View Full Version : IN - Pizza delivery guy gets in gun fight.

05-22-10, 14:24

INDIANAPOLIS -- Two would-be robbers and a pizza delivery driver exchanged gunfire early Thursday morning after the men tried to rob the worker, police said.

The incident happened at about 12:30 a.m. in the 2000 block of Bosart Avenue.

Indianapolis police said a driver for Aunt Polly's Pizza was met by two men on the front porch who demanded money and food.

One of the men fired a shot at the driver, but missed. The driver also had a gun and fired back.

Indianapolis police said they don't think either suspect was struck, but the men haven't been found.

The owner of the pizza shop said that he started having all his drivers carry guns while on deliveries about two years ago.

A sign that reads, "Warning, We Don't Dial 911" is posted inside the business. :D

"It's a visual deterrent. Sometimes people are armed, sometimes they're not. You just never know what you are going to run into," said owner Darrell Kreitzer. "If you want to run in here and try something stupid, you don't know what you're going to get."

The delivery driver had a valid permit to carry the handgun, police said.

Sgt. Linda Jackson said the incident is a good reminder for people to be aware of their surroundings, no matter if they're armed or not.

"If you are walking up on a porch and it's dark, and you see people sitting there in the dark, it might be a good time to turn around, go back to your car, and drive away," she said.

Police asked anyone with information to call Crime Stoppers at 317-262-TIPS.

05-22-10, 14:26
I love Indiana. I really do.

05-22-10, 15:18
"If you are walking up on a porch and it's dark, and you see people sitting there in the dark, it might be a good time to turn around, go back to your car, and drive away," she said.

Okay I really don't understand that statement from the police officer. The guy was delivering a pizza. It's his job to walk up to the people. I used to deliver pizza, you don't always get to deliver in the nice neighborhoods. Most of the time you are delivering to the scum of the world. You can't just turn around and go back because the people that ordered the pizza are sitting on their porch in the dark.

05-22-10, 16:23
I live in the commuinist hell hole that is Illinois. My brother had the good sense to flee to Indiana. I wish I went with him. I would order pizza from that restaurant every week if I could. What an excellent employer.

In IL pizza delivery drivers, cab drivers, etc are required to be unarmed, and usually dead, victims.

05-22-10, 16:49

05-22-10, 17:40
Little known fact about my home state, its home of this place http://www.navsea.navy.mil/nswc/crane/default.aspx

where SF Navy and MC armorers get training.

Our state is very gun friendly, yet its odd Paul Helmke was mayor of my town for a decade. He must have hated it considering the size our gun shows used to be.

Left Sig
05-22-10, 19:22
I love Indiana. I really do.

Same here. Lifetime carry permit. Next best thing to no permits needed at all.

05-22-10, 22:53
Pizza delivery is a dangerous job. Shortly after starting work delivering I saw this video (story starts at 1:00) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y44CdrBsfs&feature=PlayList&p=56299F4C8A1372BB&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=22

Even though it was against company policy, I decided to carried a full size Beretta PX4 .40 and Fox OC spray on my deliveries. It was winter and I pocket carried in my coat. I carried the Beretta because having a safety made me feel better about pocket carrying. IWB was out of the question because of tucked shirts. I tried pocket carrying with my Glock 26 but felt uneasy with it so I stuck with the Beretta. I delivered with pizza in one hand and other hand on my oc spray. In bad areas at night it was pizza in one hand and other hand on my Beretta.

One guy I worked with got robbed by someone that said he had a gun but never displayed it. Smart thief.

An apartment across the street that we delivered to I made my first delivery to that apartment one night. I walked down the hallways and corridors thinking this place would be a nightmare if a fire broke out. I had just gotten out of the Air Force and part of my job was ensuring facilities were brought up to fire code. I found out later this apartment was old enough that it was exempt from modern fire codes. I had pizza in one hand and other hand on my gun because the place creeped me out. Nothing happened but about 3hrs after my delivery 2 guys poured gasoline in the stairwells and down the hallways then lit the place on fire. It was one of the worst fires in Colorado Springs history. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAiD3P9i8N4

Anyways pizza delivery was a very enjoyable job. Too bad delievery drivers don't get paid more. For me atleast at the time it made ends meet for awhile. The owner of Aunt Polly's Pizza is one of the good guys. His policy gives delivery drivers the basic right to defend themselves. Alot of good quotes in that article. Atleast my boss told us if we felt like something was going to happen to get out of there no questions asked. Around that time one of the Dairy Queens across town was robbed and employees were rounded up and locked in the freezer. Needless to say working there my situational awareness was peaked.

Preferred User
05-23-10, 11:36
Our state is very gun friendly, yet its odd Paul Helmke was mayor of my town for a decade. He must have hated it considering the size our gun shows used to be.Not sure how old you are or how long you lived in the Fort, but Helmke is a shill working for the highest bidder. It has nothing to do with his actual beliefs.

BTW not sure how much you keep up with the old haunts, did you hear about Souder?

05-23-10, 16:32
I remember the Pizza Hut driver that shot and killed one of his robbers after 3 or 4 guys jumped, beat, robbed him, and then started chasing him when he was trying to get away. That was about a year ago.

05-23-10, 17:13
good on that small business owner.

05-23-10, 21:16
Not sure how old you are or how long you lived in the Fort, but Helmke is a shill working for the highest bidder. It has nothing to do with his actual beliefs.

BTW not sure how much you keep up with the old haunts, did you hear about Souder?

Souder is a Putz. I have never trusted nor voted for him. The only thing he had going for him is that he is pro gun.

Preferred User
05-23-10, 23:47
Souder is a Putz. I have never trusted nor voted for him. The only thing he had going for him is that he is pro gun.

It was all about term limits and change until he got elected and got comfortable, then he had to stay a while. I don't live in the Hoosier State anymore, but my folks keep me up to date. Souder didn't even get caught in DC. He got caught by a DNR officer in the State Park in Huntington. Talk about bringing your work home. And I guess Bob Thomas is pretty steamed after dumping a ton of his own money to oppose Souder.

05-24-10, 00:23
delivering pizza is the first time i ever really considered carrying a gun. of course i live in NY at the time, so it wasn't a realistic option :rolleyes: