View Full Version : They grow up so fast....

06-22-10, 23:36
Bottles and diapers still seem like yesterday...they turned 4 today, and we took them to see Toy Story 3. Wife was walking out of the theater crying...:rolleyes:

Pic from earlier today:


06-22-10, 23:55
Kiddos look like two happy guys! Congrats on their birthday. I'm too damn young to have kids, but the desire to just gets more and more every day:D

06-23-10, 02:27
yes they grow up fast My oldest turns 20 in Aug:eek:. enjoy it while you can
they are looking very happy in that picture I am sure they will look the same when you hand them their first M4:D

06-23-10, 06:58
Enjoy, Belmont.

My two (girl-5 and boy-2 years) are sitting on the couch watching "Kid TV" (Disney Channel) and talking back and forth to the TV when Mickey asks them questions. I am going to miss this.

My predicament is interesting considering they both share the same birthday, exactly three years apart. God has a sense of humor. While it's fine now, we'll only be able to do the half-Cinderella, half-Spider Man cake for so long...then chaos will ensue, I am sure.

Becoming a father has really changed my outlook on a bunch of things. While I don't want to shelter them too much and I want to teach them to be wise in the ways of the world, we are still trying to raise a couple of the biggest nerds the world has ever seen. I think most of you who have children will probably understand what I am talking about.

06-23-10, 07:40
I am at the beginning of this and I can't wait for what is to come. Great kids, maybe 3-4 years from now I will be sharing my stories.

06-23-10, 07:41
Treasure every moment, it will seem like yesterday when that picture was taken on there first day of college.
Beautiful family.

06-23-10, 14:09
Enjoy, Belmont.

My two (girl-5 and boy-2 years) are sitting on the couch watching "Kid TV" (Disney Channel) and talking back and forth to the TV when Mickey asks them questions. I am going to miss this.

My predicament is interesting considering they both share the same birthday, exactly three years apart. God has a sense of humor. While it's fine now, we'll only be able to do the half-Cinderella, half-Spider Man cake for so long...then chaos will ensue, I am sure.

Becoming a father has really changed my outlook on a bunch of things. While I don't want to shelter them too much and I want to teach them to be wise in the ways of the world, we are still trying to raise a couple of the biggest nerds the world has ever seen. I think most of you who have children will probably understand what I am talking about.

+1 to this. We have a 7 year old boy and a 2 year old girl and they share the same birthday as well. They have been a life changer to me and actually one of my motivations for getting more and better training. You learn to realize what is important in life and what is not so important when you have kids.

06-23-10, 17:53
Yahoo! I love threads like this. Mine are two years 2 days apart, boy is on his mother's nipple, my girl is watching a language cartoon in Irish Gaelic. Can't wait till thay are talking back and forth to each other. 4 is a year and 4 months away for the first of 'em. . . gotta say, I envy Belmont31R for having two outta diapers. Two in 'em is not fun:eek:

06-24-10, 15:20
What a great picture!

I feel the same. My oldest just turned 4 and my youngest just turned 1
Two boys too! How blessed can a man be. I am so happy, two big pinned Colts sit in the safe for them someday. Boys are hella work when they are young, but I would not have it any other way.

06-24-10, 17:33
My only son finished Kindergarten this week. As a single, full time parent who cherishes his child beyond any expressible words, I hear you loud and clear Belmont.

Yes, I know I have been sentimental to a fault here and intend to keep that in check from now on. But this thread struck a deep seated chord that has been weighing on my mind like a 500lb rucksack that past month as school approached it's end.

I am literally terrified of him growing up and one day moving past me. I pray to God everyday that the days last a little longer and that he stays my friend. If anyone knew the massive dysfunction that has plagued much of my family, perhaps someone might be able to relate. He is truly my savior.

This is a photo of him getting on the bus the last week of school with his blessedly wonderful driver Ms. Jenkins. From day one (or day two, since some here may remember I spent his first day of Kindergarten in court just trying to get him back home) I waved bye to him every single day until the bus was out of sight, and he always waved back in kind. I pray he will still wave bye to me next year as well, I really do.


Enjoy the little one's while they are still little, friends. Their kindness, honesty, goodness, generosity and pure love are utterly irreplaceable.

06-26-10, 06:13
Best quote by 3 year old I've heard:

''Me hate when Chy calls mine phone... me love it when Buzz Lightyear calls mine phone...'' XD

Chy = Girlfriend's sister. Boy was Chy's kid.

06-26-10, 07:33
Wife was walking out of the theater crying...:rolleyes:

If they are anything like my kids she was crying because they had to get up to go to the bathroom every five minutes during the movie :D

06-26-10, 07:37
If they are anything like my kids she was crying because they had to get up to go to the bathroom every five minutes during the movie :D

Ha we take turns with that one, and they like to announce to the whole world when they need to go.

06-26-10, 08:38
enjoy it amigo...time seems to speed up the older they get. I can't believe My oldest is going to start 7th grade football this coming year.

good lookin kiddos!!

06-26-10, 10:45
Great looking kids, Belmont.

My girls … 11 and 7 already! My reason for pretty much everything.


06-26-10, 14:17
Yep! Enjoy every minute you can, cause time really does fly by!





06-26-10, 16:12
beautiful kids, all. i really cherish these moments as i'll never get them back. my son's a little over 2-1/2 and i'm going to miss the innocence and uninhibited laughter at the simplest of things. here he is chasing gulls at the beach a week or so ago.



06-26-10, 18:58
We're sending our only son to college in 2 short months. Time went by like a flashbang. Enjoy every moment of their sweet childhood.

06-26-10, 20:52
This is my youngest at the pool. She definitely knows how to keep me on my toes but is extremely affectionate.


06-28-10, 14:43
My daughter isn't quite 21 months old. Being a dad kicks ass.

http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/4254/tattherosegarden.jpg (http://img94.imageshack.us/i/tattherosegarden.jpg/)

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