTION, think of PERFECTION and her friends! :D

Your input is appreciated!!


oh.. I should add... I have a COMPLETELY brand new in the box, UNOPENED, ALMIGHTY COLT 6920 as well as a brand new AK-47 also..

In my head tho, the 6920 no longer exists NOW that I have been M4carbine.net educated.. its definitely a keeper, bought it during the obama scare, when all those fools panicked and went on those guy buying binge's.. THANK YOU SUCKERS!! WINK! ;)

Sean Price
04-23-10, 20:31
First things first..

when it comes to all things gun...I AM..

Prodigy of Mobb DeeP said it best, " I'm a Maniac, brainiac fanatic for that"

KEEP IN MIND, this all started with a dream..

This is the dream..


I knew NOTHING about AR's.. but I did know that I wanted to OWN the EXACT gun shown above.. That lust lead me to this site(almost 8 months ago now..) where I have been reading and reading and researching all things AR.. I still have a lot to go and learn but I need to start somewhere right..

I still don't have a job and YES, I've been actively searching and have been relentlessly on the job hunt..like bush going after "terrorists" I have been scraping and scraping pennies here and there for a year now and the job I quit to go to japan is like the job that keeps on giving, I got one last FINAL bonus check.. that along with my penny scraping got me to $5000 BIG ONES!!


Before we begin, know this..

Ammo - I have some ammo, and I try to pick up at least $50 worth every month(I have an ammo piggybank now)..

Classes - I have signed up for 2 AR classes this summer.. so hopefully that covers that somewhat or at least initially.. and I start my hunter safety course this Monday..

now to my method of madness..

This is how I plan to blow my $5000...

1. BUILD a BCM complete..$1300(give or take right?) after months on this board I am sold on ALL things BCM.. and the ONLY thing holding me back is that they never seem to be in stock or around.. this will be my "PRIMARY" rifle.. my pride and joy if you will, the one I plan to master.. and ultimately build up to the IMAGE ABOVE..

2. DDM4v3 ($1200) - I can ONLY say WHY NOT? this gun is so D*M ridiculously CHEAP!! I'd be a fool not to.. I mean $1200 for ALL that you get on this.. Madness I tell you, Madness, true I don't really need it BUT at the price.. h*LL yeah!!

3. DD 6.8 ($1500??) - My deer steak obtainer.. NO ONE answered my post asking about the AR-15, 6.8 and hunting.. but from my knowledge as of now.. I would like to use this gun to go DEER hunting..and I think its "cooL?" I mean I guess since I start Hunter saftey this Monday, I'll know whats up by then...

So there you have it folks..

the BCM, to be my ULTIMATE dream rifle as shown above.. the DDM4v3 as my..well just because its so D*M cheap and so D*M QUALITY.. and the DD 6.8 as my HUNTING RIFLE...

So whats your take on it fella's.. ???

I am still new to AR's and have NEVER even fired one before.. OH before I forget I guess I should include the requisite info regarding my intended use for these guns..

HONESTLY.. I'll be the 1st to admit.. they are probably going to just be GLORIOUS TROPHY WALL HANGER's.. I mean the 6.8 for hunting but thats like once a year in November.. and I guess other then that.. for when SHTF!!!

Before you crucify me, hear me out.. I live in the city...and by that I mean a NON FRIENDLY AR-15 City..

I have to drive out like 3-4 hours just to get to a range that allows us to shoot .223, thats DEFINITELY a buzz killa!!

I mean for petes sake my hunter safety course is AN hour drive for me..

and my AR-15 courses are like a 6-7 hour drive..

FUN TIMES RIGHT? but hey i'm still down for it.. NOW you know why I won't be getting too much use out of these...

BUT hey, YOU never know when the king of England gets it in his head to come over here and start some sh%T!!

There is a GUN show tomorrow that I plan on hitting up.. I figure even if I get all those I still have about a cool $1000 left to play with..

get at me dawgz


Sean Price
04-23-10, 20:32
d*m, I'm not sure what happened..

the 2nd post was my original post, but when I hit submit, it timed out and so I quickly rewrote it and posted it.. but now both are on there.. SORRY


04-23-10, 20:40

04-23-10, 20:43
Commercial stock and light set up need to go.

04-23-10, 20:44
First things first..

when it comes to all things gun...I AM..

Prodigy of Mobb DeeP said it best, " I'm a Maniac, brainiac fanatic for that"

...get at me dawgz


bkb0000 - Where are you? I need a translation. :D

04-23-10, 20:44
Who licked the window?

