View Full Version : Rifle => M4 feedramp conversion

05-04-10, 09:30
Is this a common conversion? has anyone done it? My Colt barrel finally came in and it has the rifle feedramps. People have said it doesn't matter if I use PMAGs and the rounds will still load properly. But the thought still bothers me.

If any has had this done how much did it cost? does it function properly?


05-04-10, 09:39
rifle feed ramps on the barrel and M4 feed ramps on the receiver aren't a good idea because of the overhang, no matter what mag is used. the opposite is okay (rifle receiver, M4 barrel).
i've converted rifle ramps on the barrel to M4 myself, but i'd recommend you get it done by a professional.

05-04-10, 09:45
Is it a common thing to have a gunsmith do though? I don't want the guy at the store to tell me this is something that isn't done often and will be ridiculously expensive.


05-04-10, 10:22
Is it a common thing to have a gunsmith do though? I don't want the guy at the store to tell me this is something that isn't done often and will be ridiculously expensive.


Its very common. Adco Firearms can do it for ya around $15. Its pretty cheap. http://adcofirearms.com/shopservices/shop_.cfm?code=5
I bet a gunsmith around your area will be about the same.

05-04-10, 10:36
if you send it out, make sure you send the receiver along with the barrel so they can be matched up properly.

05-04-10, 10:37
If it were me Id buy a proper receiver but if you insist on having them cut go with some place who does it regularly such as ADCO. I would not trust the "local smith" to start cutting up an important area of an AR.

05-04-10, 11:30
Honestly, I would not worry about it.

The M4 cuts were started when it was found that M4's being run in heavy full auto were sometimes getting feedway stoppages with longer projectiles like M855 and Mk262.

On a civilian semiauto carbine, I still think it's a very minor issue and not one to loose any sleep over.

It's nice to have them, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker to me.

05-04-10, 13:24
maybe i read too much into the OP's original post. the dude - does your receiver have M4 or rifle ramps? if both the barrel and receiver have rifle ramps - templar's right- you're fine.
if they have different ramps, then that can cause probs.

05-04-10, 14:31
maybe i read too much into the OP's original post. the dude - does your receiver have M4 or rifle ramps? if both the barrel and receiver have rifle ramps - templar's right- you're fine.
if they have different ramps, then that can cause probs.

I guess I did too.

Yeah I agree rifle ramps are just fine, and in fact the most reliable AR Ive ever owned had rifle ramps. Close to 8k rounds without a single failure.

05-04-10, 14:42
maybe i read too much into the OP's original post. the dude - does your receiver have M4 or rifle ramps? if both the barrel and receiver have rifle ramps - templar's right- you're fine.
if they have different ramps, then that can cause probs.

And I might have misunderstood the situation.....I thought he got a complete weapon without the M4 feed ramp.

As militarymoron stated, if you've got a receiver with them and a barrel without them, then yes, go ahead and have the feed ramps done.

05-04-10, 15:28
Yeah, the receiver has M4 ramps, and the barrel I just got has rifle ramps. I looked at ADCO's site and they state that they do the job with a dremel and there is nothing technical about it. But for $15 I'd rather have them do it than me hacking away on it. I just gotta see what S&H fees are...


05-04-10, 15:40
You can ship it Priority Mail for about $10-$15 insured.

05-04-10, 18:55
Yeah, I'm more worried about what they'll charge me for shipping it back.


05-04-10, 19:18
Why not just buy an upper without M4 ramps from Bravo for $88 and sell the one you have.

05-05-10, 07:16
Why not just buy an upper without M4 ramps from Bravo for $88 and sell the one you have.

I probably should have done this in the first place... but if I have a spare upper laying around, I'm gonna end up buying a new lower to go under it. I'm goin to Vegas in two weeks so I gotta save cash to blow there (what fun is Vegas if you spent all your money on a gun back home?). And the wife would shit a brick if she sees another gun part come in the mail. :eek:

Speakin of which, I gotta make my reservations for the Venus pool at Caesar's...


05-05-10, 09:18
Just win and you can buy an upper while in vegas.

05-05-10, 09:59
I probably should have done this in the first place... but if I have a spare upper laying around, I'm gonna end up buying a new lower to go under it.


I fail to see the problem here..........:D