View Full Version : The Fanboy Phenomena

06-17-10, 08:52
Main Entry: fan•boy
Pronunciation: \ˈfan-ˌbȯi\
Function: noun
Date: 1919
: a boy who is an enthusiastic devotee

I have been on gun forums since the late 90’s. Over the years, I have watched the evolution of the “Fanboy” phenomena. There are two versions of the fanboy IMHO. One is much more aggressive/angry than the other type. Both types tend to be weak minded, between the ages of 20-30, easily influenced and have a near cult like devotion to the manufacturer. No matter if GOD himself stated something, they would follow what the manufacturer told them.

The first instance of this I encountered was with the ARMS Fanboys. They believed that ARMS was the best mounts available and when LaRue Tactical came along, the push back was massive. I bore the brunt of this, but eventually prevailed as I articulated the positives of the solid, hardened steel lever over a MIM one. I received hate mail from this ordeal like you cannot imagine. I even got to talk with Dick S. lawyers. That went well. :D

The first type of “Fanboy” is what I call the “unpopular.” This person generally has a lack of self esteem and has the great desire to be popular and thought of as “cool.” They tend to want to dress, act and talk like the manufacturers front men. They will even go to the extreme of changing their hair style or grooming habits. They tend to meek and mild and not prone to aggression.

The example of these people would be the Magpul Fanboys that emulate what Drake, Costa and Travis wear, say and do. Magpul does its best to discourage their Fanboys and generally disapproves of their stupidity. They are the only manufacturer that does this (that I am aware of).

The second type of “Fanboy” is what I call the “Zealot.” These folks have higher levels of self esteem than the “unpopular” Fanboy. They generally desire to be part of a “club” and greatly desire for the manufacturer to notice them. They typically cannot “buy” their way into the manufacturers good graces so they have to do other things that grab their attention. These guys are the ones that get into all the debates on the errornet. They will defend their favorite manufacturers to the ends of the Earth and blindly follow whatever they say. The manufacturer could be a compulsive liar, information manipulator, and just all around AHOLE, but they never see it. The kool-aid drinking tends to be very strong with these types. They will search out any enemy of their favorite manufacturer and resort to any means necessary to downplay their opinion. They cannot be reasoned with and are generally a waste of your time so don’t bother engaging them as their cup is already full with what they do not know.

There are some manufacturers that not only support the above activity, but actually encourage it. My theory for this is that the owner of said company was never popular in school and now they have people that worship the ground they walk on. It is purely an ego trip for them and they enjoy it. What they fail to realize is that their Fanboys cause the more level headed consumers to pass on their products.

*Note: Being a fan of a manufacturer, instructor, etc is 100% fine. Just know that there is a line where it can become compulsive.


06-17-10, 08:59
A timely and accurate analysis...

06-17-10, 09:07
A timely and accurate analysis...

Thanks. I put some thought into what causes it, why some manufacturers encourage it and the two types.

As the information super hwy grows, it really seems to get worse to me.


06-17-10, 09:27
ARs have a 3rd version of Fanboy......... I call them the "Ross Perot" . ..The use graphs and charts to explain their positions....... Just look at this chart.


06-17-10, 09:29
Does this mean I have to stop being a G&R Tactical fan boy? :D

06-17-10, 09:42
Grant, you're just feeling left out of the fanboy phenomena. Okay lets make this fair, and get you up to date with the magpul dynamics guys:

"Hey Grant...in that photo of you from you shooting what pants are you wearing? kthanks!"

06-17-10, 09:44
I have a comment about fanboys but I dare not say it as it might start a riot. :D Good stuff though Grant.

06-17-10, 09:45
Your spot on Grant...

It makes me want to vomit, the "fan-boys" are the "metro-sexuals" of the shooting world. They might as wear Affliction or Tap-Out shit...:rolleyes:

06-17-10, 09:52
Does this mean I have to stop being a G&R Tactical fan boy? :D

LOL, to my knowledge, I have only ONE fanboy. A forum member sent me the back of the Magpul Enhanced Triggerguard to sign (as it is me on the back of the old ones).


06-17-10, 09:53
Your spot on Grant...

It makes me want to vomit, the "fan-boys" are the "metro-sexuals" of the shooting world. They might as wear Affliction or Tap-Out shit...:rolleyes:

Agree. I sometimes attempt to reason with them and always regret it. I need to just stick to my motto: "You can't fix stupid."


06-17-10, 10:06
I think you're spending too much time on this, especially the phycho-analysis part.

Manufacturers all have fans. Exploiting them for free marketing, t-shirt sales, and rabid defense on internut forums is just smart business overall. I call it the "Harley Davidson" business model. When you get people tattooing your logo on themselves, whether for freebies or just out of "loyalty", you know you've been successful. Some businesses choose not to pursue this, or appear not to, only because they are franky often choosing to appeal-to (or appease) a group that they think is "better".

On the "why", more people purchase objects as an attempt to fit in and be part of a group that will ever come close to admitting it. WAY more people. Even those that talk a good game as being in it for something else. Squids (crotch-rocket riders, not Navy guys) that get down on the HD crowd for buying into a lifetyle yet are just as, if not far more, guilty are a good example. Folks that disparage competition shooters while being "serious" about their "training" yet never pull the trigger outside of a class are another.

06-17-10, 10:26
I think you're spending too much time on this, especially the phycho-analysis part.

Manufacturers all have fans. Exploiting them for free marketing, t-shirt sales, and rabid defense on internut forums is just smart business overall. I call it the "Harley Davidson" business model. When you get people tattooing your logo on themselves, whether for freebies or just out of "loyalty", you know you've been successful. Some businesses choose not to pursue this, or appear not to, only because they are franky often choosing to appeal-to (or appease) a group that they think is "better".

On the "why", more people purchase objects as an attempt to fit in and be part of a group that will ever come close to admitting it. WAY more people. Even those that talk a good game as being in it for something else. Squids (crotch-rocket riders, not Navy guys) that get down on the HD crowd for buying into a lifetyle yet are just as, if not far more, guilty are a good example. Folks that disparage competition shooters while being "serious" about their "training" yet never pull the trigger outside of a class are another.

Rob, you are in construction and while that industry has its process and manufacturer issues, it is nothing compared to working in a FB infected industry on the Errornet.
Do that and you too will be really trying to figure out how these folks' screws got loose. Not going to name name of mfgs but I have had folks call me to bitch about my comments regarding their pet products. I have had emails and PM's from these folks that boggled my mind. Not right in the head type of behavior.

The shit you are discussing is just natural cliquishness enhanced by clever marketing, not borderline psychosis as many FB's display.

06-17-10, 10:43
Very good points.

IMHO, what's even more disturbing than manufacturer fanboys are the ones who follow certain instructors like groupies. To these fanboys they can do no wrong and are perfect in every way. And the techniques that they teach are Gospel and nobody better say otherwise.

I've been asked new shooters which instructors they should sign up for. I give them my short list of competent instructors, some of whom I have never trained with but have no problem recommending because of what former students' have told me.

I always CAVEAT this by emphasizing that they should not just stick to one instructor or school. Just because someone has spent X numbers of years in SWAT, Spec Ops, or what-have-you; it doesn't mean that what they are teaching are relevant or useful to every individual. I also caution them that attending just one instructor or establishment's course can ingrain that instructor/establishment's dogma.

Most competent instructors have developed the techniques that they teach based on years of experience and experimentation. Everyone should take the same approach by attending multiple classes and experimenting which techniques they learned from those classes works best for them which do not.

Good thread!!

06-17-10, 10:49
Rob, you are in construction and while that industry has its process and manufacturer issues, it is nothing compared to working in a FB infected industry on the Errornet.
Do that and you too will be really trying to figure out how these folks' screws got loose. Not going to name name of mfgs but I have had folks call me to bitch about my comments regarding their pet products. I have had emails and PM's from these folks that boggled my mind. Not right in the head type of behavior.

While my "day job" is in construction my writing gives me enough of a foothold in the firearms industry to completely understand it.

As to the part in red above, if you're ever down this way we'll get a beer and discuss, I bet my story trumps yours. :D

06-17-10, 10:56
It is very common in several hobbies I am involved in. In most cases, despite being told (many times over) that product ____ is not the end all be all, they cannot grasp why someone wants different. When approached with a suggestion for an alternative, while stating that their ___ is nice, they become more defensive.

The best fanboys I have seen are the ones that support a company in a particular industry that has near top level features and performance but lacks in a few areas that allow the price to be less than "the best". This applies to all industries.

06-17-10, 11:06
LOL, to my knowledge, I have only ONE fanboy. A forum member sent me the back of the Magpul Enhanced Triggerguard to sign (as it is me on the back of the old ones).


I've seen G&Rs facebook page, you seem to have a lot more than ONE! :eek:

06-17-10, 11:06
Good post. Now we need an "emotional attachment to an inanimate object" thread.

06-17-10, 11:14
I find the fanboy phenomena much less offensive when the support is thrown towards great companies. Or maybe that's a defensive statement.:p

06-17-10, 11:22
Ouside of the shooting community, Apple has THE WORST FANBOYS EVER! I was walking through Moscone once during the big Apple conference and people were dressed up as iPods. And watch a Jobs keynote. Anytime Jobs says anything everyone grows a chubber.

Now that being said: I did preorder the new iphone (but hey, it's free, my company pays for it). So I guess I'm a loser douchey fanbois.


Dirk Williams
06-17-10, 11:28
Lebowski, your killing me man, right on.

D Williams

06-17-10, 11:28
Grant when can we get the G&R Tactical iron ons and tattoos. Magpul said sometime this summer for theirs, but couldn't get a definite date. You know how they are...LOL. Spikes said only if we promote them will they give out FanBoy swag.

06-17-10, 11:42
LOL, to my knowledge, I have only ONE fanboy. A forum member sent me the back of the Magpul Enhanced Triggerguard to sign (as it is me on the back of the old ones).

I can't seem to find these on your site. Can you PM with a price?

06-17-10, 11:57
I've seen G&Rs facebook page, you seem to have a lot more than ONE! :eek:

They are not really fanboys. They just want the free stuff we give away and discounts offered. ;)


06-17-10, 11:59
Good post. Now we need an "emotional attachment to an inanimate object" thread.


06-17-10, 11:59
I can't seem to find these on your site. Can you PM with a price?

$10,000. :D

Magpul has not switched the insert in the Enhanced Triggerguards so my pic is not on the back any more.


06-17-10, 12:00
$10,000. :D

that is pretty steep, maybe I will try to make my own. :D

06-17-10, 12:07
$10,000. :D

Could you give me one for free if I get a tattoo of "G&R Tactical" or a picture of your face? I seem to recall a manufacturer giving away things for free if you got inked...

06-17-10, 12:13
LOL!! good post. I might add, if this post pisses you off in any way, it probably describes you.

Army Chief
06-17-10, 12:13
Much of this probably needed to be said, as this is one site where the label "fanboy" is unlikely to be used in a complimentary fashion, and some members who have found their way here from other online watering holes probably don't even realize that they might be coming across this way.

Grant, how you ever managed to get through that last section without naming names or stirring up any "Dust" is beyond me. ;)


06-17-10, 12:25
They are not really fanboys. They just want the free stuff we give away and discounts offered. ;)


Well I certainly won't get free G&R stuff by loitering around on the street corner, so you MIGHT have a point there!

06-17-10, 12:33
If I got the attention the Magpul guys get Id probably quit the business, and never show myself around the firearms community again. Some of the GAYEST and most IMMATURE shit Ive read on a firearms site revolves round those guys, and the homo erotic following they have by large amounts of males. Seriously? Like a 20 page thread for chopping a pic of a guy with his shirt up? No one wants to see that shit unless they have some secret man love feelings going on.

06-17-10, 12:41
Does this mean I have to stop being a G&R Tactical fan boy? :D

Yea I was gonna ask the same thing... ;)

So Grant your telling me that having custom made Magpul underwear isn't going to help my shooting? Damn it, I have to stop that order, and I already put down a deposit!

06-17-10, 12:42
If I got the attention the Magpul guys get Id probably quit the business, and never show myself around the firearms community again. Some of the GAYEST and most IMMATURE shit Ive read on a firearms site revolves round those guys, and the homo erotic following they have by large amounts of males. Seriously? Like a 20 page thread for chopping a pic of a guy with his shirt up? No one wants to see that shit unless they have some secret man love feelings going on.

Yeah TOS has at least two giant threads along those lines not to mention the beard one. :rolleyes:

06-17-10, 12:45
two words for this thread...

Chris Costa


the amount of fanboys he's got is startling. "how do i hold my AR like that", "what watch is that", "what jacket is he wearing in the Magpul videos", "what kind of underwear does he wear"

06-17-10, 12:47

06-17-10, 12:55
two words for this thread...

Chris Costa

Trust me, I asked him about this 2 weeks ago in our class. I wish I could shoot half as good as Chris, but my god, the crap that goes on at TOS is borderline creepy.

06-17-10, 12:56
Trust me, I asked him about this 2 weeks ago in our class. I wish I could shoot half as good as Chris, but my god, the crap that goes on at TOS is borderline creepy.

except for the underwear line, those are all questions i've seen on this site.

06-17-10, 13:02

I occasionally do freelance work for a photographer that is literally as much of an Apple junky as the dude in this comic. Well, not "as much" I mean he's divorced twice, he didn't "sell" the family, just traded them in for complete high tech apple studio in his living room. He is the typical 100% fan boy described by grant, the only problem? He is in his mid fifties so the age description doesn't pan out!

I use to be a signed skater back in the days, and was riding snow boards at the birth of that industry. The fanboy mentality permeates all sports/hobbies, but sometimes it is rooted or born from a little bit of truth!

If you look at the number of snowboard manufacturers today as compared to 1995 you will see how die-hard fan boys can complete homogenize an industry. Burton were never the best boards, far from it actually, but they had the capital to encourage their fan boys to the point of zealotry. Same with Vans. The thing is though, all the major brands were, at the time, close to the best in terms of quality. They fostered the fanboys, swag marketing scheme and now your not a true snowboarder if your not decked out head to toe in Burton gear.

The one thing that really shocks me though (and maybe I just haven't started competing yet so I don't see it) is that the firearms industry hasn't seemed to figure out the concept of sponsorships yet. If any of these brands really wanted to exploit the hell out of fan boys they would go to local 3gun matches, and "sponsor" the best shooters. Of course this would have to include free actual products, but more importantly? Stickers, and t-shirts. Fanboy sales in that local area would sky rocket!

This scene reminds me so much the skating/snowboarding community some times it boggles my mind. I wonder how long until 3gun is the next sport in Xgames?

06-17-10, 13:12
The one thing that really shocks me though (and maybe I just haven't started competing yet so I don't see it) is that the firearms industry hasn't seemed to figure out the concept of sponsorships yet. If any of these brands really wanted to exploit the hell out of fan boys they would go to local 3gun matches, and "sponsor" the best shooters. Of course this would have to include free actual products, but more importantly? Stickers, and t-shirts. Fanboy sales in that local area would sky rocket!

They do, there are a lot of competition shooters who are sponsored.

06-17-10, 13:45
They do, there are a lot of competition shooters who are sponsored.

I figured they had to be doing it on some level. But is it to the extent that there are regional teams, and amateur teams yet?

Xgames here we come guys!

06-17-10, 13:53
I figured they had to be doing it on some level. But is it to the extent that there are regional teams, and amateur teams yet?

Xgames here we come guys!

Not sure to the extent, but there are plenty of guys here on M4C that are sponsored.

06-17-10, 14:08
Much of this probably needed to be said, as this is one site where the label "fanboy" is unlikely to be used in a complimentary fashion, and some members who have found their way here from other online watering holes probably don't even realize that they might be coming across this way.

Grant, how you ever managed to get through that last section without naming names or stirring up any "Dust" is beyond me. ;)


Brother, let me tell you! I wrote and re-wrote that last section 10 times. I wanted to call a spade a spade so bad I could taste it, but just couldn't bring all that drama to myself and the forum.


06-17-10, 14:20
Good post. Now we need an "emotional attachment to an inanimate object" thread.

You mean the "I have lost the ability to discriminate between my johnson and my hobby" thread?

06-17-10, 15:11
Very timely indeed. The Spikes Thread is the classic example of this.

06-17-10, 15:50
Fanboy, or appearance there of is a fact of life for anything in the price range of firearms, especially given limited access to test drive each name brand under consideration.

Thus those who have decided to go with a particular brand, well educated or not by that decision are going to be huge supporters until something breaks... and another item unique to this industry is the paperweight phenomenon. The high end rifles don't cease to malfunction, it's just a lot of effort to increase mean rounds between failure (an inherently statistical measurement, thus over the heads of most gun buyers), yet among commonly considered second tier weapon systems, the mean version of them has a natural environment that is a gun safe, not a range, and will not go into double digit multiples of their modest MRBF, so the average owner will quite understandably believe that they actually have an 'As Good As' weapon system.

The true tale of this is that those companies will continue to get positive feedback from their customers, as it continues to look tacticool, and hasn't failed them, yet here we have a tendency to dismiss them as subpar units because they don't adhere to small parts of a particular TDP.

For a user who is willing to up front admit that a weapon system isn't likely to go past two cases of ammunition, due to cost restrictions, in their case I think they'd be better served by adding valuable (and intelligently chosen - not UTG/Tapco/NCStar) force multipliers, such as an optic and a weaponlight, a decent supply of magazines, and most importantly a training budget to become proficient with the system, instead of buying a top end specced rifle, and letting it accumulate dust, and being less proficient with the weapon system because of a budget constraint - I think in this case the wrong impression can easily had.
On the other hand, for anybody who can put together the budget to train with the weapon system, and stands a chance of using a barrel to service life, then the cost difference up front is so trivial there isn't a valid reason not to go top tier.

The same absolutely applies for training - hell, some pogues are still convinced that Marine rifle training is the best there is, (let along adequate)... but I'll accept the negative aspects of many fanboys as just part of more practical, and quality training abounding.

06-17-10, 16:43
I drink and bathe in Colt kool-aid daily, and I make no apologies :D

Ed L.
06-17-10, 17:14
A few things:

First, Call me naive but I didn't know that I could be a fanboy and get compensated gear.

Secondly, calling Magpul Dynamics fans gay is grossly incorrect.

Chris and Travis shoot fast and well and look good while doing it. They are the first shooting instructors to capture and dominate modern media like U-Tube. I would not call people who admire them and want to emulate them gay. I mean, it's not like the fans are drinking tonic water while singing Broadway showtunes.

On that note I think I will start wearing a yellow visor.

Army Chief
06-17-10, 17:17
Brother, let me tell you! I wrote and re-wrote that last section 10 times. I wanted to call a spade a spade so bad I could taste it, but just couldn't bring all that drama to myself and the forum.


No big Dillo. ;)


06-17-10, 17:22
I'm very appreciative of those people who spend every dime they have on companies goods, especially when that money is used for more research. (yeah, I'll admit, I've drank the Magpul cool-aide, but there's no more of their stuff on my rifle than anyone else's rifles, and I don't go around spouting off about them all day.)

If the only people that bought manufacturers good were the "serious shooters", those manufacturers wouldn't have enough of a market base to survive. Thank you fanboys, your dollars ensure that good companies stay in business.;):)

06-17-10, 17:30
On that note I think I will start wearing a yellow visor.

Oooh...where do we get those???

Seriously...people make big $$$ choices and then get their panties in a twist if someone doesn't worship their particular idol

Nothing new.....

06-17-10, 17:36
I'd rather hang out with an ARMS fanboy and be a HK/SIG fanboy than be one of those drunken losers cheering for a team of former gang bangers because they can throw a ball and run fast.


06-17-10, 17:50
After recently reading some threads on another site...I can completely understand where your train of thought here comes from.

06-17-10, 18:01
A few things:

First, Call me naive but I didn't know that I could be a fanboy and get compensated gear.

Secondly, calling Magpul Dynamics fans gay is grossly incorrect.

Chris and Travis shoot fast and well and look good while doing it. They are the first shooting instructors to capture and dominate modern media like U-Tube. I would not call people who admire them and want to emulate them gay. I mean, it's not like the fans are drinking tonic water while singing Broadway showtunes.

On that note I think I will start wearing a yellow visor.

Yes. There have been several instances (that I am aware of) where a "fanboy" received free gear in exchange for bad mouthing that companies competition.

There is also phenomena where people that do not work in the firearms industry start a gear review website and get manufacturers to send them stuff for free. What kind of review do think we are going to see out of them when they paid nothing for that rifle?
Why manufacturers send these people things is simply beyond me.


06-17-10, 18:04
I'd rather hang out with an ARMS fanboy and be a HK/SIG fanboy than be one of those drunken losers cheering for a team of former gang bangers because they can throw a ball and run fast.


Don't hate the player, hate the game. ;)


06-17-10, 18:05
I am a Colt fanboy LOL. Not because I choose to but because I grew up shooting Colt firearms period. But I am building a Noveske and and DD, and maybe a BCM later on in the year.

06-17-10, 18:34
Don't hate the player, hate the game. ;)


I prefer to do both.

Ed L.
06-17-10, 18:47
Yes. There have been several instances (that I am aware of) where a "fanboy" received free gear in exchange for bad mouthing that companies competition.

There is also phenomena where people that do not work in the firearms industry start a gear review website and get manufacturers to send them stuff for free. What kind of review do think we are going to see out of them when they paid nothing for that rifle?
Why manufacturers send these people things is simply beyond me.

And they get to keep the guns after doing the reviews?

That's amazing.

I don't get to keep the guns I review for SWAT magazine.

Maybe I should set up a review website.:rolleyes:

Nah . . . .

I get the feeling that any gun that fanboys get rewarded with from the manufacturer probably isn't one that I would want in the first place.

06-17-10, 19:13
Let's also remember that so-called fanboys help cut through noise and mob mentality BS

5 years ago it was the Colt fanboys that doggedly tried to explain why Colt was better than Olympic, DPMS, Armalite and Bushmaster despite a massive majority insisting that Colt was nothing more than a name and prancing pony.

Anyone remember the ARFCOM mantra: "just buy ABC, because they are all the same, and all get their parts from the same vendors". Fanboys got banned for trolling and were shunned for insisting on correct barrel profiles, proofing and quality control

I would go as far as to say that fanboys are what forced companies to step up their game resulting in BCM and DD over the typical 1/9 twist, 4140, non-staked or MP proofed products of yesteryear

06-17-10, 19:17
Let's also remember that so-called fanboys help cut through noise

5 years ago it was the Colt fanboys that doggedly tried to explain why Colt was better than Olympic, DPMS, Armalite and Bushmaster despite a massive majority insisting that Colt was nothing more than a name and prancing pony.

Anyone remember the ARFCOM mantra: "just buy ABC, because they are all the same, and all get their parts from the same vendors". Fanboys got banned for trolling and were shunned for insisting on correct barrel profiles, proofing and quality control

I would go as far as to say that fanboys are what forced companies to step up their game resulting in BCM and DD over the typical 1/9 twist, 4140, non-staked or MP proofed products of yesteryear

That instance was for a purpose, with a reason and a clear cut one at that. There is measurable difference. I believe most of us are referring to blind support without reason. Having a MOE grip and a CTR stock on your AR while using PMAGS is no different than many people out there. Buying a Raven holster is kosher as well. Growing a beard, yelling bust 'em and copying Costa is a fanboy thing. Supporting a company and touting them as something they are not is fanboy-ism, especially when said fanboy ignores valid points.

06-17-10, 19:18
I'd just like to take a moment to announce my new website.


We intend to give all the premium firearm manufacturers (who supply items for review) a comprehensive and thorough review of their product with specific focus on why customers should purchase said products.


If successful, we will launch Pornstartrating.com where female stars in the adult industry will go head to head and be rated in several critical categories.

06-17-10, 19:19
Let's also remember that so-called fanboys help cut through noise and mob mentality BS

5 years ago it was the Colt fanboys that doggedly tried to explain why Colt was better than Olympic, DPMS, Armalite and Bushmaster despite a massive majority insisting that Colt was nothing more than a name and prancing pony.

Anyone remember the ARFCOM mantra: "just buy ABC, because they are all the same, and all get their parts from the same vendors". Fanboys got banned for trolling and were shunned for insisting on correct barrel profiles, proofing and quality control

I would go as far as to say that fanboys are what forced companies to step up their game resulting in BCM and DD over the typical 1/9 twist, 4140, non-staked or MP proofed products of yesteryear

IMO the majority of AR shooters are in still in the boat of "they are all the same". Most are just trying to justify their purchase instead of admitting to themselves they bought an inferior product. Others are too stupid to know the difference.

Go post a thread on TOS about a broken part on a Colt, and you'll get 3 pages of people flapping their gums talking shit on Colt. "Oh I thought they were perfect. :rolleyes: I guess the chart is wrong. :)"

Or you get the types that say their 4140 barrel is just as good as anything else because they fired 10k rounds over 3-4 years.

06-17-10, 19:21
No big Dillo. ;)


Well played, old chap.

06-17-10, 19:31
LOL, to my knowledge, I have only ONE fanboy. A forum member sent me the back of the Magpul Enhanced Triggerguard to sign (as it is me on the back of the old ones).


Yeah, that was me. I admit it. Thanks for not dimeing me out, Grant, and allowing me to take a step forward.

And when all you jealous bastiges are weeping over how much money that card is worth in 20 years....... :cool:

I thought it was a funny joke. I mailed it to Grant with an SASE. He actually did sign it and mail it back. I flat out was not expecting him to do so.

Of course, he did write on on it "Remember I have a lot of rifles, and keep your distance!" :D

06-17-10, 20:01
And they get to keep the guns after doing the reviews?

That's amazing.

I don't get to keep the guns I review for SWAT magazine.

Maybe I should set up a review website.:rolleyes:

Nah . . . .

I get the feeling that any gun that fanboys get rewarded with from the manufacturer probably isn't one that I would want in the first place.

In some instances, yes they do. Some give them back though.


06-17-10, 20:05
Yeah, that was me. I admit it. Thanks for not dimeing me out, Grant, and allowing me to take a step forward.

And when all you jealous bastiges are weeping over how much money that card is worth in 20 years....... :cool:

I thought it was a funny joke. I mailed it to Grant with an SASE. He actually did sign it and mail it back. I flat out was not expecting him to do so.

Of course, he did write on on it "Remember I have a lot of rifles, and keep your distance!" :D

I actually did not remember who it was so you were safe (until you outed yourself). ;)


06-17-10, 20:09
Well, that card will stay in the box with all those baseball cards from when I was a kid. You never know, stuff gets valuable for the craziest reasons....:p

06-17-10, 20:32
There is also phenomena where people that do not work in the firearms industry start a gear review website and get manufacturers to send them stuff for free. What kind of review do think we are going to see out of them when they paid nothing for that rifle?
Why manufacturers send these people things is simply beyond me.

Don't hate the player, hate the game. ;)

I found the proximity of these two posts amusing.

06-17-10, 20:34
for my thoughts on the matter, consult the 1st line of my sig.

06-17-10, 20:34
And they get to keep the guns after doing the reviews?

That's amazing.

I don't get to keep the guns I review for SWAT magazine.

Maybe I should set up a review website.:rolleyes:

Nah . . . .
This is one of the things a lot of people don't seem to know about SWAT; guns must be bought and paid for or returned, classes must be paid for not comped, etc.

I get the feeling that any gun that fanboys get rewarded with from the manufacturer probably isn't one that I would want in the first place.

I bet you would be really, really surprised.

06-17-10, 20:42
Secondly, calling Magpul Dynamics fans gay is grossly incorrect.

Chris and Travis shoot fast and well and look good while doing it. They are the first shooting instructors to capture and dominate modern media like U-Tube. I would not call people who admire them and want to emulate them gay. I mean, it's not like the fans are drinking tonic water while singing Broadway showtunes.

No one is saying that all (or even most) MD "fans" are gay...but when things are taken to the extremes that they are, endless threads asking about the minute details of this or that from AOTTC and such...I would damn near bet my life that a greater than negligible number of people would buy Costa's used boxers if they were listed on eBay.

(ETA: rickrock305 hit the nail on the head)

I'm not saying; I'm just saying...

06-17-10, 22:49
A few things:

First, Call me naive but I didn't know that I could be a fanboy and get compensated gear.

Secondly, calling Magpul Dynamics fans gay is grossly incorrect.

Chris and Travis shoot fast and well and look good while doing it. They are the first shooting instructors to capture and dominate modern media like U-Tube. I would not call people who admire them and want to emulate them gay. I mean, it's not like the fans are drinking tonic water while singing Broadway showtunes.

On that note I think I will start wearing a yellow visor.

were you the guy asking about Costa's watch/jacket? :D

Ed L.
06-17-10, 23:07
were you the guy asking about Costa's watch/jacket? :D

That wasn't me. But now that you mention it, if you do know what type he wears . . . :D

06-18-10, 00:04
I'll tell you what's gay... this thread...

so this is what passes for stimulating content in the new and improved General Discussion???


06-18-10, 01:08
Like being a Vickers fanboy?

06-18-10, 02:34
I think it was also a thread for people to lighten up a little.

I'll tell you what's gay... this thread...

so this is what passes for stimulating content in the new and improved General Discussion???


06-18-10, 02:35
I have a question. Since non of my AR's are factory built and I assembled them from different sources would I then be an "Iraqgunz" fanboy? Would that make me gay or narcissistic?

06-18-10, 07:13
Let's also remember that so-called fanboys help cut through noise and mob mentality BS

5 years ago it was the Colt fanboys that doggedly tried to explain why Colt was better than Olympic, DPMS, Armalite and Bushmaster despite a massive majority insisting that Colt was nothing more than a name and prancing pony.

Anyone remember the ARFCOM mantra: "just buy ABC, because they are all the same, and all get their parts from the same vendors". Fanboys got banned for trolling and were shunned for insisting on correct barrel profiles, proofing and quality control

I would go as far as to say that fanboys are what forced companies to step up their game resulting in BCM and DD over the typical 1/9 twist, 4140, non-staked or MP proofed products of yesteryear

I see where you are coming from, but IMO there is a big differance between a discriminating consumer and a "fan-boy". Colt is and was the standard for all others to be judge by for a long time. Now we have DD, BCM, Noveske, and some others.

Like being a Vickers fanboy? I have never read a thread on M4C where a bunch of posers wanted to know what kind of underwear Mr. Vickers wears and photoshop his head on pics of shirtless men.

06-18-10, 08:17
LOL!! good post. I might add, if this post pisses you off in any way, it probably describes you.

Oh no he di-in't!! :p

06-18-10, 08:45
I'll tell you what's gay... this thread...

so this is what passes for stimulating content in the new and improved General Discussion???


For me, it was a venting process as I have been dealing with these people for a long time. They harass me via e-mail, phone and in forums. Their stupidity knows no bounds.

If you do not like it, don't waste your time reading it. ;)


06-18-10, 08:46
Like being a Vickers fanboy?

I am sure he has some. To date, I have not see anyone ask him what size his pants are or how to get their hair to look like his.


06-18-10, 09:33
I would damn near bet my life that a greater than negligible number of people would buy Costa's used boxers if they were listed on eBay.

How do you know Costa wears boxers?????


I noticed Costa this past weekend wearing some pants I had not ever seen before (brand I did not know about). Of course, now I can't ever buy a pair for fear of being labeled a fanboy...

06-18-10, 09:38
I noticed Costa this past weekend wearing some pants I had not ever seen before (brand I did not know about). Of course, now I can't ever buy a pair for fear of being labeled a fanboy...
No, you wouldnt be considered a fanboy, the MD guys use nice shit. There is no problem using nice shit. The problem comes when you cant get ahold of nice shit because of the fanboys.

Raven and Ares gear make top notch stuff that used to be easily obtainable, and now you cant touch it. No fault to any party involved, but come on. I would love to see what happens if MD tried to prove a point by running Taurus' with Fobus holsters in a DVD, while wearing suspenders and duck boots.

06-18-10, 10:06
No, you wouldnt be considered a fanboy, the MD guys use nice shit. There is no problem using nice shit. The problem comes when you cant get ahold of nice shit because of the fanboys.

Raven and Ares gear make top notch stuff that used to be easily obtainable, and now you cant touch it. No fault to any party involved, but come on. I would love to see what happens if MD tried to prove a point by running Taurus' with Fobus holsters in a DVD, while wearing suspenders and duck boots.

Exactly, I use to wear Carhartts before they were vougue. Still do.

12-09-11, 22:18
I shouldn't be surprised at people's fanboy-ism, but damn.

Grant's saying that people call and email him over this kind of shit? That must be so annoying. :sad:

Now, the Raven Concealment holsters were mentioned here.

I must say that I would buy one because I saw Costa wearing one. It has nothing to do with being a fanboy and everything to do with the fact that I was exposed to that rig as an option thanks to the magpul guys. I never heard of them prior to watching the MD pistol DVD.

If I move to Free America or get an LTC in this state in the future, I'll be carrying in one.

12-09-11, 22:44
Way to necro post.

12-10-11, 02:46
Grant, you're just feeling left out of the fanboy phenomena. Okay lets make this fair, and get you up to date with the magpul dynamics guys:

"Hey Grant...in that photo of you from you shooting what pants are you wearing? kthanks!"
Wait, Grant wears pants?!?!?!?!?

Way to necro post.

12-10-11, 16:33
Yes. There have been several instances (that I am aware of) where a "fanboy" received free gear in exchange for bad mouthing that companies competition.

There is also phenomena where people that do not work in the firearms industry start a gear review website and get manufacturers to send them stuff for free. What kind of review do think we are going to see out of them when they paid nothing for that rifle?
Why manufacturers send these people things is simply beyond me.


such as?

12-10-11, 16:49
Remember: "You can't have a battle of the wits, with an unarmed person".

12-11-11, 00:16
Fan Boys are the scourge of the internet :angry:

Dave L.
12-11-11, 07:08
Now, the Raven Concealment holsters were mentioned here.

I must say that I would buy one because I saw Costa wearing one. It has nothing to do with being a fanboy and everything to do with the fact that I was exposed to that rig as an option thanks to the magpul guys. I never heard of them prior to watching the MD pistol DVD.

Why would you buy something just because an instructor has it?
Costa would be a good shooter no matter what holster he used.

*Thank God Costa chose RCS and not a SERPA....

12-11-11, 07:19
such as?

Sorry, cannot list. Maybe my last day on the errornet, I will say.
