View Full Version : I was going to re-extend with AT&T and get the new iPhone, but...

06-02-10, 13:12

So their network is bogged down, but 98% of people use less than 2GB/mo., and 65% less than 200MB? What are those other 2% doing? Sounds like a cash grab to me.


06-02-10, 13:47
Hey look tiered data plans. I didn't call that six months ago.

$45 per month to tether my laptop and that doesn't count overages when I invariably drive past 2GB. What a great deal.

Stuff like this just pushes me closer and closer to an Android phone on Verizon. I really like my iPhone but I'm getting pretty sick of AT&T.

06-02-10, 13:55
Hey look tiered data plans. I didn't call that six months ago.

$45 per month to tether my laptop and that doesn't count overages when I invariably drive past 2GB. What a great deal.

Stuff like this just pushes me closer and closer to an Android phone on Verizon. I really like my iPhone but I'm getting pretty sick of AT&T.

I'm thnking about going back to T-Mobile and getting the HTC HD2...I just hate Windows Mobile.

06-02-10, 13:59
Looks like I'm grandfathered in for now. :)

06-02-10, 14:00
Looks like I'm grandfathered in for now. :)

I was just gonna post that, I guess even if you renew your contract you can keep it. Good to know.


06-02-10, 14:06
I'm going to bail on my ATT/Iphone plan in favor of this new one from T-mobile that has a 1000 minute/1 year/$100 bare bones plan. Combine this with Google Voice and for $8/month I get what I NEED versus $80/month for something I only want.

06-02-10, 14:15
I've really been "enjoying" the new money saving feature on my AT&T account - any time a call lasts more than 3-4 minutes, it drops me. Guess that is a clever minute-saving feature :rolleyes:

And now they're going to cut my iphone data? I'll admit I'm not a huge data user most of the time, since I have wi-fi at home and a computer for web access at work, but when I'm out in the field, I do use more. I guess thankfully I can stay grandfathered in for now as well.

Stupid AT&T.

06-02-10, 15:40
join Verizon for HTC Incredible or Sprint for HTC Evo 4G.

So if 98% of people didnt use the 2gb hence never came near the unlimited and 5gb plans, so what did this new pricing scheme fix? Sounds like its still gonna be bogged down to me because you only affected that 2%

06-02-10, 20:23
I'm grandfathered for now, but I guess I'll be shopping other options. This is just a way for AT&T to bring in some more money for nothing extra.

06-02-10, 21:16
I'm thnking about going back to T-Mobile and getting the HTC HD2...I just hate Windows Mobile.

I have the HTC Imagio (pretty much the same as the HD2 without the slide out keyboard) and I love it. WinMo isn't up to speed yet but 6.5 was a nice improvement and 7 is going to rock. I wouldn't hesitate to get the HD2 if I were you.

06-02-10, 22:24
Those of you clamoring for Verizon. Watch how fast they drop their "unlimited" data plan on smartphones (which does not allow tethering) now that AT&T has lead the pack. They may go a few months to try to make it a competitive advantage but they will go to a tiered system as well (like the rest of the world has already). Verizon will follow, just like the major airlines all adopted checked baggage fees one after another.

This will actually save me money. I rarely go over 200 mb on my iPhone and don't think I have ever been over 400mb (using cellular data -- wifi usage is a lot higher). And the wife never goes over 200mb of cellular data.

06-02-10, 22:41
Yes true. But Verizon service sucks a lot less than AT&T.

06-02-10, 22:54
Wonder how many peopel are gonna go to Verizon or Sprint. Spring has unlimited 4G with the HTC Evo 4G

06-02-10, 23:14
I switched from Verizon to AT&T 3 years ago for no other reason than the iPhone. I loved the iPhone but 3 months ago finally switched back to Verizon for good service over a good phone. I now have a Motorola Droid (wish I had known the HTC Incredible was coming) that can do 90% of what my iPhone did AND can hear calls AND don't pay extra for 3G I actually get with Verizon vs (not VICE) paying for 3G I don't get with AT&T.

Will the iPhone come to Verizon? I hope so. It's still the best all around mobile device I've owned (though not the best phone). If not, HTC has enough viable alternatives to keep me with Verizon and their great coverage.

