View Full Version : Kids sent home for wearign America Flag shirts..

05-06-10, 10:00
I would say I'm shocked, but unfortunatley I'm not in this climate our country is in. Unfortunately I cannot put in writing my thoughts for I'm still prettty pissed something like this has occurred and the ass backwards thinking by the school administration and more importantly the students of the school is dispicable. The one girls' quotes made me want to vomit.


05-06-10, 10:17
A dare anyone to make a muslim student turn his/her star and crescent shirt inside out on the 4th of July! What is this country coming to??

05-06-10, 10:55
From the article
But Cinco de Mayo is not any typical day especially on a campus with a large Mexican American student population.

So, if they are Mexican Americans then they should have no problem with the flag of their adopted country right?

At least the District Admin. got it right. I hope next year everyone wears the Stars and Stripes on May 5th!


05-06-10, 10:57
The real kicker is that 1 or 2 of the students sent home have a parent that is Mexican.

05-06-10, 11:02
hispanic assistant principal of a predominantly hispanic school objecting to this event, figures

in before 1A lawsuit

05-06-10, 11:04
So, it must be just as upsetting to see the American flag flying during a "Mexican-heritage" holiday as well. I wonder if they suspended the Pledge-of-Allegiance or had a bilingual version in celebration of "diversity". Damn those young kids and their patriotism all to hell. Those administrators shouldn't even be given till the end of the work day to clean out their shit.

05-06-10, 11:08
Abso-****in-lutely ridiculous!!! If it were my child there would be a not so fun exchange of words with the administration of this American school paid for with American tax dollars.

But to many Mexican-American students at Live Oak, this was a big deal. They say they were offended by the five boys and others for wearing American colors on a Mexican holiday.

"I think they should apologize cause it is a Mexican Heritage Day," Annicia Nunez, a Live Oak High student, said. "We don't deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn't do that on Fourth of July."
I've been in Mexico twice on May 5th for business and guess what??? They don't celebrate Cinco de Mayo in normal cities in Mexico. No bullshit and no lie, neither time was anything special done and the people I asked had no idea what I was talking about. It's just a good excuse to drink Tecates and eat chips & salsa.

05-06-10, 11:15
Why would anyone want to celebrate the heritage of a country they left in search of greener pastuers for(AKA America)? If they want to celebrate Mexico, then why are they living in America? They seem to want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the life of an America and all that comes with it yet get offended by the same flag they evacuated their own country for. Bullshit.

05-06-10, 11:23

Too far again...

05-06-10, 11:37
Abso-****in-lutely ridiculous!!! If it were my child there would be a not so fun exchange of words with the administration of this American school paid for with American tax dollars.

I've been in Mexico twice on May 5th for business and guess what??? They don't celebrate Cinco de Mayo in normal cities in Mexico. No bullshit and no lie, neither time was anything special done and the people I asked had no idea what I was talking about. It's just a good excuse to drink Tecates and eat chips & salsa.

exactly...it is not recognized in Mexico & this a U.S. celebration for retail reasons only. Kinda like st. patties day and should really be called 'drinko-de-mayo'. Why some think it relates to their independence is mind boggling. Mexico's 4th of July is recognized in mid Sept.

In regards to the article...simply a total fail.

05-06-10, 12:05
should not matter what country you come from, mankind seems to forget the obvious for obvious reasons: black brown yellow red white asian caucasian african all are the same with cultural difference. two eyes five fingers per hand two feet one heart, red blood, love and help children religious beliefs etc etc. but we only seem to concentrate on difference, because "everybody knows" the stuff i just referenced is already ingrained.

"A society gets what it concentrates on"

L. Ron Hubbard

05-06-10, 12:06
I am also in favor completely of the immigration bill in az, just not the methodology.

05-06-10, 12:38
WTF is going on with this country? It's absolute bullshit kids are threatened with being kicked out of school for wearing an American flag in their own country.

05-06-10, 12:44
Well if they have such pride in Mexico, maybe they should go back?

I'm sure Britain doesn't celebrate the 4th of July, why should we celebrate Cinco de Mayo?

05-06-10, 12:49
exactly...it is not recognized in Mexico & this a U.S. celebration for retail reasons only. Kinda like st. patties day and should really be called 'drinko-de-mayo'. Why some think it relates to their independence is mind boggling. Mexico's 4th of July is recognized in mid Sept.

In regards to the article...simply a total fail.

I agree with you with the exception that St. Patrick's day is a recognized public holiday in Ireland and widely celebrated :D

Cinco de Mayo is not either one of those.

05-06-10, 12:54
LOL if you call the school they do not answer and the mail box is full. The internet has a quick way of fixing things.

05-06-10, 13:02
(408) 201-6100 if you want to speak with the principal.

05-06-10, 13:02
that is unbelievable.

05-06-10, 13:07
Do these people even know what the holiday signifies? The U.S. helped Mexico kick the French out, this is a holiday we should be sharing. We were allies in that war.

05-06-10, 13:07
For a public HS to not answer the phone at all should be a crime, or might be Im not a lawyer.

