View Full Version : Arkansas Sheriff's Deputy suspended over Playboy pics.

06-24-10, 09:10

Jailer's Sultry Playboy Pics Have Employer Steaming

(June 22) -- An Arkansas sheriff's office has put a female detention officer on administrative leave for posing nude on Playboy.com, saying her on-camera off-the-clock behavior is unbecoming of an officer of the law.

Jessie Lunderby is under review by the Washington County Sheriff's Office for posing as a "Cyber Girl of the Week" earlier this month, in a spread that features the 21-year-old blonde scantily clad in pink lingerie and, in some photos, entirely nude. But Lunderby, who has worked for the sheriff's office for almost three years, is standing by the photos.

"I'm happy with what I did," Lunderby told local news station KHOG.

Her bosses, however, are not.

"That's what we talk about, 'We're gonna do the right thing all the time,'" Maj. Rick Hoyt of the Washington County Sheriff's Office told local news station 40/29 TV. "And so it's pretty hard when you see a situation like this to think that this is the right thing."

Hoyt said he is particularly concerned that Lunderby's Playboy debut will undercut her authority at her day job, where she works closely with prisoners.

"On any given day she has to be hands on, or giving directions, taking requests from prisoners," he said.

The sheriff's office is working to determine whether Lunderby violated any department policies, such as a rule that bars "conduct unbecoming of an officer or employee of the department" and another that prohibits employees from working in the sex industry.

On her Playboy profile, Lunderby says she wants to "be an undercover cop or work for the drug task force." In an interview with 40/29 TV, she said she didn't think the photos would cause such a sensation.

"I just thought I was gonna do the pictures and continue with my life," she said.

Another article with pics and video:



06-24-10, 09:16
employers should be able to fire whoever they want

06-24-10, 09:17
Another example of incredibly poor judgment. Poor move for anybody who has a job more important that "Hooter's waitress," but in her case, what does she think is going to happen when her "clients" in detention get ahold of this issue? I'm sure whatever respect they had will evaporate pretty quickly, not to mention the effect it will have on how her professional peers view her.

Bad move. I hope they paid her enough to fund a career change.

06-24-10, 09:19
It never ceases to amaze me the things people will do to **** up a LE career. The article says she's 21 and has been working for the department for 3 years. How does that happen?

Oscar 319
06-24-10, 09:26
It never ceases to amaze me the things people will do to **** up a LE career. The article says she's 21 and has been working for the department for 3 years. How does that happen?

Back East (to us Westerner's), mostly in the South some states/jurisdictions allow folks to become LEO cerified at 18 or 19 years old. I do not agree with this. Hell, though I did it, I think 21years old is too young. There is a serious lack of maturity and life experience being so young.

That said, not all 18, 19, or 21 year olds are created equally either.

06-24-10, 09:40
It never ceases to amaze me the things people will do to **** up a LE career. The article says she's 21 and has been working for the department for 3 years. How does that happen?

She is a Detention Officer, not a Police Officer. A Detention Officer is a civilian employee of a municipal and or county jail. They are not state certified peace officers so they can begin work in that proffession at the age of 18.

I'm all for freedom and if I gal wants to pose nude I sure as hell won't complain but, in her chosen profession it will bite her in the ass. Future and present inmates that she will be dealing with will see those pictures.

Alex V
06-24-10, 10:02
Who cares... she is hot. She will find another better paying job I am sure.

She can come by and detain me! Anytime! lol

She should have known this was going to happen. This should not shock anyone. Other cases where people do not do anything wrong and get fired would piss me off. A while back Howard Stern had a contest where a woman who was a teacher participated in, it was a trivia contest and she did not take any cloths off or do anything sexual. She lost her job for being on the Howard Stern show.

This however, is to be expected.

06-24-10, 11:30
I'd hit it!! :D

She should have known that such a move is going to affect her employment.

06-24-10, 11:39
I think this speaks as much to what our young people find acceptable or appropriate behavior today as anything else.

06-24-10, 11:51
I think this speaks as much to what our young people find acceptable or appropriate behavior today as anything else.