06-03-10, 04:58
I will have to look into this a little more. My question though is what has happened to people to hate AT&T? I have had them for ages and among a circle of friends, a bunch have AT&T and there are very few major issues to speak of.

06-03-10, 07:14
Will the iPhone come to Verizon? I hope so.

Don't get your hopes up too high. With the huge success of the Droid Verizon has no need to carry the iPhone and Apple doesn't want it sitting side by side with the Droid. Apple will stick with AT&T and Google with Verizon. The lines are drawn so it will be interesting to see what happens over the next 18-24 months but given 700+% sales increase and increased developer interest in the Droid I suspect the iPhone is about to get a run for it's money.

06-03-10, 07:16
Verizon has no reason to sell the iPhone if they want to promote Android as "better". That argument is for another thread, but if they continue their approach, I would think they are better off. Telling everyone the Droid is better and then getting the iPhone doesnt give much confidence in the Droid. Sticking it out with the Droid does.

Alex V
06-03-10, 08:25
Have to check my bill, but I doubt I go over 2GB.

I still have the original iPhone from nearly 3 years ago, and it still works just fine. If a new iPhone comes out this month, I will more than likely get it and stay with ATT. I have problems in service or droped calls in my area at all.

06-03-10, 08:31
The only reason I stick with ATT is because I like the iphone so much. I use it more as a device than a phone.

I get 3 bars at the house, and half the time I get call failed. People will call me, and I won't ring. Then an hour later it pops on my phone as a missed call, and with a voicemail. I live in a larger population center with cell towers all over the place.

If you go out a big city the reception is next to non-existent. I recently drove from around Austin to near Houston, and most of the time I had no signal at all even travelling down a major hwy through towns.

06-03-10, 08:53
Verizon has billions of reasons to sell the iPhone. It's a huge seller and would make them a ton of money. According to one survey, up to 40% of AT&T's customer base would switch to Verizon if they got the iPhone.

It won't happen before 2012 though, so don't hold your breath.

Having played with a Droid for a little while, I can appreciate that it's nearly as user-friendly as the iPhone. That'll go a long way in determining how well it does in the market, IMHO.

Alex F
06-03-10, 08:57
I use Sprint for my EVDO needs. I've had an unlimited plan with them since 08.

I'm probably going to go Droid with Verizon sometime this summer, but I really doubt I'll tether.

06-03-10, 09:26
Don't get your hopes up too high. With the huge success of the Droid Verizon has no need to carry the iPhone and Apple doesn't want it sitting side by side with the Droid. Apple will stick with AT&T and Google with Verizon. The lines are drawn so it will be interesting to see what happens over the next 18-24 months but given 700+% sales increase and increased developer interest in the Droid I suspect the iPhone is about to get a run for it's money.

I agree. My Motorola Droid doesn't have quite the form factor of the iPhone and the screen isn't quite as responsive. The new HTC Droid Incredible fixes both of those things. I think that's why Apple has gone after HTC with lawsuits to try to stop them. HTC is a real threat to Apple.

06-03-10, 09:49
my Incredible will arrive next week or early week after. 3 week backorder shows how popular this phone is

06-03-10, 10:31
Hopefully Sprint doesn't follow suit...I'm enjoying my unlimited data/tethering...I probably average about 3GB/month or so.

On a side note, Android is great...

06-03-10, 11:45
Yes true. But Verizon service sucks a lot less than AT&T.

Like using data and voice at the same time? You'd think Verizon's vaunted network and engineering staff could figure that out.

I think it all depends where you are at. I have no issues and no dropped calls with AT&T. And my 3G speeds are usually faster than Verizon claims theirs can do.

06-03-10, 11:47
Like using data and voice at the same time? You'd think Verizon's vaunted network and engineering staff could figure that out.

I think it all depends where you are at. I have no issues and no dropped calls with AT&T. And my 3G speeds are usually faster than Verizon claims theirs can do.

Same here. I've experienced MAYBE 10 dropped calls in... 3 years? I'm not sure where the whole dropped-call thing comes from (maybe major metro areas), but I haven't seen it. Now something I would like is cheaper plans...

