View Full Version : KS - Man shoots 10yr old daughter while cleaning gun

Bubba FAL
05-22-10, 01:37
This happened Wednesday and made the local TV and radio news here in SW MO.

A SE Kansas man accidentally shot his 10yr old daughter in the leg when he was taking his handgun apart to clean it and it "went off".

OK, if his story is true, just what level of stupid does this require? Most pistols require slide manipulation to field strip (CZ52 is one exception) and, if I recall correctly, the first step of cleaning any firearm is not "point muzzle at child and pull trigger". (I also recall a rule something along the line of "keep your booger hook off the happy button unless you intend to fire.") So WTF?

For cryin' out loud, how difficult is it to remember - drop the mag, pull slide to rear, lock open, inspect chamber? (And no, you don't inspect the chamber by looking down thru the muzzle!)

For once, I wish people involved in such ND incidents would just "man-up" and confess that they were really screwing around with a loaded gun and shot someone through their own negligence.

Fortunately, the girl survived and is expected to recover from her wound.

Sorry for the rant, but stupid shit like this pisses me off...especially when someone else suffers because of it.

05-22-10, 02:00
Possibly pulling the trigger on a Glock for disassembly? Could just have easily been any pistol mixed with stupidity.

I actually live in SEK about 1.5 hrs from Joplin. I hadn't heard about this, I usually watch all Tulsa news. What city or county did it occur in?

Bubba FAL
05-23-10, 22:39
It was in Arma, just North of Pittsburg. Here's a link to the story...


05-23-10, 22:47
While I agree there is no way the gun "accidentally went off" I have seen enough dumbassess with guns to accept the fact that he "accidentally shot" his daughter.

Just as retards are careless in traffic, some are careless with a gun in their hand.

Not everyone has received suitable training, of the ones who did not all of them got the message and even a few of those who did still thought they were being "safe enough" when in fact they were not.

Keep in mind half of this country elected Obama. Plenty of them are gun owners.

05-24-10, 00:33
Hate to say it, but things like this happen all the time. My wife's brother shot his Ruger P89 off i his house last year. Almost hit the T.V. and it went into the kids room. Thank god the kids was at grand ma's house that weekend.

Top it off, he still plays with guns in the home. Then at the last gun show he showed up at and put a laser on my wife's face trying to let her know he found us.

He gets so mad at me for not wanting to go shooting with him...

05-24-10, 00:35
it took actually putting one through the TV when i was much, much younger to finally realize you don't "play" with your guns.

Rightful Liberty
05-24-10, 00:47
4 safety rules

05-24-10, 00:52
I do understand things do happen, but that one time can mean it all!

05-24-10, 02:23
I have stressed the safety issue with my kids to no end. So far so good, knock on wood and all that. I have not had an AD/ND but I did have one surprise.

Back from the range, putting everything away, setting aside weapons for cleaning and getting cleaning stuff together. Routine procedure, take my Walther P-38 out, remove the mag (it was empty) retract the slide and out pops a 9mm. :eek:

I ALWAYS and religiously clear every weapon at the range before putting them away and leaving. For the life of me and to this day I have no idea how I allowed this to happen. I was shocked to say the least, I couldn't believe HOW this happened.

05-24-10, 05:39
Possibly pulling the trigger on a Glock for disassembly? Could just have easily been any pistol mixed with stupidity.

I actually live in SEK about 1.5 hrs from Joplin. I hadn't heard about this, I usually watch all Tulsa news. What city or county did it occur in?

I am near the Springfield area and have not heard of this either.

As for the glock, heck, even I check mine every time I pick it up to see if its clear, especially when its cleaning time as many of you know, it requires you to pull the trigger.

But in all honesty I'm not surprised. The level of stupidity around here is rampant. Bunch of hill billies if I ever saw them, and I'm from Texas! :rolleyes: Most of the morons here don't even know how to drive, thinking stop signs mean barely slow down, and the speed limit is the speed minimum. They enjoy walking behind your vehicle as your backing up as well - where they got the notion that the couple thousand pound vehicle is going to stop on a dime for them I don't know... most people with common sense would see the moving vehicle and wait for it to pass. / end rant-examples here

Alex V
05-24-10, 08:41
Clearly someone who should never be allowed to own a firearm playing aroung with it and someone getting hurt... I doubt he was cleaning anything...