05-06-10, 13:13
Do these people even know what the holiday signifies? The U.S. helped Mexico kick the French out, this is a holiday we should be sharing. We were allies in that war.

From what I understand, it's not even a holiday in Mexico.

But then again, I have been assuming that there was some sort of referendum that was passed giving LA, SF and all the other high-population, high-liberal density areas of kalifornia back to Mexico. Wasn't there? :rolleyes:

05-06-10, 13:14
listen you can complain all you want but I cant not even enroll my kid, it even has press the pound sign verification, yet no answer.

05-06-10, 13:14
From what I understand, it's not even a holiday in Mexico.

It's not. Read my previous post on the 1st page.

05-06-10, 13:19
That school is going to have to change their phone number.

Alex V
05-06-10, 13:49
Why would anyone want to celebrate the heritage of a country they left in search of greener pastuers for(AKA America)? If they want to celebrate Mexico, then why are they living in America? They seem to want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the life of an America and all that comes with it yet get offended by the same flag they evacuated their own country for. Bullshit.



I was born in the Soviet Union, but you don't see me getting pissed off if anyone wears a US Flag on May 1st... or the 25th of October...

This is crazy! You get offended by the US flag on Cinco de Mayo... go the f*ck back to Mexico and live in sh*t.

This country took my family and myself in when no one else wanted us, I can begin to explain how pissed I get when people come here, possibly illegaly and disrespect this country, its flag and so on.

I hope these students sue the admins and the school board into the stone age. You can't protest this, cause then you are a racist, so the only way to fight there retards is to sue them into submission.

05-06-10, 13:53
Why would anyone want to celebrate the heritage of a country they left in search of greener pastuers for(AKA America)? If they want to celebrate Mexico, then why are they living in America? They seem to want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the life of an America and all that comes with it yet get offended by the same flag they evacuated their own country for. Bullshit.

VERY well said!

05-06-10, 14:16
.... and the funny thing is that most of us on this site have fought for this country, its flag, and to to defend the constitution against all enemies... foreign and domestic.

So, we have put our lives on the line for "mexican"-americans to have the right to free speech and wear thier flags in our country. But, how the hell kids can be told to remove the flag that we fought for in our own country just boggles the mind!

.... Go figure it happened in Cali

05-06-10, 14:19

05-06-10, 15:53
This broke the last straw of hope I had for my country. I usually call liberals and conservatives retards when they start their "(insert problem here) is ruining this country" speech because their issues get blown out of proportion. This time, I'll say it: We are ****ed.

Don't just fly your flags on July 4th. Start now if you haven't. We need it now more than ever. God Bless the USA.

05-06-10, 15:59
AGAIN I am ashamed, and embarrassed, of my state.


.... Go figure it happened in Cali __________________

Unfortunately, you are right ... for the most part.
I love CA, and have lived here most of my life, but it has been transformed into a cesspool of Progressive/Liberal 'ThinkStink' B.S.

If this was an isolated incident that could only happened in “Kali”, it would be little more than a shameful event that might easily be corrected by applying some political and legal pressure. Instead, the problem is much larger, and has spread like a cancer throughout the entire country. Not all, but a vast majority of the officials and administrators who influence policy in our public institutions hold extremely liberal social beliefs. It is the mindset that endorses total capitulation to a form of political correctness that demands acceptance of multiculturalism to the point of denigrating, and even denying, our national and cultural heritage.
Unfortunately, if you look closely you will likely find it in your backyard too.

05-06-10, 16:05
I agree with you with the exception that St. Patrick's day is a recognized public holiday in Ireland and widely celebrated :D

Cinco de Mayo is not either one of those.

Roger....single malt or anejo?? Tecate or pints?? come to think of it, both cinco & st patty have their share of hotties. Maybe we are thinking about this all wrong.:D

How people can otherwise screw up a perfectly good reason to have fun is beyond me. What happens if they don't allow anyone to wear green on st pat's day?? It's our elected officials obsession for power and/or votes, the unsecured borders and free ride to entitlements that is the problem. 5demayo is just a casualty in my simplistic view.

Dragon Slayer
05-06-10, 16:22
I agree with you with the exception that St. Patrick's day is a recognized public holiday in Ireland and widely celebrated :D

Cinco de Mayo is not either one of those.

I disagree both holidays are a good reason to get drunk (as if some need a reason) St Patrick's day with Irish Whiskey and Cinco De Mayo with Tequila.;):D:D

Dragon Slayer
05-06-10, 16:25
This broke the last straw of hope I had for my country. I usually call liberals and conservatives retards when they start their "(insert problem here) is ruining this country" speech because their issues get blown out of proportion. This time, I'll say it: We are ****ed.

Don't just fly your flags on July 4th. Start now if you haven't. We need it now more than ever. God Bless the USA.

It did not break the last straw for me yet, but I agree with you we are ****ed, it seems like everything is going to hell in a hand basket.:mad:

05-06-10, 16:27
I disagree both holidays are a good reason to get drunk (as if some need a reason) St Patrick's day with Irish Whiskey and Cinco De Mayo with Tequila.;):D:D

No disagreement from me. My point was that one of the holidays is nationally recognized by it's country of origin, St. Paddy's day in Ireland, while the 5th of May doesn't warrant any attention in the vast majority of Mexico.