Dos Cylindros
04-23-10, 20:45

Ha, Classic. Anyway, sounds like a decent plan to me. Don't forget to buy a helmet for when you ride that shor bus:D

04-23-10, 20:55
Am I wrong ,or is that pic watermarked from a movie prop store? Happy shootin.

04-23-10, 21:01
oh.. I should add... I have a COMPLETELY brand new in the box, UNOPENED, ALMIGHTY COLT 6920 as well as a brand new AK-47 also..

I call BS.

04-23-10, 21:10
throw a 7" rail and a acog on your 6920 and you got your dream gun

04-23-10, 21:17
Will Smith, is that you?!?!



dude, first off, I can't believe you actually quoted a rapper,
my advice for you would be this:

Eyes open, mouth closed. Surf the boards, absorb, read, read, and continue to read. No offense, but you still have a lot of growing to do.

And to answer your question, any of those would be a fine choice.

04-23-10, 21:25
What hood did you come from? Are you the same dude that was complaining about how the popo are always harassing you for no reason?

04-23-10, 21:38
WOW.. $5000 for a weapon or weapons...

Not only could you probably buy a acog.. you could probably get a nice little Noveske, Scar, LWRC, KAC SR, HK MR556, ACR to go with it. And then buy another upper that will fit on the lower of whatever you buy. Saves you from buying another full rifle. Just a idea or what id do...

Boss Hogg
04-23-10, 21:52
I bet Shaggy 2 Dope approves of your acquisitions.


04-23-10, 21:53
Use the money to buy a Bushmaster ACR

04-23-10, 22:01
IMHO, your money could be better spent on 1 quality AR (Probably the DD or Colt 6940), a different 6.8SPC upper, ammo and mags for each caliber, and a good optic for each upper.

04-23-10, 22:05
why 6.8 if you can get a precision 308 (hunting) and then quality AR 15 ? :confused:

Sean Price
04-23-10, 22:12
d*m, this went SOUTH really quick..

In hindsight not really sure what I was hoping to achieve by posting this.. Really tho, my post isn't too different from the others out there, i.e. Help me Spend $2,000 or the always present How Many AR's is too many, i.e. gfelbers post, https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=52360

I thought I was just putting a different twist on it..

Here's the thing.. I now (kinda) regret buying the 6920.. its just that it was such a great deal at the time, $1200! This was during the gun buy hysteria where everyone went on an AR buying/stockpiling craze.. Plus I had just barely found this site and didn't know better, just knew that COLT was the standard.. But now I know BCM, DD, Noveske, are ALSO TOP dogs..

NOw I say to myself.. at the time, had I known about BCM, I would have gone that route.. bought it and build it up as the I Am Legend rifle.. and I would have been content(since thats where all this began) and would have probably most likely been done with that ONE rifle..

..maybe but who can say.. I always loved guns and maybe that would have kicked it off even more.. this stuff is MAD ADDICTIVE!!

but for now.. I'm DEAD SET on buying 3 rifles..

I'm from where BCM is born and made.. so I would LOVE to support the "little" guy's and the more and more I see and read about it.. I want a BCM!!! It doesn't hurt that they are pretty much as good as the COLT standard..

In short, I will not use, or EVEN open my Colt 6920, at least not for a very long time.. I'm definitely NOT going to sell it.. I bought it since 1. its basically the standard and 2. come on man, its a piece of AMERICAN HISTORY BABY!! I see that rifle's place as like a family heirloom.. AGAIN i'm not gettin rid of it or using it in the foreseeable future..

Thats WHY I'm buying and building myself a complete BCM....IN my view its a KISS design.. basic rifle, with a trijicon sight on it and a rail system with a flashlight/laser combo.. <--- For whatever reason thats just what I want... its not like its set in stone.. I may find that once I have it set up that way.. thats its not KOSHER and change it.. who know's... but thats my dream rifle vision for now..

as for the DDM4v3, I'll say it again.. thats ALOT of rifle for the dollar.. I'd be stupid NOT to buy that.. I go to my local gun shop and I can't even buy a DPMS or OLY Arm's for under $1400 and here I get ALL OF THAT for only $1200 and its HQ!!!

As for my third rifle purchase.. Never been deer hunting or any kind of hunting before.. but I want to go deer hunting this year, hence my Hunter safety course.. I haven't bought it yet.. and I start class Monday.. so maybe by then I'll find out that 6.8 is NOT ACCEPTABLE for deer hunting.. but as far i'm thiniking right now.. I think it would be a dopeness to have an AR-15 as my deer hunting "rifle" ..

