View Full Version : China overtakes USA as #1 global manufacturer after 100 years of American Dominance

06-21-10, 07:18
What does it mean? Probably nothing good for the USA


US manufacturing crown slips
By Peter Marsh
Published: June 20 2010 17:43 | Last updated: June 20 2010 17:43
The US remained the world’s biggest manufacturing nation by output last year, but is poised to relinquish this slot in 2011 to China – thus ending a 110-year run as the number one country in factory production.

The figures are revealed in a league table being published on Monday by IHS Global Insight, a US-based economics consultancy.

China is set to become the world's biggest manufacturer next year
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Last year, the US created 19.9 per cent of world manufacturing output, compared with 18.6 per cent for China, with the US staying ahead despite a steep fall in factory production due to the global recession.

That the US is still top comes as a surprise, since in 2008 – before the slump of the past two years took hold – IHS predicted it would lose pole position in 2009.

However, a relatively resilient US performance kept China in second place, says IHS, which predicts that faster growth in China will deny the US the top spot next year.

The US became the world’s biggest manufacturer in the late 1890s, edging the then-incumbent – Britain – into the number two position.

Hal Sirkin, head of the global operations practice at Chicago-based Boston Consulting Group, said the US should not despair too much at the likelihood that it would lose the global crown in manufacturing to China.

“If you have a country with four times the population of the US and a tenth of the wages, it is fairly obvious they will pull ahead at some time in productive capabilities,“ he said.

Last year, according to IHS, goods output by the US totalled $1,717bn, ahead of China at $1,608bn.

However in 2011, on the basis of IHS’s estimates, China’s factory output will come to $1,870bn, a fraction ahead of the projected US figure for the year.

If China does become the world’s biggest manufacturer, it will be a return to the top slot for a nation which – according to economic historians – was the world’s leading country for goods production for more than 1,500 years up until the 1850s, when Britain took over for a brief spell, mainly due to the impetus of the industrial revolution.

The IHS figures are worked out on the basis of current-year output numbers, translated into dollars, with no adjustments for inflation. If the figures are calculated in inflation-adjusted, constant price terms, then I HS believes that the US will keep its top role in manufacturing for a little longer.

On an inflation-adjusted basis, which is based on a forecast that US inflation will be lower than that in China over the next few years, China is forecast to take over the number one position in manufacturing in 2013-14.

According to the IHS numbers, world manufacturing output last year came to $8,638bn (€6,979bn, £5,825bn) or 16.7 per cent of global gross domestic product.

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06-21-10, 07:31
Thank you EPA, OSHA, Harvard Law, Yale Business, and Sam Walton's heirs.
You have managed to turn us into a nation that is being outproduced by a nation that is 1/3 stuck in the 16th century, about 1/2 stuck in the 19th, and only has a tiny small percentage has made it into the 20th.

Bravo to you all, may you burn in Hell.

06-21-10, 07:34
after WW2 the US owned 50% of the worlds manufacturing, just to give a glimpse of what we used to be. Thanks environmental regulations, min wage laws, corporate taxes for creating a hostile business climate.

The next big hit will be when they depeg their RMB to the dollar, which they are already starting. Party will be over for the US.

06-21-10, 07:40
Thank you EPA, OSHA, Harvard Law, Yale Business, and Sam Walton's heirs.
You have managed to turn us into a nation that is being outproduced by a nation that is 1/3 stuck in the 16th century, about 1/2 stuck in the 19th, and only has a tiny small percentage has made it into the 20th.

Bravo to you all, may you burn in Hell.
I totally agree. But don't for get to include those that have given us our tax code in your thanks. It is one of, if not the single biggest problem business faces. I have to say though that I am in no way surprised by this

06-21-10, 07:48
I totally agree. But don't for get to include those that have given us our tax code in your thanks. It is one of, if not the single biggest problem business faces. I have to say though that I am in no way surprised by this

Harvard and Yale have been matriculating progressives for over a century, they have an old boy's network second to none. Now look at the positions that folks from those 'fine educational establishments' have held over the past 50 years and look at the results. They have a lot to answer for in regards to their action on the tax code. For starters how can one argue that a progressive income tax is Constitutional and we can roll from there.

06-21-10, 08:36
Gentlemen, this is all part of the plan.

Prison Planet doctrine used to advance the Reptilian Agenda.

Oh, and Ron Paul is a kook. Nothing to see here, move along....

06-22-10, 19:03
Decline in manufacturing leading to declining middle class. Illegal immigration. Over extended military involved in two wars while still policing the world to our adversaries benefit. Huge national debt. Dumbed down population. Fall of the US dollar........ Eventual national suicide.

06-22-10, 19:05
Decline in manufacturing leading to declining middle class. Illegal immigration. Over extended military involved in two wars while still policing the world to our adversaries benefit. Huge national debt. Dumbed down population. Fall of the US dollar........ Eventual national suicide.

It is such a happy picture isn't it:rolleyes:

06-22-10, 19:12
It is such a happy picture isn't it:rolleyes:Yes. I'm psy'd. I forgot to ad the post mortem. Slaves.:(

06-22-10, 20:03
It was only a matter of time with the way the country is going China is a force to recon with for sure and they will keep getting stronger.

06-23-10, 04:37
I'm surprised to find out that China hadn't taken the top spot before now. The deindustrialization of America has been forth coming for some time now...all part of the master plan.

06-23-10, 10:35
It means you should hug and kiss all of the Globalist hacks disguised as Democrats, Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives who are advocates of "Free Trade" and all of it's treaties (no matter that they are call "agreements") like CAFTA, NAFTA, FTAA, WTO, GATT and the upcoming NAU.

Nothing - and I mean NO THING - good could ever have come from any of this and in our lifetime we will see how correct these few words are. And we're seeing it now.

May they all go to Hell.

06-23-10, 10:43
It means you should hug and kiss all of the Globalist hacks disguised as Democrats, Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives who are advocates of "Free Trade" and all of it's treaties (no matter that they are call "agreements") like CAFTA, NAFTA, FTAA, WTO, GATT and the upcoming NAU.

Nothing - and I mean NO THING - good could ever have come from any of this and in our lifetime we will see how correct these few words are. And we're seeing it now.

May they all go to Hell.

Preach it brother!

07-05-10, 20:15
When we go down China and all the rest will crash with us. The world economies are all linked to such a degree that there's no place to hide when this goes down. Probably in the next 12 to 24 months. The dollar/US economy will collapse and it'll all come down like a house of cards. We're headed into uncharted waters so hang onto your seats folks.

07-05-10, 22:18
Serfs up!

07-06-10, 00:56
after WW2 the US owned 50% of the worlds manufacturing, just to give a glimpse of what we used to be. Thanks environmental regulations, min wage laws, corporate taxes for creating a hostile business climate.

The next big hit will be when they depeg their RMB to the dollar, which they are already starting. Party will be over for the US.

Don't forget brilliant shit like NAFTA.