View Full Version : L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.

05-09-10, 02:35

StandWithArizona — May 08, 2010 — "Where we now stand is stolen, occupied Mexico"...La Raza rally at UCLA....More gems: 'Communist Revolution', 'Frail, racist white people', 'La Raza' (the Race), Fidel Castro, 'Northern Front of Latin Revolution'..."40 million...revolutionaries...in the belly of the beast". "Our enemy is Capitalism and Imperialism". Sedition anyone? http://StandWithArizona.com

Sanchee H.S. history teacher Ron Gochez, La Raza Rally at UCLA

We are revolutionary Mexican organization here. We understand that this is not just about Mexico. Its about a global struggle against imperialism and capitalism At the forefront of this revolutionary movement is La Raza. We will no longer fall for these lies called borders. We see America as a northern front of a revolutionary movement Our enemy is capitalism and imperialism.

Ron Gochez is NOT a professor at UCLA. Gochez is currently a HISTORY teacher (yikes) at Santee H.S. in Los Angeles.

Here is his H.S.:
Phone: (213) 763-1000
Los Angeles Unified School District
Tel: 213-241-7000
Los Angeles Board of Education:
Tel: 213-241-6389
Email: steve.zimmer@lausd.net

05-09-10, 02:55
Just came here to post about it, tangentially. The video wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but then again if he expoused violence his teaching days would be over - calling for revolution is fine it seems though.

What the heck is La Raza? I can't figure it out. It seems like it is somewhere between the concept of the Knights of Columbus and the KKK. On its face "The Race" seems pretty negative and discriminatory. It seems it might be just a label for hispanic (or Latin, I get so confused on all this nomenclature) or it could be the front for the take back of south western states to Mexico.

What triggered this was a few months ago there was a guy in front of me at McD's (kids love nuggets) he had a huge tattoo across his back of "La Raza" - he had a wife beater t-shirt on so I could see it and all his other tattoos. My only understanding till then about "La Raza" was the more radical one, so I kind of felt like pounding his head into the counter, same as I would if he had a KKK or Nazi tattoo. After Googling "La Raza" I see where it has less ominious over tones too. Maybe not as benign as "Kiss me I'm Irish".

What the frick does "La Raza" mean?

05-09-10, 04:07
What the frick does "La Raza" mean?

It's definitely a Mexican radio station here in Houston.

05-09-10, 04:37
Nazis, I hate these guys.

They're mexican national socialists still angry that we took over the southwest (because mexico is managed so well). Fact is we let every single mexican here become a US citizen not just retain their property, but the basic structure of their community property legal system. We're pretty nice dudes. We were even nice to the Japanese, heck, we really liked the Japanese at one time, probably the only country that ever had any affinity for them... until they attacked us. I have a feeling these retards, like our other enemies, possess the same fundamental inability to "get" what America is.

It's embarrassing living next to a country as crapped out as mexico is. They need a good revolution and their illegal population returned.

05-09-10, 04:52
Nazis, I hate these guys.

They're mexican national socialists still angry that we took over the southwest (because mexico is managed so well). Fact is we let every single mexican here become a US citizen not just retain their property, but the basic structure of their community property legal system. We're pretty nice dudes. We were even nice to the Japanese, heck, we really liked the Japanese at one time, probably the only country that ever had any affinity for them... until they attacked us. I have a feeling these retards, like our other enemies, possess the same fundamental inability to "get" what America is.

It's embarrassing living next to a country as crapped out as mexico is. They need a good revolution and their illegal population returned.

Yeah Mexico sucks serious ass, has for a long time. These so-called "revolutionaries" are definately in need of a good history lesson and a nice swift kick in the ass.

I feel for you living down there and having to deal with these morons probably on a daily basis but am also proud of you guys and am behind your states decision to actually enforce immigration laws 110%

You know we still have Santa Ana's leg up here in Illinois. It's actually within walking distance from my house. Maybe we could use that as a "bartering" item or something? Or maybe we could use it for the aforementioned ass kick. (I mean that in the nicest way possible, btw.)

05-09-10, 05:00
These so-called "revolutionaries" are definately in need of a good history lesson and a nice swift kick in the ass."

They are getting one in L.A., Sanchee H.S. history teacher Ron Gochez is the guy speaking. It is sad that a teacher like this is employed by a US education system. I cant wait for the radical Muslim teachers to start doing the same thing.

05-09-10, 05:05

That is the link to his teacher page, and how to contact him if you wanted.

