View Full Version : Recently Divorced Male Looking for Enviro-friendly Lady

06-01-10, 13:21
Kind of in an odd mood today, saw this and it struck me funny.


My mom is about the same age, and I would crap a brick if I came home and he was my new 'Dad'. What would his profile on E-Harmony look like:

Former US Senator and ELECTED president of US looking for green love. Invented internet (your welcome) and the greatest long con of all time. Looking for woman who can sit thru endless enviro lectures in monotone voice and thinks a PowerPoint presentation can make you a rock star. No fatties or interns.

Are there really women out there that are thinking "Oh, this is my chance?".

Does this mean that he is just going to throw himself into his work?

06-01-10, 14:15
Does this mean that he is just going to throw himself into his work?

Well, I heard there's a place in Guatemala where he could do just that.

Sad to hear actually, not because it's Al Gore, but because the trend for infidelity/broken marriages seems to be getting more pronounced.

06-01-10, 15:09
Well, I heard there's a place in Guatemala where he could do just that.

Well done Sir! :D

06-01-10, 20:35

06-02-10, 15:50
man thats going to suck for Gore, whats she gonna do with half of the Internet?

06-02-10, 15:54
man thats going to suck for Gore, whats she gonna do with half of the Internet?

Diet Coke on Keyboard