View Full Version : God is in His heaven, and all is right with the world

05-22-10, 13:53
I have successfully whined, sniveled and begged my way back to Afghanistan. My third tour there, my sixth tour overseas since 9/11 and my eighth tour since my 18th birthday, nearly 30 years ago.

God bless America.

I have been bitchy as hell the last 4 months, all cooped up in Iraq. Tied down to the FOB-ish. Can't wait to GTFO of here and get back to work for reals....

05-22-10, 13:57
Thank you for your service and stay safe over there.

05-22-10, 14:52
I have successfully whined, sniveled and begged my way back to Afghanistan. My third tour there, my sixth tour overseas since 9/11 and my eighth tour since my 18th birthday, nearly 30 years ago.

God bless America.

I have been bitchy as hell the last 4 months, all cooped up in Iraq. Tied down to the FOB-ish. Can't wait to GTFO of here and get back to work for reals....

Some people are soldiers, some are warriors and a rare few are both.

I hope you go to the heart of danger, do tremendous good and depart without so much as a scratch.

05-22-10, 15:03
Good job. Now stay very safe and shoot very straight.

05-22-10, 15:10
Keep your powder dry and your blades sharp.

05-22-10, 16:21
I thank you, whole heartly for my family. Our safety and freedoms are owed to Men such as you.

Vaya Con Dios

05-22-10, 17:17
Keep on rollin 120mm! Make it right!

05-22-10, 17:27
We are in your debt amigo...thanks for doing what you do!!

God bless & get home safe.

05-22-10, 17:52
Congratulations on getting back to where you need to be. Stay safe, and give 'em hell.

Hail Thor-show thy might,
Let thunder roar and lightning strike!
Hurl thy hammer into the fray,
And let thine enemies know fear this day!

05-22-10, 18:07
Thank you for your service. Stay safe.

05-22-10, 20:16
Good on you bro, stay safe.

05-22-10, 20:58
I thank you, whole heartly for my family. Our safety and freedoms are owed to Men such as you.

Vaya Con Dios


May your enemies quiver in your presence!


05-22-10, 21:08

May your enemies quiver in your presence!


And in the process, stick their heads out. ;) Stay safe!

05-22-10, 21:26
Be safe and Out-****ing-standing !!!!Never Quit 120MM
I let a Medical rob me of going, I pushed so hard At FT KNOX in training I broke Myself ,Now I could Kick Myself in the Ass .Keep Rolling and so them what the finest Soldiers in the world can Do !!:D God I miss My M1

05-22-10, 23:02
May your enemies fear your name, and may your fellow soldiers call you brother.

Thank you for protecting my children, at risk to yourself.

05-22-10, 23:27
God speed and as always, remember to duck

05-22-10, 23:57
Like others have said, thank you for your service and stay safe out there. Oh yea and give 'em hell.

05-23-10, 00:13
Good luck and God bless you.

05-23-10, 00:21
God bless you Sir.

Stay safe,

Iraq Ninja
05-23-10, 00:39
I have been bitchy as hell the last 4 months, all cooped up in Iraq. Tied down to the FOB-ish. Can't wait to GTFO of here and get back to work for reals....

I can't imagine being stuck on a FOB. It is bad enough having to suffer the poor food, let alone spend all your time locked up here.

I am lucky to be able to get out on the roads just about every day. Hell, we average more time outside the wire than most soldiers do these days in Iraq.

I will probably end up in Astan next year. I have only done one "tour" but it has been six years long...lol.

05-23-10, 16:53
Me, and mine thank you for your service sir.

Give 'em hell.

05-25-10, 07:59
Good luck and thank you.

05-25-10, 11:31
Thank you

D. Christopher
05-25-10, 12:12

I hope your tour goes well, and that you and all your comrades come home safe and sound. Thanks so much for all you do, and all you have done. We'll be thinking of you and the sacrifices you make to keep us all free. All the best.



05-25-10, 20:56

Then come back safe.

05-25-10, 21:26
good luck, bro. My friend just landed there. He is a navy rotorhead and ended up being assigned a "detainee advocate" role.

05-28-10, 13:42
God bless and watch your six. And thanks from me and mine.