05-24-10, 12:55
On another note, This happenned to my dad and brother.

My dad came home early from work and decided he was gonna go deer hunting. This was about 15 years ago by the way. His gun was off at the gunsmith's getting some work done. He grabs my older brother's Winchester M70, and sat it down on the counter in the kitchen. He is not used to a Winchester safety, since he has a Remington 700. He never checked the action to clear it, since he had taught all of us since a young age, and had enforced this rule heavily, you always unload your gun before you get to the truck, and NEVER EVER put a loaded deer rifle in the gun closet.

Those were his rules set in stone. He expected us to live by them, and woe be the person who did not obey them. Meanwhile, he moved the safety to what he thought was "off", and since he knew my brother would not leave a gun loaded, he never checked the action, and pulled the trigger to see if the safety was off. I was upstairs and heard "BOOM"!!!!!!!! It freaked everyone in the house out, understandably so. No warning, just a loud freakin bang in the house. My mom was ready to kill him, and my dad was ready to kill my brother. Good thing for my older brother, he was gone to the local community college and was in class, cause the bullet went through a metal door that led to the sunroom, where he always studied at. If he had been sitting there, he would have been killed.

My dad learned a hard lesson that day, although it could have been more costly. After that, we had to check our guns in and out with my dad, and he had to inspect the actions to make sure they were unloaded. We all learned a lesson that day, and it sure reinforced gun safety to me pretty strong.

05-24-10, 12:58
"Just went off.", "Went off while cleaning." = Dumb ass with Firearm.

It's a cop out.

Someone was screwing around with a weapon they didn't either clear because they didn't know how to or just didn't know better.

05-24-10, 14:21
"Just went off.", "Went off while cleaning." = Dumb ass with Firearm.

It's a cop out.

Someone was screwing around with a weapon they didn't either clear because they didn't know how to or just didn't know better.

Somehow inanimate objects move on their own, without rhyme or reason. :confused: Much easier to believe than the fact that some people are stupid.

05-24-10, 14:37
it took actually putting one through the TV when i was much, much younger to finally realize you don't "play" with your guns.

my dad racked the slide on an officers several times to clear, only to shoot his stove practicing weak hand...he now does a visual.

it shook him up so bad, i now have it...my current favorite carry rig.

05-24-10, 18:56
Possibly pulling the trigger on a Glock for disassembly? Could just have easily been any pistol mixed with stupidity.

I actually live in SEK about 1.5 hrs from Joplin. I hadn't heard about this, I usually watch all Tulsa news. What city or county did it occur in?

Maybe so; however I believe all glocks have a round in chamber indicator. also when you pull the trigger for disassembly common sense says to point in a safe direction.

05-24-10, 22:39
Stupid, but it happens.

Guy shot and killed his daughter after a range trip. She was a cop he was ex-cop. Couldn't take her pistol down, asked him to try. Neither of them checked the chamber. She's dead.

05-25-10, 05:58
Stupid, but it happens.

Guy shot and killed his daughter after a range trip. She was a cop he was ex-cop. Couldn't take her pistol down, asked him to try. Neither of them checked the chamber. She's dead.

Still does not explain why you would be pointing a firearm at someone, even when trying to clean, and especially when pulling the trigger, even if you just cleared it. :confused:

05-25-10, 06:04
it took actually putting one through the TV when i was much, much younger to finally realize you don't "play" with your guns.

Mine was a 12 gauge in a hunting cabin when I was 18. Fortunately the only thing affected was my hearing and pride. Since then I triple check before finger-****ing a firearm.

05-25-10, 16:21
Learned that lesson the hard way too bkb when I was 15. Was taking apart my pop's 1911 in the house after shooting and it went off. Bad thing about was that it didn't go through a T.V., it went through my left hand. 20 years later I still have problems with finger dexterity but it taught me one hell of a lesson. Makes me cringe wondering what a hollow point would have done to my hand. The FMJ did enough on its own.

it took actually putting one through the TV when i was much, much younger to finally realize you don't "play" with your guns.