View Full Version : DPMS handgun?

05-18-10, 18:45
So I got this interesting email today with a request to fill out a survey, so I click on it and the title is ARhandgun :eek: Filled it out, needless to say my answers weren't very nice, but I did give my contact info to help them in development of whatever it is.

Dear DPMS Family:

We work everyday to be the AR world’s most innovative and customizable platform, keeping you, our customers interests first. As part of that effort, we would like to involve you in an exciting new product development survey. We’re giving you the opportunity to share your thoughts about our brand, the types of products we should be creating and the types of ammunition you use with our products.

This survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete and the information you provide is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, and will be analyzed in aggregate with all other responses.

To access the survey, please click the following link (if for some reason it is not a clickable link, please copy and paste it directly in to your web browser).


Thanks in advance for your time and effort. Again, we appreciate you being a member of the DPMS family.

Although the title of the survey was "ARhandgun" the questions seemed to be geared toward a conventional handgun.

05-18-10, 19:32
thanks for the link.
its faster of you cut and pastes "junk" for all the answers :D

05-18-10, 20:09
Thats pretty funny...

Its very telling of a companies ignorance or primary customer market when they have a question like this:

Approximately how many rounds of ammunition do you use or expect to use in a typical year on an AR-style rifle?

The largest checkbox that they have available is "over 500".

I would like to think that 75% of this forum fires in excess of 2-5000 rounds out of their rifles per year.

05-18-10, 20:36
LOL! I didn't read it carefully enough...I thought it said monthly judging by the numbers...
Oh well, based on the past couple months, I still answered over 500

05-18-10, 20:39
Its very telling of a companies ignorance or primary customer market when they have a question like this:

Approximately how many rounds of ammunition do you use or expect to use in a typical year on an AR-style rifle?

The largest checkbox that they have available is "over 500".
I was cracking up about that also.

Approximately how many rounds of ammunition do you use or expect to use in a typical year on an AR-style rifle?
- None
- 1-20 rounds
- 21-40
- 41-60
- 80-100
- 101-200
- 201-300
- 301-400
- 401-500
- More than 500 rounds

Those choices are hilarious.

05-18-10, 20:42
Thank you so much for your time and thoughts. They will be carefully considered and put to use as we develop new Bushmaster products.
(Emphasis added)

I'm quite confused.

Is this a joke that someone put together?

05-18-10, 20:47
I got this one too.

Where it asked what I would expect from Bushmaster if they were to produce a handgun... I must have laughed for a good minute. Hell I try to shoot close to 500rnds in a week... Crazy.

05-18-10, 20:53
1. On a scale of 0-to-10, how likely would you be to recommend a DPMS product to a friend or family member?

I answered "0"....... :D

I'm sure that there are folks out there that own AR's, and will never shoot 500 rounds thru them in their lifetime. This is probably the type of individual that they market towards.

05-18-10, 22:03
I don't see what's so funny.

I've never had a single issue with my DPMS. My bro T-Bone and I go down to the lake, drink natty light, crank up that "let the bodies hit the floor" song on my Fiero's tape deck, and try to skip rounds off of the water. We probably shoot 4 clips worth of bullets every few months.

I'd buy a DPMS handgun in a second.


05-18-10, 22:12
(Emphasis added)

I'm quite confused.

Is this a joke that someone put together?

Same corporate umbrella....Cerberus Capital Management.

05-18-10, 22:32
So I got this interesting email today with a request to fill out a survey, so I click on it and the title is ARhandgun :eek: Filled it out, needless to say my answers weren't very nice, but I did give my contact info to help them in development of whatever it is.

I hit the survey. I was honest. :D

05-18-10, 22:37
I got this one too.

Where it asked what I would expect from Bushmaster if they were to produce a handgun... I must have laughed for a good minute. Hell I try to shoot close to 500rnds in a week... Crazy.

I got it as well. Answers were accurate.

05-19-10, 01:10
I could have 500 rounds in the time it took to fill out the survey.

I have a DPMS lower that I use. They seem to support 3-gun.

I mentioned the new rail height on the ar10 platform that doesn't match the standard. Read about that over on the Hide.

DPMS/Shrubmaster, if you are listening, just make an AR10 compatible upper in 12ga. Ties in with your three gun work and who in the heck needs another plastic pistol?