View Full Version : Arizona to L.A.: Like candlelight?

05-19-10, 12:12
Thought this was interesting...Arizona Corporation Commissioner tells LA that if they don't lift their ban on AZ, he'll cut off their power! If I had an Arizona flag, I'd fly it at my house. :D


05-19-10, 12:14
CA is too dumb to realize boycotts work both ways, and CA is much more dependent on AZ than vice versa.

05-19-10, 12:24
AZ is playing hardball. Love it

Not sure how the agricultural response back from CA would work … but those are not government/PUCs …

::insert that popcorn icon here::

05-19-10, 12:27
Maybe we could have them divert the power and water we send from Hoover Dam to CA as well :D

05-19-10, 12:28
I can't believe all of the dumb shit happening as a result of this very noble and necessary effort. Seriously, anybody who is against the new state law needs to be deported themselves due to the fact that they may infect others with their unfathomable idealogical stupidity.

05-19-10, 16:10
I don't get why LA or California is protesting Arizona. 17.9 billion dollar state budget deficit, no jobs...hmm the first thing i would be doing is passing the same law as Arizona. Like a light switch, there would be jobs.

05-19-10, 16:40
LA spokesman David Beltran: "We're not going to respond to threats from a state which has isolated itself from the America that values freedom, liberty and basic human rights,"


All the Arizona law does is require AZ LEAs to enforce American (i.e. Federal) laws.

05-19-10, 16:41
Arizona should do it. I would gladly run off a generator, sterno and propane for awhile just so these idiot mayors get the point. Morons.

05-19-10, 16:43
I don't get why LA or California is protesting Arizona.


05-19-10, 17:26
Wow, I'm really starting to like Arizona. :)

05-19-10, 17:34
Looks Irish to me, but still not sure...


05-19-10, 17:34
I moved to AZ. back in 2003 from Los Angeles and could not be happier. The prevailing attitude here is who cares what Ca. thinks or does. Ever since San Diego banned AZ. we have been asked to take our business elsewhere.

All because of a senate bill regarding ILLEGAL IMIGRATION. Go figure.


Dragon Slayer
05-19-10, 17:51
The Liberal retards from Seattle rapidly followed the Californicators in boycotting Arizona. But it did not pass in Tacoma.:rolleyes:

The slime ball president of Mexico also criticized Arizona, I wonder why nobody asked him about the draconian laws Mexico has for anybody caught as an illegal in their country.:rolleyes::mad:

This country with this screwed up world is going to hell in a hand basket.:rolleyes:

BTW I could translate this post to Spanish just press one.:rolleyes:

05-19-10, 18:07
The Seattle decision is very selective, a local radio show was detailing the other day that certain areas are exempted from the boycott, namely areas of business that Seattle makes money from.


05-19-10, 18:11
:D That is awesome.

05-19-10, 18:25
Thought this was interesting...Arizona Corporation Commissioner tells LA that if they don't lift their ban on AZ, he'll cut off their power! If I had an Arizona flag, I'd fly it at my house. :D


I just saw that on Fox News. AZ should do it, as well as cut off any water flowing in that direction.:)

05-19-10, 18:44
The slime ball president of Mexico also criticized Arizona, I wonder why nobody asked him about the draconian laws Mexico has for anybody caught as an illegal in their country.:rolleyes::mad:

With the sh*tstorm going on in his country, he's got a lotta balls criticizing anyone.

05-19-10, 18:55
The slime ball president of Mexico also criticized Arizona, I wonder why nobody asked him about the draconian laws Mexico has for anybody caught as an illegal in their country.:rolleyes::mad:

You should see the bs I have to go through to be able to work in mex, much less the fines for me and the particular plant I would be visiting if I did not have a work permit.

friggin double standard is insane...

05-19-10, 19:09
With the sh*tstorm going on in his country, he's got a lotta balls criticizing anyone.

No shit, what the $&*@ is he thinking? Douchebag...

I hope (no, I pray) that AZ cuts power to LA and gives them the big middle finger! I'll be in AZ all next week and I'm going to spend money (company money) like crazy!

05-19-10, 19:17
Arizona's hired Snake to take care of business.


05-19-10, 19:18
With the sh*tstorm going on in his country, he's got a lotta balls criticizing anyone.

don't count our potus out in the ball dept...here's a quote for ya:

"We're examining any implications especially for civil rights because in the United States of America, no law abiding person -- be they an American citizen, illegal immigrant, or a visitor or tourist from Mexico -- should ever be subject to suspicion simply because of what they look like." Barack Obama with President Calderon today on Arizona illegal immigrant law.


05-19-10, 19:18
Wow, I'm really starting to like Arizona. :)

Me, too.

05-19-10, 19:20
don't count our potus out in the ball dept...here's a quote for ya:

"We're examining any implications especially for civil rights because in the United States of America, no law abiding person -- be they an American citizen, illegal immigrant, or a visitor or tourist from Mexico -- should ever be subject to suspicion simply because of what they look like." Barack Obama with President Calderon today on Arizona illegal immigrant law.


That right there shows how clueless Obama, this administration and Congress is. They are so far out of touch they don't even realize it.

This quote comes to mind; "where are we going and why am I in this handbasket".

