View Full Version : "Because I prepared myself so thoroughly, I was able to survive."

05-31-10, 01:43
i'm sure this guy is a legend, but i'd never heard of him. nuckin futs.


05-31-10, 02:53
The youtube comments are pricelessly stupid.

Interesting fellow. I think if it had been me, I would've relocated my shop after the second shootout, but I'm sure he had his reasons for staying as long as he did.

There is some good, hard wisdom there about what you're forced to gamble in those kinds of life-or-death situations and how it's important to decide ahead of time how you want to deal with them. It sounds like in at least one of those shootouts, that preplanned resolve allowed him to catch his assailant(s) off-guard.

On a related note, words can't express how frustrated/saddened I am to hear that the local gangs decided that constantly attacking a watch repairman who doesn't bother anybody was a priority. That's just profoundly subhuman to me.

05-31-10, 08:41
This guy is a real gunfighter.

Two things struck me as amazing although they shouldn't anymore, I suppose. One was the reporter asking, "But if you hadn't pulled your gun, maybe you wouldn't have been shot?" His answer is perfect. "But then it would have been his choice, not mine.". That's the thing that those against the legal carry of guns just don't understand. You can't let the scumbags be the ones dictating the terms of your life and whether you get to keep it or not. They couldn't care less about your life.

The second was that even though this guy has been through four gunfights and has survived potentially life-threatening injuries as a result, people have still called him paranoid for being so well-armed and prepared. The truth is, most if not all of us whom have taken significant steps to train ourselves in the defensive use of firearms would be viewed by the majority of the population as paranoid. The fact of the matter is that the world is full of bad people who live to do harm to the law-abiding populace and people should do what this guy did. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

The most I can hope for is that, should the unthinkable ever happen, I could be half as cool under stress as this guy!

05-31-10, 09:10
That was an amazing interview - thanks!

05-31-10, 09:16
I remember his story for some time back. Incredible, even for a switched-on guy like that.

05-31-10, 09:52
I think this guy was one of the featured inthe Ayoob Files. Kudos for his unwillingness to be a victim.

I think this guy is Mega Force!!

One a side note, Skyyr - why did you copy my avatar? ;)

05-31-10, 10:04
This guy is a real gunfighter.

Two things struck me as amazing although they shouldn't anymore, I suppose. One was the reporter asking, "But if you hadn't pulled your gun, maybe you wouldn't have been shot?" His answer is perfect. "But then it would have been his choice, not mine.". That's the thing that those against the legal carry of guns just don't understand. You can't let the scumbags be the ones dictating the terms of your life and whether you get to keep it or not. They couldn't care less about your life.

The second was that even though this guy has been through four gunfights and has survived potentially life-threatening injuries as a result, people have still called him paranoid for being so well-armed and prepared. The truth is, most if not all of us whom have taken significant steps to train ourselves in the defensive use of firearms would be viewed by the majority of the population as paranoid. The fact of the matter is that the world is full of bad people who live to do harm to the law-abiding populace and people should do what this guy did. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

The most I can hope for is that, should the unthinkable ever happen, I could be half as cool under stress as this guy!

Some people would rather watch their entire families get murdered than pick up a gun, and use it. Not everyone has protection and self defense genes I guess. Some people are all flight with little to no fight in them, and if they cant "flight" they prepare themselves to die.

05-31-10, 10:48
That was an extremely interesting interview.

05-31-10, 11:01
some wild stuff right there. he did well.

05-31-10, 11:53
His promoting proper training and mindset was the best part of it besides the 5 dead scum bags. His mindset of not being at someone else's mercy is a powerful one.

05-31-10, 12:05
and that's always been my reasoning, and my argument, as well. i might have even gotten it from watching this interview as a kid or something.. or maybe it's just so true that it's universally obvious- but that's the fatal flaw with the liberal's "just give them what they want- nothings worth dying over!" you often die anyway.

not only that, but in a free society (which America is supposed to be, in case you didn't know) no man can have the power of life or limb over a peaceful citizen. to try to take that liberty from a man, if even for a moment.... i think that is worth dying for. it's sure as shit worth killing for.

05-31-10, 14:06
and that's always been my reasoning, and my argument, as well. i might have even gotten it from watching this interview as a kid or something.. or maybe it's just so true that it's universally obvious- but that's the fatal flaw with the liberal's "just give them what they want- nothings worth dying over!" you often die anyway.

not only does an innocent upstanding person die, but a scumbag is free to victimize others.

05-31-10, 15:22
I look up to people like this. Lots of fight in him.

05-31-10, 15:44
I'm glad he stressed training.

05-31-10, 16:03
yeah Lance Thomas! I had posted a link to that video in here some time ago, related to another topic we were discussing in here, but nobody really commented on the video..maybe no one realized there was a link in the post

But yeah, Lance Thomas is a legend, and was a legend in Southern CA back then, and he should still be a legend to every concerned citizen that is interested in defending his/her rights in the face of parasites and thugs that would kill you for what you have. But he is one cool bad ass, that, like he said, refuses to put his life in the hands of a criminal. To quote him: "There's no negotiation, my life is too precious for that".

I also think that this story stresses that fancy tacticool gear and training are never substitutes for mental and physical preparation for the fight, and a warrior's attitude when it does come.

05-31-10, 16:23
I also think that this story stresses that fancy tacticool gear and training are never substitutes for mental and physical preparation for the fight, and a warrior's attitude when it does come.

Gear, I agree with. Training, I disagree. Training is in there with the physical preparation and I feel like he stresses that in the interview. I think he felt he was lucky in the first shootout and he then took it upon himself to train to a level that allowed him to prevail in the three subsequent fights. That is obviously coupled with a strong warrior mindset and a refusal to be a victim for this man.

05-31-10, 16:58
I saw that guy interviewed about 10 years ago.

That is a real gunfighter. Not sure if the video covered it, but after shooting a couple gang banger types he was specifically targeted for execution by the gang. They made a couple more attempts, he killed some more gang bangers and that was pretty much the end of that.

Pretty said when a guy who just wants to sell watches for a living is forced to become a gunfighter simply to live. Maybe if California took out the trash it wouldn't be so necessary.

5 years for armed robbery is a ****ing joke.

06-01-10, 00:01
Gear, I agree with. Training, I disagree. Training is in there with the physical preparation and I feel like he stresses that in the interview. I think he felt he was lucky in the first shootout and he then took it upon himself to train to a level that allowed him to prevail in the three subsequent fights. That is obviously coupled with a strong warrior mindset and a refusal to be a victim for this man.

I don't disagree. I was trying however to make the point that preparing your body and mind to be strong by sober and calculated preparation is not necessarily satisfied by having tactical training that in fact may give you a false sense of security if you aren't mentally and physically fit and prepared for the fight.

Lance Thomas prepared himself, yes I guess you can say trained himself, in a very deliberate and sober manner, for a killing fight, both mentally and physically, and he prevailed, despite no tactical training.

But, don't misunderstand me, I am not disparaging good quality training. I'm just saying that in a situation of extremes and no clear avenue of escape, a warrior's mindset coupled with average skill may serve an individual better than a pusillanimous mindset coupled with an exposure to many training courses. :)

And sure luck was involved. As they say, "It is better to be lucky then good". But I guess it is also said that "Luck favors the brave"..or "Luck favors the prepared"...etc.

06-11-10, 14:05
I also think that this story stresses that fancy tacticool gear and training are never substitutes for mental and physical preparation for the fight, and a warrior's attitude when it does come.

Lance gets it. Most people never understand the Warrior's mindset. It takes some time for an individual to change their mindset set from the "Hippie peace loving norm" to one where you are willing to do what ever it takes to protect yourself and the people important to you. Who wants to depend on mercy when staring at the business end of a weapon. I'd rather be prepared to fight and worry about flight if the opportunity presents.

06-11-10, 15:06
Lance gets it. Most people never understand the Warrior's mindset. It takes some time for an individual to change their mindset set from the "Hippie peace loving norm" to one where you are willing to do what ever it takes to protect yourself and the people important to you. Who wants to depend on mercy when staring at the business end of a weapon. I'd rather be prepared to fight and worry about flight if the opportunity presents.

Yep, having a gun does not automatically give you the ability or willingness to use it.

06-11-10, 18:48
Who wants to depend on mercy when staring at the business end of a weapon. I'd rather be prepared to fight and worry about flight if the opportunity presents.

Yeah the whole point about choosing not to rely on a criminal's mercy is very powerful and surprisingly obvious and refreshing in a sea of defeatist attitudes mainly promoted by the mass media, inept bureaucrats, and dumb ass hippies. Luckily Mr. Thomas had the right attitude and preparation so that he didn't have to rely on the criminal's mercy. Powerful stuff.

06-11-10, 21:51
Great video!