So if all goes as planned I'd be at 4 AR-15's..

1 colt 6920
1 BCM MIddy
1 DDM4v3
1 DD 6.8

BCM being my primary, DD as my backup, DD 6.8 my hunting rifle. and the COLT 6920, as my backup's backup I guess.. :D

I hope this kinda clears up where I'm at with all this...



04-23-10, 22:21
01-16-2010, 01:01 AM
Sean Price Online

Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 40
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Chance Of A Lifetime, TOKYO, JAPAN HERE I COME!!
Greetings Comrad's..

Yes I am still in the elusive hunt for my own "HOLY GRAIL", i.e. my 1st AR.. was actually on the verge of ordering my BCM, but as chance would have it.. a different opportunity "has" arose..

Please stick to one story.

04-23-10, 22:22
If you have $5000, you have just enough money to buy one rifle, some accessories, some ammunition, and some training to become proficient with it.

Or you could buy 3 and mount them on the wall.

Your choice.

04-23-10, 22:24
Buy a couple of cases of ammo, shoot the heck out of the Colt, then decide what you want.

Sean Price
04-23-10, 22:40
If you have $5000, you have just enough money to buy one rifle, some accessories, some ammunition, and some training to become proficient with it.

huh ???

BCM MIddy Complete $1300
DDM4v3 1200
DD 6.8 1500
Grand Total $4,000

I have some ammo.. and I ALREADY have 2 classes scheduled this summer..

I'm jus saying..


Sean Price
04-23-10, 22:43
why 6.8 if you can get a precision 308 (hunting) and then quality AR 15 ? :confused:

is 6.8 not good for hunting, deer that is? From what I understand, the .308 is a bigger bullet right?

I don't know.. I'm just not really feeling the whole shotgun thing..

plus I swear I read on here and online that people do use their AR's for hunting..

I figured since DD was making 2 hunting rifles and both in the 6.8, that that was enough?

I had made a post about this previously, but no one ever answered it..



04-23-10, 23:09
Get two rifles, set them up similarly (control/furniture wise).
Have one in 6.8SPC, the other in 5.56

You can go with a Novseks Rogue Hunter for the 6.8, and a DD Lightweight for the 5.56... or any of the other infinite combinations.

Get a reflex optic and a variable zoom optic, with good QD mounts.
You'll have two solid platforms.

04-23-10, 23:25
bkb0000 - Where are you? I need a translation. :D

i dont think i can help here.. but his dialect sounds very similar to some of the white "Gs" you find in suburban presbyterian church youth groups.

Sean Price
04-23-10, 23:33
i dont think i can help here.. but his dialect sounds very similar to some of the white "Gs" you find in suburban presbyterian church youth groups.

says the fake a$$ crab....

I'm surprised NOBODY has ever called you out?

I mean the day you see a damu or a pIRu.. probably turn coat and run.. converting yourself into a certified TRACKSTAR!!

... oh wait, NOT in Canada!!

you crazy canucks! you rock!

seriously guy, your playing yourself with you bogus signature..

even if it is a joke..

KEEP IT AR wink ;)


04-23-10, 23:39
although it would be incredibly amusing to start some kind of gang fight, i'm afraid that sort of thing wouldn't be well received around here.

just to clear the air, this is me:


please note the pale skin, tight wranglers, copenhagen ring in the back pocket, and total lack of affiliatory symbolism.

and i dont listen to rap.

Sean Price
04-23-10, 23:48
noO, you don't say?

SHOCKING!!! Didn't see that one coming, wink ;)

So actually...

1. you ARE a "fake" crab

2. judging by your pale skin, you are a CANUCK :D

and lastly BUT not least..

3. hmm.. I don't know.. you are rocking a PEN in ONLY one pocket. .specifically the RIGHT SIDE.. maybe that mean's something to u wonder breads out there in Canada? who know's with you crazy canucks...

all in good fun my friend, don't get all pen-tastic on me now!

now get back on topic, wink!


Sean Price
04-23-10, 23:54
oh and BEFORE I forget.... and Like I said before..

seriously guy, your playing yourself with your bogus signature..

even if it is a joke..

KEEP IT AR wink ;)


all right gentlemen, its been REAL.. but i'm off to bed now.. I mean the gun show is in less then 9 hours!!

Gotta be rested up for that.. I think i'm just going to show up with ONLY $1000 in hand.. that way if I get tempted and I somehow blow that $1000, I'll still have $4,000 left over to get those 3 rifles..


04-23-10, 23:56
I guess if the man wants 4 rifles, why not..

IMO you only need 1, maybe 2. Personally id go with a 18" SS barrel, 16" mid length and 16" mid length gas piston, maybe even a SBR, all of them on 1 or maybe 2 lowers.

04-23-10, 23:56
says the fake a$$ crab.... KEEP IT AR wink ;)...

... saith the 43-post noob to the 4709-post Site Sponsor. :D

Yo, "Dawg". Seriously, you need to chill. Don't let it get personal.

Dos Cylindros
04-24-10, 00:06
oh and BEFORE I forget.... and Like I said before..

all right gentlemen, its been REAL.. but i'm off to bed now.. I mean the gun show is in less then 9 hours!!

Gotta be rested up for that.. I think i'm just going to show up with ONLY $1000 in hand.. that way if I get tempted and I somehow blow that $1000, I'll still have $4,000 left over to get those 3 rifles..


Did you get that 5K from selling crack yo! Go away. I was in the mood to respond nicely to your question as I hate it when people get all snobby on this forum. However, your all to familiar ability to use gang slang in reference to bloods or crips is a little "clue" to me. You probably should not be playing with guns. Have fun at the gunshow, hope you don't get pinched for making a straw purchase for your thug 4 life homies.

04-24-10, 00:13
this is one of the best threads ever

Sean- you gotta switch to decaf, drop the ebonics, take the capslock and shift keys off your keyboard, read more, and get some experience with one gun before you expect us to take you seriously enough to help you make pointless, frivolous purchases of rifles...

what do we have to offer advice with? you admittedly have zero experience... if you want to buy guns, buy guns- but we here at M4C generally engage in discussions/offer advice based around needs and practical training/use requirements. you don't seem to possess any of this... so again, how can we possibly help at this point?

04-24-10, 00:16
IMHO you keep the 6920 as some others have said you get it a 7" rail some magpul furnature, a good optic, light, mags, etc. And if you need another AR order a BCM or DD as a second AR outfit it with light, optics, etc. That gives you two quality set up ARs for all your needs. If you want something to hunt with get a good remington bolt action and scope for a fraction of the price you were going to pay for a 6.8. IMHO unless you are shooting obscene amounts of ammo a month and attending classes multiple times a year two ARs is plenty and the 6920 you have is a quality weapon. Outfit that AR, maybe get another one as a back up. I reccomend DD as you can custom order them outfitted like you want with barrels, rails, etc. Nowhere in your write up did you mention optics for either weapon or lights, or other accessories. These items cost a good bit when you add them up so outfitting your colt and one other AR with all the goodies is going to be a bit depending on what parts and optics you go with. I'm about $4k or more into two ARs and I still need optics which with the ones I have chosen are going to run me a little over $1k. Just some stuff to think about.

04-24-10, 00:32
huh ???

BCM MIddy Complete $1300
DDM4v3 1200
DD 6.8 1500
Grand Total $4,000

I have some ammo.. and I ALREADY have 2 classes scheduled this summer..

I'm jus saying..


Sorry I am reading backwards but... even though the rifles you list add up to $4k before Tax etc. you still have no mention of optics accessories, lights, slings, etc. The 1k you have left is a drop in the bucket to fully accessorize 3 ARs. And the $50 a month in ammo is not much unless you have a stock pile already 500 rds is going to cost you over $200 depending on brand and quality. I restate from my previous post drop a rifle or two off the list. Fully outfit your 6920 and get ammo and training. If you want get another AR for backup and safe it when you get the money accessorize it and then you will have two and will be trained and competant an their use. Three ARs for someone who has zero experience. Is over kill start slow work into it. If you HAVE to get a new ar in addition to your 6920 DD and BCM are good choices. Just slow down and chill with all the rap, gang references. Everybody has their preferences in music and life style but we are here to talk about guns not all this other crap. Hope this helps.

04-24-10, 00:48
Blowing big ones :eek:

04-24-10, 01:06
although it would be incredibly amusing to start some kind of gang fight, i'm afraid that sort of thing wouldn't be well received around here.

just to clear the air, this is me:


please note the pale skin, tight wranglers, copenhagen ring in the back pocket, and total lack of affiliatory symbolism.

and i dont listen to rap.

The can of cope makes you a bad ass.

I use Swedish Snus and listen to black metal. Wonder what that makes me.

04-24-10, 01:12
noO, you don't say?

SHOCKING!!! Didn't see that one coming, wink ;)

So actually...

1. you ARE a "fake" crab

2. judging by your pale skin, you are a CANUCK :D

and lastly BUT not least..

3. hmm.. I don't know.. you are rocking a PEN in ONLY one pocket. .specifically the RIGHT SIDE.. maybe that mean's something to u wonder breads out there in Canada? who know's with you crazy canucks...

all in good fun my friend, don't get all pen-tastic on me now!

now get back on topic, wink!



Tone it down a little. Actually a lot. And take your meds. Most people are on this board to get way from guys like you. Read the stickies and buy whatever you want. Nobody cares.

pbr streetgang
04-24-10, 01:21
noO, you don't say?

SHOCKING!!! Didn't see that one coming, wink ;)

So actually...

1. you ARE a "fake" crab

2. judging by your pale skin, you are a CANUCK :D

and lastly BUT not least..

3. hmm.. I don't know.. you are rocking a PEN in ONLY one pocket. .specifically the RIGHT SIDE.. maybe that mean's something to u wonder breads out there in Canada? who know's with you crazy canucks...

all in good fun my friend, don't get all pen-tastic on me now!

now get back on topic, wink!


I'm pretty sure after seeing the pick that he is certainly not pale enough to be one of us Canadians... if we were any paler up here, we would probably be transparent..

As for you.....
a little advice...
i recently looked back at some of the replies/comments/questions i made on this forum when i first started coming here and i cringed..
i cant believe how stupid i sounded at times...(albeit none of them even came close to yours)
after time i realized that checking the dumb-ass attitude at the door and humbly asking advice, got me the info and tools i needed to make the right purchasing decisions.

04-24-10, 01:30
OK so this thread lost me at about post one. So sean, what was the reason why you are not opening the 6920? do you think its going to increase in value or something? Because its actually the complete oposite, only class 3 firearms increase in value, cause they dont make them any more for civies. So in short why have a rifle that sits in a box? The 6920 is a fine rifle, I trust my life to it everyday on duty. I think you should spend your money on a good optic, maybe a ff rail, some buis, a good sling, and a light if you need one, there you have your "perfection". The money saved should go for at least a years worth of ammo and some carbine classes.

04-24-10, 01:33
The can of cope makes you a bad ass.

I use Swedish Snus and listen to black metal. Wonder what that makes me.

im not following...

my point about my appearance is that i'm not a gang banger, nor could i ever be confused with one.

04-24-10, 01:38
OK so this thread lost me at about post one. So sean, what was the reason why you are not opening the 6920? do you think its going to increase in value or something? Because its actually the complete oposite, only class 3 firearms increase in value, cause they dont make them any more for civies. So in short why have a rifle that sits in a box? The 6920 is a fine rifle, I trust my life to it everyday on duty. I think you should spend your money on a good optic, maybe a ff rail, some buis, a good sling, and a light if you need one, there you have your "perfection". The money saved should go for at least a years worth of ammo and some carbine classes.

Because he does not own one.

04-24-10, 01:40
im not following...

my point about my appearance is that i'm not a gang banger, nor could i ever be confused with one.
Just pointing out how people are different.

It was initially a joke.

I guess its too late...

EDIT: Just realized this is in AR GD. *sigh*

OP: Just lurk more, figure out what you're looking for in a weapon system, and use google when you're not sure.

04-24-10, 01:46
Sean, a little advice-

If you want to go deer hunting, researching caliber choices is far more important than which rifle is used. The AR is perfectly fine for hunting. If you want to know if the 6.8 works, research the 6.8. I don't know enough about the ballistics of that caliber, but let's take a stab at a few known facts.

The 6.8 uses a .270 caliber bullet. A 130 grain .270 bullet is more than adequate for deer with a muzzle velocity of 2800 fps the 270 Winchester is capable of achieving. If the 6.8 can use a 130 grain bullet and get moving along about 2400 fps, it will work as long as you use a bullet with the proper construction.

The 6.8 may use a lighter bullet. Again, that should be ok and bullet construction is still important. The 6.8 should be a good choice for deer. Matter of fact, Remington markets it as a deer round.

In Texas, the .223 Remington is a popular deer round. Bullet construction is critical in this caliber.

Part II: We're supposed to be adults here. Cut out the netspeak. Don't take this wrong, but netspeak is for highly caffeinated ADHD rude gameboys who talk smack without ever leaving their grandmother's basement. Not a good way to put yourself across with this crowd. Ask questions and listen a lot. Be aware that some folks here have strong opinions based on hard earned experience. Be respectful and you'll be respected

04-24-10, 02:42
im not following...

my point about my appearance is that i'm not a gang banger, nor could i ever be confused with one.

