View Full Version : Mexican army draw weapons on US Border Patrol

06-10-10, 19:33
US Border Patrol defend themselves from rock throwing scumbags, the Mexican army defends rock throwers and draws weapons on border patrol in return

And does our government back up our border patrol? Nope. Those guys are all alone down there. Abandoned by the feds, and constantly threatened by Mexicans. Sad

Video here and news here: http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/06/10/texas.border.patrol.shooting/?hpt=T3

Eric Holder's reaction: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9G8JGLO1&show_article=1

06-10-10, 19:34
Something has to change. Right now I am not so sure it will be for the better:mad:

06-10-10, 20:05
I think we have slipped into the 4th dimension. To use the term "bizarre" just doesn't cut it anymore.

06-10-10, 20:30
I think we have slipped into the 4th dimension. To use the term "bizarre" just doesn't cut it anymore.

As I mentioned in another thread, we live in an age of insanity. I would not be surprised to if future historians referred to this era as the age of insanity.

Thomas M-4
06-10-10, 20:31
As I mentioned in another thread, we live in an age of insanity. I would not be surprised to if future historians referred to this era as the age of insanity.

Yea Jimmy Carters second term:(

06-10-10, 20:34
Yea Jimmy Carters second term:(

I fear that it is far worse. The culture of our country has changed drastically since then. Some of it for the better but much of it for the worse

06-10-10, 20:34
I find it odd that we can go to war in two countries because of 9/11, and yet many more people are killed by illegals and drug runners yet we do basically nothing.

We need another punitive expedition, and put some teeth into the border. This entire situation is entirely inexcusable. :mad:

06-10-10, 20:38
I find it odd that we can go to war in two countries because of 9/11, and yet many more people are killed by illegals and drug runners yet we do basically nothing.

We need another punitive expedition, and put some teeth into the border. This entire situation is entirely inexcusable. :mad:

We are talking about this on a hunting forum i frequent...it's going to take another 9/11 and tracing the steps back how the boogymen got into the country for us to finally secure the borders.

They won't come through canada this next go round.

06-10-10, 20:39
Obama, Holder and this administration isn't going to do anything about the border problem and will find a way to please the Mexican government at our expense.

06-10-10, 20:44
"My people have spoken to his family. His dad says he was a straight-A student. His secondary school even sent him on an academic trip because of his good grades," Mayor Jose Reyes Ferriz said.

the little angle.

06-10-10, 20:47
Obama, Holder and this administration isn't going to do anything about the border problem and will find a way to please the Mexican government at our expense.
Why not, it is what the last several administrations have done:rolleyes::mad:. In another time in history, many of the decisions that have been made by this and other administrations would have been considered treason.

06-10-10, 20:49
the little angle.

What that tells me then, is that it was the parents fault. If they would have kept a better eye on him then he would not have been there, problem solved.

06-10-10, 21:07
We are talking about this on a hunting forum i frequent...it's going to take another 9/11 and tracing the steps back how the boogymen got into the country for us to finally secure the borders.

They won't come through canada this next go round.

IIRC the Feds already have official reports of arabs and muslims coming up through the border. Similar skin tones so they can mix in with the mexicans, and I guess they are learning spanish somewhere in s. America.

The entire thing is a crock of shit. Bush wanted to give them amnesty. Obama wants to. Clinton didn't do shit. We have not had a government who has done anything but pay lip service to illegals, border security, or anti-terrorism efforts (related to securing the border).

One of the primary functions of government, and they do nothing. This is actually something they are supposed to do, and they refuse to secure shit or keep people along the border relatively safe.

06-10-10, 21:45
IIRC the Feds already have official reports of arabs and muslims coming up through the border. Similar skin tones so they can mix in with the mexicans, and I guess they are learning spanish somewhere in s. America.

The entire thing is a crock of shit. Bush wanted to give them amnesty. Obama wants to. Clinton didn't do shit. We have not had a government who has done anything but pay lip service to illegals, border security, or anti-terrorism efforts (related to securing the border).

One of the primary functions of government, and they do nothing. This is actually something they are supposed to do, and they refuse to secure shit or keep people along the border relatively safe.

Exactly...it is currently the number one fail of our federal govt. past and present!!

It won't get fixed until fly over country joins us in the fight and demands a solution (this is where 9/11 round 2 comes into play)

I'm pretty spooked about getting sucker punched again...sigh, our southern border is simply broken.

06-10-10, 21:50

One of the primary functions of government, and they do nothing. This is actually something they are supposed to do, and they refuse to secure shit or keep people along the border relatively safe.

No, no, no, that was what it used to be. Now it's primary role is to take our money and give to those who did not earn it duh:rolleyes:

06-10-10, 21:53
The last time things got this bad Black Jack Pershing took a little trip south of the border......

Gutshot John
06-10-10, 21:58
Where are the Mexican soldiers? Not saying it didn't happen, I just don't see any in this video.

06-10-10, 22:27
No, no, no, that was what it used to be. Now it's primary role is to take our money and give to those who did not earn it duh:rolleyes:

Sadly this is becoming (if not already) true.

I just heard about the border thing moments ago. WTF over

06-10-10, 22:38
This is all consistent with the North American Union crap that has NOT gone away, btw.

If I were Commander-in-Chief (in time of war) I'd probably violate my oath in office because I'd command the US troops to open fire on them. NOT over their heads but INTO the aggressors. You don't point weapons at people and not expect to have them pointed back at you. Force is not my preferred way to handle 99% of the things I encounter 99% of the time but I suspect you won't be able to talk to the Bilderbergers (or any Round Table members) or the Mexican President.

So some sneakin' and peakin' and plantin' around the Presidential Palace could create an environment where they fear as opposed to disrespect. "But that could backfire horribly!!" Yes, you're right. I could pound the shit out of them as a response, too. The BIG PROBLEM is that we have, what, 15 million hispanics here. How many would support La Raza, MS-13, the Globalists' Agenda, etc.? Who is financing them; arming them, etc.? It would (Hell, it WILL) be ugly.

06-11-10, 00:33
as i understood it, the mexican forces didn't raise their weapons until the US forces began to cross onto mexican land.

the term that comes to mind for me is "one way border"

06-11-10, 00:51
Our illegal policy will not change until something really bad happens to the country because of it. Right now illegals provide way to much cheap labor in this country for anything to change. The problem isnt the border, the problem is there is way to many benefits for them to come here, they keep getting paid so they keep coming here.

Either their country needs to become a better place to live or they have no reason to come here for it to stop.

06-11-10, 07:57
I find it odd that we can go to war in two countries because of 9/11, and yet many more people are killed by illegals and drug runners yet we do basically nothing.


06-11-10, 08:15
Our illegal policy will not change until something really bad happens to the country because of it. Right now illegals provide way to much cheap labor in this country for anything to change. The problem isnt the border, the problem is there is way to many benefits for them to come here, they keep getting paid so they keep coming here.

Either their country needs to become a better place to live or they have no reason to come here for it to stop.

thank you minimum wage laws.

06-11-10, 08:21
I really cant believe that this type of activity is being tolerated. What the hell is this Country turning into.:confused:

06-11-10, 08:32
I really cant believe that this type of activity is being tolerated. What the hell is this Country turning into.:confused:

A nation that saying "I am proud to be American" is immediately attacked as a statement of racism, sexism, and bigotry. Two generations of people who reacted to those attacks by saying "Oh I am so sorry <insert historically oppressed group> <insert gender>, will giving you a special status make you feel better?" Instead of stating,"Yes there were bad things in America's past, we have done the best possible to make them better. Our government is a creation of man and so will always be flawed; name me a better place to live and we will pay your moving expenses." Have allowed those who hate America to gain enough to power to stymie our defenses.

06-11-10, 10:13
here's a vid shot from the mexican side...


06-11-10, 10:27
I find it odd that we can go to war in two countries because of 9/11, and yet many more people are killed by illegals and drug runners yet we do basically nothing.

We need another punitive expedition, and put some teeth into the border. This entire situation is entirely inexcusable. :mad:

The apathy is not there by accident. Both the Republicans or the Democrats have faild to secure our borders. The powers at be do not will it....

06-11-10, 11:55
The apathy is not there by accident. Both the Republicans or the Democrats have failed to secure our borders. The powers at be do not will it....

06-11-10, 12:05
If the kid was so smart why was he throwing rocks at a man with a gun?

On the radio news this morning it was reported that two FBI agents investigating the shooting had weapons pointed at them by Mexican police. Apparently the Mex police thought the two were trying to illegally cross the border into Mexico.

06-11-10, 12:27

The Feds don't keep track of illegal alien crime statistics (go figure) but a couple different independent groups have come up with figures ranging from about 1800 to 2500 murders per year simply based on crime stats factored in for common illegal alien stats. That being most illegals are males 18-45. Human Events and Family Security.

So even conservatively @ 1800 per year since 2001 that is 16,200 people killed (1800x9).

Now if jihads were killing 1800-2500 Americans a year what would the reaction be? They killed ~3000 on 9/11 and we've been at war for 9 years now. Im not anti-war at all don't get me wrong. I just see our southern border being a bigger threat to the lives of Americans if you take past deaths as the basis.

06-11-10, 15:06
Obama, Holder and this administration isn't going to do anything about the border problem and will find a way to please the Mexican government at our expense.

Just like the Bush Administration did. It's about cheap and easily abused labor both here and in Mexico.

06-11-10, 15:08
Our illegal policy will not change until something really bad happens to the country because of it. Right now illegals provide way to much cheap labor in this country for anything to change. The problem isnt the border, the problem is there is way to many benefits for them to come here, they keep getting paid so they keep coming here.

Either their country needs to become a better place to live or they have no reason to come here for it to stop.

At this point Mexico is pretty much a lawless country and close to being a narco state.

06-11-10, 15:57
Don't bring a rock to a gun fight. I vote we start shooting all of them crossing the border as foreign invaders. Enough politically correct BS.

06-11-10, 16:51
Those numbers are pure fantasy and "the feds" do keep such statistics. I don't know where you get the idea they don't. Crime along the border in Arizona is down not up. Illegal immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than US citizens. I am very anti-illegal and also more anti H1B letting people from other countries take our professional jobs for lower wages and no benefits. But i'm not going to argue the point with made up numbers nd have my points immediately discredited. My numbers come from the FBI, Border Patrol and customs, Sheriffs and Police chiefs and U.S. Marshalls along the Arizona border. Some of whom I know personally who spend their days and nights on the border. Your come from where?

The Feds don't keep track of illegal alien crime statistics (go figure) but a couple different independent groups have come up with figures ranging from about 1800 to 2500 murders per year simply based on crime stats factored in for common illegal alien stats. That being most illegals are males 18-45. Human Events and Family Security.

So even conservatively @ 1800 per year since 2001 that is 16,200 people killed (1800x9).

Now if jihads were killing 1800-2500 Americans a year what would the reaction be? They killed ~3000 on 9/11 and we've been at war for 9 years now. Im not anti-war at all don't get me wrong. I just see our southern border being a bigger threat to the lives of Americans if you take past deaths as the basis.

06-11-10, 17:01
Those numbers are pure fantasy and "the feds" do keep such statistics. I don't know where you get the idea they don't. Crime along the border in Arizona is down not up. Illegal immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than US citizens. I am very anti-illegal and also more anti H1B letting people from other countries take our professional jobs for lower wages and no benefits. But i'm not going to argue the point with made up numbers nd have my points immediately discredited. My numbers come from the FBI, Border Patrol and customs, Sheriffs and Police chiefs and U.S. Marshalls along the Arizona border. Some of whom I know personally who spend their days and nights on the border. Your come from where?

I posted how those numbers were arrived. No they are not scientific. Its based on general crime states, and then derived based on accepted illegal populations. Do you have a link to a Fed website where I can look at numbers of people killed by illegals? Id like to see it for my own benefit since Ive never seen it even after searching quite a bit. All I ever got was general crime stats not a breakdown of crimes by illegals or legals.

I find your statement about illegals are far less likely to commit crimes than citizens ironic. Every single one of them is a criminal for being here ILLEGALLY. Whatever they may or may not do after that is just a bonus to them being criminals in the 1st place. How can someone just by virture of being in this country illegally be a criminal be less likely to commit a crime? Are our citizens 110% criminals?

Ive lived in a border state 3-4hrs or closer to the border 20 out of my 26 years. (SoCal and TX).

Heartland Hawk
06-11-10, 19:57
Those numbers are pure fantasy and "the feds" do keep such statistics. I don't know where you get the idea they don't. Crime along the border in Arizona is down not up. Illegal immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than US citizens.

Thats a good one. I am also extremely interested in a cite on both of these assertions.

I travel to the border on a regular basis, and I can tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, and that of several teammates in the border region, that crime is up, violent crime is up, and drug smuggling is up.

06-12-10, 09:20
Crime along the border in Arizona is down not up. Illegal immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than US citizens.

Illegal "immigrants" commit a crime just being here. I work for a LE agency in Texas. These illegals cannot read English and do not know or care to know our traffic laws so the majority of traffic offenses in my AO are comitted by these "immigrants". Also being intoxicated in public and operating a motor vehilce are crimes. In Mexico public intoxication and driving while intoxicated are not agaist the law and it is a cultural must to abuse alcohol. Texas has the highest number of DWI fatalities in the nation. I transfer subjects to ICE on a daily basis.

