View Full Version : The Wife Got Her "I told you so!"

05-01-10, 19:06
After today's 3-Gun match, my wife said, "I know have a big 'I told you so' coming but..I LOVE that carbine!" To which I promptly replied, "I told you so!"

Now I'm starting a SBR for her!:D


P.S. - She did the same thing in Cowboy Action Shooting 13 years ago! Went from never touching a gun in her life to, "I want a gun!" If I could only get her to listen the first time and not prodding at her for months to try something! Note to self...work on that!!:D


05-01-10, 19:10
Both my girlfiend (well ex, now :rolleyes: ) and my mom fell in in love with firearms after shooting, and with EBR's after shooting my AR.

I think more would have a favorable view of shooting after they've spent afternoon of shooting with some good people in a safe environment.

05-01-10, 19:16
Hell, she's been shooting cowboy for 13 years! The M4 just looked a little too scary! It's all better now!!


05-01-10, 19:18
It's great when they finally come around ;)

05-02-10, 07:09
Amen, brother!


05-02-10, 08:44
Very cool, congrats. And this why ever since friends of mine introduced me to shooting, I have taken as many non-shooters as I can to the range to get them started the right way, break the myths, and create more sympathetic voters of our side of the issue.

05-02-10, 15:21
I used to puke a little in the back of my throat at the "AR for Wifey" threads...

But yesterday I had the old lady running "El Prez" drills on steel. Then for the hell of it I let her run half the drill with my SBR using frangibles on the steel. After seeing how easy the drill was with the AR compared to a handgun, she wants her own AR. :rolleyes: