View Full Version : Meth is a terrible thing.

05-08-10, 07:45
This is a mugshot taken on 5/5/10 of a girl I used to go to high school with. We graduated in 78. Back then she was not bad looking at all.

In the last 5 years or so she has fallen in with a bad crowd after a divorce and got hooked on meth.

The drug has caused her to lose most of her teeth, her dignity and make her look like a crack whore.

Now it has cost her her freedom as she is facing pretty serious charges.

Parents please do what ever it takes to keep your kids away from this horrible drug.


05-08-10, 08:42
It took awhile, but meth has made it's way into my neck of the woods. Not as bad as some other areas, but it will be. I know if I catch anyone I care about touching it I'm going to kick the shit out of them.

Those mugshots reminded me of 'The Faces of Meth'.


05-08-10, 10:30
funny picture :D

05-08-10, 10:42

Sorry, had to!

Raise your kids right and that kind of stuff shouldnt even tempt them. People do drugs cause they are looking for soemthing, if they have nothing to find they wont fall into that growd...;)

05-08-10, 10:49
Shes got them crazy eyes..BOO
It's a sad Thing. Meth is a HUGE Problem.

05-08-10, 10:52
there's a bunch of those before/after meth pics floating around.
it's always funny cause there ends up being like one guy who looks better.
but yeah, worst drug out there. i used to work with this meth head dude... his brain was just gone. he'd laugh at whatever anyone said... horrible breath... couldn't focus on anything. :rolleyes:

05-08-10, 13:23
Yes, it is a horrific drug & approx. 200+ times more addictive than crack etc. Due to the chemical nexus (i.e. reward system by increasing levels of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain ) it creates.

"Meth Mouth" is just one of the contraindications / collateral damage etc. Caused by it.

05-08-10, 16:53
Meth isn't big in my neck of the woods but that is only because heroin is the king of the hill. The things people are willing to do to themselves to feel good for a couple of hours.:rolleyes:

05-08-10, 18:38
Meth isn't big in my neck of the woods but that is only because heroin is the king of the hill.

That's how it was here until they realized meth was cheaper and could be produced locally. It's moving north, just give it a couple more years.

05-08-10, 19:25
What's the difference between a crackhead and a tweaker?

A crackhead will steal your wallet. A tweaker will steal your wallet, then help you look for it.

05-08-10, 19:26
Raise your kids right and that kind of stuff shouldnt even tempt them. People do drugs cause they are looking for soemthing, if they have nothing to find they wont fall into that growd...;)

That's the best anyone can hope to do, but unfortunatley is no guarantee.

05-08-10, 19:39
still got your old yearbooks? Scan her pic and lets see how far she's fallen.

05-08-10, 20:23
What's the difference between a crackhead and a tweaker?

A crackhead will steal your wallet. A tweaker will steal your wallet, then help you look for it.

haha.. aint that the truth. i had good buddies who became tweakers and they would invite me over to make collages or beaded necklaces... needless to say we havent spoken in years.

05-08-10, 20:32
Raise your kids right and that kind of stuff shouldnt even tempt them. People do drugs cause they are looking for soemthing, if they have nothing to find they wont fall into that growd...;)

That's the best anyone can hope to do, but unfortunatley is no guarantee.

True words. You can do everything right and still have kids that become all kinds of things, including tweakers.

05-08-10, 22:38
Meth is bad Missouri. The stuff scares the hell out of me. Takes peoples lives and destroys them faster than anything I have ever seen.

05-08-10, 23:16
Meth is bad Missouri. The stuff scares the hell out of me. Takes peoples lives and destroys them faster than anything I have ever seen.

Obama? :eek::D

05-08-10, 23:28
I had to grow up with shit in L.A., I can remember walking to skill and being able to smell them cooking a few houses down from me. Horrible drug, there was a guy I knew real cool cat smart, lots of girls, money, going places. Then he got "grabbed" by the meth and scrambled his brain. Would wander the streets asking for a cig or a fix.

"Yeah umm, I will have a bomblet, with fried spunions, an order of tweak fries, and a wig shake to go please".

Little narc humor.

Bubba FAL
05-09-10, 01:37
Yep, tweak is bad juju. Turns teeth and bones to balsa wood, brain to mush.

Only thing I've seen worse is a high school friend that got into huffing gasoline. Less than a year and his mind was toast.

05-09-10, 01:45
I had my first run-in with a tweaker a few months back... I keep hearing that my neck of the woods is ground-zero for Meth in the mid-atlantic. How true that rings is beyond my scope of knowledge, but considering the number of tweakers i've seen, and the number of "spontaneous house fires" I know the Fire Dept. and EMTs respond to, I've begun to wonder.:(

05-09-10, 01:58
I recently received word that an acquaintance had lost his adult daughter last month. The details were pretty much hush-hush so I looked for an obituary notice. I found one on the internet with a link to a photo which looked pretty much like the photo above. She looked 50+ with a heavily drawn mouth (teeth missing) and just a general beaten down look. She was only 36. What a waste.

05-09-10, 04:49
Raise your kids right and that kind of stuff shouldnt even tempt them. People do drugs cause they are looking for soemthing, if they have nothing to find they wont fall into that growd...;)

Easier said than done, assuming both parents work full time. Who your kids hang out with and other factors cancel out parent's influence pretty easily IMO.

Damn meth is crazy! Why the hell do people do this to themselves?! Everyone knows what it can do...

05-09-10, 05:15
I recently received word that an acquaintance had lost his adult daughter last month. The details were pretty much hush-hush so I looked for an obituary notice. I found one on the internet with a link to a photo which looked pretty much like the photo above. She looked 50+ with a heavily drawn mouth (teeth missing) and just a general beaten down look. She was only 36. What a waste.

That's horrible. I couldn't even imagine getting that phone call, don't want to either. That's gotta be a nightmare.

Meth is real bad here in the Midwest, always has been. It's kinda sad to say this but meth heads are such a common sight around here that it's become normal. You need to be careful if you live in an area populated with these "people" however. They're extremely dangerous and usually dilusional. I keep my HD rifle or my mossberg out at night around here...

05-09-10, 05:21
The chick graduated in 1978, besides the teeth I doubt she would look much better off meth. I have seen 50 year old chicks that looked worse that dont even drink.

05-09-10, 08:00
I work overnights at a 24 hour pharmacy, I see tweakers all night long. If I am in a good mood I will just tell them I called LEO and watch them scramble out of the parking lot, If I am in a bad mood I will actually call. I love filling my lot up with cruisers and K9 units.

That shit got one of my uncles pretty bad. I don't even know who the guy is anymore.:(

05-09-10, 08:35
I work overnights at a 24 hour pharmacy, I see tweakers all night long. If I am in a good mood I will just tell them I called LEO and watch them scramble out of the parking lot, If I am in a bad mood I will actually call. I love filling my lot up with cruisers and K9 units.

That shit got one of my uncles pretty bad. I don't even know who the guy is anymore.:(

So they come in and try and buy sudafed or some equivalent?

05-09-10, 11:09
So they come in and try and buy sudafed or some equivalent?
Yep. They will come in by the carload from Arkansas (I am just across the state line in TN). Tweakers aren't hard to spot and when you have 4 or 5 in one vehicle coming in 1 at a time buying PSE products it isn't rocket science as to what is going on.

I hate tweakers.

05-09-10, 11:17
Meth is like moonshine during prohibition.

05-09-10, 11:27
IMO, cooking meth or crack for distribution should be punishable by the slowest and most painful torture imaginable, and when they quit suffering take them out and put a bullet in their brain and feed their body to the sharks. JM2CW

05-09-10, 11:35
IMO, cooking meth or crack for distribution should be punishable by the slowest and most painful torture imaginable, and when they quit suffering take them out and put a bullet in their brain and feed their body to the sharks. JM2CW

Supply & demand. Nobody's forcing them to take it. I agree it's stupid and I don't chose to use the stuff myself but if somebody wants to destroy themselves have at it.

MSP "Sarge"
05-09-10, 11:56
During my career I worked drug enforcement for 10 years. Of those 10 years, 5 was assigned to the Drug Enforcement Administrations, Clandestine Laboratory Enforcement Team. I was able to see first hand what Methamphetamine can do. I was taught how to cook Meth so that I could assume the role as a "Cooker". I had my own glassware and heating mantels. Very dangerous drug.