05-06-10, 16:54
I am also in favor completely of the immigration bill in az, just not the methodology.
What is wrong with the methodology?

05-06-10, 16:59
Roger....single malt or anejo?? Tecate or pints?? come to think of it, both cinco & st patty have their share of hotties. Maybe we are thinking about this all wrong.:D

How people can otherwise screw up a perfectly good reason to have fun is beyond me. What happens if they don't allow anyone to wear green on st pat's day?? It's our elected officials obsession for power and/or votes, the unsecured borders and free ride to entitlements that is the problem. 5demayo is just a casualty in my simplistic view.

Their will be violence if green is outlawed on st. pattys day:D The Irish dont give a damn. Fifth generation bootlegin cussing whiskey drinking SOB's dont get pushed into a corner. Kids are the same:p

Von Rheydt
05-06-10, 17:02
Happens in the UK too. People have been cited for behaviour likely to cause a disturbance for proudly flying the British Union Jack. The complainants are mainly muslims.

05-06-10, 17:04
If anyone is offended to see an AMERICAN flag in U.S. then get the **** out....idk what else to say.

Dragon Slayer
05-06-10, 17:18
If anyone is offended to see an AMERICAN flag in U.S. then get the **** out....idk what else to say.

Amen my friend amen, **** them all.

05-06-10, 17:25
To contact the school district:

Morgan Hill Unified School District
15600 Concord Circle
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Phone: 408.201.6000

Their website: http://www.mhu.k12.ca.us/

Live Oak High School
1505 East Main Avenue
Morgan Hill CA, 95037
Their Directory, including email addys: http://liveoakhs.ca.campusgrid.net/home/Directory

05-06-10, 17:25
If anyone is offended to see an AMERICAN flag in U.S. then get the **** out....idk what else to say.

Once more for truth!

05-06-10, 17:36
According to the brief research I was able to do, Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in Mexico

Here is a copy of the email I sent the principal of Live Oak High School @ nick.boden@mhu.k12.ca.us

In regards to the kids wearing American Flags to school on Cinco de Mayo- It was handled wrong. Their right to freedom of speech was violated. A good opportunity to teach tolerance and diversity as well as patriotism was lost. Instead the administrators of Live Oak High School showed the student body that it is right for a larger group to enforce it's beliefs and culture on a smaller group. How can you expect one group to find the richness of the culture of another when that group has been oppressed for the expression of their own? What has been taught? Majority over rules the rights of the minority and intolerance is acceptable when the official policy. You not only the kids who wore American flags an apology but the entire student body as well

05-06-10, 17:39
I can totally understand pride in your heritage but most of these kids haven’t even been to Mexico...
I haven’t been out of high school long, and I see it all the time. They walk around talking about Mexican pride yet the know nothing of it...

05-06-10, 17:41
According to the brief research I was able to do, Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in Mexico

HAHA! hell yeah. :p

05-06-10, 17:41
According to the brief research I was able to do, Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in Mexico

My personal experience, twice over in two different cities, would differ from your internet search. From Wikipedia, I know not a great source but it was easy.

Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") is a holiday held on May 5 that commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín.[2][3] It is celebrated primarily in the state of Puebla and in the United States.[4][5][6][7] While Cinco de Mayo sees limited significance and celebration nationwide in Mexico, the date is observed nationwide in the United States and other locations around the world as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride.[8] Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day,[9] the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico.[10]

05-06-10, 17:42
HAHA! hell yeah. :p

Refer to my post above. :rolleyes:

05-06-10, 17:45
My personal experience, twice over in two different cities, would differ from your internet search. From Wikipedia, I know not a great source but it was easy.

Even when I was a little kid I couldn’t understand why we as Americans celebrate the holiday.

05-06-10, 17:46
Refer to my post above. :rolleyes:

I was posting while you were. :rolleyes:

05-06-10, 18:02
wow....just wow....

05-06-10, 18:11
Political correctness, gone off the deep end, yet again. Turn about if fair play....anyone caught wearing anything BUT an American Flag or symbol on ANY of are holidays, should be sent the **** home as well.

05-06-10, 18:31
I dont care about people celebrating other countries holidays in private here.....but NEVER should that shit get dragged into schools or any other public arena. Especially not placed in a public arena ABOVE our own countries ideals.

05-06-10, 19:07
This topic will be discussed on Bill O'Reilly on now.

05-06-10, 20:28
Happens in the UK too. People have been cited for behaviour likely to cause a disturbance for proudly flying the British Union Jack. The complainants are mainly muslims.

Do these folks get the same treatment if they fly the Pakistani flag? :rolleyes:

Regarding the Cali situation- I'd encourage the parents to SUE all parties involved.

05-07-10, 01:19
you've got to be ****ing kidding me...

i really need to win the lottery so I can buy my own island and get the **** out of this crazy ****ing place that used to be America :mad: