View Full Version : Am I crazy? sling issue

05-23-10, 13:59
Okay long story short. I ordered a CSM sling for my SCAR last week. I ordered it from Brownells in coyote tan. Turns out CSM told me they dont make their single point slings in coyote tan, only a speical one off if I wanted one in tan. They one O got was labeled "coyote" but I was told by CSM it was khaki. Which would be fine but against my SCAR in sun light it looked lime green. Im not one for "It all must match!" but this was jut fugly as all hell. So CSM offered to make me a "one off" in coyte but never followed up on it. So heres what I did, I took my Troy two point sling off my SCAR (brown/tan) and cut up my brand new CSM sling and made one single point sling that works and is a good color. I just used parts off each to make one I liked. Its basically the same as the CSM sling but they troy sling uses metal parts and now I have a buskle to hlep fast removes. Anyway my Wife said I was stupid for doing it but damn its a nice sling now....

05-23-10, 14:02
yes...without pics you are crazy!

05-23-10, 14:08
Damn, trying to follow that made my head hurt.

Post pics. Im interested to see what you created...

05-23-10, 15:28
Personally I think we all put way to much stock in assuming that just because something is made by someone else, that we ourselves can't do a similarly good job DIYing something to fit our needs. I say this about modern humans in general...

I'd say if the sling can stand up the stress you want to apply to it, and it suits your needs, right on! Way to be creative!

05-23-10, 20:37
Okay so here it is, almost done. I dropping it off at grandmas house tonight for some sewing. Its basically the same concept as the CSM sling but with all due respect I think this is what it should have been. Bungee is on the front and one side only, release buckle above bungee. Another thing I did different than CSM is the mash hook on mine is not sewn in and can be replaced with any type of sling attachment. Im having grandma sew the end on the non bungee side to the clasp and the other end for a nice folded over no fray loop. Also having her sew the Troy patch on in the same place as it is in the picture. It fits me and works very well on my SCAR so Im happy with it (and color matches too). Im gonna make an extension for it also that goes between the buckle for winter use with a jacket...