View Full Version : Anybody know anything about women?

05-13-10, 16:03
What's up guys? Gotta quick question for you all.

My lady's birthday is Saturday and I have no clue what to get her. No, I didn't wait till the last minute, I've been trying to figure this out for a couple weeks now. I'm curious if you guys have any ideas. Now I'm not asking you guys to do my work for me, just curious if you guys have had any particular success with a particular item. Anyways, any input would be GREATLY appreciated.


Jay Cunningham
05-13-10, 16:04
Anybody know anything about women?




Don Robison
05-13-10, 16:06
Anybody know anything about women?

Enough to know I'm not even going to pretend to know the answer to your question.:D

05-13-10, 16:11
Apparently I don't know anything about them. I'm told so everyday.

05-13-10, 16:14

(I think …)

05-13-10, 16:17
What does she like? How about asking her what she wants?

05-13-10, 16:19
Definitely not a new vacuum
Or power tools

Don't be practical, be romantic

05-13-10, 16:22

(I think …)

Yeah I thought about flowers and taking her out to dinner but don't they like knicknacks and little shiny doodads to accompany it?

05-13-10, 16:23
Best present I ever bought my wife was a couples massage. She knew I didn't want to go, but I went anyway. Found out that tall Swedish blonde girls aren't all that scary afterall. ;)

Oh, and like they said... nothing that has a cord... it'll most likely be used to strangle you in your sleep.

05-13-10, 16:23
The bank card.

I've given up on trying anything else.

Sometimes I'll make the actual purchase per her specifications.:)

05-13-10, 16:24
It's not a different species, what's she into? Does she like typically 'feminine' things?

My wife has a fanatical obsession with this stuff:

If you have a store nearby it's an easy win, or you can do online gift certificates.

Simple jewelry as found at boutiques and such (not 'cheap' stuff, just original stuff) is always a win.

05-13-10, 16:25
Best present I ever gave my wife was a Coach purse. Actually a lot cheaper than I thought they were.

05-13-10, 16:28
What does she like? How about asking her what she wants?

I think I waited to long to ask her what she wants. She'll think I don't care since I waited so long. Which isn't true, I just suck at this stuff.

05-13-10, 16:28
I know that after finding a woman that doesn't give a damn about birthdays and anniversaries and whatnot that I'm extremely happy.

05-13-10, 16:31
What does she like? How about asking her what she wants?

Asking her this late in the game in suicidal. Is this a wife or GF? How long have you been together? How much do you want to spend? Age?

05-13-10, 16:39
Asking her this late in the game in suicidal. Is this a wife or GF? How long have you been together? How much do you want to spend? Age?

Girlfriend (22). Been together a year or so. She doesn't care about birthdays really or at least she said she didn't about the her last one when we first started dating. I can tell she does care though even though she won't admit it. So I figured I'd be a good boyfriend and get her something nice. She deserves it. As far as money? Eh... $100-150?

05-13-10, 16:42
I was married at 19 years of age...as of the 6th of March this year I have been with the same Woman for 25 years. And what I know about women is this........

Pretty much nothing!

Actually...in your situation...Don't try and wing it. Be truthful and just take her out for a nice dinner.
Tell her the truth and that while you wanted to get her something nice....You wanted to be sure it wasn't just something that she needed, but something that she would want and will remember. It's worked for me in the past.

Good Luck...

05-13-10, 16:43
It's not a different species,........

have you ever actually met a woman?


mine doesn't like shoes, won't wear jewlery, and dislikes shopping so much she hasn't been to the mall in years.

Last year I bought her a chipper/shredder.

Guess who's no help to you......

Robb Jensen
05-13-10, 16:46
I know that I like them. ;)

On a serious note a day at the spa...massage, manicure, facial etc. they usually like a lot. You can get give certs. from Red Door etc online. They also just enjoy your time (undivided attention) with them, like you cooking a nice meal for them and then taking them to a movie or show of their choice.

05-13-10, 16:53

05-13-10, 16:56
What does she like? How about asking her what she wants?

I think the feminine answer to that would be, "Why do you have to ask me what I want? You should know! UUUGGHHH....I can't stand you right now.":D

Don Robison
05-13-10, 17:07
Been married to the same woman for 32 years. I know 10 things about them.










10. Women have tits.

I am so stealing that.

05-13-10, 17:17
I know that I like them. ;)

On a serious note a day at the spa...massage, manicure, facial etc. they usually like a lot. You can get give certs. from Red Door etc online. They also just enjoy your time (undivided attention) with them, like you cooking a nice meal for them and then taking them to a movie or show of their choice.

You know... That spa thing is a great idea. We have a pretty nice spa place thingy here in Springfield that's pretty popular with the ladies. I'm definately gonna check that out. Is that something a woman would do on her own or do I have to go?

05-13-10, 17:21
Anybody know anything about women?

I've heard you don't have to lead them as much, but I haven't been able to confirm that.

Get her some nice stuff from bath and body works. If she's one of those discontinued models that cooks get her some new/better stuff for the kitchen.

Robb Jensen
05-13-10, 17:23
You know... That spa thing is a great idea. We have a pretty nice spa place thingy here in Springfield that's pretty popular with the ladies. I'm definately gonna check that out. Is that something a woman would do on her own or do I have to go?

I have her go on her own.

05-13-10, 17:27
I don'tt care who she is or what she likes... Book a short (15 minute or so) helicopter ride and dinner after.

Memories are all that really matter!!

Well... Memories, motorcycles, and M4's... But there's now way in hell you can get away with getting her the latter two. :)

05-13-10, 17:28
I have her go on her own.

Awesome, cause I really don't want to go.

05-13-10, 17:36
Anybody know anything about women?


Anyone wanna recommend where I can find a -10 Operator's Manual?:confused:

Card, flowers, spa, cook her dinner, clean your place up....

05-13-10, 17:38
i got my wife a new trolling motor---but--- she brought it home in her new lexus----

05-13-10, 17:47

Anyone wanna recommend where I can find a -10 Operator's Manual?:confused:

Card, flowers, spa, cook her dinner, clean your place up....

Clean? Wha...?

05-13-10, 17:50
couples massage. win/win

05-13-10, 18:19
If you're truly desperate, you can throw yourself on the altar of dignity and ask her friends for hints.

Reasonably high chance of success, because, if nothing else, they can engage in the "Well, what would I want?" gambit.

Asking them gives them an opportunity to let them boss you around, and gets you in good with them.

If you get in good with them, chances of random threesomes increase.

Your girlfriend will hear, one way or another, that you asked them, which opens you up to the risk of the dreaded (as previously mentioned by kal) "You don't care enough about me to know he things I do/do not want!? You cad! You brute! *choke* *sob*" conversation, at which point you might commit suicide.

Spin the Wheel of Destiny!

05-13-10, 18:32
there's something very strange about asking a bunch of strangers what to get your wife for her birthday. she's your wife man, you don't know enough about her to think of something she would like? :confused:

05-13-10, 18:43



05-13-10, 18:49
Nope. Don't know nothing about women. More importantly, it would seem most women don't know nothing about women.

THIS I know: You're screwed.

Best lifesaver recommendation: Jewelry.

What's up guys? Gotta quick question for you all.

My lady's birthday is Saturday and I have no clue what to get her. No, I didn't wait till the last minute, I've been trying to figure this out for a couple weeks now. I'm curious if you guys have any ideas. Now I'm not asking you guys to do my work for me, just curious if you guys have had any particular success with a particular item. Anyways, any input would be GREATLY appreciated.


05-13-10, 18:49
Anybody know anything about women?


05-13-10, 19:02
Apparently I don't know anything about them. I'm told so everyday.

that would be funny if you were an obgyn

05-13-10, 19:16
If you can cook, homemade dinner.

if not, take her out to a nice restaurant of her choosing.

and don't let onto the waitstaff its her birthday, keep it low key.

05-13-10, 19:18
Massage and dinner bro. Cant fail.

05-13-10, 19:21
Sounds like u r on the right track, thinkin bout it... I usually ask mine what she wants before I go out and make purchases. Lowes is her big thing, so gift card, but always try something personal- makes it better. And yes even though they say no big deal it is...

The last few items were Ipod, new Cell, and Bangle-s (Big thing for Middle eastern women)

05-13-10, 19:24
I've been happily married for 14 years last weekend.

The spa is a win/win.
Even just a mani-petty.

But you might try to call the spa and ask them what they think
would be best (keep in mind they MIGHT try to sell you everything)
but if you tell them a set price and ask what is the absloute best deal
you have going right now you should be good to go.

Then give it to her during diner with flowers (the pre-paid gift certificate).
and every husband/boyfriend of your girl's friends will hate you for next few months. lol

It should work out to be the best $100 you have ever spent.

05-13-10, 19:28
Here's what you do:
1. Get a box.
2. Cut a hole in the box.


05-13-10, 19:33
there's something very strange about asking a bunch of strangers what to get your wife for her birthday. she's your wife man, you don't know enough about her to think of something she would like? :confused:

Why is it weird? Ever had to buy a gift for a girl for the first time?

She's not my wife, she's my girlfriend that I've been dating for around a year. And no, apparently I don't know anything about her.

It's not a different species, what's she into? Does she like typically 'feminine' things?

My wife has a fanatical obsession with this stuff:

If you have a store nearby it's an easy win, or you can do online gift certificates.

Simple jewelry as found at boutiques and such (not 'cheap' stuff, just original stuff) is always a win.

That's pretty cool too, I'm gonna gonna check into that as well. Thanks for the link.

05-13-10, 19:39
Here's what you do:
1. Get a box.
2. Cut a hole in the box.


I already used that one on our first date...

05-13-10, 19:50
Get her something you like from Victoria Secret. That way you both win. This past Christmas I was short on ideas and gift cards were so impersonal. I made her a Geico Googley Eyes man from the commercial. I didn't tell her what it was. I placed it on a shelf in the office and told her her gift was waiting for her there. In the meantime I loaded the "Somebody's watching me song" from YouTube and played it while she searched. She had fun looking for something and burst out laughing when she found it. She just loved it and took her picture with it in her hand. Chicks dig cash!! It took $200 in ones and a couple wrapping bands from the bank. The eyes I got at Hobby Lobby and glued then to some coiled pipe cleaners to the cash bands. It looks just like the commercial. She liked the personal touch and creativity.

Dragon Slayer
05-13-10, 19:52
Many many years ago I bought my wife a Walther PPK (If it was today it would have been a Glock) and of course I ended up with it, that was the best present I ever gave her.;):D

We are married for 39 years, so I must be doing something right, but a dinner and a show or theater or ballet will make you look good just try not to snore during the show after a full stomach.:eek:

05-13-10, 19:58
As a newly married man I suggest a promise not to ask for sex for one whole week.

05-13-10, 20:08
I know nothing about women, but........

Suggestions for gifts.
Something shinny.
day at spa or other place she likes
night on the town

05-13-10, 21:16
I know Heinlein is right “Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.” Robert A. Heinlein

The spa is always a good idea.
Devoting some one on one time seems to be appreciated as well.

05-13-10, 21:25
I see a few votes for the spa, while the spa is a great gift idea. I'm afraid it will be out of your price range. I bought a day at the spa for my wife and it cost me almost $400. Just a cut and highlight alone will cost close to your $150 budget.

I would do a necklace or a nice handbag for that price range.

05-13-10, 21:25
Asking is not suicidal if you are honest.

In reality, you shouldn't have waited and should pay more attention to what she is saying/hinting at.

05-13-10, 21:53
I once got an engagement ring for one. She said no and took off after 4 years. So I had a great birthday celebration for her!!!!

05-13-10, 21:53
I once got an engagement ring for one. She said no and took off after 4 years. So I had a great birthday celebration for her!!!!

05-13-10, 22:18
Many many years ago I bought my wife a Walther PPK.............Yeah, I tried this once, except insert a Lady Smith. I ended up with a new dining room set for my birthday.

-Couples Massage
-Day at the spa
-Deluxe mani & pedi

-And you can never go wrong with flowers

Anybody know anything about women?Been married 25 years and still haven't figured it out.........but, I am getting closer.

This guy seems to have it figured out.......

05-13-10, 22:18
A dozen red roses and dinner at her favorite restaurant will fit the bill. Even at something this simple you'll be ahead of most guys I know when it comes to giving their girlfriend a present.

Don Robison
05-13-10, 22:25
Yeah, I tried this once, except insert a Lady Smith. I ended up with a new dining room set for my birthday.

At least she didn't buy you a new vibrator.:eek: :D

05-13-10, 22:47
+1 to spa treatments and asking her friends. Word will get back to her but I bet it will be positive.

Here's a tip for next time. You have a year to figure out one thing that she llikes. Find out one thing she likes in that time and write it down. make a list, just in case.

Men act like women are some by mystery, when in reality, men just aren't that interested enough in them to pay attention. Other than for sex, that is. Which is why most men suck at this. Men are kind of like those medievel map-makers that would write "here be monsters" wherever they didn't know or hadn't been there before.

While women are complex in some ways, they are really simple in others. Why do you think some guys appear to be able to get them to do just about anything? But learning about them is serious time and emotional investment.

My best friend is an extremely attractive supermodel-ish woman who wavers between high maintenance and country girl. It's fun and rewarding to explore what goes on inside her head, and she likes the attention.

You have a decent start. Caring enough to get the birthday present right is not bad.

05-13-10, 23:09

My wife and daughter both think her jewelry is great.

Spa idea is great too!


05-13-10, 23:22
Not a Damn thing...

But here goes. :D

One on one time really seems to be it, something that shows you want to spend time with them. I suggest clean around the house the day before or whenever you can before, get them up, go do what they want, take them out to dinner, etc, and just spend time with them.

As far as gifts?

Dude... I just don't know. I used to think I was a fairly intelligent guy, but I just don't know anymore, I can't win. I just can't.

05-13-10, 23:43
Okay, I was going to leave well enough alone, but this is one of my favorite subjects (women).

First of all, women like birthdays to start when they wake up. Even the zombie-walking "I am NOT a morning person" ones. Giving her a gift and acknowledging that it is her birthday at 7 pm is waaaaay inferior to doing so at 7 am, if that is her normal waking time. So, acknowledge/give a gift early.

Second. One big gift is fine, as long as there is thought put into it. However... when you just cannot think of one big gift to buy for her, buy a shit-ton of little gifts, and make a point of gift-wrapping them all. You can even get silly and gift wrap a new toothbrush, a small piece of candy, gum, whatever. The theme is "it's your birthday and everything is a present".

Third. If she works on her birthday, and especially if she works in a place with other women, have flowers delivered to her place of work. Other women will be envious and she will feel special.

Fourth. The gift is nice. The fact that you hustled, and actually paid attention to her (for once) will mean more than the gift. If you act a little nervous about her liking it and talk about the process you went through to find this exact thing, it will usually do the trick.

What to do if you **** up? Let's say you do all the above, and her random behavior generator STILL comes up on "rip your head off?"

Seriously. Act injured and practice your "now I'm going to go shoot myself" look. She might blow up now, but she WILL feel guilty for it later. Exploit that.

05-14-10, 01:51
Definitely go with the spa treatment ideas. Despite what they say, women want to be pampered all the time. It's been my golden ticket with several women over the years.... er, I mean my wife only.

On a side note, what's with all the dudes around here saying "mani" and "pedi"? I'd follow up those words with pictures of you holding guns or performing a masculine act just to not raise eyebrows. :p

05-14-10, 04:03
Definitely go with the spa but make sure it's a nice one. Did it for my ex a few years ago lasted like 4 hrs, they got rubbed on and got little cucumber sandwiches, she said it was the best gift ever.

05-14-10, 05:08
My fiancee's birthday is still 6 months away and I'm already fretting over it. My last three birthday presents from her have been 1) a trip to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame and a natural history museum, 2) a week checking out Civil War battlefields and everything else cool in the Richmond area, plus a B.B. King concert, 3) an AC/DC concert and a weapons and armor museum.

Jewelry ain't going to cut it this year. :D

Whatever you do, make it special. Women are emotional creatures, and a $20 gift from the heart can make them happier than a $200 gift that's simply given to them.

05-14-10, 05:16
I don't pretend to know much about women but when it comes to gifts I just ask mine what she wants. It's not the most romantic way of going about it but it seems to work.

05-14-10, 08:21
I've been married for 14 years, and the one thing I've learned is:

1) Start now for next year.

Seriously, I like the idea of keeping a list of everything she ever points out in a store and says "Oh, that's nice!"
Then next year you pull out your list and pick one. (that she doesn't have yet, of course!)

05-14-10, 08:32
If it has tits or tires, it's going to give you trouble!

05-14-10, 11:27
I've been married for just over a year and thanks to deployments and TDY's I've missed all birthdays and our only wedding anniversary to date. This year should be interesting now that I'm home for a bit.

To help you out. Last year while TDY I spent 3 hours in Hawaii trying to find the Apple store to get her an Apple store exclusive yellow Ipod Nano. When I got back I laser etched the back with her name, probably voided any and all warranty but it made her day for a late birthday present. If shes into these sort of stores get her a gift card to TJ Max or Marshall's. Hope this helps.

05-14-10, 18:02
Been married to the same woman for 32 years. I know 10 things about them.










10. Women have tits.

Now that is pretty good. :D

In fact, it's so good (and even universal) that as someone on the essential flip side who has been single since separating from my son's extremely "complicated" mother 4 years ago, I could use the exact same chart as to determine why I might or might not want another serious relationship.

Hence why I still now only date on weekends while my son is at his mom's. Women are too complicated, entitled and selfish these days. In fact just having a thread based upon the anxiety of having to ask a significant other what she wants for her birthday (heaven forbid :eek:) essentially highlights that.

Sure there are good ones out there, just not enough of them. If you have one, realize your good fortune.

05-14-10, 19:18

05-14-10, 19:29
Hah! Not to drift too far, but I've lived just about everywhere EXCEPT south Jersey, and my feelings regarding the "gentler" sex aren't vastly different.

Pawns of Satan, the lot of 'em, but with a pretty telling and unfortunate monopoly on booooooooobiesssssssss.

05-14-10, 19:43
Safetyhit, if I was to guess, I would have to say you were from south Jersey, judging by your response.:D

About 20-25 minutes from Camden in traffic. :)

Though how you somehow came to that conclusion I have no idea.

05-14-10, 20:00
Ask one or more of her friends, and follow their suggestion(s). Otherwise, it's a 50-50 shot at best.

05-14-10, 20:04
Words of Affirmation
Quality Time
Receiving Gifts
Acts of Service
Physical Touch

Those are the 5 languages of love. Give her all of them, but give extra of the language she prefers most.

05-14-10, 21:01
If where she lives will allow it, get her a puppy. If she doesn't like dogs, she's gotta go!

05-14-10, 23:01
I would keep it simple and gather intel at the same time.

There have been alot of good ideas posted.....I've been with the same woman for 17 years now, some things that I have learned, keep in mind this is my opinion/situation:

Flowers are always good.
Dinner at a good restaurant.
Diamonds...good to F%^&ing go no matter what.

Massage; the coupon wasn't used.
Victoria Secrets....I feel like a whore...don't you love me for who I am?

If you want to go intel gathering......

Go to a decent print shop and get a 'Slave for a day' coupon.

Take her to a good dinner.....$100-200 USD and present the coupon to her.

She will either take advantage of it and abuse you or you will find out what really makes her 'tick.'

Either way you can eject the magazine and insert a new one or change your dope.

05-14-10, 23:39
OK, this is all good but predictable and not unusual. Here is a thing that gets dudes major bonus points, although requires a bit of "sacrifice".

Dance lessons.

Very few ladies don't like dancing. Go and find local dance studio, sign up for a lesson or two, salsa or something like that. Yes, you'll have to go and dance too, but that's not a bid deal. As long nobody that knows you, buddies and such, sees you doing it:D

05-15-10, 00:04
What do I know about women? I know you can't win.

I'm mowing the lawn this afternoon and my wife walks out and asks, "What do you think of these new jeans?" Immediately sensing danger, I offer the stock response complimenting her on how nice they look and how well they fit.

"Thanks a lot," she replies, "These are your new jeans you bought yesterday." :rolleyes:

Should have kept my head down and just kept mowing.

05-15-10, 00:17
lol stop trying to win. Lose, and lose big, since you're gonna end up there, anyway.

Spring the trap: "Like you need to get a load in the washing machine."

Then, immediately apply the fundamentals of dodgeball (dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge) to avoid the heavy objects flung at your grape.

05-15-10, 03:35
I'm mowing the lawn this afternoon and my wife walks out and asks, "What do you think of these new jeans?" Immediately sensing danger, I offer the stock response complimenting her on how nice they look and how well they fit.

"Thanks a lot," she replies, "These are your new jeans you bought yesterday." :rolleyes:

Should have kept my head down and just kept mowing.


05-15-10, 04:01
Things I've learned:
1)There's a reason I've never been able to date a girl longer than 12 months.

2)Thoughtful(as in your thoughts) gifts aren't always the best idea.

3)I'm 99% sure that 120mm is a certified pimp.

Robb Jensen
05-15-10, 05:20
3)I'm 99% sure that 120mm is a certified pimp.


05-15-10, 05:39
My wife's B-day was April 11th and on April 10th she asked for a divorce. So I gave her what she wanted:D She is having a great time with it:eek:

For the sane genuinely down to earth women I dated in the past it wasn't ever about the gift it was about the "thought & time" that went into the gift. You might need to do a little (or alot) of detective work to simply do something that is "meaningful" over something that is just femininely neato.

Or just get her a Noveske & a pointing dog puppy:p

05-15-10, 12:32
Things I've learned:
1)There's a reason I've never been able to date a girl longer than 12 months.

2)Thoughtful(as in your thoughts) gifts aren't always the best idea.

3)I'm 99% sure that 120mm is a certified pimp.

Aw, man, I can't help it. I really, really, really, really like women. A lot.

They're just... Interesting. And stuff.

05-15-10, 15:48
there's something very strange about asking a bunch of strangers what to get your wife for her birthday. she's your wife man, you don't know enough about her to think of something she would like? :confused:

reading is fundamental, bro!

It's his g-friend and they've only been dating about a year. So he hasn't had many b-days to screw up yet..

05-15-10, 18:52
[QUOTE=Riverine;654177]If you're truly desperate, you can throw yourself on the altar of dignity and ask her friends for hints.

Asking her friends...you might as well just go ahead and ask her...Guarenteed that she will know anyway.

The one thing I can honestly say that I know about women is that they talk to each other about us.

05-15-10, 20:34
Tiffany always worked for me.

05-16-10, 01:34
So...are you still in a relationship?

05-16-10, 11:49
Been married to the same woman for 40 yrs, usually can suggest that I am thinking about a particular piece of jewelery for her and she will sugest what she would like. A remote car starter/alarm to either cool or warm her car would be nice.

05-16-10, 16:41
I didn't read all 5 pages, but June 1st I will have been married to the same woman for 19yrs, and we have been together for 21. (we lived in sin for 2)
My best advice is jewelry, my wife and I both enjoy a nice watch.
Good luck.

05-16-10, 17:41
Been married to the same woman for 32 years. I know 10 things about them.

1. They're all ****in' crazy! Wet bag-o-cats type crazy!

2. No matter how beautiful and sexy they are, someone, somewhere is sick of thier shit!








10. Women have tits.

I helped you fill in your list. Two things I've been told before and have only recently come to fully understand. :(:rolleyes:

05-16-10, 17:45
I feel sorry for those stuck in the materialistic rewards relationships. See ya elsewhere on the forum.

05-17-10, 23:11
I feel sorry for those stuck in the materialistic rewards relationships. See ya elsewhere on the forum.

I don't see it like that. She's a great girl, I just wanted to get her something nice cause she deserves it. Nothing more...

Anyways, we just got back from dinner and it went great guys! I went with the spa idea and she loved it. Set me back $400 bucks but the look on her face was worth it. I wanted to thank everybody that helped out and contributed, you're all good people. Seems the fairer sex is a pretty popular subject. Well, thanks again everyone.

Oh, Before I forget... I agree, 120mm is definately a stone cold pimp.
Thanks for the imput 120, that was a very interesting insight. You definately know your stuff.

05-18-10, 09:35
I just had this same issue and everything worked out fine. How did I do it?

-Dinner at her favorite steakhouse

-A gift basket with her favorite Dead Sea cosmetics

That was it :cool: