View Full Version : Coffee snobs unite

06-18-10, 07:52
Any real coffee snobs here? People who have to grind it fresh every morning? Can't settle for the swill that passes for coffee at those popular coffee places?

I get my coffee from The Roasterie by mail: http://www.theroasterie.com

I get various coffees from them, but my favorite and regular brew is their Full Vengeance Dark Blend, cause I like my coffee like my women: strong and black:


It's ground fresh every morning, and made in cuisinart coffee maker:


However, to my tastes, the best is to use a French press, such as:


I use the French press on occasion (as it's by far the best tasting coffee method in my view) but use the regular coffee maker because it's easier and regular intakes of un filtered coffee raises cholesterol in some people:


What your coffee habit?

06-18-10, 08:37
Got a "bean on your back?" ;)

I enjoy a good cup of Joe myself. Through the week I use regular old Folgers because it's quick and easy, but this is my weekend treat http://www.medagliadoro.com/products.htm. It's great in a french press!

Have you ever tried any of this http://www.sweetunityfarms.com/?

Gutshot John
06-18-10, 08:48
Fine ground Sumatra from Nicholas Coffee. http://www.nicholascoffee.net/webstore/storefront/storemain.cfm?CFID=8306459&CFTOKEN=238219

I have a grinder but I go through it fast enough I can have the store grind it.

Stainless Bialetti Musa though I've used the classic "dama" model as well, as seen in the movie Serpico. :cool: Bialetti Musa (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?client=safari&rls=en&q=Bialetti+Musa&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=9824940368442252179&ei=q3gbTK_AJsGB8gbU3MCHCQ&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CCEQ8wIwAQ#ps-sellers)
Bialetti USA (http://www.bialetti.com/BialettiUSA.htm)

06-18-10, 08:58
Yup, buy it and grind it. Currently using a Krups cone filter setup, because I have yet to find a press that will have java waiting to pour when I stagger into the kitchen at 6 AM. Kick myself for getting rid of my grand dads old percolator.

06-18-10, 08:59
What your coffee habit?

1. White Chocolate Mocha is the only thing even remotely palatable from Fivebucks.

2. I have one of those small 4-cup coffee makers. The whole pot goes into a tall, 30 oz Tupperware cup with about 1/4 inch less than a full 1/3 cup of sugar, and the Tupperware cup is filled the rest of the way up to the brim with regular 2% milk. I actually have this down to a science.

In the fall/winter, I put the coffee maker on a timer to have it ready and warm when I'm ready. In the spring/summer, I make it the night before and store in the refrigerator overnight.

After a 4 mile run in the heat and humidity, there's nothing better than kicking back with a cold cup of coffee to enjoy the morning. :D

06-18-10, 09:14
Have you ever tried any of this http://www.sweetunityfarms.com/?

Have not seen them, but looks good. Will check it out. Try also:


06-18-10, 09:15
I'm sure I'll be crucified for this...but after trying a lot of different coffee's I now prefer Dunkin Doughnuts. I love DD's for more than one reason now! http://www.websmileys.com/sm/drink/trink25.gif

I use to take Gevalia...

06-18-10, 09:24
I'm sure I'll be crucified for this...but after trying a lot of different coffee's I now prefer Dunkin Doughnuts.

That aint coffee brother. :D:rolleyes::D

Like calling DPMS an AR or Ugo a car. It's just not done.....

06-18-10, 09:59
I am lucky to have a father who is not only sick with BRD he has a love for single malt whiskey, coffee and cigars. :D

He has fortunately passed along some of his tools of the trade and his knowledge to me.

Although it's not officially mine yet, I have been using his:

This thing is amazing. Makes killer coffee. I have been going through the Kona that he brought back from Hawaii and loving every cup.

He has also gotten me to use a Chemex (http://www.chemexcoffeemaker.com/) and a french press (http://www.amazon.com/Bodum-1928-16US6-Chambord-Coffee-Press/dp/B00005LM0S/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&s=kitchen&qid=1276872604&sr=1-16) both of which also make very good coffee.

I will admit that I started off just drinking Gevalia or whatever I picked up at the store and now I enjoy grinding my own and taking the time to prepare a propper cup of coffee. I guess I owe my snobbery to my Dad.

06-18-10, 10:08
I will admit that I started off just drinking Gevalia or whatever I picked up at the store and now I enjoy grinding my own and taking the time to prepare a propper cup of coffee. I guess I owe my snobbery to my Dad.

Once a person has a taste and knowledge of good coffee, there's no going back to the crap that passes for coffee sold at most places in the US. Real Kona coffee in a French press is coffee as good as it gets to my taste. I'm not really a big fan of things like expreso and such personally, as I like a full sized mug of coffee to drink, not those little cups. Had a full sized cup of Cuban coffee vs the little cups they come in, and found out the hard way why thy come in those little cups. :eek:

Dirk Williams
06-18-10, 10:13
A hot shower and a fresh grind and brew coffee's every morning and I can get through anything the world throws at me. I lived in SE Asia and Spain for several years as a younger man.

I learned early the value and rewards of a superior cup of very strong coffee.

Not particular to a brand, anything Costco has in multi pound weights and is organic.

Actually I think DD and BK both market a surprisingly good cup of coffee if Im on the road.

D Williams

06-18-10, 10:13
I am lucky to have a father who is not only sick with BRD he has a love for single malt whiskey, coffee and cigars. :D

Aw yes, a true renaissance man...there a few of us. As my future father-in-law would say life is to short to drink cheap scotch. :D

Erik 1
06-18-10, 10:13
These guys (http://www.willoughbyscoffee.com/) happen to be local to me. Organic Sumatra French Roast, made in a French press, every morning. I also go through it fast enough that I can have them grind it for me. The only other coffee maker I've ever had that I liked as much was a vacuum coffee maker.

06-18-10, 10:20
Once a person has a taste and knowledge of good coffee, there's no going back to the crap that passes for coffee sold at most places in the US. Real Kona coffee in a French press is coffee as good as it gets to my taste. I'm not really a big fan of things like expreso and such personally, as I like a full sized mug of coffee to drink, not those little cups. Had a full sized cup of Cuban coffee vs the little cups they come in, and found out the hard way why thy come in those little cups. :eek:

I need to step up and get into grinding my own. I brew/drink per the cup at home anyway, never make a pot and sip on it all day.

Is mail order the best way to obtain real mccoy Kona?

Gutshot John
06-18-10, 10:41
Is mail order the best way to obtain real mccoy Kona?

Yeah but its not as good and it's cheaper to take up cocaine. :p

06-18-10, 10:45
Is mail order the best way to obtain real mccoy Kona?

I believe so. I was lucky enough to know folks there or have my parents bring me some back when they visited. Trust but verify holds true, even for coffee. :D

06-18-10, 10:46
I need to step up and get into grinding my own. I brew/drink per the cup at home anyway, never make a pot and sip on it all day.

Is mail order the best way to obtain real mccoy Kona?

Unless there's a good roaster close to you you know of and gets good reviews, yes. Real Kona is big $$$$$, so my regular brew is listed above, or search their site for something else that jumps out at you.

06-18-10, 10:46
Yeah but its not as good and it's cheaper to take up cocaine. :p

Truth. :cool:

06-18-10, 11:31
I purchased a Rancilio Sylvia espresso machine with a Rocky burr grinder a couple of years back and get fresh beans from a local roaster. A cup of coffee in my house is a double shot Americano.

What passes for coffee these days tastes like, as my wife so eloquently put it, "hot water that somebody dipped a brown Crayon in."

06-18-10, 11:51
I have a french press I use on weekends. I don't grind my own, but need to start.

Cleanup is too much of a pain in the ass during the week. I started out dumping it down the garbage disposal but it wound up in the dishwasher which earned me a big ration of shit at home.

06-18-10, 12:04
Sumatra for the win! I love that one. Normally though I just drink Community Coffee. It is cheap. I do grind though, but I need to get a French Press.

06-18-10, 12:14
Sumatra for the win! I love that one. Normally though I just drink Community Coffee. It is cheap. I do grind though, but I need to get a French Press.

My college room mate got me drinking Community Coffee as his grand parents were from LA. He used to put brown sugar hin is, use to drink it that way and it ain't half bad.

06-18-10, 13:08
I have a friend that not only grinds his own but roasts it as well.

of course for half of the year he travels about the earth on a motorcycle and sidecar with just his dog for company, and te other half he lives on a sailboat.

when he finds himself in any one place for some time, or when funds run low, he is a chef by trade. eclectic...

06-18-10, 13:15
www.home-barista.com pretty good coffee site for those wondering kinda like the M4C for coffee people

I have a commercial machine plumbed in to drain and water in my house ? I think that counts :)

Mazzer grinder and Elektra A3 machine about the cost of two Noveske rifles and it pulls just as good of shots


my old pasquini is sitting out in the garage now and to think the pasquini is about the price of a Noveske
been thinking about putting it in my offroad trailer just to be over the top in my trailer ?

coffees I like vary a bit
my recent fav is black cat from www.intelligentsiacoffee.com
another favorite is Belle from www.klatchroasting.com
www.espressovivace.com has some nice stuff also

their are a few more but if you are into coffee check out home-barista

06-18-10, 18:24
I started out dumping it down the garbage disposal but it wound up in the dishwasher which earned me a big ration of shit at home.

Some of my more "green" dump it into a Tupperware container and eventually a compost pile if you're into gardening.

06-18-10, 19:29
Ive switched from a french press to an espresso machine. Comparing both, the espresso machine does a better job squeezing every bit of coffee out of your grinds. Gives a richer aroma and flavor, IMHO.
I have to say though, aroma I think has more to do with the quality of beans rather than brewing process. My late grandfather used to purchase specific types of beans, roast them himself and grind on a per brew basis. Im pretty sure he didnt use an espresso machine and yet his coffee gave a distinctly rich and impossibly replicable coffee aroma, which, as a kid, was always my heads up of his presence. All I know is that it was a specific mix of certain varieties in specific quantities, one of which was arabica. THe rest is a complete blur to me.

06-18-10, 19:47
beans are a major major part a machine can extract more out of beans and the grinder makes it possible to extract

a good burr grinder is a must not a blade grinder !!!!!

fresh beans if more than 7-8 days old I trash em ? the good roasters will date and send your beans and you get them a few days after which is good cause you dont want to use them the first few days either they have to off gas a bit

if beans are ground and sit more than say 30 minutes which is to much for some you loose a lot of flavor

its like anything one can get into their are extremes and owning a quality rifle shooting quality ammo is always nicer than the opposite some will notice some will not

06-18-10, 21:13
best coffee I've ever had is real deal Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. but it is expensive as hell to get over here, upwards of $30-$50 a pound.

so generally i stick to the old Dunkin Donuts. yea i know, sacrilege lol

06-18-10, 22:19
I order my green beans from either Sweet Maria's or Caracolillo Coffee. I roast 2-3x a week, small batches, and grind my own daily. French press for brewing.

06-18-10, 23:16
My college room mate got me drinking Community Coffee as his grand parents were from LA. He used to put brown sugar hin is, use to drink it that way and it ain't half bad.

Community Coffee is good stuff. I sometimes drink it black, and sometimes ivory.

06-19-10, 13:51
I love Trader Joe coffee- does that make a snob? :cool:

06-19-10, 19:26
Few years ago I got my first French press, used same beans for it and for my drip machine, left room and asked my son to poor it in 2 cups. Came back and picked the one that tasted better - turned out to be French press. Repeated experiment next day - and I was able to say which one was from press and which one was from drip; 'been using press ever since.
I grind fresh beans every morning.
My favorite coffee shop is this one http://www.intelligentsiacoffee.com/; I order once in a while - their South American selections are excellent, and Black Cat blend is the best blend I've tried. I also like trying different selections from local sources.
I don't get Hawaiian and Jamaican coffees, but otherwise I like most of quality beans.

On a similar note, does anybody have any experience with Nespresso http://www.nespresso.com/#/us/en?

06-19-10, 19:33
Suppose it might start a fight, but what do folks put IN their coffee?

06-19-10, 19:42
Suppose it might start a fight, but what do folks put IN their coffee?

Nothing in mine.

If I buy I a cup from a coffee stand or from Starbucks - a bit of raw sugar.

Army Chief
06-19-10, 21:19
Interesting thread.

I'm not a throughout-the-day coffee drinker, but many years ago while living in Europe, Mrs. Army Chief and I invested in a Krupps 230v automatic espresso machine (the type that grinds and pressure brews on demand). That got us in the habit of starting our day off together with a Caffè (or Mocha) breve, and it's something that we've continued ever since.

Now that we're back Stateside, we use a Jura Capresso (http://www.capresso.com/) Impressa, and while these machines may qualify as senseless luxuries to some, I couldn't really imagine not having one in the house. This does tend to make it rather difficult to enjoy a cup of what passes for "regular coffee" when we're out and about, though. Crema? What's crema? ;)


06-20-10, 00:26
Suppose it might start a fight, but what do folks put IN their coffee?

I always add more coffee to my coffee. :D

I pour a pot into my to-go mug, and drink it all at work before 8 am.

06-20-10, 08:35
Suppose it might start a fight, but what do folks put IN their coffee?

Either nothing, or some light cream.

06-20-10, 08:47
I use a Keurig for convenience, and am currently drinking the Green Mountain Coffee, Island Coconut. Its a little too light, but works well since the mornings are approaching 95 degrees. I avoid the good stuff until the fall or winter; kind of like how I dont drink red wine in the summer.

One pack of sugar in the raw is all that compliments my cup.

06-20-10, 08:48
Suppose it might start a fight, but what do folks put IN their coffee?

Depends generally.
First cup everyday I put nearly saturation level sugar into it.
Now that it is summer, any other that I drink will be straight.
If it is cold and shitty out I will lightly sweeten the during day coffee.
If it really cold and shitty out with me working in it. Cream (not milk, not that stomach churning non-dairy creamer.) or slightly worked whole milk and a buncha sugar.
Why eat a donut when you can cram that many calories into a cup of coffee?:D

06-20-10, 09:17
When I am not drinking it black, I had a cube of sugar and some milk.

06-20-10, 12:25
Ironically the wife is making coffee as we speak.

Whole bean 100% Kona coffee that I get locally for $18/lb via French press, drink it black.

On week days I have a Keuring single cup coffee maker that is set on a timer, so I can get out the door quickly.
Keurig coffee maker (http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=11537017&search=keurig&Mo=1&cm_re=1_en-_-Top_Left_Nav-_-Top_search&lang=en-US&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&Sp=S&N=5000043&whse=BC&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntk=Text_Search&Dr=P_CatalogName:BC&Ne=4000000&D=keurig&Ntt=keurig&No=1&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&topnav=&s=1)

4 cup French press. I also have a single cup press and an 8 cup press.

06-20-10, 13:34
Alright this is a freaking tactical forum! Can we PLEASE get to how to make the best coffee in the field? :p

Specifically I am trying to find the best manual or battery powered grinder and french press for the outdoors. I have seen some interesting lexan models but have not taken the plunge. Any one have any first hand solutions beside the old percolator and folgers?

BTW I am quite partial to the 8-o'clock brand of coffee.

Gutshot John
06-20-10, 13:43
Specifically I am trying to find the best manual or battery powered grinder and french press for the outdoors.

Bialetti stainless espresso maker. Just stick it on an open fire. It's like a percolator on steroids. I've taken mine camping/hunting for years. Unlike a french press you can't break it.

I also use mine on a stove.

Hundreds of dollars less than a fancy espresso maker.

You get crema and everything.

Oh cream to a nice dark cardboard/khaki and demerera sugar.

06-20-10, 14:04
Alright this is a freaking tactical forum! Can we PLEASE get to how to make the best coffee in the field? :p

Specifically I am trying to find the best manual or battery powered grinder and french press for the outdoors. I have seen some interesting lexan models but have not taken the plunge. Any one have any first hand solutions beside the old percolator and folgers?

BTW I am quite partial to the 8-o'clock brand of coffee.

the kyrocea ceramic grinder is getting very good kudos on home-barista site ? some of the old fashioned box grinders do a good job also but for sure go check out www.home-barista.com
the lexan GSI ones are curious for sure and I like their stuff

my setup for on the road is a mypressi which is very good for shots just trying to get the correct grinder now and might try the kyrocea out myself

Moka pots like the above produce very good rich coffee ! hardcores will tell you its not espresso but the Italians have been using this method and its well tested and tried
I still prefer real espresso over moka pot espresso but again some prefer french press some prefer moka pot etc.. so I think you have to try a few setups and decide what flavor profile you like :) and of course quality beans :)

06-20-10, 15:04
Alright this is a freaking tactical forum!

Fine, here's some important tactical info: :cool:

Aviat Space Environ Med. 2003 Apr;74(4):309-14.

Caffeine effects on marksmanship during high-stress military training with 72 hour sleep deprivation.

Tharion WJ, Shukitt-Hale B, Lieberman HR.

US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, MA 01760, USA. william.tharion@na.army.mil


PURPOSE: Navy SEALs (sea, air, land) are elite special warfare units that conduct unconventional warfare primarily in marine environments. Marksmanship accuracy and sighting time were quantified with 62 male trainees during Navy SEAL Hell Week, which involves the combined stress of sleep loss, operational combat scenarios, and cold-wet environmental conditions. Caffeine was administered to minimize deficits due to sleep deprivation.

METHODS: Volunteers dry-fired a disabled rifle equipped with a laser-based marksmanship simulator system to measure shooting speed and accuracy. The target was a 2.3-cm diameter circle at a distance of 5 m, simulating a 46 cm target at a distance of 50 m. Marksmanship was assessed prior to training, and at 73 and 80 h into Hell Week. Volunteers were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: 100, 200, or 300 mg of caffeine or a placebo. Dosing occurred 72 h after training commenced.

RESULTS: The combined effects of almost 73 h of total sleep deprivation and operational and environmental stress degraded all marksmanship accuracy measures (p < 0.05) as shown by the 37.5% increase in percent of targets missed, 38% increase in distance from center of mass of the target, and the 235% increase in shot group tightness. Sighting time increased by 53% or 3.1 s after 73 h of sleep deprivation (p < 0.05). Sighting time was significantly faster in sleep deprived individuals after taking 200 or 300 mg of caffeine compared with placebo or 100 mg of caffeine. No differences in accuracy measures between caffeine treatment groups were evident at any test period.

CONCLUSION: During periods of sleep deprivation combined with other stressors, the use of 200 or 300 mg of caffeine enabled SEAL trainees to sight the target and pull the trigger faster without compromising shooting accuracy.

There's no sunshine without coffee!!!!! :D

06-20-10, 15:08
Illy whole bean. Ground just before brewing. Press pot.

90% of American coffee tastes like ass. I guess I got spoiled being stationed in Germany for a few years....:D

06-22-10, 06:40
I take mine with a little half and half and a tea spoon of organic sugar.

09-28-10, 14:58
Bringing this thread back to life. . .

It appears that I will be having my honeymoon in Hawaii next year, so while I am there I will be getting some genuine kona coffee. Any growers better than the next?

Also looking for suggestions on a good grinder and French press.

09-28-10, 15:02
Things must be different in South Dakota. I'm accused of being a coffee snob because of my preference for Starbucks.

Any real coffee snobs here? People who have to grind it fresh every morning? Can't settle for the swill that passes for coffee at those popular coffee places?

I get my coffee from The Roasterie by mail: http://www.theroasterie.com

I get various coffees from them, but my favorite and regular brew is their Full Vengeance Dark Blend, cause I like my coffee like my women: strong and black:


It's ground fresh every morning, and made in cuisinart coffee maker:


However, to my tastes, the best is to use a French press, such as:


I use the French press on occasion (as it's by far the best tasting coffee method in my view) but use the regular coffee maker because it's easier and regular intakes of un filtered coffee raises cholesterol in some people:


What your coffee habit?

09-28-10, 15:49
Real men drink JFG............ toffu farting fairies drink that "other stuff"...

Starbucks House Blend doesn't count as that other stuff :haha:

11-14-18, 10:20
For those who make their Bomb Proof Coffee the "right" way, that is, using a frother or other tool to get the tasty emulsion per directions, here's a frother I have found for a tad under $7 and it works well.


26 Inf
11-14-18, 10:42
Really, WillBrink, seven years? LOL

11-14-18, 10:45
Really, WillBrink, seven years? LOL

Meaning? It's an ongoing project and those who enjoy them some BPC, happy to get intel on how to get the most from it.

26 Inf
11-14-18, 10:55
Pay me no mind, I was just joshing about the time lapse.

11-14-18, 11:01
Pay me no mind, I was just joshing about the time lapse.

What's a little necro bump between friends?!

11-14-18, 11:08
For those who make their Bomb Proof Coffee the "right" way, that is, using a frother or other tool to get the tasty emulsion per directions, here's a frother I have found for a tad under $7 and it works well.


dejavu thread :)

you ever look into the ikea ones forgot how much $2 or cheaper ? but work really well

since this sold my A3 beast to a buddy been doing some cold brew for fun and convenience

might try getting into some pour over soon just to have some fun and mix things up :)

11-14-18, 11:10
dejavu thread :)

you ever look into the ikea ones forgot how much $2 or cheaper ? but work really well

since this sold my A3 beast to a buddy been doing some cold brew for fun and convenience

might try getting into some pour over soon just to have some fun and mix things up :)

Not tried them. I thought under $8 was pretty darn good!

11-14-18, 11:50
Not tried them. I thought under $8 was pretty darn good!

YUP and for how long they last :)

I also use mine a ton for other odd little things I am mixing ?

11-14-18, 12:13
YUP and for how long they last :)

I also use mine a ton for other odd little things I am mixing ?

See how long it lasts, but that price, you can get one per year and still be fine. It has a powerful little motor too.

11-14-18, 12:32
Really, WillBrink, seven years? LOL

I think you get a pass if you're resurrecting your own thread...

I never got in to BP coffee...I went black and never went back. ;-) I also grew accustomed to shit coffee from only ever having swill available at work. Mostly these days it's work swill or a Costco K-cup. I do find a lot of coffee shop stuff to be overly bitter to the point of almost sourness for whatever reason. That stuff I'll steer clear of if I can.

11-14-18, 12:47
I think you get a pass if you're resurrecting your own thread...

I never got in to BP coffee...I went black and never went back. ;-) I also grew accustomed to shit coffee from only ever having swill available at work. Mostly these days it's work swill or a Costco K-cup. I do find a lot of coffee shop stuff to be overly bitter to the point of almost sourness for whatever reason. That stuff I'll steer clear of if I can.

Rgr rgr, Just make sure you're not mistaking Bomb Proof for bullet proof as they couldn't be more different. One based on science, tastes great, good for you, the other, not so much...See:


11-14-18, 12:53
You're right...I was mistaking the two. I only ever tried bullet proof.

Thanks for the link to the Bomb Proof thread...I'll def check it out!

11-14-18, 13:11
You're right...I was mistaking the two. I only ever tried bullet proof.

Thanks for the link to the Bomb Proof thread...I'll def check it out!

Maybe I should change the name but like the slogan "Bombs always beat bullets"

Other names I considered are Neuro-Coffee and Jacked Joe.

11-14-18, 15:51
Hmm, need to try some bomb proof and black rifle coffees.
I have the hardware:
If I had to choose a favorite, its probably chemex, but each method produces such different coffee and really depends on the bean, roast, and what mood Im in.


11-14-18, 16:59
Hmm, need to try some bomb proof and black rifle coffees.
I have the hardware:
If I had to choose a favorite, its probably chemex, but each method produces such different coffee and really depends on the bean, roast, and what mood Im in.


You have all the methods covered! French press still my favorite method, but these days, I'm lazy enough to use my basic coffee maker most of the time.

11-14-18, 17:25
You have all the methods covered! French press still my favorite method, but these days, I'm lazy enough to use my basic coffee maker most of the time.

I break the French press out when I want to treat myself, but for EDC (everyday coffee *wink*) it's drip for me. I do like to grind my coffee fresh everyday so my OXO conical burr grinder has been great for that. I'll have to try the bomb proof coffee sometime and cold brew is on the list too.

11-14-18, 18:07
Hmm, need to try some bomb proof and black rifle coffees.
I have the hardware:
If I had to choose a favorite, its probably chemex, but each method produces such different coffee and really depends on the bean, roast, and what mood Im in.

I started buying Black Rifle Coffee a while back when I heard an interview with their founder Evan Hafer. At first it was just to support their “hiring veterans” effort but the coffee is definitely solid. I’ve tried most of their varieties, in whole bean and rounds (pods) and everything has been very good.

Every order I make typically has one each of these:




I’ve also tried and enjoyed the Bezerker, Coffee or Die, Gunship, Warriors Heart, Black Buffalo, and Freedom blends and typically throw a couple bags of different beans on every order.

I grind a new 12 oz bag every Sunday night and it will be finished off by Saturday. I store the fresh grounds in an airtight in the fridge. Half the pods go to work with me and other half are at the house for an extra cuppa as needed...

11-14-18, 19:08
I break the French press out when I want to treat myself, but for EDC (everyday coffee *wink*) it's drip for me. I do like to grind my coffee fresh everyday so my OXO conical burr grinder has been great for that. I'll have to try the bomb proof coffee sometime and cold brew is on the list too.

I grind my beans every morning via burr grinder. Favorite company: https://www.theroasterie.com/coffee

Favorite roast:


11-14-18, 19:09

11-14-18, 19:23
The espresso maker is definately best with dark roasts, italian coffees perform the best, despite me not wanting that to be true.

Blue moutain medium roast is best out of the chemex (my favorite combo)

Kona blends out of chemex or french press are good. Dark roasts out of french press is a winning combo as well.

Honestly, ive been stuck on TJMaxx/ homegoods coffee for a while, orange label blue mountain, or red metallic label kona are my favorites, $8/lb is a solid price for the quality, but im ready to branch out now.

11-14-18, 20:04
I don't know that it qualifies as snobbery but Buzzbox Coffee cured my bitter/sourness problem from some coffees. We have been enjoying the coffees from Honduras and Guatemala.

11-14-18, 20:19
Guatemalan and Sumatran roasts made in a French press are my favorites. I have a lightweight French press that I take backpacking and I tell you that nothing tastes better than a hot cup of coffee in the woods around a campfire.

11-14-18, 20:23
Not a snob but partial to fresh ground Jamaican blue, thankfully I have a freezer full of it, and of course Stabucks Sucks.

I rarely drink coffee but I do enjoy a good cappuccino.

11-15-18, 17:16
I'm rather partial to Lavazza, my wife and I buy medium roast by the Kilo via amazon subscribe and save.

11-15-18, 17:46
The only coffee I drink at home is medium roast Kona or Kauai. Not blended. The real stuff. I lived in Hawaii long enough to get hooked. Great coffee.

On the road... Anything but Fivebucks.

11-15-18, 19:57
The only coffee I drink at home is medium roast Kona or Kailua. Not blended. The real stuff. I lived in Hawaii long enough to get hooked. Great coffee.

On the road... Anything but Fivebucks.

Kona is the chit. My all time favorite but I'd go broke drinking it as my daily brew.

11-15-18, 20:28
Will, If you can, try this stuff. They do free shipping on orders over $100.

THIS is what I make your bomb proof stuff out of. It's good with straight Kona, this Kauai stuff blows away just about anything that I've ever tasted. WARNING, this stuff is addicting. When you add the coconut oil, the flavor of this stuff explodes.

Sorry for the picture, it's cloudy out in paradise today. I head back CONUS Sat.. Home for Turkey day!


11-15-18, 20:32
Once a person has a taste and knowledge of good coffee, there's no going back to the crap that passes for coffee sold at most places in the US. Real Kona coffee in a French press is coffee as good as it gets to my taste. I'm not really a big fan of things like expreso and such personally, as I like a full sized mug of coffee to drink, not those little cups. Had a full sized cup of Cuban coffee vs the little cups they come in, and found out the hard way why thy come in those little cups. :eek:

Will, you'll understand this...
After having been all over Central and South America, whether Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, El Salvador, Panama and etc, in the better restaurants the coffee was remarkably the same. And it was awesome. I've never been able to reproduce that coffee regardless of where I sourced the beans or brewing methods. Very frustrating!

11-15-18, 20:36
Will, If you can, try this stuff. They do free shipping on orders over $100.

THIS is what I make your bomb proof stuff out of. It's good with straight Kona, this Kauai stuff blows away just about anything that I've ever tasted. WARNING, this stuff is addicting. When you add the coconut oil, the flavor of this stuff explodes.

Sorry for the picture, it's cloudy out in paradise today. I head back CONUS Sat.. Home for Turkey day!


I visit every year.

Even though that is on the south (dry) part of the island, many people are unaware that Kauai has the rainiest spot on earth.

11-15-18, 20:39
Not a snob but partial to fresh ground Jamaican blue, thankfully I have a freezer full of it, and of course Stabucks Sucks.

I rarely drink coffee but I do enjoy a good cappuccino.

I agree with you. My first post notwithstanding, good Jamaican Blue Mountain (not the tourist crap sold) is really hard to beat.

11-15-18, 21:14
Will, If you can, try this stuff. They do free shipping on orders over $100.

THIS is what I make your bomb proof stuff out of. It's good with straight Kona, this Kauai stuff blows away just about anything that I've ever tasted. WARNING, this stuff is addicting. When you add the coconut oil, the flavor of this stuff explodes.

Sorry for the picture, it's cloudy out in paradise today. I head back CONUS Sat.. Home for Turkey day!


How much per lb? Real Kona is often close to a kilo of cocaine in price

Will, you'll understand this...
After having been all over Central and South America, whether Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, El Salvador, Panama and etc, in the better restaurants the coffee was remarkably the same. And it was awesome. I've never been able to reproduce that coffee regardless of where I sourced the beans or brewing methods. Very frustrating!

Can't say I have been to all those places, But I tended to find the coffee varied greatly, and local place in Colombia the coffee was great, and in Panama it was crap. I do fly home with coffee from Colombia, Costa Rica, etc when I travel. Panama has produced the most expensive coffee in the world, and to date, what I had was crap.

I agree with you. My first post notwithstanding, good Jamaican Blue Mountain (not the tourist crap sold) is really hard to beat.

It's damn good, Kona still better

11-15-18, 21:53
^^^ https://store.kauaicoffee.com/kauai-coffee-100-hawaiian-coconut-caramel-crunch---10-oz-or-24-oz-p19.aspx

$25.00 for 24 oz. The wife and I go through $50-$75 a month depending on how much we are home. Since I don't buy Fivebucks, it's not that bad.


11-16-18, 05:40
Imo kona and blue mountain arent better than one another, they each have different distinct flavors.

My wife and I stayed at a coffee plantation in Costa Rica 2 years ago. Awesome trip, highly recommended for a 2-3 night stay. Its small and secluded so a full week is too long.