Well your appearance no, but your signature and screen name tell otherwise.

04-24-10, 02:55
Well your appearance no, but your signature and screen name tell otherwise.

I took that as sarcasm...

yo :D

04-24-10, 03:05
I took that as sarcasm...

yo :D

"hand on my heat, pullin the trigger with the quickness.. slobs feelin the muthafuccin wrath of my cripness. "

"slobs" = derogatory term for Bloods. Commonly used by Crips.

"CRIPness" = Crip

"BKb0000" = BK are the initials for Blood Killer, and is a term commonly used by Crip gangsters.

Like I said, his name and signature suggest that he may be a Crip gangster. With all of the LEO on this forum I am suprised that nobody has ever brought up the issue.

04-24-10, 03:25
People if you have nothing of value to contribute to this thread then I advise you to keep your mouths shut..

Anymore of the window licker comments or anything like that will get you in deep S**T. Are we Crystal?

04-24-10, 03:35
I think a 6920 is a fine rifle for a beginner and a 6.8 wouldn't necessarily be a great SHTF rifle (ammo availability vs 5.56). That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing this thread locked an done. This shit belongs on TOS. Getting away from barfcom threads is what drove me to this site and now I have to go to LF to get away from this shit.

04-24-10, 04:19
Can't we just close this thing and put it out of it's misery? :rolleyes:

04-24-10, 07:14
Can't we just close this thing and put it out of it's misery? :rolleyes:


This thing is a train wreck, and it's about the 5th thread that Sean Price has created where he's constantly asking for advice, but really does nothing more than lie and cause trouble.

OP: if you really want to "blow $5,000 big ones" on something, just send it my way in the form of a check so I can use it on some carbine courses. It's a much better use for that money than whatever it is you want to spend it on, especially since I'm in the military.

04-24-10, 07:20
See his thread from August titled, "After YEARS of PENNY PINCHIN Ready to Dive IN!! 1st AR15's..Input HUMBLY Requested! (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=35612)"

... now suddenly he has $5,000. Bizarre.

And here he is in October asking (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?p=510102#post510102) about the BCM builds being done by Grant. Supposedly he couldn't find an FFL.

Here he is again in mid-December asking, "NEW to the WOrLd of SHooting, How To Decide Between 6.8 or .223.. Very confused.. (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=43120)"

So, he still couldn't make up his mind and obviously didn't go ahead with the BCM purchase from Grant. Now he says he has a 6920 and he's unhappy with it? Seriously?

This guy is a mall ninja wanna-be.

04-24-10, 08:30
See his thread from August titled, "After YEARS of PENNY PINCHIN Ready to Dive IN!! 1st AR15's..Input HUMBLY Requested! (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=35612)"

... now suddenly he has $5,000. Bizarre.

And here he is in October asking (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?p=510102#post510102) about the BCM builds being done by Grant. Supposedly he couldn't find an FFL.

Here he is again in mid-December asking, "NEW to the WOrLd of SHooting, How To Decide Between 6.8 or .223.. Very confused.. (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=43120)"

So, he still couldn't make up his mind and obviously didn't go ahead with the BCM purchase from Grant. Now he says he has a 6920 and he's unhappy with it? Seriously?

This guy is a mall ninja wanna-be.

This. I'm so tired of seeing the knowledgeable guys on this forum put out advice, thinking they are giving it two someone with at least two brain cells to rub together, only to have it completely ignored. Long, rambling, annoying, pointless threads are Sean's speciality, and they're getting old.

Oh and Sean - I'll also second the feeling that if you really just want to blow your money - send it my way. I'll finally be able to drop a couple Aimpoints on my carbines and be able to take my wife to a couple of pistol and carbine courses... something we're finding difficult to do on a ministry income.

04-24-10, 09:02
People if you have nothing of value to contribute to this thread then I advise you to keep your mouths shut..

Anymore of the window licker comments or anything like that will get you in deep S**T. Are we Crystal?

Yes'sir, Crystal.

04-24-10, 09:05
Sean, if you think the 6920 was a bad purchase, I'll buy it off you IF, it's still new in the box, for $1100. It will be my 3rd, if you are willing to sell.;)

Jay Cunningham
04-24-10, 09:12
Sean Price,

Your posting has been trending towards the trollish. You have been rightfully called out by the membership, who are collectively sick of it.

Please check your PMs.

This thread is finished.