View Full Version : Ever just had one of those days at the range when you can do no wrong?

06-23-10, 22:52
Well today was not one of those days for me.
I went out to help a friend of mine who needs to qualify on Friday. I figured it would be a good chance to put some rounds down range. As soon as I got there I realized the batteries were dead in my Ear Pro and that should have been a sign of what was to come.

I could not hit the broad side of a barn with my Rifle or Pistol. I don't claim to be great. But today I wasn't even average. My M&P9 and my spartan may as well have been shotguns. Heck I think my 590 would get tighter groups. To top it all off I fumbled a reload so bad I sent a Mag flying about 10 feet down range.

And my AR? Oh my AR! I wanted to get it sighted in. The Troy BUIS would not line up to save my life. I finally had them so far to the right that the aperture hit the side of the site. Optics were a bit better but by that point I had just given up.

What should have been a fun day with a good friend. Turned into a day that makes me question my ability to shoot!

Ok enough venting. We now return to our normally scheduled posting.

06-23-10, 22:59
Well, to paraphrase a saying “a bad day at the range is better then a good day at work”.

06-23-10, 23:02
No, but I push my distance or time if I start to get good at anything.


06-24-10, 00:23
I did very well at the range today with a DD XV.

06-24-10, 01:22
I bet it was better than my day of staring at a copier.

You can't win 'em all. Days like that are what keep your feet grounded.

06-24-10, 04:10
I've had days like this and they are horrid, but they are very real. Some days you just aren't feeling it... Don't let it effect your mood though, I kind of look at it as the same as those days that I really don't feel like I'm doing a good day driving, cooking, conversating, or whatever. Some times you just have an off day. Unfortunately when your shooting, and you factor in the time it took you to get there, the money for rounds, whatever, it's a little harder to blow it off as such.

Bad days happen. But like someone above me said, a bad day at the range is better then any day at work...

One other thing I have learned is NEVER zero an optic or irons when you just want to have a "good day at the range".

06-24-10, 04:14
I remember the first time I shot Master. When I went to the Academy, we spent a lot of time at the range which was fine with me because I have always enjoyed shooting. One day, they decided to harass us by making us wear our gas masks while qualifying. Of course my mask was even older than the ones we had in the Army. Nonetheless, I was in the zone that day. I couldn't do anything wrong. The instructors were sure baffled. :D

A bad day at the range is a lot like training a dog (in my case Labrador Retrievers). Every now and then, your dog is gonna have a bad day. He won't do anything right. That's when you cut your losses (rather than do something you'll regret later) and load him up in the truck and leave. I do the same thing when I have a bad day at the range. It's not worth the aggravation so I just cut the training short.