View Full Version : My son

05-08-10, 15:19
The last few weeks have been somewhat sobering and thought provoking for me. My first born, my nearly 19 year old son is about to graduate high school. Yesterday we went to his Senior Awards assembly and watching him up there on the stage brought back a flood of memories; many good, a few not so good.

When he was conceived we’d been told that we couldn’t have children without my wife undergoing additional surgeries. His birth came prematurely and he spent weeks in a neo-natal unit 70 miles away. We were told there were the possibility of a number of serious health and potential mental problems, none of which ever really came about. We were blessed and he is today a healthy, smart, reasonably well adjusted kid. I look at him sometimes and wonder where the little boy went that wanted horsey rides, to play catch and go fishing.

Another “proud dad” moment for me was last month. After two plus years he earned his Distinguished Expert classification in smallbore 4 position rifle shooting. When he started shooting he noticed the plaque on the wall of our range that lists the names of all the people who earned this award, going back to the early 60’s. He told me he was going to get his name on that plaque and he stuck to it and did it.

I hear or see horror stories about a lot of kids and am very thankful. He’s grown into a good Christian young man. He plans to go to a local college this fall and has earned some scholarships along the way. He’s worked hard and his mom and I are incredibly proud of him.

lethal dose
05-08-10, 15:30
Glad to hear. Your family will be in my prayers as you make adjustments and go through transitions.

05-08-10, 15:41
Job well done.
Nice to hear a father's heartfelt comments & positive outcome these days.

My father only had two things that he taught me well.

I thank him all the time still & vis a vis before his passing.

1) life is hard

2) life is not fair

i could not have asked for more from him.

05-08-10, 16:04
Congratulations, you did something right along the way. I hope to be thinking these same thoughts in another 15 years for my son.


05-08-10, 16:08
Good job dad. Time for the young eagle to leave the nest. ;)

Moon Doggie
05-08-10, 16:31
Great job on raising a fine Man, these days, this is a rarity

05-08-10, 17:39
Congratulations. Tell your son the same. My sons are 21 & 19. The oldest graduated college with a Bachelor's Degree and is getting together the paperwork needed to join the Air Force. He held down a job while carrying a heavier than normal class load. He took his lumps and made it.

My youngest has been attending college since high school on a scholarship they gave him for his grades & a high ACT score. He's mustering out of the Air National to go on a 2 year mission for our church. When he gets back he'll have an ROTC scholarship waiting for him in addition to the first. He wants to go career as a commissioned officer.

I truly miss the little boys they were. I'm proud to know the fine men they have become. There were some rough times but that's because my sons were raised to be independent not because they were trouble makers.

I'm glad to hear there are youth we can trust the future of our nation to. Thank you for being a father to one of them.

I'm going to go now. Something has gotten into my eye...

05-08-10, 17:48
Well Done Dad!

It has never been easy to be a good father but it seems as though these days it is particularly difficult. Much of our society does not understand the value of good parenting.

May you enjoy the fruits of your labor for many years to come and may your son follow in your footsteps.


05-08-10, 18:44
There is an old saying..."Any man can be a childs father...but it takes a special man to be a Dad"....sounds like you have done a good job there dad!:)

05-08-10, 21:12
Sounds like you're doing something right. I hope I can do the same for my boy.

05-09-10, 00:23
I pray that both of my sons turn out as good as you say your oldest has.

05-09-10, 01:43

Good for you and his mom. Sounds like you raised a good one and I'm willing to bet that he received many positive influences along the way. You should be proud!!

05-09-10, 10:50
Good stuff! It sounds like you guys did a great job bringing up this yound man. I wish him every success in the future and have no doubt he'll go far.:)

05-09-10, 16:34
Thank you for the kind words. Yes, we're proud of him as you can tell.

My son's not perfect (but who is) and we’ve had our share of arguments and minor problems as any parent of a teenager does but he’s a good kid and a fine young man. I’m not sure how much is my influence however as I’m far from the perfect parent. I can’t count the times I’ve quietly prayed, “Please God don’t let me screw this up”.