06-12-10, 10:43
Don't bring a rock to a gun fight. I vote we start shooting all of them crossing the border as foreign invaders. Enough politically correct BS.

They are foreign invaders.

06-12-10, 10:44
Just like the Bush Administration did. It's about cheap and easily abused labor both here and in Mexico.

This is why republicans keep it open. Democrats do it for future voters. Money and power.

06-12-10, 11:25
This is why republicans keep it open. Democrats do it for future voters. Money and power.

That's what they want us to believe. It's bigger than that. Globalization is real and it's been looming over our heads for a long time now. The powers at be want's the North American hemisphere to be one big happy utopia. In doing so they have to bring us down on everyone else's level.

06-12-10, 12:50
Yup. Globalization, cosmopolitanism and marxist socialism. Well-intentioned and yet thoroughly flawed concepts that deny base human traits like greed, corruption and power.

As a nation, our apologist nature long ago cost us the political will to do what is right or necessary, as the people continue to elect representatives who are interested in neither, based on their innate inability to identify them. How can we use a moral compass without an absolute north? Cosmopolitanism denies such truth.

We will soon lose our national identity, and American society and culture is becoming a thing of the past, just like the American cowboy.

A uniquely American icon, what happened to Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Have Gun Will Travel, The Big Valley, Rawhide, Cheyenne, and others? They faded into television history. Before our very eyes, America will fade into world history, and it would appear we are being suckered into dying from our own sense of misplaced shame.

Unless we do otherwise, America will soon be consumed by the notion that nationalism is evil and contrary to human rights. We continue to be portrayed as selfish isolationists who have grown lazy from our past largesse, while our President prostrates himself to every petty potentate, third world dictator, European socialist and corrupt bureaucrat who cares to look at the top of his head. We have become neutered as a nation, henpecked by petty and special interests only claiming to have the greater good as motivation, staving off our impotence by consuming taxpayer-funded bailouts like handfuls of viagra; and we will quickly be paying the bill for such socialist frameworks, whether in industrial, agricultural, financial or health arenas.

Machine shops are quiet, fields are growing thin, and people who do not have the common courtesy to even sign the guest book are seeking entitlements we can no longer afford. We have pawned our property to the Chinese and Japanese. Our leaders do not have a clue what to do, for fear of being called mean girls, and the rest of us allow them to cower in the court of world opinion, while we seethe behind our keyboards and prepare for the zombie apocalypse.

The only hope we have is our children seem to connect well with their grandparents, who as they grow older, unabashedly will tell you -- we can never make ice cream out of shit. And yes, you can wrap that shit in a pretty, gold-colored box, but all you have is a box of shit.

We're in serious trouble, folks. Humans are just tribal omnivores, and our tender-hearted and soft-headed socialist sell-outs have forgotten that basic truth. With such generational amnesia, we will unintentionally expedite bringing ourselves to that third-world reality.

That's why I have guns. Let the rest of the world throw rocks.

06-12-10, 16:13
Just like the Bush Administration did. It's about cheap and easily abused labor both here and in Mexico.

The last several administrations have. Why do so many feel the need to continually blame Bush? Many of the problems we face today have been going on and getting worse for much longer that most people realize. If you think that ILLEGAL immigration (therefore making them criminals) is all about slave labor, then you don't know the half of it.

06-12-10, 16:15
Yup. Globalization, cosmopolitanism and Marxist socialism. Well-intentioned and yet thoroughly flawed concepts that deny base human traits like greed, corruption and power.

As a nation, our apologist nature long ago cost us the political will to do what is right or necessary, as the people continue to elect representatives who are interested in neither, based on their innate inability to identify them. How can we use a moral compass without an absolute north? Cosmopolitanism denies such truth.

We will soon lose our national identity, and American society and culture is becoming a thing of the past, just like the American cowboy.

A uniquely American icon, what happened to Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Have Gun Will Travel, The Big Valley, Rawhide, Cheyenne, and others? They faded into television history. Before our very eyes, America will fade into world history, and it would appear we are being suckered into dying from our own sense of misplaced shame.

Unless we do otherwise, America will soon be consumed by the notion that nationalism is evil and contrary to human rights. We continue to be portrayed as selfish isolationists who have grown lazy from our past largesse, while our President prostrates himself to every petty potentate, third world dictator, European socialist and corrupt bureaucrat who cares to look at the top of his head. We have become neutered as a nation, henpecked by petty and special interests only claiming to have the greater good as motivation, staving off our impotence by consuming taxpayer-funded bailouts like handfuls of viagra; and we will quickly be paying the bill for such socialist frameworks, whether in industrial, agricultural, financial or health arenas.

Machine shops are quiet, fields are growing thin, and people who do not have the common courtesy to even sign the guest book are seeking entitlements we can no longer afford. We have pawned our property to the Chinese and Japanese. Our leaders do not have a clue what to do, for fear of being called mean girls, and the rest of us allow them to cower in the court of world opinion, while we seethe behind our keyboards and prepare for the zombie apocalypse.

The only hope we have is our children seem to connect well with their grandparents, who as they grow older, unabashedly will tell you -- we can never make ice cream out of shit. And yes, you can wrap that shit in a pretty, gold-colored box, but all you have is a box of shit.

We're in serious trouble, folks. Humans are just tribal omnivores, and our tender-hearted and soft-headed socialist sell-outs have forgotten that basic truth. With such generational amnesia, we will unintentionally expedite bringing ourselves to that third-world reality.

That's why I have guns. Let the rest of the world throw rocks.
The absolute best post in this thread

06-12-10, 16:43
I wonder what if any impact it would be on these illegals if some of us citizens started patrolling the choke points close to the border and just mowing down the drug smugglers and scattering the human traffickers? If you take out the armed escorts in front the others are sure to either drop their goods and run or just high tail it. I mean how else can we remedy this situation? The gov. obviously wont.

06-12-10, 16:47
I wonder what if any impact it would be on these illegals if some of us citizens started patrolling the choke points close to the border and just mowing down the drug smugglers and scattering the human traffickers? If you take out the armed escorts in front the others are sure to either drop their goods and run or just high tail it. I mean how else can we remedy this situation? The gov. obviously wont.

Your heart is in the right place. While the gov has no interest in enforcing the borders, if the citizenry were to start doing that, they would find the US gov perusing them with a zeal.:mad: After all, that would undue all the hard work that they have done to open up the borders:p

06-12-10, 16:55
I wonder what if any impact it would be on these illegals if some of us citizens started patrolling the choke points close to the border and just mowing down the drug smugglers and scattering the human traffickers? If you take out the armed escorts in front the others are sure to either drop their goods and run or just high tail it. I mean how else can we remedy this situation? The gov. obviously wont.

If you do that Obama would send the blue hats (UN) to stop the "crimes against humanity" perpetrated by the evil Americans. :eek:

06-12-10, 17:10
Where are the Mexican soldiers? Not saying it didn't happen, I just don't see any in this video.

I didn't see anything in the video tbh.


06-12-10, 17:24
If you do that Obama would send the blue hats (UN) to stop the "crimes against humanity" perpetrated by the evil Americans. :eek:

Oh yes, the horrible crimes against drug dealers, erhh, I mean unlicensed pharmacists.:rolleyes: The UN can kiss my white ass. Maybe we should all just sign up as dictators that way we'd only get a slap on the wrist and could carry on how ever we wanted:rolleyes:

06-12-10, 17:37
I didn't see anything in the video tbh.


The link to the 10min vid on post 26 shows the federales showing up towards the end. (not soldiers)

bp has already taken up position back behind the fence. You can see the federales posturing a bit...without cover.:rolleyes:

06-12-10, 18:22
If you do that Obama would send the blue hats (UN) to stop the "crimes against humanity" perpetrated by the evil Americans. :eek:

If that happened, maybe more of America would wake up.

06-12-10, 18:47
Illegal immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than US citizens. I am very anti-illegal and also more anti H1B letting people from other countries take our professional jobs for lower wages and no benefits. My numbers come from the FBI, Border Patrol and customs, Sheriffs and Police chiefs and U.S. Marshalls along the Arizona border. Some of whom I know personally who spend their days and nights on the border. Your come from where?

That doesn't pass the smell test. Do you have a link to anything?

We're screwed. Even England with a 20+ mile moat can't keep people out.

Heartland Hawk
06-12-10, 21:41
I wonder what if any impact it would be on these illegals if some of us citizens started patrolling the choke points close to the border and just mowing down the drug smugglers and scattering the human traffickers? If you take out the armed escorts in front the others are sure to either drop their goods and run or just high tail it. I mean how else can we remedy this situation? The gov. obviously wont.

to carry out anything like this you would have to have excellent Intel on where the BP patrols in the area were at the time.

Plus it's illegal...