View Full Version : Seattle officer punches woman. (Video)

06-16-10, 11:47
Completely justified in my opinion she had it coming.


Seattle Police Officers Guild President Rich O'Neil says an officer was justified in punching a young woman who shoved him in a dispute over jaywalking.

Gutshot John
06-16-10, 12:10
it bears repeating...

How not to get your ass kicked by the police (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj0mtxXEGE8)

06-16-10, 12:12
she deserved it. All kinds of resisting and assaulting an officer in that incident.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

06-16-10, 12:14
one of those kinds of situations where a man's patience are taken to the absolute limits of reasonableness. if that's the worst the officer did, and i assume it is since it's whats been shown, then he did fine.

the faggots postulating and instigating, the cameraman most of all, are the ones we should be doing news stories on and condemning the behavior of. film all you want, but stay the **** back. can you believe that guy? he officer is STILL struggling with one suspect while the cameraman is shouting at his back. IDIOT.

06-16-10, 12:21
it bears repeating...



06-16-10, 12:29

That video doesn't make it look justified. Watching the video in it's entirety does. That looks like a very bad situation for the officer to be in and I won't second guess his reaction considering the environment he's in. Surrounded by a hostile crowd who keeps creeping in closer and shouting insults and provoking the aggressors. His safety was definitely in peril at that point in time.

06-16-10, 12:33
Why do I know that laying your hands on an officer is a one way ticket to a beat down and jail time, yet the woman and everyone standing around filming somehow expected a different response from the officer? Its mind numbing.

This shouldn't be news. The officer responded appropriately to the threat(s) at hand. Lets move along people.

06-16-10, 12:34
she deserved it. All kinds of resisting and assaulting an officer in that incident.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Winner! I almost spit water through my nose when I saw the "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" line, classic.

one of those kinds of situations where a man's patience are taken to the absolute limits of reasonableness. if that's the worst the officer did, and i assume it is since it's whats been shown, then he did fine.

the faggots postulating and instigating, the cameraman most of all, are the ones we should be doing news stories on and condemning the behavior of. film all you want, but stay the **** back. can you believe that guy? he officer is STILL struggling with one suspect while the cameraman is shouting at his back. IDIOT.

Bingo. I wanted to punch him every time he said, "are you serious, are you serious." Give me a break.

Now all bleeding hearts are coming out condemning the officers actions, it never stops. :rolleyes:

06-16-10, 12:53
I would have preferred more OC or taser action, but yeah the punch looked perfectly fine to me.

06-16-10, 13:09
More concerning than the officer hitting the lady is that people were more interested in videoing the event than helping the officer out.

06-16-10, 13:17
In the full vid, the girl he punched didn't run away, and didn't interfere any longer, so I would assume the technique worked as intended, huh? :cool:

I do wish he would have done the CQB application of OC right in the first girl's eye hole though, that bitch was getting on my nerves and I'm 3000 miles and a whole internet away.

06-16-10, 13:49
If she would have complied instead of getting her "gangsta on" then none of this would have happened. Officer completely justified in "pimp slappin" the HO.

06-16-10, 14:00
In the full vid, the girl he punched didn't run away, and didn't interfere any longer, so I would assume the technique worked as intended, huh? :cool:

I do wish he would have done the CQB application of OC right in the first girl's eye hole though, that bitch was getting on my nerves and I'm 3000 miles and a whole internet away.

Everything here

06-16-10, 14:02
This is still the best youtube cop moment in the history of the internet.


06-16-10, 14:03
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

06-16-10, 14:04
If she would have complied instead of getting her "gangsta on" then none of this would have happened. Officer completely justified in "pimp slappin" the HO.

Thank you.

06-16-10, 14:49
Here is the video of the entire incident in case it isn't on the other links (many news sites are showing a very short 15-20 second clip which lacks context):


06-16-10, 14:52
after he punched the woman, the other one was all behind and grabbing him. For all I know she could be trying to get his gun. Of course the crowd around the officer instigating and aggravating the situation doesn't help either.

06-16-10, 15:05
Mr. Camera man may inadvertently be the cops best friend, methinks. Thanks for filming how stupid that crazy chick was being.

06-16-10, 15:13
Here is the video of the entire incident in case it isn't on the other links (many news sites are showing a very short 15-20 second clip which lacks context):


This video is a prime example of the worst our country has to offer. I could write a dissertation on the actions of the civilians in this video.

At the same time, and God bless this officer and I am not trying to Monday-Morning Quarterback his actions, but if he were a little better trained, most of that wouldn't have happened. We have to train our Blue Line to work smarter, not harder. FWIW.

