View Full Version : AAC Breakout or Surefire MB556K

05-17-10, 09:44
Just curious as to which one people would go with. AAC and Surefire both make damn good stuff, but right now I'm wanting a good Muzzle Break to go on my REECE(which is also my 3-gun rifle for the time being).

So with that said, what would you guys recommend.

Also, wasn't sure if this was the right place to post this, if not, please move. Thanks!

05-17-10, 10:52
Brake...not break;)

Not to talk you outta either of your choices but sounds to me like you would be best served buying a FSC556.

05-17-10, 10:56
Do you KNOW which suppressor you're going to go with?

If its an AAC can then go with the AAC brake.

If its a Surefire can then go with the Surefire brake.

Kind of makes sense to purchase an effective mount ahead of time since neither suppressor comes with a mount any longer. (correct me if im wrong on that).

05-17-10, 11:02
thats the thing. Ive got in narrowed down to those 2 companies for the suppressor I want. They both make excellent suppressors and Brakes, so thats why I wanted to hear what people prefer. AAC Brakeout or the Surefire MB556K and Ill go from there.

Right now Im leaning more towards the MB556K but Id just like to hear which brake people prefer.

05-17-10, 11:09
You're doing this backwards brother...

Look at the high dollar item and determine which one you're going to want to own and buy accordingly.

I would never buy a suppressor based off of which mount i believe is better in terms of recoil reduction. IF one mount was physically superior in terms of functionally mounting the can then yeah, i would choose that one over the other but as far as performance goes, trying to measure the difference between the two with the naked shoulder isnt really going to get you anywhere.

05-17-10, 11:15
the suppressor isnt my main concern. As its 6months to a year or more down the road. Im more interested in a Brake right now.

Now, if I could get some input on the Brakes, that would be great.

05-17-10, 11:17
You're doing this backwards brother...

Look at the high dollar item and determine which one you're going to want to own and buy accordingly.

I would never buy a suppressor based off of which mount i believe is better in terms of recoil reduction. IF one mount was physically superior in terms of functionally mounting the can then yeah, i would choose that one over the other but as far as performance goes, trying to measure the difference between the two with the naked shoulder isnt really going to get you anywhere.

Exactly right.

05-17-10, 11:23
ok maybe I should reword this. Forget I even mentioned a suppressor. Its not even in the picture. Which Brake do you prefer. Which has better recoil reduction, etc....

05-17-10, 11:23
This thread may help https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=50847 and so would shortening your sig line ;)

05-17-10, 11:33
there that better, geez...

any who, I had read that thread already and found it very useful. Just curious as to what people think of the Brakeout vs the MB556K.

This Recce build is going to be used with my 3-9x40 as a Reece style, mostly for varmits and general medium range shooting, then for Multi-gun shooting its gonna wear my Burris XTR.

I need a Brake that will be good for both. Ive seen more people running the MB556K in Multi-gun than the AAC. But Im just curious as to what people think as the AAC is newer and Ive never used either.(used to have a SJC Titan, only Brake/Comp Ive ever used)

05-17-10, 11:33
What kind of input do you want?

For most shooters a brake is a brake. Some do some things better than others and depending on your skill level you may not be able to tell the difference between one or the other.

Too many people these days are so wrapped around the axle about hardware.

IF you had clearly defined your goals by saying something to the effect of:

I would like a compensator that mitigates flash to the best of its design ability then we would respond with comments such as:

Go with an FSC556, rainier arms comp, or the newer AAC Brakeout.

If you wanted nothing but recoil suppression we would suggest something like the SJC Titan comp or the KAC TT.

Instead, we responded within the confines of the criteria (which wasnt very descriptive of your needs) and you got pissy.

Sorry for not being able to read your mind. :confused:

EDIT: Your above post further defines your needs now we can get to the nitty gritty!

None of the hybrid flash suppressor brakes are going to be as good or better than a dedicated brake. If you've used the titan before then that is essentially the pinnacle of recoil suppression so anything else is going to be going down hill. Do you care about flash suppression? If not i would say go with a titan again provided it fits into your length needs and aesthetic desires.

To specifically answer your question about the surefire brake, its a hell of a brake but its obnoxiously loud. For ME, the surefire product is a better offering in terms of recoil suppression than the AAC product provided we are solely interested in recoil mitigation.

05-17-10, 11:44
damn I thought everyone could read minds....

Like I stated. Id like to know which brake does a better job of recoil reduction/muzzle flip control as the rifle in question is going to be used for a variety of things(Multi-gun, Mid-range shooting, Varmit hunting).