I agree with rob_s...maybe its just the generation gap...but alot of the kids today seem to be desensitized to a degree that morality and modesty don't play a part in their daily lives or thought processes. There are of course always exceptions but they seem to be fewer and farther apart.
Damn I feel old now after just turning 45.

06-24-10, 16:11
Lil Wayne's "Ms Officer" comes to mind


06-24-10, 16:32
As with any action a person takes there will be ramifications. I agree with others that her posing nude is really not that big of a deal. However, you have to have situational awareness. As she mentioned she figured she would take the pictures & continue life. I assume she did think people would find out. It seem like a complete lack of thinking on her part. But hey she is 21 & posed for Playboy. She'll make money some how.

06-24-10, 16:51
I find it quite humorous though she states she wishes a career in LE, more specific as a UC. Hmmm, how does that work considering you just opened the proverbial media pandora's box. Guess she could move to some highly moral jurisdiction and hope no one reads porn mags or listens to the media. Stupid, simply stupid!

06-24-10, 16:52
I agree with rob_s...maybe its just the generation gap...but alot of the kids today seem to be desensitized to a degree that morality and modesty don't play a part in their daily lives or thought processes. There are of course always exceptions but they seem to be fewer and farther apart.
Damn I feel old now after just turning 45.

That is absolutely correct. I think a lot of the kids my age (20 years old) are pretty bad, but take it three years further, down to 17 years old, and it's downright scary. As you said, there are always exceptions, but not many of them ( I'd like to think I'm one:p)

06-24-10, 16:53
ugh.. i just hate to think about the fact that her generation is going to be in charge eventually.

God help us all.

06-24-10, 16:59
I dont think it is anyone business what she does when she isnt at work as long as it is legal. The comments about it affecting her job because of inmates seeing the pics, do you honestly believe that hot little girl didnt have to deal with comments from inmates before hand?

It is no different than male LEO/firefighters making calendars with their shirts off, yet no one is making a big deal about that. http://www.firefighterscalendar.com/index.html

06-24-10, 17:05
hah.. i saw perna had posted in this thread, and i said to myself "perna is going to say he sees absolutely nothing wrong with it." 'cause leftists like to go against the grain.

a man posing with his shirt off is QUITE a bit different than a woman posing nude, hones. seeing a man with his shirt off is about as sexually revealing as seeing a woman wearing shorts. and not revealing shorts.

i'm sure the biggest problem is that her "bio" on the playboy site lists her as being an LEO with WCSO- instantly bringing dishonor to the department. i bet she wouldn't have been suspended if they'd left her job out of her porn.

06-24-10, 17:14
Nice to see perna is only trolling for calendars with men in them. Wouldn't want him eyeballing my daughter's. Don't need a left wing mind in my family.

06-24-10, 17:21
Nice to see perna is only trolling for calendars with men in them. Wouldn't want him eyeballing my daughter's. Don't need a left wing mind in my family.

What calendars did your daughters pose in?

06-24-10, 17:41
They didn't or rather won't be ever. But nice to know your one less liberal I will have to worry about come courting time.

06-24-10, 17:51
I believe that she is actually a "detention officer" and not a sworn deputy.

06-24-10, 17:53
I dont think it is anyone business what she does when she isnt at work as long as it is legal. The comments about it affecting her job because of inmates seeing the pics, do you honestly believe that hot little girl didnt have to deal with comments from inmates before hand?

It is no different than male LEO/firefighters making calendars with their shirts off, yet no one is making a big deal about that. http://www.firefighterscalendar.com/index.html

I think that you have a valid point, but ForTehNguyen had it right when he said "employers should be able to fire whoever they want". As for the example that you give, is that from the same department? Just because something is ok at one agency/department means jack and shit at another.

06-24-10, 18:10
ugh.. i just hate to think about the fact that her generation is going to be in charge eventually.

God help us all.

I'm sure that your father felt the same way about your generation once upon a time.

06-24-10, 18:12
I'm sure that your father felt the same way about your generation once upon a time.

Still might:p I am not terribly impressed by it;)

06-24-10, 18:15
I'm sure that your father felt the same way about your generation once upon a time.

yea- he did. and look what happened.

06-24-10, 18:36
I think this speaks as much to what our young people find acceptable or appropriate behavior today as anything else.

You act like this is something new. Females have been posing for Playboy since the 1950's, and for cameras since cameras were invented. Take an art history class and you will find out that posing nude is nothing new.

06-24-10, 18:39
You act like this is something new. Females have been posing for Playboy since the 1950's, and for cameras since cameras were invented. Take an art history class and you will find out that posing nude is nothing new.

Right posing nude is nothing new, what is new is people who think that posing nude is consistent with the integrity necessary to be a police officer or corrections officer.

I don't think it is, glad to see many others agree with me, including this person's employer.

06-24-10, 18:46
You act like this is something new. Females have been posing for Playboy since the 1950's, and for cameras since cameras were invented. Take an art history class and you will find out that posing nude is nothing new.

why do you even post? this IS something so new it's like a newborn ****in baby. how can you compare a handful of women in posing for totally underground photos that'll only be seen by a couple of guys to the modern sex industry, where literally millions of young women pose for photos and videos that'll be seen by probably hundreds of millions of perverts across the world? especially with playboy- the most widely recognized pornography empire on earth. even the most liberal of liberals agree that what we have today is ****in insane compared to even just 20 years ago, let alone the 1950s.

06-24-10, 19:21
why do you even post? this IS something so new it's like a newborn ****in baby. how can you compare a handful of women in posing for totally underground photos that'll only be seen by a couple of guys to the modern sex industry, where literally millions of young women pose for photos and videos that'll be seen by probably hundreds of millions of perverts across the world? especially with playboy- the most widely recognized pornography empire on earth. even the most liberal of liberals agree that what we have today is ****in insane compared to even just 20 years ago, let alone the 1950s.

Not sure what you are trying to say. You are making it sound like it was ok to pose nude in the 1950's because the porn was not as widely distributed? But now because more people can see it it is not ok.

06-24-10, 19:49
I think that you have a valid point, but ForTehNguyen had it right when he said "employers should be able to fire whoever they want"

I have to disagree, what right is it of an employer to restrict the rights of the employee outside of the work place?

Can I tell my employee's that when at home they can't consume alcohol, or participate in a swingers party (Im not a swinger by the way, way to jealous of a person for that)

As long as what the employee is doing isn't criminal he/she has every right to do what they please with the time they have one this earth.

06-24-10, 20:10
It never ceases to amaze me the things people will do to **** up a LE career.

Ain't that the truth!!!

As far as employers firing anyone they want to, who is the employer in this case? Some administrator? The public? Get real, there is plenty of case law pertaining to when you can and can't fire an employee. In this case, case law says they can.

06-24-10, 20:45
I have to disagree, what right is it of an employer to restrict the rights of the employee outside of the work place?

Can I tell my employee's that when at home they can't consume alcohol, or participate in a swingers party (Im not a swinger by the way, way to jealous of a person for that)

As long as what the employee is doing isn't criminal he/she has every right to do what they please with the time they have one this earth.

and employers should have every right to fire them for it, or any other reason.

The only prohibited reasons for firing someone IMHO should be military service and disability/long-term-illness. Choose to have a child? I should be allowed to choose to fire you. Choose to smoke? I should be allowed to choose to fire you. Choose to act like a slut on the internut? I should be allowed to fire you.

06-24-10, 20:57
and employers should have every right to fire them for it, or any other reason.

The only prohibited reasons for firing someone IMHO should be military service and disability/long-term-illness. Choose to have a child? I should be allowed to choose to fire you. Choose to smoke? I should be allowed to choose to fire you. Choose to act like a slut on the internut? I should be allowed to fire you.

That's what the point is folks. Freedom isn't something we should only protect for that pretty young lady. Her employer deserves the same freedoms.

The fact that her employer is a government entity would usually change my opinion quite a bit, but not in this particular instance.

If I were her I'd ask just how they found out and whether or not supporting the sex industry which they prohibited her from working in was becoming of an officer.

Little side note: Of all the things that are wrong with where culture is headed, I truly don't believe that lots of pornography is going to have the slightest impact one way or another. Pretty sure there was an episode of BullShit on this.

06-24-10, 22:19
As long as what the employee is doing isn't criminal he/she has every right to do what they please with the time they have one this earth.Yes, but there are consequences for our actions, both good and bad.

I have to disagree, what right is it of an employer to restrict the rights of the employee outside of the work place? The reason I say that they should be able to fire whoever they want is that it is their company to run how they see fit. As an employee you have freedom to choose. To choose whether you want to abide by the set guidelines or not. If you do then great, if not then you have the freedom to choose to move on. Otherwise you are taking the freedom of the other person to run their business as they see fit away from them. No one can force you to take any job or position that you do not want to. So if you don't like the rules then quit and move on, otherwise deal with it. It is that simple. This is the same principle that some businesses use for grooming standards. It is not illegal to grow a beard and that is something you do on your own. But I know several business that will not hire you if you have one and should you choose to grow one they will fire you. Their business their rules. Now you don't have to abide by them but if you get caught, you knew the rules and will be dealt with accordingly. This is the burden of freedom, things may not be what you want and you may have to go somewhere else to find what you want, or you can deal with it. On a side note when this happens with gov there is no where you can leave and therefore is stripping you of freedom.

Can I tell my employee's that when at home they can't consume alcohol, or participate in a swingers party (Im not a swinger by the way, way to jealous of a person for that) Why not? It is your company, your rules and they as employees represent you to a certain extent. One example off the top of my head. 2 hours before your employee is supposed to be on shift they down a 5th of jack. It is not illegal and they are at home, they even get a ride in so as to not be drunk driving. There is no law that says that you cant go to work after drinking. By your reasoning you cant do anything punitive to them until they screw something up perhaps costing you money, or injuring someone. Using your example, what happens if your swinger employee happens to swing with the wrong person and either some hard feelings come about and they decide to resolve it at your place of business? Now of course you could not stop this even if you did ban it, the person could lie to you or just up and decide to try it, but if that happens and you find out before something bad happens why shouldn't you be able to fire them?

06-24-10, 23:26
Personally I couldn't give a flip if a cop, a teacher or the governor poses nude (as long as the First Lady doesn't.....). There are some cops who should not be cops due to temperament, abuse of authority, etc. and I would rather see the Chief focus on those issues than on some girl's boobies.

06-25-10, 05:56
I guess I'm just not into totalitarianism, if I did half the people I have employed in the past wouldn't have a job.

If people went by my morals the following would get you fired...

Adultery, Alcohol, overweight, smoking, bad table manners, divorce, lying, boastfulness, prior drug use, and so many more.

Most would look at me as a prick, and unjust, but hey I'm a boring guy. But I don't expect the same from others, I understand people have their own morality and we as a culture have certain moral rules we agree on across the board, like rape & murder. But the rest are minor ones made of personal choice and vary from person to person.

While I see homosexual relationships as wrong, I don't have the right to forbid two consenting adults from engaging in such things. Nor the right to fire a homosexual simply for having this lifestyle.

Some of you sound like antonio gramsci and his bs philosophy on social rule.

In a free nation we have the right to pursue happiness in our lives as we choose fit as long as we don't break the law in the process. No matter how your neighbor views your pursuit.

I guess that's all I can see, if you disagree, we'll that's your right to do so.

06-25-10, 07:14
I dont think it is anyone business what she does when she isnt at work as long as it is legal. The comments about it affecting her job because of inmates seeing the pics, do you honestly believe that hot little girl didnt have to deal with comments from inmates before hand?

It is no different than male LEO/firefighters making calendars with their shirts off, yet no one is making a big deal about that. http://www.firefighterscalendar.com/index.html

You are comparing apples to Volkswagens, it's called Command Presence. Female's get little respect as it is from criminals. A male inmate could give a rat's ass if a firefighter or SWAT team member appeared in a girly calendar bearing his pecs. A petite attractive female however has to command respect and authority or she will be ineffective in her duty.

06-25-10, 08:13
If they feel it discredits their department they have every right. The military does the same thing.

I have to disagree, what right is it of an employer to restrict the rights of the employee outside of the work place?

Can I tell my employee's that when at home they can't consume alcohol, or participate in a swingers party (Im not a swinger by the way, way to jealous of a person for that)

As long as what the employee is doing isn't criminal he/she has every right to do what they please with the time they have one this earth.

David Pennington
06-25-10, 08:36
I wonder if that department suspends/fires every deputy that gets caught cheating on their wife? If so, then it is probably legitimate to suspend/fire her. If not, it's a double standard to punish her. I'd have some serious questions if they let adulterers slide, since this almost always involved lying on many levels, and punished her. At least she was honest, even if she didn't display particularly good judgement on several levels.

My guess, and it is only a guess, is that deputy Bubba can get by cheating on his wife with no punishment while this young women will get hammered for posing nude. If that is the case, it is pure bullshit.

In the overall spectrum of LE misconduct, this was a stupid move but it is seriously minor. I'd be much, much more worried about a deputy that even slightly shades the truth.

Alex V
06-25-10, 08:38
I think this speaks as much to what our young people find acceptable or appropriate behavior today as anything else.

I guess maybe its because I may still be a young person [27] but I will support your claim. I find nothing wrong with this girl posing for playboy. Hell if she was a Vivid or DigitalPlayground girl and was doing DP I still find nothing wrong with it. I find it perfectly acceptable.

You act like this is something new. Females have been posing for Playboy since the 1950's, and for cameras since cameras were invented. Take an art history class and you will find out that posing nude is nothing new.

I took a lot of art classes in Architecture school. Unfortunatly the figure drawing classes involved nude old people and not anyone as hot as the chick in question. Had the subjects been all female and as hot as this chick I would not have missed as many of the figure drawing sessions and gotten more than just a C+ lol.

Right posing nude is nothing new, what is new is people who think that posing nude is consistent with the integrity necessary to be a police officer or corrections officer.

I don't think it is, glad to see many others agree with me, including this person's employer.

Why does posing nude show a lack of integrity? Why cant a person be a cop and pose nude at the same time? Why are we all so hung up on nudety? Are we still ashamed because Eve ate from the tree of knowledge? What is wrong with a chick being naked? Nothing. Unless she is a whale... if she is as hot as this girl let her pose naked. I do not see how this shows her to be less compitant at her job.

why do you even post? this IS something so new it's like a newborn ****in baby. how can you compare a handful of women in posing for totally underground photos that'll only be seen by a couple of guys to the modern sex industry, where literally millions of young women pose for photos and videos that'll be seen by probably hundreds of millions of perverts across the world? especially with playboy- the most widely recognized pornography empire on earth. even the most liberal of liberals agree that what we have today is ****in insane compared to even just 20 years ago, let alone the 1950s.

Playboy is hardly porn. I do not consider it porn in the least. Huslter, Swank, sure, they're porn, but not Playboy. Playboy is as close to art as we are going to get with a hot naked girl today.

I have to disagree, what right is it of an employer to restrict the rights of the employee outside of the work place?

Can I tell my employee's that when at home they can't consume alcohol, or participate in a swingers party (Im not a swinger by the way, way to jealous of a person for that)

As long as what the employee is doing isn't criminal he/she has every right to do what they please with the time they have one this earth.

Agreed, but most jobs are "at will" anyway I can be fired today and my boss does not have to give me a reason. That is his right. Same as it is the right of the chick to pose naked.

I am not saying this girl's employer did not have the right to fire her, they sure did. I am saying I wound not have. I find nothing wrong with what she did and I would not have made an issue of it had I been her boss.

06-25-10, 09:11
If they feel it discredits their department they have every right. The military does the same thing.

One gives away constitutional rights when they accept the job the other does not, unless the army now has unions? :p

Either way, we won't agree, so I just agree to disagree. Just one of those things that I can argue about all day but the end result will be the same, you'll have your view and I'll have mine.

06-25-10, 09:12
I guess maybe its because I may still be a young person [27] but I will support your claim. I find nothing wrong with this girl posing for playboy. Hell if she was a Vivid or DigitalPlayground girl and was doing DP I still find nothing wrong with it. I find it perfectly acceptable.

I took a lot of art classes in Architecture school. Unfortunatly the figure drawing classes involved nude old people and not anyone as hot as the chick in question. Had the subjects been all female and as hot as this chick I would not have missed as many of the figure drawing sessions and gotten more than just a C+ lol.