05-09-10, 05:20
Most of the original mexicans, cubans, etc we made citizens blended into the melting pot pretty good. In fact they're fairly indistinguishable from european americans, college educated, business owning types. Like most other places in the US the southwest had a lot of intermingling between the "races." Although I hate to use that term because there is less genetic variation in the entire human race than between monkey tribes living in fairly close geographic distance. It just goes to show you how stupid racists generally are.

Migrant populations used to be just that way, migrant. Mexican nationals would take agricultural jobs in the growing season, then go back to their homes in mexico with their money until next season. Like Afghanistan, 100 years ago most of Mexico wasn't so divergent from rural America. These days the disparity is really apparent. Their government is no good for business and real good for government employees. Currently the non-American hispanics and anchor baby's are a parallel community, literally a lower class (or caste). Best thing we could do is send home the ones we can legally send home, deal with the ones who are of legal status, seal the border, and help overthrow the Mexican government. Instead of sending younger anchor babies to jail for petty offenses, send them into the marines or the army, get them in our system and our culture. These citizens would be drafted in a national emergency anyway.

These La Raza type organizations used to be really against illegal immigration. It hurt their community by importing even cheaper labor. Now they're just a publicly funded on-the-take community action organization. The most noble act the Republicans could do would be completely defund all non-constitutional aspects of the government, which congress has the power to do. They don't have to collect taxes they don't want to, or spend money they do not wish to spend. La Raza and Acorn should not be funded with our tax dollars.

05-09-10, 07:52
I'm not a fan of La Raza - they area a race based hate organization that is supported by your's and my tax dollars. Big corrupt corporations such as AT&T, mexi-donalds, budweiser, Molson/Coors, Miller, booger king and many others give heavily to La Raza (I don't visit any of those Co's nor drink their scum beer or use their products). La Raza & a couple of other orgs like them want Whitie gone, dead - you get the pic. In short that's La Raza
As one La Raza supporter in a LA stated "We will take over the U.S. without firing a shot" The way I see it if we keep going the direction we are on, they will

05-09-10, 08:15
La Raza believes that the western US and Texas were taken from them, and they want to reclaim it what is rightfully theirs.


05-09-10, 08:49
Sounded like there were all of about 15 people there, but I know that's not the main point.

Personally, I'd say let them keep having mini riots and holding public meetings like this. It will only turn many of those sitting on the fence against them politically.

And wow is their sense of entitlement astounding.

05-09-10, 09:26
This guy may be more outspoken than many, or maybe just getting more publicity, but I have seen this before. To a certain extent, this has been going on in Southern California for quite a long time.

My high school had a chapter of MEChA (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MEChA) at least back when I was a student at the beginning of the 90s. As an official and recognized student club, it had at least one faculty member sponsor. They basically teach high school and college kids the same platform as this teacher is espousing. I don't know if they always come across this extreme in a high school setting, but radicalism was the norm for these groups at Berkeley.

In my limited experience, I have encountered much more of this sentiment from students than from older working adults with families, etc. I think that a lot of student radicalism tends to fade as people get older and live in the real world complete with trying to pay one's own bills. Unfortunately, that doesn't necessarily hold for teachers, some of whom see it as their mission in life to be a firebrand, trying to indoctrinate large numbers of impressionable young minds with their political views of entitlement.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was a leader of this organization when he was in college, though I believe that he has tried to distance himself from this part of his history in his later mainstream political career.

05-09-10, 09:35
La Raza believes that the western US and Texas were taken from them, and they want to reclaim it what is rightfully theirs.
Maybe they would like a do over on the Battle of San Jacinto?

It worked out poorly for them last time and no doubt would again.

05-09-10, 09:39
As I drive around Houston I use the La Raza radio station bumper stickers to identify the ass-tards and stay the hell away from them. If they have this sticker, they are 100% guaranteed to do something stupid at least every 2 minutes.

As for the organization, I hope they start their reclamation of land at my house. I have something for them.

05-09-10, 11:01
That guy needs his teeth kicked in.

05-09-10, 11:43
For a history teacher his view of history is pretty skewed. If I remember my history correctly, his hero Che's "domino theory" kinda petered out after he met the firing squad in Bolivia. As for the US keeping Asia poor, the Chinese I see at work gambling millions in the casino don't seem to poor.

He might not be advocating violence yet but he's pretty close. It just makes me laugh when I hear these idiots talking about revolution, but on the other hand they want to ban guns. How do you think that revolution is going to work out against the frail, racist white people when they're the ones with the guns?

Don Robison
05-09-10, 12:00
It just makes me laugh when I hear these idiots talking about revolution,

Same here, I'm tired of hearing loud mouths flap their gums about revolution. Same goes for the tin foil hat wearing retards. It's time to shit or get off the pot; either start your damn revolution or shut up.

05-09-10, 12:02
He might not be advocating violence yet but he's pretty close. It just makes me laugh when I hear these idiots talking about revolution, but on the other hand they want to ban guns. How do you think that revolution is going to work out against the frail, racist white people when they're the ones with the guns?

It is kind of ironic that often the lefty revolutionary-wannabes are also big proponents of gun control. Of course no one is accusing them of having a firm grasp on reality, either. The thing is, their vision of "revolution" usually more closely resembles the LA Riots or the current shenanigans in Greece than minutemen lining up across from the redcoats...

05-09-10, 12:38
Its sad and funny at the same time that the media has effectively labeled the Tea Party as the dangerous racists when the lefty types are almost always the ones talking about killing people, hold violent riots, revolution, taking over US soil, etc.

This will come to a head one day. They are becoming too numerous, too vocal, and too "out there" for it not to.

05-09-10, 12:51
He's actually inciting racism due to his racial "revolution".

Most of the original mexicans, cubans, etc we made citizens blended into the melting pot pretty good. In fact they're fairly indistinguishable from european americans, college educated, business owning types. Like most other places in the US the southwest had a lot of intermingling between the "races." Although I hate to use that term because there is less genetic variation in the entire human race than between monkey tribes living in fairly close geographic distance. It just goes to show you how stupid racists generally are.

Are you sure you're not talking about Spanish-Americans?

The melting pot theory, during the creation of our country, was only suppose to "melt down" northern and western Europeans. Hell, even Franklin didn't want that many Germans coming, because he thought it would overthrow English's dominance as the national language.

What we think of today as the "melting pot" was really just recreated by multiculturalists and Marxists.

05-09-10, 13:08
meet us at San Jacinto, high noon

The Rematch

05-09-10, 13:35
He's actually inciting racism due to his racial "revolution".

Are you sure you're not talking about Spanish-Americans?

The melting pot theory, during the creation of our country, was only suppose to "melt down" northern and western Europeans. Hell, even Franklin didn't want that many Germans coming, because he thought it would overthrow English's dominance as the national language.

What we think of today as the "melting pot" was really just recreated by multiculturalists and Marxists.

Part of the reason why we've had quotas based on the type of person. We turned boat loads of Jews away during WW2 when they were trying to escape the Nazi's.

05-09-10, 13:53
I don't get what the hell he's so angry about. Is he angry that he has the freedom to assembly, and free speech? Is he angry that he has the right to bear arms? Is he angry that he has the right to a fair and speedy trial? ...I just don't follow the logic here. Does he want the land? Buy some. Does he want the chance for economic success? He's an educator by choice, not direction. Does he want an unoppressive (for now) govornment, where if you are here legally you can affect the change of the policies around you by voting? Well, hell, the U.S.A provides that.

Let's take all of those things from him for a week. Send him back to his home of racial origin. Have him come back and see how he feels about life inside the borders of America then.

"Capitalism and Imperialism" eh? Lack of perspective is more like it.

05-09-10, 14:09
The new movie Machete, out in September, is along these same lines. Preview here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V62G1ANJpk&feature=player_embedded

05-09-10, 14:21
I still believe that our country was basically based out of imigration, heck we are all imigrants except the natives! But I think our gates had been left open for way too long and we are starting to fill up, and fill with crap. I think its time we shut them close and be a bit more selective as to what comes into our country and what stays.

I havent personally read this bill, but have heard bits and pieces from my fellow LE buds. I dont see why people freak out so much about it, its not much different than what our dept does here. If I arrest some one, usually for a felony, and he happens to have no govt issued ID, or showes me a mexico ID only, I end up dropping a line to ICE, and he ends up in mexico the next day. The funny thing is, I have actually come in contact with guys like this days after being deported. Goes to show that the priority should still remain for border patrol.

05-09-10, 14:33

An illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet got a $145,000 parting gift from New York City taxpayers before he was deported, after city lawyers decided his civil rights had been violated when he was held too long on Rikers Island.

Federal rules allow local law enforcement to detain suspected illegal immigrants for 48 hours after their criminal cases are resolved, to give Immigration and Customs Enforcement a chance to pick them up and move them to federal facilities.

Former Brooklyn resident Cecil Harvey, 55 -- backed by an immigration-rights advocacy group -- argued that his rights were violated when he spent more than a month in a Rikers holding pen before being transferred to ICE.

Harvey was shipped to his native Barbados in October 2007; the city settled his civil suit late last year.

The landmark settlement has prompted the Correction Department to dump scores of illegal immigrants on the streets, since federal officials often fail to pick them up within the required two-day window.

Federal immigration agents have office space on Rikers Island, and the city allows them to interview roughly 4,000 inmates each year. They put a hold, or "detainer," on 3,200 of those inmates who they discover are illegals.

But ICE often fails to transfer those detainees within the required 48 hours of their criminal cases being resolved, multiple jail sources said.

"We just release them now," one high-ranking jail supervisor said. "It's ICE's problem to go find these guys."

Harvey, a 55-year-old father of three, with three prior arrests, spent 35 days on Rikers, when he should have been moved to ICE.

On Dec. 2, 2003, cops busted him in Bedford-Stuyvesant shortly after midnight for drinking a bottle of Bacardi in public. Police said they found "crack cocaine residue" in his pocket.

He pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor drug charge and the judge ordered him released on his own recognizance, according to the Brooklyn District Attorney's Office.

He was eventually delivered to ICE, but released pending an appeal of his status. After he was arrested again on a warrant for missing his court date on his drug case while in federal custody, Harvey was held on Rikers for another month before being transferred to an ICE center in Alabama.

" I cannot speak for Rikers as to why he was not released to us within 48 hours," said ICE spokesman Harold Ort. "ICE lodges a detainer on removable aliens and the jail then contacts us when the alien is ready to be picked up by ICE."

A city Law Department representative called the Harvey case an "unfortunate occurrence," but maintained it was an isolated mistake.

"The Department of Correction has tightened its procedures to prevent a reoccurrence," said Muriel Goode-Trufant, head of the city's federal litigation division.

05-09-10, 14:55
I don't get what the hell he's so angry about. Is he angry that he has the freedom to assembly, and free speech? Is he angry that he has the right to bear arms? Is he angry that he has the right to a fair and speedy trial? ...I just don't follow the logic here. Does he want the land? Buy some. Does he want the chance for economic success? He's an educator by choice, not direction. Does he want an unoppressive (for now) govornment, where if you are here legally you can affect the change of the policies around you by voting? Well, hell, the U.S.A provides that.

Let's take all of those things from him for a week. Send him back to his home of racial origin. Have him come back and see how he feels about life inside the borders of America then.

"Capitalism and Imperialism" eh? Lack of perspective is more like it.

He is angry other people with different ideas and opinions have those rights. In these types of peoples mind they should be in charge, and that means the people serve their wants and needs without the rights to do or say anything about it.

If you go to countries where people like this are in charge there is no free press, no right to speak, assemble, own guns, etc. But the government, and all the government cronies do what they like. Look at the European governments. They restrict firearms like crazy but their LE and mil get all the cool guy weapons they want. Police in the UK carry around full auto SMG's and the like while they put people in prison for having an unregistered single cartridge. Speech is being restricted, etc.

To get people to submit to socialism, and eventually communism the people cannot have rights. Only the government, and those friendly to the government can do what we take for granted.

05-09-10, 14:56
yes take over have a revolt ! you have done such a great job with YOUR country

the question is where will you run to next to escape the corrupt horrid place you create ?

go home fix your own country first

Mexico has some very very beautiful natural beauty and could create one of the most amazing vacation destinations in the world if only they were not so corrupt and crime such a problem along with other issues !

shows how while sitting on some of the most amazing land in the world they still can not get out from being on the bottom ?

uneducated ignorance is bliss I guess ?

Ed L.
05-09-10, 17:16
The new movie Machete, out in September, is along these same lines. Preview here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V62G1ANJpk&feature=player_embedded

Wow. You have a movie with Danny Trejo, Robert Deniro, Michelle Rodriquez, Lindey Lohan, Jessica Alba, and Steven Segal.

05-09-10, 17:45
COC prevents me from actually writing my opinion.

05-09-10, 18:39
Wow. You have a movie with Danny Trejo, Robert Deniro, Michelle Rodriquez, Lindey Lohan, Jessica Alba, and Steven Segal.

"And introducing Don Johnson."

...I wonder how many of these "actors" actually took the time to do some research and grasp what the issue is that they are rallying against. I'm guessing none.

05-09-10, 18:45
This country is so F*cked.

05-09-10, 19:12
That guy needs his teeth kicked in.

Ed L.
05-09-10, 20:11
"And introducing Don Johnson."

Oops, how could I forget Don Johnson.

...I wonder how many of these "actors" actually took the time to do some research and grasp what the issue is that they are rallying against. I'm guessing none.

I bet most of them had mortgage payments on their vacation homes to make, and the rest are probably sympathetic to the cause.

And Steven Segal's gotta do something. It's not like he has any talents that would lend themself to doing an act in Vegas.

05-09-10, 20:18

05-09-10, 20:27
The little ****er hates Jews and has a thing for underage girls...http://americanpowerblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/ron-gochez-anti-semitic-social-justice.html

An Undocumented Worker
05-09-10, 23:14
"And introducing Don Johnson."

...I wonder how many of these "actors" actually took the time to do some research and grasp what the issue is that they are rallying against. I'm guessing none.

That movie is meant to be a complete and total farce, embracing all the greatest attributes from B movies of a time since passed. The movie is actually a continuation of a satiracle fake movie trailer embeded in the Grindhouse double feature back in 2007.

Nothing in the movie Machete is meant to be taken seriously in any way shape or form from what i can tell. It's just meant to make people laugh and make fun of all kinds of stereotypes.

Bubba FAL
05-10-10, 00:15
Maybe it's time to renegotiate the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago?

Yes, that's the 1848 treaty signed by the Mexican government that ceded much of what is now the southwest US to the US government in exchange for $15 million in cash (and the US evacuated all territory occupied south of the Rio Grande). The remainder was purchased in 1854 (Gadsden Purchase) for another $10 Million. The La Raza folks claim this treaty was forced on Mexico and discount it's validity - well, we did win the war and we occupied territory almost all the way down to Guatemala - we could've kept it all and not paid them one cent. If the corrupt b@stards would have been able to manage their own affairs, events would've been different, but nothing has really changed south of the border.

Suggested new terms of the treaty: Mexico repays the US with interest (say 10% APR) and we give them Caliatzlan and all Mexican citizens residing in the US in exchange.

05-10-10, 06:07
Although I am all for this new bill, and highly advocate strong immigration laws. I have to disagree with your statement that all illegals are criminals.
I agree the racial rant is unnecessary, but what is it about the term illegals that you don't understand? If you came here illegally, you are a criminal by definition.

05-10-10, 13:32
I agree the racial rant is unnecessary, but what is it about the term illegals that you don't understand? If you came here illegally, you are a criminal by definition.

I agree that by definition, yeah, it is a crime. I am sure that his comment had a stronger message behind it though.

Dirk Williams
05-10-10, 14:16
La Raza is a very old very structured orginization which I believe started in Central California.. Their mantra or war cry is "VIVA LA RAZA".

These folks are focused focused focused. They believe we the US stole Texas and California from them. I happen to agree, we did. I can remember La Raza as far back as the late/mid 60's I grew up with many old school hispanic families, "wonderful folks" and was aware of the movement then.

I never really followed it and am actually surprised to see how orginized the La Raza movement really is at this time.

This group has all the pieces in place for a very very effective go at the US, they like most other minorities can attack from many different directions and usually start by using our constitution against us.

This makes these new laws in AZ and the other states most important. If your not a citizen then you don't have the right to hide behind the constitution of the USA. You want to enjoy those freedom's join the club by doing it the right way.

Im sorry this sounds very biased however there has to be a line in the sand somewhere, there has to be accountability.

05-10-10, 14:37
I agree that by definition, yeah, it is a crime. I am sure that his comment had a stronger message behind it though.

A part of the illegal immigration problem is what I refer to as a criminal class that is among that population. It's certainly not a fitting description of all illegal immigrants, but a subset of that population is comprised of criminal predators who run guns, drugs, and people. An example would be the MS-13ers they busted not far from my neighborhood who were cooking meth, running guns, and even running a little brothel.

...which was staffed by young girls from the age of 10-14 who were being forced to "pay off" their transport into the US by way of sexual slavery. They were brought in primarily to service the large population of illegal immigrants working in poultry plants in my area. The MS-13ers didn't deal with gringos, you see.

It's rather difficult to be the tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to be free when you're raping 10 year old girls.

Yes, among the illegal population there are those who just want a better life and who are willing to work hard for it...but there are also thugs of every imaginable stripe, leeches who want nothing more than to take every advantage of our already ridiculous social safety net, and stone-cold predators who ought to be resting 6 feet under ground rather than walking around free on our streets. The only way to weed out the undesirables is to take our southern border as seriously as Mexico takes THEIR southern border.

Alpha Sierra
05-10-10, 18:26

05-10-10, 18:31
La Raza believes that the western US and Texas were taken from them, and they want to reclaim it what is rightfully theirs.


It was taken from them. It's called WAR.


You don't see the English crying and wanting us back.