05-19-10, 21:07
Thought this was interesting...Arizona Corporation Commissioner tells LA that if they don't lift their ban on AZ, he'll cut off their power! If I had an Arizona flag, I'd fly it at my house. :D

Amen to that! I think I need to visit SCOTTSDALE and FLAGSTAFF this year... :D

05-19-10, 21:19
According to Fox news, California is 40% invested in the AZ utilities and there is no way they could turn out the lights. Too bad if it's true. Cut them shitz off IMO.

05-19-10, 21:59
I say do it, I am very proud to have family that live in Arizona. I also am proud of family still in L.A. who support Arizona. Beltran sounds like a real TOOL. He clearly has no idea that a solution to the state and L.A. area problems is right in front of him.Idiots, glad I moved to the Pac. NW.

05-20-10, 00:22
I think AZ should say

"Your electric bill is going to necessarily skyrocket !"
(words of obama)

then start charging them 10x to make up for the boycott :) and to cover the drain of illegals here in the state !!!

05-20-10, 00:32
Good for the corporation commissioner. Hopefully the idiots in LA-la-land will realize that everything has consequences, and stupid boycotts of laws that are less severe than their own will result in penalties on both sides.

Alex V
05-20-10, 09:34
The slime ball president of Mexico also criticized Arizona, I wonder why nobody asked him about the draconian laws Mexico has for anybody caught as an illegal in their country.:rolleyes::mad:

Think about it... if Mexicans stop crossing the border illegaly, getting paid in USD then bringing them back to Mexico and spending them, how long will Mexico's economy take to collapse? There must be a billion USD in Mexico brought over by illegals who work in the US.

There is no way the Pres of Mexico is going to admit that his country's shitty ass economy is largly based on illegaly earned money comming in via criminal trasspassing on a national scale.

I honestly believe the US border should be like the Soviet border once was... barbed wire, mine fields, sniper towers and partols with dogs.

In 2005 or so I was in Architecture school and our assignment for the semester was a US/Mexico border crossing station. I went home and scetched a sniper tower with a barbed wire fence and illegals trying to tip toe across a mine field... Mostly as a goof because we had a specific design program, area, rooms that they needed and so on. But when I showed it to my prof, once again, as a goof, I was asked to go speak to the student advisor and told I was insensative. I laughed in the advisor's face... Still got a B in that design Studio lol.

05-20-10, 11:34
I think this is just absolutely great. I'm seriously considering moving to AZ. Here's my question though, Do you think AZ is going to stick to it's guns or are they eventually going to be forced to reverse the decision under some immense outside pressure that may or may not be headed their way? Don't take that the wrong way, I'm all for AZ. It's about time a group of people stood up in this country and did something that needed to be done.

What are some things we can do to help out AZ? I saw the thread about the different gun-related manf. that are based there. What else can we do in addition to that?

05-20-10, 12:15
There is no way the Pres of Mexico is going to admit that his country's shitty ass economy is largly based on illegaly earned money comming in via criminal trasspassing on a national scale.
He should be arrested for presiding over an international criminal enterprise.

05-20-10, 13:12
Wow, I'm really starting to like Arizona. :)

Yep, Arizona rocks. It's gotta be pissing off the commies big time. Almost becoming a rebel state! hehe

05-20-10, 13:16
Think about it... if Mexicans stop crossing the border illegaly, getting paid in USD then bringing them back to Mexico and spending them, how long will Mexico's economy take to collapse? There must be a billion USD in Mexico brought over by illegals who work in the US.

There is no way the Pres of Mexico is going to admit that his country's shitty ass economy is largly based on illegaly earned money comming in via criminal trasspassing on a national scale.

I honestly believe the US border should be like the Soviet border once was... barbed wire, mine fields, sniper towers and partols with dogs.

In 2005 or so I was in Architecture school and our assignment for the semester was a US/Mexico border crossing station. I went home and scetched a sniper tower with a barbed wire fence and illegals trying to tip toe across a mine field... Mostly as a goof because we had a specific design program, area, rooms that they needed and so on. But when I showed it to my prof, once again, as a goof, I was asked to go speak to the student advisor and told I was insensative. I laughed in the advisor's face... Still got a B in that design Studio lol.

Amen to that. They're an invading horde and should be treated as such. Gee should we let everyone from the planet come here just because they want to? Say 25% of the world's population came here to live - 1.5 BILLION people - simply impossible. The borders MUST be secured and hardened by whatever force is necessary or we'll be destroyed by this.

05-20-10, 14:23
I'd love to see AZ cut the power off... :D

05-20-10, 16:39
I'm proud of my state. But I still know a lot of libtards here. Hopefully they'll start to leave if we continue doing things in this (correct) manner.

Go AZ!

05-20-10, 17:03
Poll on Fox: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/05/17/decidearizona-official-threatens-pull-plug-la/

05-20-10, 17:12
Poll on Fox: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/05/17/decidearizona-official-threatens-pull-plug-la/


Thank you for voting!
Yes. Arizona exercised a state's right to protect its citizens -- L.A.'s way off-base, and this sends the message loud and clear. 93.1% (315,436 votes)
No. Arizona is now as over-the-top as L.A. -- let's grow up, people. 3.5% (11,872 votes)
Not sure, but it's an interesting response -- let's see what happens. 2.9% (9,703 votes)
Other (post a comment) 0.5% (1,715 votes)
Total Votes: 338,726

Funny poll results!