I wasn't getting pissy, as it would probably sound more along the lines of "you guys are stupid, gtfo of my thread your not helping. blah blah blah, whiney bitch bitch" haha.

Those of you who have either the AAC Brakeout(or the AAC Blackout Brake), and or the MB556K, what are your likes and dislikes.

Rifle has a 16in BCM SS410 Mid-length barrel. Which Brake would be best suited for the roles I have listed.

05-17-10, 11:47
To specifically answer your question about the surefire brake, its a hell of a brake but its obnoxiously loud. For ME, the surefire product is a better offering in terms of recoil suppression than the AAC product provided we are solely interested in recoil mitigation.

Thanks - thats the kind of info I was looking for

The Titan, while nice, just seemed crazy loud on the last 16in gun I had it on. Id like something that works closely to what that did, but still have the option as a suppressor mount if/when I do get one.

The MB556K seems to be a favorite but Im just not sure as to which would be suit my initial needs and not my long term more wishful than actually gonna happen suppressor wants.

05-17-10, 11:50
I'm also not sure what kind of feedback you expect to get. I don't now of any empirical data on this kind of thing (although I'm going to be attempting to conduct some tests of my own) so you're going to wind up relying on everyone's MK1mod0 shoulder test which is never the same for all people.

I think this is what Magsz was getting at. You're saying that you think the suppressors are close enough to each other not to matter, and I think it's the brakes that are close enough to one another not to matter. I'd choose the company or attachment system you like best.

Just to be clear, you want to compare these two products

Surefire MB556K Muzzle Brake/Adapter (http://www.surefire.com/maxexp/main.pl?pgm=co_disp&func=displ&strfnbr=6&prrfnbr=24482&sesent=0,0&search_id=2053000)

Advanced Armament BRAKEOUT™ 51T Compensator (http://www.advancedarmament.com/product.aspx?pid=682)

and not to through a monkey wrench into things, I think that the Blackout brake is a better comparison to the MB556K but I don't see it on AAC's website right now.

05-17-10, 11:51

The Surefire brake is also obnoxiously loud. Just warning you. As the shooter its bearable but your RO's are going to hate you. :)

Shooting prone or in other unorthodox positions can be tasty, as in, enjoy a mouthful of dirt.

05-17-10, 13:35
haha, yea I can imagine. Oh well, Im a country boy, and its not like Ive never had dirt in my mouth before..... or slip and fall in the cow shit and that gets in there too, that's not so great either haha

to Rob_s

I thought I was nuts, cause I could have swore that AAC made a Brake other than the Brakeout for 5.56 guns. I just couldnt find it either.

But Ive just decided Im gonna give the Surefire MB556K a try on my Reece and if I can always sell it and get something different.

Thanks for the info fella's!

05-17-10, 13:49

Enjoy, i think it should work for you. Post up when you get it and when you've got some rounds through it.

AAC does or DID make a muzzle brake, im not sure where it is either as its not listed on the website...shrug.

05-18-10, 06:46
Shooting prone or in other unorthodox positions can be tasty, as in, enjoy a mouthful of dirt.

Urban prone is especially tasty.

05-18-10, 12:29
I thought I was nuts, cause I could have swore that AAC made a Brake other than the Brakeout for 5.56 guns. I just couldnt find it either.

They do, I've got a few over here.

05-18-10, 16:57
AAC sends you better stickers, otherwise the differences between the two are purely cosmetic. They will both do what you want.

05-19-10, 00:52

The Surefire brake is also obnoxiously loud. Just warning you. As the shooter its bearable but your RO's are going to hate you. :)

Shooting prone or in other unorthodox positions can be tasty, as in, enjoy a mouthful of dirt.

WOW,,I agree,,I was at a Carbine shoot a few weeks ago and one of the guys had the Surfire Brake,,,looks like it worked OK,,but man was it "LOUD" !!!! If your serious about it going on a 3 gun rifle and want to totally stop muzzle rise and felt recoil this is the one to get,,my buddy has a Titan Brake and it is awesome,,worth checking out !!!
Check out there video also,,,keep us posted on what you get & how it works out for you !!! :)

05-19-10, 07:38
the surefire is the best IMHO at reducing recoil but for just general range use its too obnoxious, the PWS FSC556 is way less obnoxious and way cheaper. but only the 09 halos fit it.

05-19-10, 07:56
Just curious as to which one people would go with. AAC and Surefire both make damn good stuff, but right now I'm wanting a good Muzzle Break to go on my REECE(which is also my 3-gun rifle for the time being).

So with that said, what would you guys recommend.

Also, wasn't sure if this was the right place to post this, if not, please move. Thanks!

What's a REECE? Do you mean a Recce Carbine?