05-09-10, 11:57
What is the easiest way to distract a tweaker?

Just show them some shiny shit, like a cd, or tinfoil. It will keep them busy for hours. They are kind of like crows or magpies steal and horde anything shiny.

Hate them, absolutely hate them, especially when called out for a domestic and both parents are "geared up" and the kids haven't eaten in days and are wearing the same dirty clothes or unchanged diapers. Makes me want to double tap them both.

05-09-10, 17:22
No sympathy here at all for stupid people. The only thing inhate about meth is that it doesn't kill fast enough. If you're stupid enough to get involved with it tough shit for you. Darwinism is a bitch, but do we really need to protect stupid people from killing themselves?? As far as I'm concerned the faster they die the better off the rest of us are.

05-09-10, 18:52
No sympathy here at all for stupid people. The only thing inhate about meth is that it doesn't kill fast enough. If you're stupid enough to get involved with it tough shit for you. Darwinism is a bitch, but do we really need to protect stupid people from killing themselves?? As far as I'm concerned the faster they die the better off the rest of us are.I see your point, but thats pretty hardcore.

05-09-10, 18:58
Totally agree, time to thin the herd. Let them die off. I am more than happy to help in this endeavor. How should I start my letter...

Dear Congressman....


05-09-10, 19:12
People like to go on and on about what precisely leads people to do shit like this... at the end of the day, there are just some people who decide that the most important thing in life is to get shitfaced.

I'm not talking about people who like to enjoy a fine drink or cigar from time to time, or even people who use or abuse drugs for specific reasons like performance, alertness, etc.

I'm talking the sort of people who go to excess every time.. be it pounding down a dozen beers 7 nights a week, smoking weed to the point of stupefaction, or smoking 2-3 packs a day. They get caught in the feedback loop where the only thing that makes them feel less shitty is doing it all over again.

There is one thing though.. some of these things, people can do responsibly. People can enjoy a drink or a smoke without going all bugshit crazy. But some of these substances are just going to **** you up, period. Comparing meth to moonshine is flawed.

Ultimately I can't see any solution with the technology we have. Maybe some day they can just implant something at birth that makes stuff like this do nothing. A vaccine for meth.

05-09-10, 19:31
Comparing meth to moonshine is flawed.
Supply & demand. You curtail the amount of cocaine coming into the country through the multi-billion dollar failure known as the "Drug War" and people will come up with a cheaper, easier to manufacture, stronger substitute that doesn't have to be imported.

Prohibition was proven to be a failure and the "War on Drugs" hasn't been a success in any legitimate since of the word. At least Congress actually passed the 18th Amendment in 1920 to restrict people's rights to ingest what they wanted into their own bodies.

05-09-10, 19:36
IMO, cooking meth or crack for distribution should be punishable by the slowest and most painful torture imaginable, and when they quit suffering take them out and put a bullet in their brain and feed their body to the sharks. JM2CW

In Mississippi, there is a law that if you are found to be cooking meth within 30 ft of a child, you're looking at 30 years.

05-09-10, 19:56
TWEAKERS....Just another reason to put rounds downrange!

05-09-10, 20:05
Wow.... Words fail me....

05-09-10, 20:13
Supply & demand. You curtail the amount of cocaine coming into the country through the multi-billion dollar failure known as the "Drug War" and people will come up with a cheaper, easier to manufacture, stronger substitute that doesn't have to be imported.

Prohibition was proven to be a failure and the "War on Drugs" hasn't been a success in any legitimate since of the word. At least Congress actually passed the 18th Amendment in 1920 to restrict people's rights to ingest what they wanted into their own bodies.

heh? so we should just legalize everything, combat nothing, and allow people to do whatever they wish?

05-09-10, 20:17
heh? so we should just legalize everything, combat nothing, and allow people to do whatever they wish?

I'm headed out for dinner so I'll have to write a better response some other time but for now my simple answer is yes. It's called freedom to ingest or do to your body whatever you choose as long as you're not infringing on the rights of others.

05-09-10, 21:31
Raise your kids right and that kind of stuff shouldnt even tempt them. People do drugs cause they are looking for soemthing, if they have nothing to find they wont fall into that growd...;)

Nonsense. Some people are just wired differently.

Neurological and neurochemical abnormalities are thought to be complicit in many peoples' aberrant behavior, such as substance abuse, thrill-seeking, nymphomania, and many other things.

Would you say that depression is caused by parents not loving you enough or something similarly simplistic?

There are many variables that factor into human behavior, and most are poorly understood at best.


05-10-10, 00:04
here is an interesting site before and after pics

05-10-10, 04:07
I'm headed out for dinner so I'll have to write a better response some other time but for now my simple answer is yes. It's called freedom to ingest or do to your body whatever you choose as long as you're not infringing on the rights of others.

I'm going to guess that you've never known someone addicted to heroin or meth. When you do, then we'll talk about infringing on the rights of others...

You have this idea that these people only destroy themselves, when in actuality they TEAR apart families and communities and victimize whoever on their way to their next fix.

05-10-10, 05:08
I'm going to guess that you've never known someone addicted to heroin or meth. When you do, then we'll talk about infringing on the rights of others...

You have this idea that these people only destroy themselves, when in actuality they TEAR apart families and communities and victimize whoever on their way to their next fix.

soooo, the fix is what then?

I'm not saying it's the case every time, but certainly in many of these cases it's that same family that failed them to begin with. It's like those mothers you see on COPS wailing away when their gang-banger kind gets killed. Where was that mother the previous 16 years?

05-10-10, 08:41
I'm going to guess that you've never known someone addicted to heroin or meth. When you do, then we'll talk about infringing on the rights of others...

You have this idea that these people only destroy themselves, when in actuality they TEAR apart families and communities and victimize whoever on their way to their next fix.

You'd be guessing wrong. I know several people who have been imprisoned and died due to drug addiction and my opinion is still the same. Most often the vast majority of people in this forum scream and jump up & down about gun rights and I agree with them. However, when it comes to other freedoms and ideas that go outside of their narrow scope of interest they refuse to entertain any other ideas. As is typical with most people I have encountered, they believe that their moral position on what is acceptable to use as an intoxicant should be the standard for the whole of society, think booze, coffee & cigs. This is an egoistical, myopic attitude that serves no purpose.

My position has nothing to do with my use of drugs or the lack thereof; it has to do with what is moralistically right in a "free society" and who should determine what you are legally able to ingest into your own body. These immoral laws assert that you do not own your own body and you have no right to control what you ingest whether it is an intoxicant, stimulant, depressant or something else unless it's prescribed by a state certified person who has paid the government to have the right to give you these drugs as they see fit. The audacity of our elected government officials imposing their morals and dictating what you can and can not consume depending on how you feel yourself is reprehensible to say the least.

If these laws and the War on Drugs are supposed to create a drug-free America, then I can honestly say that after hundreds of billions of dollars spent, millions of arrests, and decades of escalating police and military efforts, the war on drugs is a complete and utter failure in my opinion. Please bear in mind that at various times in our country's history, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, LSD, ecstasy, and amphetamines were legal. To put someone in a prison cell or to execute someone for engaging in private behavior or mutually voluntary trade, purchasing/selling drugs, is completely unconstitutional. That is one of the corner stones of a constitutional republic, free economy, free trade and ownership of one's self and property.

Admittedly drugs aren't the best thing in the world for you, no shit, that isn't my assertion. Neither is too much TV, fast food, caffeine or sexual partners… and the list goes on and on. But, I don't need the government telling me what should be legal to do with my own body at any time for any reason! A free person in a free country has the right to determine what brings them happiness as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others.

The laws of supply & demand will always dictate what happens in our society due to market demands. If someone is willing to purchase something, drugs or otherwise, than the entrepreneur will find a way to supply that demand. Our unconstitutional laws also provide a higher profit margin for the "drug dealers" due to the fact of having a limited supply and the product is hard to come by due to its illegality.

Richard Nixon declared the "War on Drugs" over 40 years ago... when will we win?

05-10-10, 09:12
irishluck73 that is an excellent post, I agree completely.


05-10-10, 10:07
irishluck73 that is an excellent post, I agree completely.


Thanks. People yell to the skies and anyone who'll listen that we live in a free country and when it boils down to it a lot of them are scared of what freedom really is.

Rock Nova
05-10-10, 12:21
The audacity of our elected government officials imposing their morals and dictating what you can and can not consume depending on how you feel yourself is reprehensible to say the least.
To put someone in a prison cell or to execute someone for engaging in private behavior or mutually voluntary trade, purchasing/selling drugs, is completely unconstitutional.
A free person in a free country has the right to determine what brings them happiness as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others.

You make some very good points. However, the angle I'm seeing this issue from is less about laws regarding morality and more about safety in general. I don't see it as the gov't saying that drug/alcohol use doesn't fit their moral code so they should be illegal, rather I see it as drugs/alcohol impair the judgment of the users and become a hazard to the general public so they have been made illegal.

About the private behavior thing...if only people would remain in their private setting after using drugs/alcohol. The problem is that they don't - they go out and intermix with everyone else despite not being able to see/think/act properly, becoming a hazard to everyone else who is nice enough not to purposely endanger those around them.

And the third part in bold, "as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others" - once again, many times they do end up infringing on the rights of others. I should be able to drive to the store with my wife and kids without having to worry about exactly how many of the other drivers are shitfaced because we have no laws to deter that kind of behavior. Hell, I would bet that laws against drinking and driving deter WAY more people from driving under the influence than they actually catch and punish. Can you imagine how much more dangerous the roads would be without those laws? So to me it is more about safety than morality.

05-10-10, 13:08
1.You make some very good points. 2.However, the angle I'm seeing this issue from is less about laws regarding morality and more about safety in general. I don't see it as the gov't saying that drug/alcohol use doesn't fit their moral code so they should be illegal, rather I see it as drugs/alcohol impair the judgment of the users and become a hazard to the general public so they have been made illegal.

3. About the private behavior thing...if only people would remain in their private setting after using drugs/alcohol. The problem is that they don't - they go out and intermix with everyone else despite not being able to see/think/act properly, becoming a hazard to everyone else who is nice enough not to purposely endanger those around them.

4. And the third part in bold, "as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others" - once again, many times they do end up infringing on the rights of others. I should be able to drive to the store with my wife and kids without having to worry about exactly how many of the other drivers are shitfaced because we have no laws to deter that kind of behavior. Hell, I would bet that laws against drinking and driving deter WAY more people from driving under the influence than they actually catch and punish. Can you imagine how much more dangerous the roads would be without those laws? So to me it is more about safety than morality.

1. So do you and it's nice to have an intelligent debate/conversation rather than just throwing out the established dogma.

2. Shouldn't we just outlaw everything that is possibly ingestible that has a negative impact on a person's thought process? What about all the prescription drugs that have far greater side effects than illegal drugs? Prescription drugs are abused at an alarming number and yet rarely thought of in the war on drugs. People will huff gas, paint, glue, etc. to get their fix of whatever they're looking for no matter what laws you make.

3. Unless they've harmed another person or their property than all the hypotheticals are just that, hypothetical. Once the person has committed a crime against another person then they should be punished accordingly.

4. There are already laws in place to deal with a person who is inebriated who causes harm to a person or property. More laws do not make for a safer society. Why don't we set speed limiters in cars so that they can't exceed the speed limit? Texting, reading, eating, putting on make up are all major distractors when driving as well, should they be outlawed?

If marijuana is a gate way drug to "harder" drugs than drugs themselves are a gate way to the White House, ask our last 3 Presidents. Gotta run and get some work done...

05-10-10, 16:04
soooo, the fix is what then?

I don't know.

I do agree that a person should be able to do to themselves what they want, but I've seen both meth and heroin affect much more than the user time and time again. Unless the stuff is free (which no way in hell would I support food stamp cards for meth) then these people will always victimize to get their fix.

Rock Nova
05-10-10, 16:33
1. So do you and it's nice to have an intelligent debate/conversation rather than just throwing out the established dogma.

2. Shouldn't we just outlaw everything that is possibly ingestible that has a negative impact on a person's thought process? What about all the prescription drugs that have far greater side effects than illegal drugs? Prescription drugs are abused at an alarming number and yet rarely thought of in the war on drugs. People will huff gas, paint, glue, etc. to get their fix of whatever they're looking for no matter what laws you make.

3. Unless they've harmed another person or their property than all the hypotheticals are just that, hypothetical. Once the person has committed a crime against another person then they should be punished accordingly.

4. There are already laws in place to deal with a person who is inebriated who causes harm to a person or property. More laws do not make for a safer society. Why don't we set speed limiters in cars so that they can't exceed the speed limit? Texting, reading, eating, putting on make up are all major distractors when driving as well, should they be outlawed?

If marijuana is a gate way drug to "harder" drugs than drugs themselves are a gate way to the White House, ask our last 3 Presidents. Gotta run and get some work done...

2. We can't just outlaw everything that is possibly ingestible that has a negative impact on a person's thought process because when used properly (as intended) those prescription drugs do a lot of good for a lot people everyday across the country.

3. We can say we're talking about hypotheticals, but we all know that it does happen. Not a day goes by that someone isn't injured or killed by a drunk driver. The same can be said in regards to other drug related/motivated incidents - they happen in public. So the druggies and drunks are not keeping their private activities private.

4. I agree, more laws will not make for a safer society. It is the people that need modification. If people can only be persuaded through education or force, what are we to do? If we are making these substances illegal due to them being hazardous to the population in general, what are we to do to those individuals who knowingly endanger those around them? You can try to educate, but when that fails you move on to plan B - punishment.

In regards to the speed limiter idea in all cars (I know you hate that idea Mr. 335 :)) There may be a time when you need to exceed the speed limit. I know it is against the law-which is imposed for our safety, but I can think of emergency situations where the ability to go faster than those around you is necessary. I can't think of a time when abusing meth or crack is necessary.

As for making it illegal to text, read, eat, & put on make-up while driving. I think some of those already are illegal where I live. Texting is for sure illegal, and I think reading is as well - and I have no problem with that. Eating should be too (just for the sake of your interior :D)!

And the discussion of those getting into the White House is a whole new thread, brother! :cool:

05-10-10, 16:49
Marijuana should atleast be legal. It's a victimless crime. There are way more deaths caused by drunks than someone who is high. You can drink to alcohol poisoning but can't smoke your self to death. When alcohol was illegal during the prohibition look at what happened. It created the mobs, rum runners, and speakeasys where the underground bar owners would cut the alcohol with toxic things to make more money. I believe the main drug comming across the mexican boarder is also marijuana. If we could grow our own, it would create jobs and make importing it pointless. Also, it being illegal would make room in the jails for violent offenders.

The only problem i see is you do have to draw the line somewhere. If weed was legal, the drug dealers/smugglers would move to some other drug. But the line should be moved to a drug that actually is harmful to your health and worth the combating the drawbacks that I mentioned above^.

05-10-10, 17:26
In regards to the speed limiter idea in all cars (I know you hate that idea Mr. 335 :))

And the discussion of those getting into the White House is a whole new thread, brother! :cool:

Good discussion with what I believe are some very valid points on both sides. We could probably go another 5 pages and never fully agree but I do respect and understand your position, and I do agree with a lot of it from a practical sense. Most of what I would add to this discussion is just reiterating what I wrote in Post #46 in different ways.

My position is that freedom in it's truest form is often misunderstood by a lot of people and people should have the right to trash their own bodies and get high on whatever they want in a free country. Once they infringe on another's rights than there should be punishment according to the crime i.e. murder, stealing, etc.

Over 50% of the people in federal prisons are in there for drug offenses and are non-violent offenders. The cost of the drug war along with incarcerating these people and the associated costs with prosecuting them is mind boggling. We are the "freest country in the world" according to many and yet we have the highest percentage of people incarcerated per capita, the two don't match up.

And the quoted part... I wish it were like the old Montana where daytime driving speed limits were set at "reasonable & prudent" since I tend to drive that way anyway. Thank you Mr. Valentine :D

The White House shot was an attempt at sarcastic humor. ;)