06-16-10, 15:16
This is still the best youtube cop moment in the history of the internet.


I see your drama queen and raise you a dumbass that won't take his hands out of his pockets when he is told to.

06-16-10, 15:38
watching the vid again i didn't see any pepper spray or taser equipped on his belt. Of course if he had one, it would've been a lot easier to subdue loudmouth teenagers than wrestling with them and that avenue would've been taken. That is why such devices are issued.

06-16-10, 15:39
Here is the video of the entire incident in case it isn't on the other links (many news sites are showing a very short 15-20 second clip which lacks context):


This supports the officer's position even better. Good find!

06-16-10, 17:26
Thank goodness my dept issues Tasers. I wonder why he waited at least 4 minutes into the incident to call for someone? Maybe he did and they were dragging their feet. Who knows. I would have asked for check by units right off the bat once the crowd started to form..We roll pretty deep on my shift. That's just me.

06-16-10, 17:27
I see your drama queen and raise you a dumbass that won't take his hands out of his pockets when he is told to.

Nice take down, but drama queen makes funnier noises.

06-16-10, 17:57
Bravo to the Seattle officer for handling the combative females who were assaulting him, as well as dealing with the hostile bystanders in the very LONG wait prior to his cover units arriving.

06-16-10, 18:32

06-16-10, 21:16
Bravo to the Seattle officer for handling the combative females who were assaulting him, as well as dealing with the hostile bystanders in the very LONG wait prior to his cover units arriving.

Seriously! Watching the full length video(glad that was posted, much better context than the news showed,) I was beginning to worry for his safety.

In the end, I'm immensely amused that the video the bystanders thought was going to hurt the officer's career not only cleared him of any wrongdoing, but provided irrefutable proof of the two women assaulting him.

06-16-10, 21:50
In the end, I'm immensely amused that the video the bystanders thought was going to hurt the officer's career not only cleared him of any wrongdoing, but provided irrefutable proof of the two women assaulting him.

Very similar to the "amberlamps" episode with the guy attacking the old crazy guy on the Oakland bus. I guess criminals and their friends having the technology to self document their crimes is a blessing in disguise?


06-16-10, 21:56
What so many people overlook is that there is a deadly firearm present, every time an officer gets into a fight.

Joe Perp (or Janet Perp in this case) gets to stop anytime they want. The officer is a second away from fighting for their life at all times, and the smart cop knows it.

06-17-10, 05:51
What so many people overlook is that there is a deadly firearm present, every time an officer gets into a fight.

Joe Perp (or Janet Perp in this case) gets to stop anytime they want. The officer is a second away from fighting for their life at all times, and the smart cop knows it.

Very true words, dear sir.

06-17-10, 15:55
Bravo to the Seattle officer for handling the combative females who were assaulting him, as well as dealing with the hostile bystanders in the very LONG wait prior to his cover units arriving.

His Chief did a good job in a press conference defending the Officer's actions as well.

I caught the video/ report last night on the news. I agree. The Officer was in a precarious situation. Glad to see it didn't escalate any further and he got out of it unscathed.

I also like that the Seattle Police Chief mentioned the current environment for LEOs in WA and the recent incidents where several Officers were killed.

How quickly the Press forgets.:confused:

06-17-10, 15:59
I also like that the Seattle Police Chief mentioned the current environment for LEOs in WA and the recent incidents where several Officers were killed.

How quickly the Press forgets.:confused:

That would be first assuming that the media cares. They don't forget, they just report things in the most flamboyant, exciting, ridiculous way possible to ensure good ratings. They don't give two shakes about how their report affects the officer going forward. If they did, they'd have shown the entire video, uncut, but that would take up too much advertising time.

06-17-10, 16:15
Anyone watch the O'Reilly Factor last night? He had his "Is It Leagal" segment with Lis Wiehl and Guifoyle.

They all pretty much condemned the officer and said that he would lose his job and the city would be writing a big check. I was stunned to hear this kind of commentary from those three. Well, maybe not Bill. But, I thought Guifoyle was smarter than that. :mad:

I think I may be done watching his show for a while.

link; http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/oreilly/index.html#/v/4242807/too-much-police-force/?playlist_id=87255

I guess I may have been a little hard on Guilfoyle. She was a little more supportive than I first thought.

06-17-10, 16:19
I personally have reservations about striking females in the face, and probably would have gone a different route.

Maybe more finesse and diplomacy would have been sufficient, or maybe it would have required pepper spray to resolve. For me though, I probably would have not have resorted to punching.

06-17-10, 16:19
Don't jump on the back of anyone and you wont find yourself getting punched in the face.

I know I bitch about tasers alot but I fully support the use of physical force, just not tasers, nothing wrong with a few punches or kicks if the suspect decides to put up a fight.

06-17-10, 16:21
I personally have reservations about striking females in the face, and probably would have gone a different route.

Maybe more finesse and diplomacy would have been sufficient, or maybe it would required pepper spray to resolve. For me though, I probably would have not have resorted to punching.

I'm guessing it wasn't something very well planned out and more reactionary than deliberate.

06-17-10, 16:28
I'm guessing it wasn't something very well planned out and more reactionary than deliberate.

It happens. Adrenaline starts pumping, pressure rises, you react quickly and want to end things quickly. Any street named after MLK is generally not the friendliest to cops either (Fact, not racism)

I'm not saying the officer is wrong, but it's just not the route I would have taken first.

06-17-10, 17:39
I personally have reservations about striking females in the face, and probably would have gone a different route.

Maybe more finesse and diplomacy would have been sufficient, or maybe it would have required pepper spray to resolve. For me though, I probably would have not have resorted to punching.

Feminism and the ERA movement have taught me females are my equal. He should have punched her in the windpipe.

06-17-10, 18:06
Feminism and the ERA movement have taught me females are my equal. He should have punched her in the windpipe.

That is a hard one to argue with:D

06-17-10, 18:14
Hell with that if she wants to be treated like a man, then she gets kicked in the junk and bitch slapped with the knuckles right across the jawline.

Easy "E" pimpin' ho's since 1984

06-17-10, 18:38
That is a hard one to argue with:D

To not punch her it the throat would have been the same as acknowledging that blacks are not the same as whites and would therefore be racist as well as sexist.

06-17-10, 20:12
Anyone watch the O'Reilly Factor last night? He had his "Is It Leagal" segment with Lis Wiehl and Guifoyle.

I think Guilfoyle was correct in saying he won't be charged, won't be fired and that the charges won't be entirely dropped against the two women.

Lis Wiehl is usually full of crap and Bill is letting his dislike of seeing a woman getting punched in the face interfere with his judgement.

06-17-10, 20:17
and Bill is letting his dislike of seeing a woman getting punched in the face interfere with his judgement.

Save us if we ever get to a point when seeing women get punched in the face is not unnerving.

06-17-10, 20:20
Save us if we ever get to a point when seeing women get punched in the face is not unnerving.

Or the day an individual, male or female violently thrashing at an officer who is lawfully detaining another individual doesn't warrant force.;)

06-17-10, 21:12
I think Guilfoyle was correct in saying he won't be charged, won't be fired and that the charges won't be entirely dropped against the two women.

Lis Wiehl is usually full of crap and Bill is letting his dislike of seeing a woman getting punched in the face interfere with his judgement.

Save us if we ever get to a point when seeing women get punched in the face is not unnerving.

Or the day an individual, male or female violently thrashing at an officer who is lawfully detaining another individual doesn't warrant force.;)

Good points, all.

06-17-10, 21:36
It's doesn't bother me or unnerve me to watch a female get punched that flat out deserves it and asked for it when she put her hands on that officer who was already trying to take someone else into custody. I have had to hit several in my career and never regretted the first one nor the last one.

The unnerving part to me is watching everyone standing around doing nothing to help the officer.

06-17-10, 22:36
About thirty years ago, I was training a new EMT as an Paramedic\FTO. Part of the drill was introducing him to all the police officers in our service area.

One night in a parking lot, some crazy\high\drunk\PCP chick pulled a razor on a police sergeant who also happened to be the patrol supervisor. Fast as a cobra, his Kel-Lite came down on her hand, breaking it and the weapon.

One of the "witnesses" actually complained "Man, he didn't have to hit that lady!"

The sergeant never blinked an eye. "I've never struck a lady in my life," he said.

And he was absolutely correct, too.

As has been said already - stupid should hurt, and often does.

06-17-10, 22:50
I give him a 9 for form and a 10 for effectiveness, and totally justified.

06-17-10, 22:51
The unnerving part to me is watching everyone standing around doing nothing to help the officer.

That's what I was thinking the first time I watched the video.

06-17-10, 23:06
Save us if we ever get to a point when seeing women get punched in the face is not unnerving.

