View Full Version : DIY Camo Gun Dipping Kit

05-27-10, 10:44
Here is a neat new product for the DIY gunsmith and camo lover - www.camodipkit.com - it is a hydro printing kit, just like the big companies use to camo their parts, just in a smaller at-home kit.

05-28-10, 11:44
5 posts and now you bring us this wonderful new product? Do I smell free covert advertising? :rolleyes:

05-28-10, 11:51
It doesn't appear that DandD works for that company and maybe he's just trying to be helpful but it looks fishy.

05-28-10, 12:35
Special thanks to Jer for pointing this out:

Since the thread was closed I can't post this but here's pretty solid proof this guy is spaming: http://www.google.com/search?q=DIY+Camo+Gun+Dipping+Kit&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

Same thread title & body in several forums posted about the same time. I would ban him and check his IP for other users created. Just trying to help out since I'm staff on some other forums.

DandD is now banned for spamming.