06-03-10, 12:01
I am lucky if I don't get 10 dropped/failed calls in 1 day. And that is with 3+ bars of service. Yes AT&Ts 3G is slightly faster than Verizon's EVDO network, but only by about 10-15%. The problem is they don't cover even a fraction of the area that Verizon does. I would rather have the expanded coverage than slightly faster speed.

And that Data and voice at the same time? That is only on 3G with AT&T. And since they don't cover 75% of the areas I am in, that makes it pretty useless. They told me 2 years ago they were building new towers at that time in my area. Well I still haven't seen an improvement.

Sure AT&T covers 98% of the population. What they don't tell you is that they cover most of that with an outdated network that can't keep up with modern needs. Verizon has a modern(if imperfect) network that covers just about everywhere.

Also keep in mind that AT&T's network has never lived up to the advertised speeds. Verizon so far has come pretty close. So the real wold performance on 3G is pretty close.

06-03-10, 12:11
Sure AT&T covers 98% of the population. What they don't tell you is that they cover most of that with an outdated network that can't keep up with modern needs. Verizon has a modern(if imperfect) network that covers just about everywhere.

Also keep in mind that AT&T's network has never lived up to the advertised speeds. Verizon so far has come pretty close. So the real wold performance on 3G is pretty close.

Somehow I think this is exaggerated. Most places I've been with AT&T while roaming, when not in the wilds of Wyoming or the wilderness off the interstate in S Utah, have been 3G. Granted, I think Pueblo was not.

And my real world 3G data speed tests in my area, using both my iPhone and an AT&T USB 3G modem on a laptop, showed actual speeds higher than Verizon claims as their max. Again, this was in my area ("metro" SLC). Yours may be different.

Your mileage may vary of course. Some areas they suck. Verizon sucks in some areas too. I have spoken to people who get AT&T in their area but not Verizon, and vice-versa.

If you added all the iPhone users to Verizon instead of AT&T then I bet you that Verizon would have the same problems and issues.

06-03-10, 12:21
I live in southern Indiana very near Louisville, KY. If I go more than 5 miles outside of Louisville I lose 3G Coverage. Guess when I get it again? About 5 miles outside of Indianapolis. Some 110 Miles away.

Now they CLAIM they cover a much larger area than this. But I, and my friends who have AT&T have proven time and again that this is not the case. Perhaps they are ok in some areas. But I know of no one who has AT&T and actually likes it.

Oh and I almost forgot. even the Edge coverage is bad I don't know how many times I have lost service in an area where there should be no issues at all.

06-03-10, 13:19
I live in southern Indiana very near Louisville, KY. If I go more than 5 miles outside of Louisville I lose 3G Coverage. Guess when I get it again? About 5 miles outside of Indianapolis. Some 110 Miles away.

Now they CLAIM they cover a much larger area than this. But I, and my friends who have AT&T have proven time and again that this is not the case. Perhaps they are ok in some areas. But I know of no one who has AT&T and actually likes it.

Oh and I almost forgot. even the Edge coverage is bad I don't know how many times I have lost service in an area where there should be no issues at all.

This is my issue too. As soon as you leave a heavy population center 3G goes away, and most rural areas Ive been to have no coverage at all. Ive literally driven down a major hwy for an hour with zero coverage even going through towns 1k-5k in size. Not talking about out in the sticks with no other traffic and nothing in sight...its actually one of the busiest hwy's in TX.

06-04-10, 00:39
The only reason I stick with ATT is because I like the iphone so much. I use it more as a device than a phone.

I get 3 bars at the house, and half the time I get call failed. People will call me, and I won't ring. Then an hour later it pops on my phone as a missed call, and with a voicemail. I live in a larger population center with cell towers all over the place.

If you go out a big city the reception is next to non-existent. I recently drove from around Austin to near Houston, and most of the time I had no signal at all even travelling down a major hwy through towns.

Same here (Las Vegas). Coverage is awful, call quality sucks, and I get dropped and missed calls all the time. I never had those problems with T-Mobile. I switched to AT&T strictly for the iPhone, and I love it, with the exception of having to use iTunes (which is the spawn of Satan). But I think it may be time to move on.