Save us if we ever get to a point when seeing people decide they dont have to listen to a officer and can fight with a officer ....

you hit and pull on a officer ? hmm

if I hit and tease a dog then git bit do I blame the dog or myself for being really really really stupid

06-17-10, 23:12
Depending on how the use of force continuum is laid out in SPDs protocols the officer most likely chose to use closed fist striking as the best tool. Female or not, in general you can apply less force and obtain the desired response with less damage if you strike the face as it is a physical as well as psychological cue to the recipient. In all honesty, I would rather take a moderate knock to the face such as the one this person received than getting sprayed and prevents the contamination of bystanders and the officer which can escalate the scenario and hamper his ability to respond. So while it may give you an uneasy feeling in your gut, in reality it is less aggressive in nature than a baton or taser, requires less movements to move on to the next suspect, does not contaminate the officer or the bystanders, and caused relatively little bodily harm (although that can not be consistently achieved) and achieved the desired response from the recipient.

All in all, it seems like a win win. He used the least amount of force necessary to insure his safety.

06-18-10, 04:37
I think Guilfoyle was correct in saying he won't be charged, won't be fired and that the charges won't be entirely dropped against the two women.

Lis Wiehl is usually full of crap and Bill is letting his dislike of seeing a woman getting punched in the face interfere with his judgement.

When I first posted, I was going off of memory from what I thought I heard when I saw the show live. After I found the video, I realized I was wrong about Guilfoyle. She actually had the opposite view of what I thought she had.

Her and I can be friends again. :cool:

06-18-10, 10:51
Her and I can be friends again. :cool:

I still can't forgive her for being with that twat Gavin Newsome.

06-18-10, 10:55
I see your drama queen and raise you a dumbass that won't take his hands out of his pockets when he is told to.

When I first moved here and did armed security in a shitty apartment complex in a bad part of town I had the pleasure of dealing with that officer a few times. Very cool guy and very open minded when it came to my "judicious" use of force.

As for the Seattle officer, I have absolutely no problem with what he did.

06-18-10, 22:01
Stupid wench is lucky she didn't get a piece of his baton. Even that would have been totally justified, IMHO.

Watch jesse jackson, al sharpton, and/or the naacp get into this act. :rolleyes:

06-19-10, 04:14
Double Tap! Should've executed the ol' one-two instead of the haymaker... lol


06-19-10, 04:56
Pretty nice punch! :D

Double Tap! Should've executed the ol' one-two instead of the haymaker... lol


Urghh... Hated that movie.

Finishing shot = not double tap.

MSP "Sarge"
06-19-10, 09:15
Attempted to arrest a drunk "Lady" once. She kicked me in the jimmys and took me out of the fight. I am not nice to anyone while at work. You can get hurt being nice.

Doc is right. Spray someone with pepper or "OC" and it gets in your eyes you can not defend yourself. TASER is a one shot deployment. Good for one on one. Some of you may have more experiance than me with a TASER but this is what I have found. Great tool though. The only thing I see that the officer can be faulted with is not making quick work of this hobag. She and her friend still tussels with the officer after being struck. You can't play around out there. You can get hurt or killed! Then again I may have sprayed the whole crowd and arrested anyone that made a complaint. hahaha

06-19-10, 11:27
I am not nice to anyone while at work. You can get hurt being nice.

You can't play around out there. You can get hurt or killed! Then again I may have sprayed the whole crowd and arrested anyone that made a complaint. hahaha

this isn't the LEO sub-forum. i strongly suggest you lay off the Officer Asshole where the general public can read it. non-cops dont find comments like this the least bit amusing.

06-19-10, 12:18
this isn't the LEO sub-forum. i strongly suggest you lay off the Officer Asshole where the general public can read it. non-cops dont find comments like this the least bit amusing.

I am not a cop and I don't mind. He is not lying, some people just need to realize that the world is not always nice. I don't think that enough people understand what it is like to lay it out there on the line. There is a much higher percentage here because while we may not all be cops, many are or were military .

06-19-10, 12:41
Then again I may have sprayed the whole crowd and arrested anyone that made a complaint. hahaha

I am not a cop and I don't mind. He is not lying, some people just need to realize that the world is not always nice. I don't think that enough people understand what it is like to lay it out there on the line. There is a much higher percentage here because while we may not all be cops, many are or were military .

i understand comments like this, and vastly worse, are common, "meaningless," "harmless" comments between LEOs. everyone says shit to their peers they wouldn't say in front of the uninitiated. but those of us who are not cops see comments like that as symptoms of a problem which is contributing to situations like the video this thread is about. "**** the sheep" mentalities are perceived by the people police have contact with. if somebody comes at me, badge or not, with a "spray 'em all down and arrest anyone who complains" attitude, the situation's going to go down hill very quickly- and i'm an otherwise productive, law-abiding citizen.

we're all siding with the officer, based on what we see in the video. myself included. but now that the question's been raised, i have to wonder just how that officer approached these people- did he come at them with a "**** the sheep" mentality? if so, then i'd find it hard to "side" with anyone- they'd all be jackasses at that point, the cop included.

MSP "Sarge"
06-19-10, 12:49
bkb0000 Check your PM!

I think maybe I should make myself clear so that nobody misunderstands what I was trying to say. Sometimes I have a problem writing my thoughts.

When on patrol cops are most of the time good folks. When a situation arises and you are out numbered the nice cop thing goes out the window and the survival mode takes over. I find this to happen to just about anyone. It's our (humans) instinct to survive. I hope I didn't offend "non-cops". I have never thought of anyone as a "non cop" type, nor do I have the mentality that cops are any different then citizens.

I hope I did a better job of explaining myself. I'm not a member of the LEO Fourm and don't need to be.

Gary M.

MSP "Sarge"
06-19-10, 13:06
i understand comments like this, and vastly worse, are common, "meaningless," "harmless" comments between LEOs. everyone says shit to their peers they wouldn't say in front of the uninitiated. but those of us who are not cops see comments like that as symptoms of a problem which is contributing to situations like the video this thread is about. "**** the sheep" mentalities are perceived by the people police have contact with. if somebody comes at me, badge or not, with a "spray 'em all down and arrest anyone who complains" attitude, the situation's going to go down hill very quickly- and i'm an otherwise productive, law-abiding citizen.

we're all siding with the officer, based on what we see in the video. myself included. but now that the question's been raised, i have to wonder just how that officer approached these people- did he come at them with a "**** the sheep" mentality? if so, then i'd find it hard to "side" with anyone- they'd all be jackasses at that point, the cop included.

I agree with this. But think about it. Why would someone want to bring this upon themselves?

Spray them all down would disperse the crowd wouldn't it, so that you can deal with the problem at hand?

06-19-10, 15:17
Spray them all down would disperse the crowd wouldn't it, so that you can deal with the problem at hand?

I wouldn't imagine it to. More like escalating the incident and getting more people pissed.

A lone officer spraying down a crowd of onlookers?

The onlookers didn't do much wrong (maybe except the stupid camera guy asking dumb questions) and weren't physically in the way.

Why didn't they help arrest her? Why would they? Those women did not present him with any immediate danger, as he just punched the bigger one and showed her "what's up".

Some people just like to stand around and gawk, period.

MSP "Sarge"
06-19-10, 19:03
Yea I guess it could. It's all in how you were brought up maybe? I was taught that if your there you are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Kinda like "move on please nothing to see here".

06-19-10, 22:34
I was taught that if your there you are either part of the problem or part of the solution.

I see

Then again I may have sprayed the whole crowd and arrested anyone that made a complaint

You are part of the problem if this is what you think...

MSP "Sarge"
06-20-10, 14:32
Thats your opinion and entitled to it. Tear gas is used on a regular basis to disperse crowds and so is OC or pepper. If your not there to help the officer or calling for assistance for that officer your part of the problem.

Why can't we agree that the officer was right in his actions and I think most of us do. And lets just disagree on how an officer, and I guess that would be me, would have handle the crowd. Give me an idea how you might go about the crowd. For an officer in a situation where a crowd is building is dangerous. Putting distance between you and the crowd is the safe thing to do. If it had been me and I sparyed the crowd because I fear them interfering with my arrest, my safety and that of the person I am attempting to arrest, I think I can justify that. You may not agree but I do and maybe a few others will. As for arresting anyone that complains, I would certinaly view any available video and determine if that person violated the law. If they had they get arrested. Look closely at the video. When the officer's back is turned towards the crowd is there anyone there that is thinking about maybe taking one of his weapons? It's impossible to say. We don't know what goes on in someones head. They might have thought about it then again they may have thought about helping out the two women struggling with the lone officer.

It could have been a very dangerous situation for all present, and to think you and a few others may not like the way I would have handled it? Well I am a big boy and would have to answer for my actions. I would hope that you and others would jump right in and offer assistance to the officer.

06-20-10, 14:46
Oh oh, obamas gonna be pissed.....:eek::D The office clearly hates balcks....:rolleyes: