View Full Version : Look for more gun bans in SC

05-12-10, 15:30

How the hell did a 3rd grader get a .22? But im sure it has nothing to do with parenting...so the government will have to ban .22s or guns that "fit in the palm of your hand"

05-12-10, 15:49

This happened a few days ago also:

Richland County, SC (WLTX) - A 5-year-old is dead and his uncle behind bars after a 3-year-old cousin pulls the trigger on a gun left unattended.

Deputies say 24-year-old Waddell McGhee is charged with homicide by child abuse.

"I heard something that sounded like a fire cracker and I came downstairs and heard a bunch of screaming. They were like Oh, my God, oh my God, oh my God,"said neighbor Renee Coleman.

After 5-year-old Adonis Grimes was shot, Coleman did what any mother would do. She ran to help out. Coleman says the toddler's uncle, 24-year-old Waddell McGhee was in a state of shock.

"He was really upset, really nervous, upset. I asked him if I could do anything to help him out and he said yes, can you sit with the other kid,"said Coleman.

Grimes died at a hospital a short while later. Deputies charged McGhee with homicide by child abuse. They say Mcghee dropped a gun and failed to pick it up. Deputies say Grimes' 3-year-old first cousin got a hold of it and pulled the trigger. A bullet struck the toddler in the stomach.

"Now it's pretty outside and they would be over there outside playing,"said Coleman.

Instead on Mother's Day, the yard is eerily quiet. Coleman is heartbroken for the toddler's mom.

"My heart just goes out to her because I have a daughter and three grandchildren and I just couldn't imagine that,"said Coleman.

Deputies say Mcghee has a criminal history that includes two counts of domestic violence, arson, drug possession, unlawful carrying of a pistol, pointing and presenting a firearm at a person and felon in possession of a firearm.

As for Coleman, she says the shooting could have been prevented.

"It's just a misfortune. That's a lesson learned about handguns. Any kind of weapon,"said Coleman.

Additional charges are pending against Mcghee. He remains behind bars awaiting a bond hearing.

If Mcghee is convicted, he could face 20 years to life in prison.

05-12-10, 16:04
Deputies say Mcghee has a criminal history that includes two counts of domestic violence, arson, drug possession, unlawful carrying of a pistol, pointing and presenting a firearm at a person and felon in possession of a firearm.
Pretty much say it all - this guy is toast.

05-12-10, 19:37
Let's take the tin foil off our heads for a minute.

The story referencing the pistol in the school desk happened in Charlotte, North Carolina not South Carolina.

The story on the toddler being killed happened in Richland County, South Carolina.

I guarantee you that NEITHER will result in more gun bans in SC. Hell there aren't ANY gun bans in SC now! We have some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country. No wait on purchases, no permits to purchase, no limits, SBRs and SBSs OK, suppressors OK, F/A OK. We are pretty firearms friendly! We are one of those rural states clinging to our Bibles and Guns that Obama likes so much.

Both of these incidents are unfortunate, but the only one that took place in SC was the result of a negligent act by someone who legally couldn't own a gun anyway.


P.S. Heck I think I had a .22 in third grade. I could have probably taken it to school for show and tell then too. It wouldn't have fit in my desk though and certainly not my palm. They are pretty well handed out at birth though along with Carolina/Clemson colors.

30 cal slut
05-12-10, 20:04
prayers for that poor child.

dammit these stories about careless adults piss me off to no end.

05-13-10, 01:01
20 years? should be life.