View Full Version : Been looking for a simple chest rig, I may have found the one - Shellback?

05-18-10, 12:29
I've been looking for a small chest rig for use as a bedpost rig and for future classes. I don't want or need a heavy loadout - 2-3 mags, a place for a 6P and maybe a handgun mag is all I need. A plate pocket would be a definite plus.

I picked up one of the 5.11 mini chest rigs on clearance a few months ago to play with the concept and have since developed a very healthy dislike for the typical X harness design that is common to chest rigs. I'm not going to be walking patrol where I need maximum comfort and stability, I simply need something that I can quickly sling on and go.

I found a few mentions of the Shellback Tactical "Go Time" rig. These (there are several variations) sling over your head around your neck and have a lower belt. It sounds like a better idea for my situation and is more compact than the typical split front rig.

Has anyone here tried or seen any of the Shellback Tactical products? I'm looking at their original rig in particular (two AR mags, two hicap pistol mags, 7x9" plate pocket) but they also make triple mag and MOLLE versions.


05-19-10, 00:19
I have one of the older molle versions and it's perfect for exactly what you describe - a quick grab and go without complication. You can sling it quickly over a shoulder or put it over you neck like a traditional type chest rig for extended use.

I also have a few Tactical Tailor Mini-MAVs (that have the x-harness design) and while they are great for comfort, they are harder to get into than the Shellback rig.

The only downside I see to this rig is that if you do have it on like a traditional chest rig, the strap going around the back of your neck gets uncomfortable after awhile. This, of course, is where you'd want something more like the Mini-MAV. Quality on mine is good and I've been thining about ordering another to configure for my wife.

05-19-10, 04:46
That's a pretty interesting concept and I agree with you re: the X or H harness taking too long to get into if needed quickly. I think I'd prefer to see it with a plate pocket as well, and I'd rather have MOLLE (http://shellbacktactical.com/MOLLE-CHEST-RIG.aspx)to configure it my way.

05-19-10, 06:46
I'm not sure how comfy that neck strap would be when the rig is all loaded up.

05-19-10, 08:03
I have one of the older molle versions and it's perfect for exactly what you describe - a quick grab and go without complication. You can sling it quickly over a shoulder or put it over you neck like a traditional type chest rig for extended use.

I also have a few Tactical Tailor Mini-MAVs (that have the x-harness design) and while they are great for comfort, they are harder to get into than the Shellback rig.

The only downside I see to this rig is that if you do have it on like a traditional chest rig, the strap going around the back of your neck gets uncomfortable after awhile. This, of course, is where you'd want something more like the Mini-MAV. Quality on mine is good and I've been thining about ordering another to configure for my wife.

Thanks for the comments! I decided to order one yesterday, the price is reasonable (I wanted coyote and it's on sale, plus free shipping right now.) If the chest rig concept works out for me I can see myself getting something like a Mini-MAV for longer term wear (like classes.)

That's a pretty interesting concept and I agree with you re: the X or H harness taking too long to get into if needed quickly. I think I'd prefer to see it with a plate pocket as well, and I'd rather have MOLLE (http://shellbacktactical.com/MOLLE-CHEST-RIG.aspx)to configure it my way.

Rob, it does have a plate pocket. I thought about the MOLLE version but this one was set up the way I wanted - or so I think right now. I was about ready to use a simple six mag bandoleer for the purpose when I found this.

I'm not sure how comfy that neck strap would be when the rig is all loaded up.

This version shouldn't be bad with two AR mags, one pistol mag and a 6P. I don't think I'd want to try their three mag plus three mag shingle version - six mags around the neck might be a bit much. Then again, I'm a former photojournalist that lived with megaweight gear around my neck for years, so maybe I've evolved.

Alex F
05-19-10, 08:19
I think that with a strap on the back with fastex at the bottom to hold the neck strap down would work well and be comfortable.

You could sling it over your head, click the two fastex in the back, and be ready.

05-19-10, 08:22
Like a "T" back?

Alex F
05-19-10, 09:05
Yeah, a loop that is fitted over the neck loop, adjustable at the fastex clip at the bottom.

The strap, when pulled tight, would pull the neck strap down to a more comfortable position.

It'd only add one more point to clip and it would enhance the design quite a bit without adding much weight or bulk.

05-19-10, 11:27
Rob, it does have a plate pocket. I thought about the MOLLE version but this one was set up the way I wanted - or so I think right now. I was about ready to use a simple six mag bandoleer for the purpose when I found this.

It won't take what I think of as a "plate". I'd want minimum SAPI medium standalone plate.

05-19-10, 15:35
A very simple, light, durable chest rig.

BFG Ten Speed (http://blueforcegear.com/product.cfm?type=cat&cat_id=12&prod_id=188)


05-19-10, 17:04
Looks neat, but I think their Banshee model would be better. Is it me or does the Go Time look like it would put the armor a little low? If the quality of this stuff is any good I may invest in the Banshee.

05-21-10, 21:56
It showed up today; my first impressions are very favorable.

I've been wearing it loaded up for the last two hours (gaining a few looks from SWMBO) and it's been quite comfortable with no neck strain - the neck strap is contoured so it doesn't cut. Of course, this is with minimal activity.

I can put it on in seconds. PMAGs fit with no strain and a 6P or G2 fits the pistol mag pouches. All stitching is well done and neat and the materials are high quality.

I'm not going to be able to do a meaningful review because I don't have experience with other rigs, but I'll report back with my thoughts after I've lived with it for awhile.

05-22-10, 06:23
Let us know HD.

I think some of you guys are missing HD's point here. He's wanting something he can strap on quickly and for short durations. H, X, or Y harnesses are going to take longer to put on.

That said, I do like the look of the Banshee (http://shellbacktactical.com/bansheerifleplatecarrier.aspx) as well. There are a lot of companies making simple plate carriers but this one looks pretty good for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that they've resisted the urge to add a bunch of crap to it. Add standalone plates for the homeowner, or rifle plates to wear over soft armor for the uniform officer.

05-23-10, 10:36
I ordered one last night in Ranger green. I was a little turned off about the neck strap but I like the idea of having something that I can grab and throw on quickly.

05-23-10, 10:57
The more I play with it the more I like it - this may be also be a good trunk rig for me if I ever decide I need one. I'll reserve final judgment until I've had an opportunity to "fight" from it (i.e. a training class), but so far so good.

05-23-10, 17:59
I don't really have much "tactical" experience, so maybe this is a stupid question, but for HD use, why not some sort of "man-purse"?

Seems like it would be the fastest option to put on.

I'm probably missing something obvious though, as to why it's not ideal.

05-23-10, 19:53
Like a bandoleer? I considered one, but I think around the neck is more secure and out of the way.

05-23-10, 19:56
I have an article coming out in SWAT eventually on use of a fanny pack or a padded battle belt as a home defense grab & go.

05-23-10, 20:19
Like a bandoleer? I considered one, but I think around the neck is more secure and out of the way.

I was actually thinking more along the lines of S-type Versi-Pak (only smaller), something that could be slung, out of the way, allowing easy access to extra mags.

Like I said before, I am probably missing an obvious reason why it's not suitable, it's just something that crossed my mind.