View Full Version : Elena Kagan-BHO's SCOTUS pick

05-10-10, 11:37
Isn't this the women who attempted to ban military recruiters from Harvard's campus while she was Dean? IIRC, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled against her.

She would be the first justice in nearly four decades without any prior judicial experience if voted in. Never judged a case in her life and more than likely will be put in the highest court in all the land. Sounds good to me!

05-10-10, 11:53
Some interesting, some not: http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/2010/05/10/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-elena-kagan.html

1. Elena Kagan was born on April 28, 1960 in New York City.

2. She attended Princeton University and graduated summa cum laude in 1981 with a bachelor's degree in history. In 1983, she received a master's degree in philosophy from Oxford's Worcester College. She earned her J.D. from Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1986. In law school, she was supervising editor of the Harvard Law Review.

3. As an undergraduate, she worked as a legislative intern for New York Democratic Rep. Ted Weiss and later as a deputy press secretary for New York Democratic Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman. She wrote her senior thesis on socialism in New York City from 1900-1933. Her junior and senior years she was editorial chairman of The Prince, a student newspaper.

4. From 1986 to 1987, Kagan was a clerk for U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Abner Mikva. In 1988, she clerked for Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

5. In 1991, after working at a private D.C. law firm, Williams & Connolly, she became an assistant professor at University of Chicago Law School. She became a tenured professor there in 1995.

6. In 1995, she worked at the White House as assistant counsel to President Bill Clinton. Within a year she advanced to deputy assistant for domestic policy and then from 1997 to 1999, Kagan served as deputy director of the president's Domestic Policy Council.

7. Bill Clinton nominated Kagan to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 1999 but the Senate Judiciary Committee refused to hold her confirmation hearing. Her would-be seat eventually went to John Roberts.

8. She became a professor at Harvard Law School in 1999 and became the school's dean in 2003.

9. In March 2009, Kagan was confirmed as the United States' 45th Solicitor General with a vote of 61 to 31. She was the first woman to ever hold the position.

10. Kagan has never been married.

05-10-10, 12:20
...a hunting forum I visit is convinced it's Kevin James in drag.:D

05-10-10, 14:42
I would be interested in reading her thesis on socialism just so I know how much further we have sunk as a country. Then again, maybe I don't. It's already too depressing.

Oscar 319
05-10-10, 14:47
10. Kagan has never been married.


05-10-10, 14:52
Kagan was a radical socialist in college


Surprise. She is the definition of a statist apparatchik.

05-10-10, 15:16
...a hunting forum I visit is convinced it's Kevin James in drag.:D

I could see why.

05-10-10, 15:31
Oh hells naw


05-10-10, 15:39
Here's my pick!


05-10-10, 15:42
Kagan was a radical socialist in college


Surprise. She is the definition of a statist apparatchik.

link doesn't work

ETA: Between Napolitano and Kagan, I don't know whose worse. Thats a whole lota ugly.



05-10-10, 17:02

But seriously... Hows them cankles?

05-10-10, 17:08
This thread makes my eyes hurt. :(

05-10-10, 17:14
http://blogs.sltrib.com/b2evolution/media/blogs/burger/sweeneypat.jpgIm very gender confused right now.

05-10-10, 18:53
http://blogs.sltrib.com/b2evolution/media/blogs/burger/sweeneypat.jpgIm very gender confused right now.

My five-year-old daughter and two-year-old son were looking over my shoulder when the pic of "Pat" came up.

Unprovoked, my son says, "It's a boy." My daughter replies, "No, it's a girl."

Classic. :D

05-10-10, 19:24
So is it safe to say we're all in agreement?
It is a... a man right?

05-10-10, 19:39
I'm really regretting picking up my new glasses yesterday.

Never married? I don't think Napolitano has tied the knot either, hmmmm..........................................

05-10-10, 20:45
I'm more concerned with her policies, legal views and lack of experience than her appearance. There are a lot of ugly women (and men) in politics, of all shapes and sizes. We rail against the undue influence of celebrities (who generally have above-average appearances and influence others with charisma rather than intelligence), so why are we suddenly concerned that this SCOTUS appointee looks too mannish? Does physical beauty have any bearing whatsoever on her ability to judge Constitutional issues?

05-10-10, 20:57
I'm more concerned with her policies, legal views and lack of experience than her appearance. There are a lot of ugly women (and men) in politics, of all shapes and sizes. We rail against the undue influence of celebrities (who generally have above-average appearances and influence others with charisma rather than intelligence), so why are we suddenly concerned that this SCOTUS appointee looks too mannish? Does physical beauty have any bearing whatsoever on her ability to judge Constitutional issues?

this appointee does nothing for the makeup of the scotus...he actually could have picked much worse but this one will likely pass. All we did was swap two libs for sotomayor and girly man.

scotus pics were my biggest concern w/ obama winning. What we need is 2012 to come around before another one dies or retires!!

The pics are simply for comic relief about a very depressing situation.

05-10-10, 21:01
I'm more concerned with her policies, legal views and lack of experience than her appearance. There are a lot of ugly women (and men) in politics, of all shapes and sizes. We rail against the undue influence of celebrities (who generally have above-average appearances and influence others with charisma rather than intelligence), so why are we suddenly concerned that this SCOTUS appointee looks too mannish? Does physical beauty have any bearing whatsoever on her ability to judge Constitutional issues?

I don't think anyone is dismissing her politics and credentials. We know they suck. I'm concerned as well but there is little we can do to stop her from being appointed. I guess we're just trying to have a laugh at a shitty situation. It's somewhat therapeutic I think.

05-10-10, 21:02
I'm more concerned with her policies, legal views and lack of experience than her appearance. There are a lot of ugly women (and men) in politics, of all shapes and sizes. We rail against the undue influence of celebrities (who generally have above-average appearances and influence others with charisma rather than intelligence), so why are we suddenly concerned that this SCOTUS appointee looks too mannish? Does physical beauty have any bearing whatsoever on her ability to judge Constitutional issues?

I'm with you...while I think the ugly stick had its way with her, I am very concerned about how she views the court and policy. I heard one of Barry's radio interviews from a few years back, he was addressing the "progressive" view on politics and wealth realignment. He stated that he believes that while the executive and legislative branches have influence, the courts "just arent there yet". Two very left leaning women on the court who get the "consensus building" moniker tagged onto them seem to be "getting there".

just as a passing observation...both Kagan and Sotomayor are Princeton grads and products of NYC public education in the late 70s. If Kagans ideology is anything close to Sotomayor's, I will not be surprised. I just hope she knows the difference between Eminent and Imminent.

05-10-10, 21:38
I'm more concerned with her policies, legal views and lack of experience than her appearance. There are a lot of ugly women (and men) in politics, of all shapes and sizes. We rail against the undue influence of celebrities (who generally have above-average appearances and influence others with charisma rather than intelligence), so why are we suddenly concerned that this SCOTUS appointee looks too mannish? Does physical beauty have any bearing whatsoever on her ability to judge Constitutional issues?

What everyone else said. Of course physical appearance has no bearing on ability to judge Constitutional issues. No one is saying she isn't qualified to be a SC Justice because she looks like a linebacker.

Obama was going to nominate someone who most of us here do not approve of, from a philosophical perspective. That's a given, and no one here should be surprised by the ideology of an Obama SCOTUS nomination.

05-10-10, 21:48
I only wish I could find (and yes, I googled to no avail) the old Commando movie poster I saw with Janet Reno's head photoshopped onto Ahhnold's body.

05-11-10, 08:02
i dont have a warm fuzzy that someone who has no judicial experience will suddenly equally apply the fairly for both sides. Especially when shes only argued for the govt. Yea I wonder how she will rule on the bench. :rolleyes:

if you oppose her you're just homophobe

05-11-10, 08:09
She has no experience as a judge and no track record in that capacity.

Much like BHO having no experience as a chief executive (mayor, governor, etc.) and no track record.

Judging by her history at Harvard, I give her 2 thumbs down.

05-11-10, 09:58
The Senate's quintessential douchebag Jim Inhofe (OK) has expressed his opposition to Kagan, in part, due to her previous statements expressing contempt for the Senate's judicial confirmation process.

Sorry, Jim, but the U.S. Senate is beneath contempt. These confirmation hearings are nothing but Senate blowhards hogging the limelight, taking fifteen minutes to ask a question that the nominee has absolutely of intention of answering. More kabuki theater from that august body who labor night and day to accomplish as little as possible while lining their own pockets.