View Full Version : Bill Maher Talks Terrorism On CNN...And Makes Sense For Once

05-06-10, 09:27
The first minute you want to slap both he and the host Cooper for their typical dribble. But surprisingly after that, Maher offers Islam a thorough, articulate ass beating that just gets better as the clip goes on.

This is a good view and a refreshing show of sanity from the left. A very pleasant surprise that I thought some of us folks here might appreciate.


05-06-10, 10:04
...he's still a douche:cool:

I really think the south park deal woke up alot of lefties...still, he's no friend to freedom and less govt. but I get where you are going with this.

05-06-10, 10:14
He actually made sense for once!

05-06-10, 12:22
...he's still a douche:cool:

And then some, I surely agree.

But you have to admit, the the response to the question about whether Islam is a peaceful religion (Yea, they blow you up and there is a piece of you over there and a piece of you over there and a piece of you over there) was pretty funny.

05-06-10, 17:17
Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

05-06-10, 18:03
I love how in the beginning, they're going on about how people on 'terror watch lists' should not be allowed to buy guns..

Remember when these watch lists first came about under Bush, and how they were a case of abuse from the executive, innocents were being added to these lists, people were added over nothing.. But now all of a sudden these lists are tablets handed down from heaven and people on them should not be treated as citizens! Amazing.

05-07-10, 19:17
At least Maher has the intellectual honesty to actually call a spade a spade (in this case) when his cohorts in the MSM go into PC overdrive whenever a member of the Religion of Peace does something.

05-07-10, 19:28
He's still a big douchebag.

05-07-10, 20:00
He's still a big douchebag.

I hope that by posting this thread it in no way indicates that I think he is anything less than one of the very worst of the far-left personalities on television today. I remember the comment about the "courage" of the 9/11 attackers real well, like most here I'm sure.

The main point, that aside from the anti-Islam humor, was that someone from so far on the left took such a strong and even personal shot at the muslims. This while speaking on a such a liberal network and while talking to such a liberal host.

05-07-10, 20:16
We know who you are Safetyhit.

My only take on this is that it is amazing it takes this long for him to figure it out.

05-07-10, 20:25
He's still a big douchebag.

You got that right.