Why does posing nude show a lack of integrity? Why cant a person be a cop and pose nude at the same time? Why are we all so hung up on nudety? Are we still ashamed because Eve ate from the tree of knowledge? What is wrong with a chick being naked? Nothing. Unless she is a whale... if she is as hot as this girl let her pose naked. I do not see how this shows her to be less compitant at her job.

Playboy is hardly porn. I do not consider it porn in the least. Huslter, Swank, sure, they're porn, but not Playboy. Playboy is as close to art as we are going to get with a hot naked girl today.

Agreed, but most jobs are "at will" anyway I can be fired today and my boss does not have to give me a reason. That is his right. Same as it is the right of the chick to pose naked.

I am not saying this girl's employer did not have the right to fire her, they sure did. I am saying I wound not have. I find nothing wrong with what she did and I would not have made an issue of it had I been her boss.

Alex, you and I think a lot a like. I've never considered Playboy "porn" it's more like nudity. Saw my first Swank in the locker room in Jr High! :eek: I'm a huge fan of pin up art and I will never understand how people lump the two together. :rolleyes: It's not like this girl was in a reverse DP pile driver gang bang or something... :D

06-25-10, 09:16
Of course these Pics can effect her Job Performance. Correctional officers deal with unruly persons on a daily basis. If an inmate was to see photos of her in the nude...how much respect do you think she is going to have from them? It would make a tough job tougher and increase the danger factor and chance for her to be injured on the job exponentially.

06-25-10, 09:20
If an inmate was to see photos of her in the nude...how much respect do you think she is going to have from them?

Pretty much the same argument that was used against having female guards and officers in the first place.

Dave Pennington pretty much hit the nail on the head. There are probably more troubling issues with her male counterparts than this. If not then good for them, they run a tight ship...but I doubt it.

06-25-10, 09:36
Whether you agree or disagree with her decision. Everyone needs to realize that many, many people. Adults and children alike look up to and think of police and fire personnel as role models. Some even liken them to being a moral compass or guide on how they should conduct their lives. Anything that detracts from a professional appearance on or off duty is detrimental towards society as a whole. We have enough issues as LEO's that we don't need to rattle the cage even more and drop a dime on our own frailties.

Personally I would fire her for not only the pictures, but more importantly she made it part of her interview to state who and what she did and what dept.

Keep personal private, and keep work shit at work. Don't do anything that will mix the two and cost you your livelihood. She knew better, or at least should have asked beforehand. Guess that is our youth today, all action with no prior planning.

06-25-10, 09:48
I guess I'm just not into totalitarianism, if I did half the people I have employed in the past wouldn't have a job.

If people went by my morals the following would get you fired...

Adultery, Alcohol, overweight, smoking, bad table manners, divorce, lying, boastfulness, prior drug use, and so many more.

Most would look at me as a prick, and unjust, but hey I'm a boring guy. But I don't expect the same from others, I understand people have their own morality and we as a culture have certain moral rules we agree on across the board, like rape & murder. But the rest are minor ones made of personal choice and vary from person to person.

While I see homosexual relationships as wrong, I don't have the right to forbid two consenting adults from engaging in such things. Nor the right to fire a homosexual simply for having this lifestyle.

Some of you sound like antonio gramsci and his bs philosophy on social rule.

In a free nation we have the right to pursue happiness in our lives as we choose fit as long as we don't break the law in the process. No matter how your neighbor views your pursuit.

I guess that's all I can see, if you disagree, we'll that's your right to do so.

You completely missed my point. I am not saying that I disagree with what you did or how you conduct your business. In fact I am much the same. What I am talking about is not totalitarianism or some BS on social rule. I have no desire to force my morals on anyone, you cant legislate morality or even decent behavior. I am talking about freedom and the right to pursue happiness in our lives as we choose fit for all of us even if you are a business owner who wants things a certain way. That does not mean that ewe will get it like I said since we are free, if you don't like where we are at we can go elsewhere, but if you force someone else to put up with what you want them to even when it is their business then you are taking their rights away. Talk about a major sidebar for me on this thread:o

06-25-10, 10:32
I agree with rob_s...maybe its just the generation gap...but alot of the kids today seem to be desensitized to a degree that morality and modesty don't play a part in their daily lives or thought processes. There are of course always exceptions but they seem to be fewer and farther apart.
Damn I feel old now after just turning 45.

Playboy was founded in 1953, so in reality, take everything you said and apply it your parent's generation.

06-25-10, 11:04
I guess I'm just not into totalitarianism, if I did half the people I have employed in the past wouldn't have a job.

If people went by my morals the following would get you fired...

Adultery, Alcohol, overweight, smoking, bad table manners, divorce, lying, boastfulness, prior drug use, and so many more.

Most would look at me as a prick, and unjust, but hey I'm a boring guy. But I don't expect the same from others, I understand people have their own morality and we as a culture have certain moral rules we agree on across the board, like rape & murder. But the rest are minor ones made of personal choice and vary from person to person.

While I see homosexual relationships as wrong, I don't have the right to forbid two consenting adults from engaging in such things. Nor the right to fire a homosexual simply for having this lifestyle.

Some of you sound like antonio gramsci and his bs philosophy on social rule.

In a free nation we have the right to pursue happiness in our lives as we choose fit as long as we don't break the law in the process. No matter how your neighbor views your pursuit.

I guess that's all I can see, if you disagree, we'll that's your right to do so.

The reason we won't agree is because you're wrong, and contradictory. You don't want totalitarianism but you want the govt to say who I can and can't fire or hire and why?

What you're missing is that employers would eventually have to couch their morals and ethics against the ability to find people that could do the job, and that employees would actually have repercussions for acting the fool, and the entire system would eventually balance out.

You haven't stated a case for your point of view. You've just said "I don't like it". WHY shouldn't employers be allowed to hire and fire whoever they want? If you don't want to hire the black, gay, necrophiliac, alcoholic that happens to have the next great invention stuck inside his head then you shouldn't be forced to, and I shouldn't be prevented from tabling my beliefs in order to do so and take financial advantage of the idea.

06-25-10, 12:56
It never ceases to amaze me the things people will do to **** up a LE career. The article says she's 21 and has been working for the department for 3 years. How does that happen?

She was cute. It's all about diversity.

06-25-10, 13:43
for all the guessing and assuming that's going on in this thread, i'm going to add my own.... i'm gonna guess that this deputy probably sucks at her job, and leadership already repented hiring her on looks to begin with.

great ****in excuses only come around every so often... gotta carpe diem on that shit.

06-25-10, 14:29
I have to disagree, what right is it of an employer to restrict the rights of the employee outside of the work place?

You don't have any rights as against your private employer - it's called "employment at will" - and your rights with regard to a government employer are more, but still much narrower than your rights as between you and the government generally.

As long as what the employee is doing isn't criminal he/she has every right to do what they please with the time they have one this earth.

Really? The First Amendment and the Supreme Court say I have a right to march through a city in my Klan hood and proclaim that the white race is superior. Should I expect to have a job the next day after I appear on the news doing that? I have "right" to do it, right?

06-25-10, 14:37
I wonder if that department suspends/fires every deputy that gets caught cheating on their wife?

I see what you're saying as far as the integrity/credibility issue, but the cheating deputy's philandering is not on every newsstand in the world and the internet. So from a practical standpoint, it has far fewer immediate implications. Nobody knows about it (from the PR standpoint) and it's highly unlikely that it could ever become impeachment material.

The hypothetical cheating deputy also wasn't paid for cheating, unless of course he hired a hooker - in which case I would certainly hope he gets canned for that.

Alex V
06-25-10, 15:46
Alex, you and I think a lot a like. I've never considered Playboy "porn" it's more like nudity. Saw my first Swank in the locker room in Jr High! :eek: I'm a huge fan of pin up art and I will never understand how people lump the two together. :rolleyes: It's not like this girl was in a reverse DP pile driver gang bang or something... :D

Amen. So the chick showed her vag. So what. Not like she is spread eagle with a beer bottle in butt. Now that could be a fireable offence lol. But probobly should not be. :D The chick is hot, Im okay with it.

Of course these Pics can effect her Job Performance. Correctional officers deal with unruly persons on a daily basis. If an inmate was to see photos of her in the nude...how much respect do you think she is going to have from them? It would make a tough job tougher and increase the danger factor and chance for her to be injured on the job exponentially.

As stated before, she wasn't even a Corrections Officer was she? Detention Officer? Not sure what that is even. Either way, I honestly doubt the guys behind bars have much respect for a cute block girl to begin with. Nude photo's or not. I doubt they have much respect for the male guards either... Maybe fear of what will happen if they act up, but not respect. I dunno, just my oppinion on the subject having never been on either side of the bars.

Whether you agree or disagree with her decision. Everyone needs to realize that many, many people. Adults and children alike look up to and think of police and fire personnel as role models. Some even liken them to being a moral compass or guide on how they should conduct their lives. Anything that detracts from a professional appearance on or off duty is detrimental towards society as a whole. We have enough issues as LEO's that we don't need to rattle the cage even more and drop a dime on our own frailties.

Thats just silly. There are far better role models. I dont see how having a badge makes you the Pope. Hell, even the pope hid away evidence of child abuse so clearly, no one is perfect and to think that just because someone is a cop they are a moraly upstanding member of society and depend ont hat notion to structure your life is just silly.

I know quite a few cops, and an FBI agent as close friends. I met them through the car scene. They all street race, speed in cars and bikes like you would not believe, one drives drunk all the time, gets pulled over and nothing happens. They might be great cops, and help protect the community, but they are not moral pillars like you make it sound they should be.

Even in my experience when I get pulled over, over 50% of the times the cops outright lie in order to give me a ticket. I go to court, ticket gets thrown out, I get called a "Spoiled Asshole" because I hired a lawyer and his ticket got dropped. Very moral ain't it? I just had a cop lie on a police report for an MVA where I WAS SIDESWIPED and he drew the diagram completly opposit of what happend. I have photos's from the scene disproving his police report entireley. Not moral at all.

I would rather have a cop pose naked in Playboy, Jugs, Swank, Hustler or the likes that lie in order to write me a ticker of assign blame to me on a MVA police report.

Cops are no more moral then anyone esle, they are just people and victim to the same emotions, thoughts, actions the rest of us are. The only difference is they have a badge, and to think of them is anything more is silly to me.

Im sure I just offended more than half the people on this forum but someone being a LEO does not make them more moral than myself, sorry.

for all the guessing and assuming that's going on in this thread, i'm going to add my own.... i'm gonna guess that this deputy probably sucks at her job, and leadership already repented hiring her on looks to begin with.

great ****in excuses only come around every so often... gotta carpe diem on that shit.

thats probobly 100% true. She sucked at her job, they needed an excuse. Boom! HEADSHOT!

06-25-10, 17:54
Look Alex V I feel sorry for the situations you have been exposed to. And I understand your reasoning, but for some places in this country officers do uphold the law and are of good moral character and deserve to be looked up to. It's understandable though being your from NJ, my wife is from there so I know how the mindset is at times. Not your fault I suppose. But for you to nit pick and flame people on the board isn't called for.

PS Peter Jackson from the LOTR trilogy called and said he needs the troll costume back!

06-25-10, 18:22
Playboy was founded in 1953, so in reality, take everything you said and apply it your parent's generation.

My parents were born in the 1930's... The 60's is known as the generation of Peace, Love and Acceptence. Pretty much when morales began to decline and fade into oblivion.

06-25-10, 19:32
they are not moral pillars like you make it sound they should be.

So because some of the ones you have met are not, then they should not be expected to be :confused:? That is some poor logic. You are absolutely correct in that many are not what they are supposed to be. But that does not mean that we should not expect it out of them. They should be the up standing pillars in society and when they are caught not being that, then they should be held accountable.

06-25-10, 19:54
This has nothing to do with "morals" or whether porn is good or bad, or new or old. The issue is the incredibly poor judgment this shows. It would be the same as her posting pictures on facebook of her wet t-shirt contest, or doing 12 shots of tequila and being sloppy drunk in a video posted online. All perfectly legal, but making yourself a spectacle in a compromising state (which would include "naked in an internationally distributed magazine") show incredibly poor judgment.

06-25-10, 21:33
She was cute. It's all about diversity.

Yup. Hot! :D

06-25-10, 21:44
I think this shenanigans has run its' course.