View Full Version : My Wife thinks Im paranoid....

06-18-10, 21:55
I dont understand her? Everything looks good to me....;)

06-18-10, 21:59
Looks good to me.

06-18-10, 22:00
I like being paranoid. Most people keep CD's or their starbucks coffee receipt in that area:D

What vehicle is that btw:eek:

Bubba FAL
06-18-10, 22:15
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people out to get you.

IMO, Nothing out of line there in the pic. Then again, wife & I just made an 800+ mile trip with 2 long guns and 4 pistols in the car.

06-18-10, 22:17
I detect a lack of a spare magazine.

06-18-10, 22:19
I bet he's got a spare P mag or 2 around!!!LOL

06-18-10, 22:39
It appears to be an H1.

06-18-10, 22:54
i roll with a minimum carbine and pistol, with spare mags for both. now that i have a little referbed shotgun, i've been letting it come along too, sometimes. i don't think it's "paranoid," i wish more people rode heavy... sure would cut down on car-jackings and other crimes.

how do you have it mounted, and does it lock? i've been thinking about building a locking-latch rack for my truck for years, and have only just in the last month or so been starting to gather parts and figure out just how to do it.

06-18-10, 22:58
how do you have it mounted, and does it lock?

What I'm wondering as well.

I need to do some serious research, I've wanted to have a carbine in my vehicle at all times for a long time, but I'm running a Honda Element and can't figure out A)How I could hide it. B)How to lock it.

06-18-10, 23:21
You can start picking me up and taking me to school instead of the fat mean bus lady:D

I like your style brother....however i pity your gas card:eek:

06-18-10, 23:46
That is a thing of beauty.

06-19-10, 00:13
One, more picks of the rifle please and how it's mounted. Two, more on your Humvee!

06-19-10, 00:17
Oh, that's bitchin'

06-19-10, 00:21
Doesn't really look good to me,

You need another one mounted on the passenger side, then you would be good!

06-19-10, 00:37
Whos paranoid now!? This is how my truck looks most of the time, no joke. Cleaned the brass out of my floor and got a small bag full. Its attached by a "press fit" right now. The muzzle fits in the upper speaker grill and the top of the stock fits in the other speaker perfect. I have to pull back to unlock it more or less. Im building a mount right now that holds the muzzle in place with a short section of tube mounted to the roof and the rear will attach using the buckle from the single point sling.....:D

06-19-10, 00:43
Nice H1. How many hippies kill themselves every time you floor it?

I'm sure you don't have to be told, but make sure you secure that rifle real good...you don't want it to brain you in a crash...

(I've seen stuff, especially amateur radios, "installed" in vehicles so haphazardly...it's not even funny)

06-19-10, 09:07
I think you need a bigger cup holder and a bigger coffee mug.

Other than that, I would not change a thing. :D

06-19-10, 11:49
I was recently told by my future ex (awaiting judgement) that everyone that carries guns are paranoid. Yes that includes police and military :rolleyes:

06-19-10, 11:55
I was recently told by my future ex (awaiting judgement) that everyone that carries guns are paranoid. Yes that includes police and military :rolleyes:

early congratulations.

06-19-10, 12:17
I was recently told by my future ex (awaiting judgement) that everyone that carries guns are paranoid. Yes that includes police and military :rolleyes:

I'm curious to hear the answer to "Well then who do they call?"

06-19-10, 13:11
early congratulations.
thank you, I cant wait. If it wasnt for my boys I would celebrate by moving to AZ

I'm curious to hear the answer to "Well then who do they call?"

I said "really?" and that was all I was willing to reply with.....actually I did suggest she could move to china, north or south korea, or north or south africa.

06-19-10, 13:50
Bravo sir, love the H1 and the "additions". I wouldn't say that you are paranoid, rather you are prepared.

06-19-10, 14:58
The Feng Shui for your H1 says to get the proper balance and harmony, you need a mirror image on the passenger side :D

Your wife is complaining, because she is being influenced by the negative energies of the disharmonious outlay.

I am sure she will accept such an argument :-)

Dirk Williams
06-19-10, 17:08
Could you share what size the weapon is overall and is there a special mount used or is the rifle stuck to the speaker and center roof gadget.

That set up is gotta be really really fast for deployment.

D Williams

06-19-10, 18:50
Here in PA it is illegal to carry a loaded long gun in a vehicle. Ammo must be in a seperate container :(

06-20-10, 00:59
What are the legalities regarding all this?

06-20-10, 01:31
In these parts we call it situational awareness and preparedness

06-20-10, 02:25
What are the legalities regarding all this? Are they on the federal level, or do they vary from state to state?

state.. totally legal in oregon, for instance.

06-20-10, 11:57
What are the legalities regarding all this?

Nothing, just doen fuc with me or my family...:D

06-20-10, 11:58
It's already been said, but just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean everyone isn't out to get you.

In NV it's legal to carry an unloaded rifle/shotgun in your vehicle, the definition of unloaded being no round in the chamber.

I just purchased a new Dodge Charger and I'm thinking about mounting one of my 870s in the trunk. Anyone have any ideas for this?

06-20-10, 21:47
Found these mounts:




My plan is to mount it in the trunk on the underside of the rear deck.

06-20-10, 23:28
I just purchased a new Dodge Charger and I'm thinking about mounting one of my 870s in the trunk. Anyone have any ideas for this?

Yeah, I have a question. WTF good is a weapon in your trunk!? If your going to carry a weapon it needs to be within arms reach at all times. You might as well keep it unlaoded too....:rolleyes: Completely useless in the trunk.....

06-21-10, 00:05
Yeah, I have a question. WTF good is a weapon in your trunk!? If your going to carry a weapon it needs to be within arms reach at all times. You might as well keep it unlaoded too....:rolleyes: Completely useless in the trunk.....

I carry a Glock 17 and S&W 442 that are on hand and ready. Should I leave the shotgun on the front seat? So you're saying that everyone on this site that keeps a long gun in the trunk is an idiot? What about departments like LVMPD that require that M4s be kept in the trunk? You should think before you post.

06-21-10, 00:52
Here in PA it is illegal to carry a loaded long gun in a vehicle. Ammo must be in a seperate container :(

here in colorado you can't have a round chambered in a long gun in a vehicle. damn fascists :D
seriously though i think it's more of a hunting regulation. CCW of a pistol inside a vehicle without a permit is totally fine.

06-21-10, 01:03
What about departments like LVMPD that require that M4s be kept in the trunk?
As an officer, I think it is a silly regulation to requiring them to be kept in the truck. If I'm on patrol and I need a M4/Carbine, I need it NOW.

06-21-10, 07:52
As an officer, I think it is a silly regulation to requiring them to be kept in the truck. If I'm on patrol and I need a M4/Carbine, I need it NOW.

Metro is pretty anti-black rifle for regular patrol guys, has been for a long time. My friends tell me they're getting better though.

06-21-10, 09:43
I have a Eagle Ind "RTI" wheel mounted under my dash. That way I can mount different holsters to it for different guns.

I take an AR with me if Im going to be gone more than a few minutes but it goes in the back. I drive a 350Z so I could get to it from inside if I had to. The RTI wheel under the dash kicks ass. Hides it from view yet all you have to do is reach down slightly to grab it. Depends on the ergo's of each car but in mine it works quite well, and is much faster than trying to draw from an IWB with clothing, seat belt, cramped space in side a car.

Here in TX loaded long guns in vehicles are ok as is non-CHL CCW if you are in your vehicle.

06-21-10, 09:50
I carry a Glock 17 and S&W 442 that are on hand and ready. Should I leave the shotgun on the front seat? So you're saying that everyone on this site that keeps a long gun in the trunk is an idiot? What about departments like LVMPD that require that M4s be kept in the trunk? You should think before you post.

Maybe you should think as well. And yes, if you dont carry at least a handgun next to you and you think a "lon gun" in the trunk is a good idea, then yes. Idiot. A weapon you cant get to right now is USELESS! You can call me a dick but I have NO use for a weapon I cant get. its better than not having it but in a real world "need it now" issue your shit out of luck. Well, not luck cause you put it back there yourself but you get it....

Anyone else here think Im an asshole for wanting my weapon in reach?

06-21-10, 11:31
Maybe you should think as well. And yes, if you dont carry at least a handgun next to you and you think a "lon gun" in the trunk is a good idea, then yes. Idiot. A weapon you cant get to right now is USELESS! You can call me a dick but I have NO use for a weapon I cant get. its better than not having it but in a real world "need it now" issue your shit out of luck. Well, not luck cause you put it back there yourself but you get it....

Anyone else here think Im an asshole for wanting my weapon in reach?

I carry a Glock 17 and S&W 442 that are on hand and ready.

Let's try this again. I carry a G17 and 442 always, those are my daily carry guns, WITHIN REACH. I'd like to mount an 870 in my trunk. So what? If that makes me an idiot then fine. I guess a large number of our members here are idiots as well because it seems like alot of us keep long guns in the trunk. Apparently you're not reading what I wrote, because it seems that you think the only weapon I have in my vicinity is the 870 in the trunk. I want a long gun in the trunk for breakdowns in social order, situations along those lines, probably for the same reasons as the OP.

Back to my original question: anyone have any experience with the types of mounts that I linked?

06-21-10, 11:40
Let's try this again. I carry a G17 and 442 always, those are my daily carry guns, WITHIN REACH. I'd like to mount an 870 in my trunk. So what? If that makes me an idiot then fine. I guess a large number of our members here are idiots as well because it seems like alot of us keep long guns in the trunk. Apparently you're not reading what I wrote, because it seems that you think the only weapon I have in my vicinity is the 870 in the trunk. I want a long gun in the trunk for breakdowns in social order, situations along those lines, probably for the same reasons as the OP.

Back to my original question: anyone have any experience with the types of mounts that I linked?

1st of all I did read that you carry on you. Thats good but a trunk mounted weapon to me is only maybe 10% usable. So let try this a 4th time. I do understand you carry a hand gun(s) on you. That doesnt change the fact I think a trunk mounted wepaon is almost usless. This is just what I think, doesnt mean I right. You dont have to take offence and get hurt about it. 2nd, if you want info about a trunk mounted weapon holder, then start your own thread about it. I am th OP......

06-21-10, 11:52
So the M4 you have jammed in the space above your visor is going to be quickly accessible? And what exact situation are you going to deploy that weapon in that is any different from anything I was thinking about deploying mine in? We were discussing ways to mount long guns, I thought, which is I why I brought it up. So I discuss a variation on your idea, and you call me an idiot? Not hurt about it, but I do get offended when people call me an idiot for asking a simple question. Sorry to rain on your thread.

06-21-10, 12:38
So the M4 you have jammed in the space above your visor is going to be quickly accessible?

It takes about 3 seconds to be fire ready out any window with my set up. I dont even have to unbuckle my seat belt. How fast can you stop, open your door, run to the trunk (if you remembered to open it before you got out), un strap your weapon and arm yourself? I would bet a bit more the a few seconds. So, yes. I would say my set up is faster than yours. Now we can both draw our pistols in the same time Im sure but this was about "long gun" use. As for the "situation" Im waitng for? You have already said as have others in previous posts in this thread. I have also had two friends car jacked at gun point that they saw the attacker comming. I can get my AR from above me faster than I can draw my sidearm BTW....

06-21-10, 12:48
and you call me an idiot? Not hurt about it, but I do get offended when people call me an idiot for asking a simple question. Sorry to rain on your thread.

BTW, I didnt call you any idiot. You called yourself one and I agreed. Theres a difference. As I said, this is just the way I think. I could be 100% wrong but ill just stick to what I think, a weapon in the trunk is useless....

06-21-10, 13:20
i'd love to take a side here, but neither of you seem to have much of a point. all guns should be kept in the cabin, if possible. if not, then the trunk is better than none at all. cant we leave it at that?

i'm not big on the over-head method, myself. obviously it depends on the vehicle (much as cabin vs trunk), but in the 3 i drive regularly, there's better spots to "tuck" the weapon. in two of them, it's between the seat and center console. in my work truck, which has a bench, the stock rests on the bench mile the muzzle is tucked in behind the tranfer shift stick. it's totally visible this way, so i have to move the weapon under the bench when i'm not gonna be with the truck, but at least it stays put and is about 5 times faster to grab than my pistol. with any of these, i can grab the weapon and have it ready without bringing it into full view through any windows- whereas pulling it down from the ceiling exposes it for all.

its been my limited experience that dirt-bags don't generally make their intentions known clearly until they're within striking distance. they play on the fact that nobody wants to make a scene, and people generally assume any given person is not, in fact, going to try to do them harm. the certain uncertainty should be taken into account... when a car-jacker walks up to your car, he'll act like he's asking for directions or looking for a light, to get close. most people would feel too inhibited to pull a gun and have it ready, in the event this dipshit approaching your car was just looking for directions or something. personally, i don't. if you want to come beeboppin up to my truck window, with my unfriendly face glaring at you the whole time, expect me to be ready to put holes in you. BUT i don't want the other people all around me stopped at the traffic light to see me grab a ****in SBR dripping with Evil... the switchboards would light up like the fourth of july.

some more food for thought.

06-21-10, 13:49
i'd love to take a side here, but neither of you seem to have much of a point. all guns should be kept in the cabin, if possible. if not, then the trunk is better than none at all. cant we leave it at that?

i'm not big on the over-head method, myself. obviously it depends on the vehicle (much as cabin vs trunk), but in the 3 i drive regularly, there's better spots to "tuck" the weapon. in two of them, it's between the seat and center console. in my work truck, which has a bench, the stock rests on the bench mile the muzzle is tucked in behind the tranfer shift stick. it's totally visible this way, so i have to move the weapon under the bench when i'm not gonna be with the truck, but at least it stays put and is about 5 times faster to grab than my pistol. with any of these, i can grab the weapon and have it ready without bringing it into full view through any windows- whereas pulling it down from the ceiling exposes it for all.

its been my limited experience that dirt-bags don't generally make their intentions known clearly until they're within striking distance. they play on the fact that nobody wants to make a scene, and people generally assume any given person is not, in fact, going to try to do them harm. the certain uncertainty should be taken into account... when a car-jacker walks up to your car, he'll act like he's asking for directions or looking for a light, to get close. most people would feel too inhibited to pull a gun and have it ready, in the event this dipshit approaching your car was just looking for directions or something. personally, i don't. if you want to come beeboppin up to my truck window, with my unfriendly face glaring at you the whole time, expect me to be ready to put holes in you. BUT i don't want the other people all around me stopped at the traffic light to see me grab a ****in SBR dripping with Evil... the switchboards would light up like the fourth of july.

some more food for thought.

I agree. You can also see in my other pictures I have my P30 ready to go and my SCAR between my seat and door. I have a few options. My two friends that got car jacked knew what was going to happen when they saw the guy approching. The both said if they were armed they had plenty of time to draw but could not dive off cause of traffic in front of them stopped....

06-21-10, 14:12
My future wife says two is not enough, and that there should be more guns. I am a lucky one.

I like this idea. It would be legal for me in Texas. I never thought of a ceiling mount, and being in a corolla I am low to the ground. Nobody can look up from their little car and see my ceiling. I will have to get with some buddies and see what we can do in the future.

06-21-10, 15:10
My two friends that got car jacked knew what was going to happen when they saw the guy approching. The both said if they were armed they had plenty of time to draw but could not dive off cause of traffic in front of them stopped....

but would they have drawn, and in time? did the jackers have knives/guns already presented as they approached, or did they wait until they were right there before making intentions know? most people won't draw a gun just because some douchebags are walking up to their window.

i'll tell about the situation that make me realize an easily accessible carbine was important to have in a vehicle- i was driving my freshly washed/waxed jet-black mustang with nice wheels and bass softly thumping from the trunk, taking my usual shortcut down an ally between a restaurant and my school, pistol mashed between my back and the deep bucket seat i was sitting in... two straight up thug muh'****as from hell came walking out in front of me- one stopping in front of my car, the other walking all the way around and toward my window with hand under shirt and asking, loudly, "sup wit you, nigga?"

as they'd initially approached, i had no reason to start digging for my pistol... once he stuck his hand under his shirt and basically made his intentions clear, it was too late to start digging. so i just stomped on the gas, and the only thing that kept Jacker No. 2 from eating bumper was my rear tires spinning before catching and rocketing the vehicle forward. scared me poopless. nah, nigga.. sup wit you?

if i'd been sitting in traffic, i'da been ****ed. when do you draw? when you see two guys? when you see two guys walking in your general direction? when you see one guy stop in front of your car while another walks to your window?

i had one other pretty scary window situation, which was more of the same, only even more questionable- two guys, one with a backpack in front of him and a hand concealed inside, the other asking me if i wanted to know the "secret" to a "guaranteed way to get to heaven, right now?" - should i draw on two only slightly-dirtbagishly looking goobers, who are as likely just stupid Jehovah's Witness missionaries or similar? again, at what point in the approach? it was a large parking lot (school, again), with people walking around with backpacks- they didn't look out of the ordinary, exactly, until they stopped at my window. the only weapon i had within reach was a kabar i used to keep in my door pocket... i whipped that thing up into view and told them to get the **** away from me, and they literally ran off- so i'll never know what their intent was. but again, i had no great opportunity to draw my pistol, even if it hadn't been in my backpack on the seat next to me- they presented to clear threat until right on top of me. the only thing that "saved" me (if they were, in fact, intending me harm) was their retarded tactics and lack of motivation. not me.

but for each of these, there's been 50 times when i've had dipshits approach me looking for a smoke or a light or spare change or directions. muddy waters.

i'm not challenging you or your friends- just pointing out that had they had guns, they might very well still have been jacked, unless they had things set up just right and possessed the training and mindset to survive a badly disadvantaged close-contact. i've come to the conclusion that an immediately grabbable SBR is pretty much the best solution... even if i wait too long to draw my pistol, i at least still have a chance to whip the carbine up, and have those 30 beautiful rounds of fragmenting 5.56 to help.

06-21-10, 16:47
A wife's job is to nag; a husband's job, is to ignore. :cool:

06-21-10, 18:06
Carjacking is not my scenario for a shotgun. I just want one in my trunk because Nevada law says I can have one. That's it, no other reason. And I think using an AR on a carjacker would make for one interesting legal case.

06-21-10, 18:16
And I think using an AR on a carjacker would make for one interesting legal case.

Heres another thing we disagree about. A gun is a gun is a gun! Legal or not a good shot is a good shot, no matter what type of firearm you used. I would take a carbine over a pistol in a fight ANY day. Legalites are the last thing Im thinking about when trying to save my life....

06-21-10, 18:19
most people won't draw a gun just because some douchebags are walking up to their window.

if i'd been sitting in traffic, i'da been ****ed. when do you draw? when you see two guys? when you see two guys walking in your general direction? when you see one guy stop in front of your car while another walks to your window?

i had one other pretty scary window situation, which was more of the same, only even more questionable- two guys, one with a backpack in front of him and a hand concealed inside, the other asking me if i wanted to know the "secret" to a "guaranteed way to get to heaven, right now?" - should i draw on two only slightly-dirtbagishly looking goobers, who are as likely just stupid Jehovah's Witness missionaries or similar? again, at what point in the approach? it was a large parking lot (school, again), with people walking around with backpacks- they didn't look out of the ordinary, exactly, until they stopped at my window. the only weapon i had within reach was a kabar i used to keep in my door pocket... i whipped that thing up into view and told them to get the **** away from me, and they literally ran off- so i'll never know what their intent was. but again, i had no great opportunity to draw my pistol, even if it hadn't been in my backpack on the seat next to me- they presented to clear threat until right on top of me. the only thing that "saved" me (if they were, in fact, intending me harm) was their retarded tactics and lack of motivation. not me.

but for each of these, there's been 50 times when i've had dipshits approach me looking for a smoke or a light or spare change or directions. muddy waters.

Las Vegas off the strip is a shithole and situations like this happen all over town, even in the "good" parts of town. Most of the time they're bums begging for money, sometimes they're not. In all of the above situations I'd draw my weapon and have it in hand, finger off the trigger, next to my leg or on my thigh.

06-21-10, 18:22
Heres another thing we disagree about. A gun is a gun is a gun! Legal or not a good shot is a good shot, no matter what type of firearm you used. I would take a carbine over a pistol in a fight ANY day. Legalites are the last thing Im thinking about when trying to save my life....

Sure, but you're responsible for every round that comes out of that barrel, and your background. Yeah, I'd rather have a long gun for a fight, but this isn't a perfect world and we can't have everything we want. Like I said, I want a shotgun in the trunk because I can have one, that's it, not because I have any intention of using it on a carjacker. I'm thinking of breakdowns in social order.

06-21-10, 18:50
In all of the above situations I'd draw my weapon and have it in hand, finger off the trigger, next to my leg or on my thigh.

And here we do agree. I do the same....;)

30 cal slut
06-21-10, 21:29
I dont understand her? Everything looks good to me....;)

Hmm. I rate it 7/10.

Needs moar dash-mounted mag pouches, and where is the vehicle bailout bag? (Spare primary mags, smoke, water bottle, gps, etc)?


baffle Stack
06-21-10, 22:33
I love NM. :D

06-21-10, 23:15
I love NM. :D

Its not really a bad state is it? :D Its pretty good to gun guys....

06-22-10, 07:01
I would build a Mk. 18 Mod. 1 clone to do this with, but two things are stopping me - - -

A - Money talks, Mine always says ''goodbye''.

B - I'm waaayyy too scared of somebody stealing my car when I'm not in it with my rifle that costs roundabout more than 2k. Screw that.

C - I don't need to be ruled against in court due to my ''evil'' black rifle.

(Does Oregon have the Castle Doctrine?)

I don't feel undergunned with my G17, and multiple 33 round magazines in the car.

06-22-10, 08:43
B - I'm waaayyy too scared of somebody stealing my car when I'm not in it with my rifle that costs roundabout more than 2k. Screw that.

I don't feel undergunned with my G17, and multiple 33 round magazines in the car.

I know what you mean. So when I carry like this theres no running around town. I dont ever leave it alone. Ever. I dont feel undergunned with carring my P30 either but if one gun is good, two is better....:D

06-22-10, 09:37
That is my hang up. Leaving it alone in the car. I would also want a sneaky bag of some sort for moving it in and out of the car, or just in case you have to hoof, bum a ride, etc. Never know when some idiot is going to side swipe you and you are talking to the wrecker service.