View Full Version : Situational Awareness... a "How Not To"

05-17-10, 21:52
For your review. How not to succeed at Situational awareness: (Someone help me embed the video player please :confused:)


05-17-10, 22:02
Holy Sh*t! That was a close one.

05-17-10, 22:03
If he was supposed to pay attention surely the "State" would have informed him. ;)

05-17-10, 22:05

05-17-10, 22:09
That made me gasp. Holly crap that was close.

05-17-10, 22:36
whooooa :eek:

i don't get how people can be so non-chalant around train tracks.

05-17-10, 22:44
whooooa :eek:

i don't get how people can be so non-chalant around train tracks.

Stupid people are everywhere....:confused:

05-17-10, 22:55
My butthole puckered.:eek:

05-18-10, 00:08
My first instinct would've been to run over, grab that dumbass by his shirt and drag him away from the tracks, not yell "yoohoo"!

05-18-10, 00:11
My first instinct would've been to run over, grab that dumbass by his shirt and drag him away from the tracks, not yell "yoohoo"!

no SHIT! way to look out for your buddy, BF!

05-18-10, 04:28
If I was that guy the first thing I'd be doing is going and getting some new underwear. Couple inches farther and he'd a been red mist in the wind.

05-18-10, 05:07

05-18-10, 05:31
In the Maritime Industry, we would call that a "near miss". We would then have a safety meeting explaining that while thankfully the gentleman was safe, had he not been so lucky, instead of having this meeting we would be picking his pieces up and wiping his splatters off the camera lens.

05-18-10, 06:01
Hahaha...I like the doofy look he gave the camera right afterwards. Apparently Darwin missed this one.

05-18-10, 06:51
I spend some time on a college campus...so believe it or not, that's not the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

I have personally grabbed a young woman by the waist and lifted her out of the way of a bus. She was busy texting and did not notice she was stepping into a busy street with a bus coming right at her. Thankfully all that was crushed was the cell phone she dropped when I yanked her out of the way. A few seconds earlier as I saw what was about to happen I distinctly remember thinking that I didn't really have the stomach to see a pretty young blonde mangled right in front of my eyes. That campus sees at least a couple of pedestrians hit every year, usually with at least one fatality. A female softball player was hit recently as she stepped into traffic without looking. She narrowly avoided permanent brain damage.

There are train tracks on the campus that bisects it...and I've seen students attempt to crawl through standing or stopped trains. There is a grain silo along those tracks and the train stops periodically to fill a car, and then moves to put the next car in position, etc. Obviously there is no way for anyone standing at the tracks to know when the train is going to move...and it's a miracle no one (to my knowledge, at least) has been killed by it.

A few areas of the campus are prone to flooding when we get heavy rain. A couple of years ago when a tropical storm went through these areas flooded on campus and at some of the student housing surrounding campus. A few students decided it would be fun to try a drunken white-water rafting adventure in the flood waters with a hastily constructed "boat". This resulted, of course, in a student who drowned.

...and all of that is to say nothing about the more routine failures to engage IQ in daily life, like the young woman who accepted a couple of rides from a sketchy looking old dude who always happened to be driving by when she was getting out of class. After two non-eventful rides, to her great surprise, he tried to kidnap and rape her on the third. The stories of individuals who do not lock (or even SHUT) their doors and then awake to find someone in their dwelling are legion, as are the stories of parties that turn into a nightmare. Some individual held an open door party last year and the subsequent events led to a murder as two dudes who weren't even from the area got into a tussle and one pulled a gun.

The train video is great, but I'm a guy who sees at least one person narrowly avoid fatal disaster by the thinnest margin every week. That whole phrase about God looking after fools and little children has some merit, in my opinion.

05-18-10, 15:14
This happens to railroad photographers in the US very frequently, particularly when steam locomotives make rare social appearances.

It brings some very... Interesting individuals out trackside who rarely use good judgment in the name of photography.

05-18-10, 15:44
This happens to railroad photographers in the US very frequently, particularly when steam locomotives make rare social appearances.

It brings some very... Interesting individuals out trackside who rarely use good judgment in the name of photography.

I hope the shot they get is worth the risk.

05-18-10, 15:52
Soooo close to going SPLAT! Yoohooo!

05-18-10, 17:06
There are train tracks on the campus that bisects it...and I've seen students attempt to crawl through standing or stopped trains. There is a grain silo along those tracks and the train stops periodically to fill a car, and then moves to put the next car in position, etc. Obviously there is no way for anyone standing at the tracks to know when the train is going to move...and it's a miracle no one (to my knowledge, at least) has been killed by it.

Are you talking about going under or going between cars? Growing up in Iowa we did the latter constantly. Really isn't that dangerous to climb onto a car and move between them and hop off, even if it decides to advance one car up you get a bit of warning. I've even been on the train when the movement finally reached the car I was on. There is a sudden jerk but you know it's coming and you simply hang on if you can't get off in time.

05-18-10, 17:09
I believe in Creation not Evolution, but 'survival of the fittest' has some merit. The guy in the vid appeared as if he was unaware of his near-death experience.

05-18-10, 17:29
Euroweenie... :p

05-18-10, 18:25
That vid was awsome! Like a scene from "Final Destination". If he would have been nailed, it would be God's way of saying "Your Genes are not needed for the Next Generation".:p

05-18-10, 19:25
I spend some time on a college campus...so believe it or not, that's not the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

I have personally grabbed a young woman by the waist and lifted her out of the way of a bus. She was busy texting and did not notice she was stepping into a busy street with a bus coming right at her. Thankfully all that was crushed was the cell phone she dropped when I yanked her out of the way. A few seconds earlier as I saw what was about to happen I distinctly remember thinking that I didn't really have the stomach to see a pretty young blonde mangled right in front of my eyes. That campus sees at least a couple of pedestrians hit every year, usually with at least one fatality. A female softball player was hit recently as she stepped into traffic without looking. She narrowly avoided permanent brain damage.

There are train tracks on the campus that bisects it...and I've seen students attempt to crawl through standing or stopped trains. There is a grain silo along those tracks and the train stops periodically to fill a car, and then moves to put the next car in position, etc. Obviously there is no way for anyone standing at the tracks to know when the train is going to move...and it's a miracle no one (to my knowledge, at least) has been killed by it.

A few areas of the campus are prone to flooding when we get heavy rain. A couple of years ago when a tropical storm went through these areas flooded on campus and at some of the student housing surrounding campus. A few students decided it would be fun to try a drunken white-water rafting adventure in the flood waters with a hastily constructed "boat". This resulted, of course, in a student who drowned.

...and all of that is to say nothing about the more routine failures to engage IQ in daily life, like the young woman who accepted a couple of rides from a sketchy looking old dude who always happened to be driving by when she was getting out of class. After two non-eventful rides, to her great surprise, he tried to kidnap and rape her on the third. The stories of individuals who do not lock (or even SHUT) their doors and then awake to find someone in their dwelling are legion, as are the stories of parties that turn into a nightmare. Some individual held an open door party last year and the subsequent events led to a murder as two dudes who weren't even from the area got into a tussle and one pulled a gun.

The train video is great, but I'm a guy who sees at least one person narrowly avoid fatal disaster by the thinnest margin every week. That whole phrase about God looking after fools and little children has some merit, in my opinion.

I like to sit in wally world or stand out front and just watch and count the dumbsh1ts who walk out in front of cars. Everyone knows pedestrians have the right of way...... but that doesn't mean they don't need to look both ways and take a little responsibility themselves.

05-18-10, 19:26
This happens to railroad photographers in the US very frequently, particularly when steam locomotives make rare social appearances.

It brings some very... Interesting individuals out trackside who rarely use good judgment in the name of photography.

The guy in the frame to start with isn't even getting good pics. He has maybe one leg of the tripod on the ground.

"YooHoo"? We have european guys in my company, and the odd sounds and words they use are very strange. Reminds me of "Predator" when the black guy ask Carl Weathers "Come over here."

05-18-10, 19:29
I spend some time on a college campus...so believe it or not, that's not the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

I have personally grabbed a young woman by the waist and lifted her out of the way of a bus. She was busy texting and did not notice she was stepping into a busy street with a bus coming right at her. Thankfully all that was crushed was the cell phone she dropped when I yanked her out of the way. A few seconds earlier as I saw what was about to happen I distinctly remember thinking that I didn't really have the stomach to see a pretty young blonde mangled right in front of my eyes.

I would have tried to get a date out of that :D:D:D J/K

05-18-10, 19:30
Check your shorts.

05-18-10, 23:08
That dude almost became Trainspotter Road...err I mean Track, Kill

05-19-10, 15:30

Chick run over by a guy.

05-19-10, 17:17
'scuze me while I clean the brown streak from my underwear! :eek:

05-20-10, 00:30
I know what you mean about colleges. I almost got run over by a guy in a motorized wheelchair. It just happened to be quiet and I heard the electric motor coming up behind me, and dodged out of the way. The bastard gave me the finger as he went by.

I also saw a head-on collision between a bicyclist and a roller-skater. The skater was weaving in and out of pedestrians and wove right into the biker. Both of them went down in a heap.

Now that people text on their phones all damn day, I can only imagine what ASU's campus is like now...

05-20-10, 07:15
I've been unfortunate enough to be hit by a cyclist on campus. Thankfully she wasn't going very fast...but she did manage to bust my nose wide open. Thankfully they were handing out free Obama shirts on campus that day.

I'm now a believer in the absorbency of Hope.

Someone who wasn't so lucky was put in UVA's trauma center a couple of years ago with a severe brain injury after being hit by a cyclist who was doing over 30 mph downhill on a busy sidewalk.

When I'm on campus I've learned to use all my senses to figure out what's going on. I've narrowly avoided being hit by skateboarders and cyclists because a second or two before potential impact I hear them coming and get out of the way.

I would have tried to get a date out of that :D:D:D J/K

It honestly never occurred to me. It may sound strange, but it was about the same to me as stopping a toddler from wandering into the street.

05-20-10, 13:23
live in the islands where thousands of tourists come and turn their brain off and you will see things all the time that make you wonder
HOW CAN SOMEONE SO STUPID make enough to take a vacation here !
sometimes sadly ending in loss of life :( I have even saved and rescued some of them in the past

05-20-10, 14:15
Stupid people have a way of weeding themselves out of the gene pool eventually.