View Full Version : Toy Story 3 -- Movie of the Year IMNSHO

06-29-10, 16:31
Just go see it. Does not matter how old you are (I am 44).

06-29-10, 17:05
Saw it Sunday. Very good movie. The funny parts were hilarious, and the meaningful parts were touching. Some of the perilous scenes were a bit scary for my 3 y.o., but she sat in my lap and was okay.

Pixar is wearing me out with the kids movies that do too much tugging on the heartstrings, though. I bawled in "UP". I managed to only get teary eyed in this one.

06-29-10, 17:40
Saw it Sunday. Very good movie. The funny parts were hilarious, and the meaningful parts were touching. Some of the perilous scenes were a bit scary for my 3 y.o., but she sat in my lap and was okay.

Pixar is wearing me out with the kids movies that do too much tugging on the heartstrings, though. I bawled in "UP". I managed to only get teary eyed in this one.

We brought our 7 year old. Left the 2.5 year old and grandma's (Grandpa came with bringing my sister's kids, who were visting).

Pixar does not make kid's movies. They make movies for adults that are suitable for kids :-)

06-29-10, 17:56
Saw it Sunday. Very good movie. The funny parts were hilarious, and the meaningful parts were touching. Some of the perilous scenes were a bit scary for my 3 y.o., but she sat in my lap and was okay.

Pixar is wearing me out with the kids movies that do too much tugging on the heartstrings, though. I bawled in "UP". I managed to only get teary eyed in this one.

I feel exactly the same way.

06-29-10, 19:04
Great movie and I'm 36. Definitely for adults too! Anybody else find the baby doll (one of the main bad guys) a little disturbing? Can't explain it but that thing kinda creeped me out.

06-29-10, 19:52
Pixar does not make kid's movies. They make movies for adults that are suitable for kids :-)

This is true, and it seems to become more obvious as they make more movies. But the good thing is, they've been making the "adult" themes in their movies something meaningful and mature, not just a hidden level borderline-appropriate innuendo...

I think The Incredibles is one of my all-time favorite movies ever. It seemed to "get it" in a way that so much of Hollyweird just never does...

ETA: Yes, jax, the big baby was creepy. I'd be more concerned with someone who didn't find it creepy ;)

06-29-10, 19:55
The wife and I took our 2 1/2 yr old son to see it, this was his first big screen movie. He sat there in my lap the whole time and didn't move. We took him to a showing that was not in 3D because he would have destroyed the glasses within 1 minute. In my opinion, this was the best of the three.

06-29-10, 20:12
Yeh good point man! Ha Ha

ETA: Yes, jax, the big baby was creepy. I'd be more concerned with someone who didn't find it creepy ;)

06-29-10, 21:41
I was shocked at the depth of the movie and the plot, which was much more developed than some series-movies after the first one. The producers/director must have actually wanted a good movie, and not just something to rake in money based on the series name.

06-30-10, 10:34
I saw it last weekend with the family. A great movie and one of the few series of sequels where the quality does NOT drop with each subsequent film.

I love all of the Pixar films but have to admit that "The Incredibles" is still at the top of my list (followed by "Toy Story".)

06-30-10, 11:08
Wasn't enough violence, sex, nudity and language in it for me..........

And the pig might offend some Muslims in the crowd.:rolleyes:

06-30-10, 11:37
I love all of the Pixar films but have to admit that "The Incredibles" is still at the top of my list (followed by "Toy Story".)

My list would be

Toy Story (any and all)
The Incredibles / Cars / Ratatouille
all the rest

There have been no bad Pixar movies at all. All are fun to watch.

I have not seen Wall-E or whatever it was called nor have I seen UP. I would like to see UP one of these days.

06-30-10, 19:39
My list would be

Toy Story (any and all)
The Incredibles / Cars / Ratatouille
all the rest

There have been no bad Pixar movies at all. All are fun to watch.

I have not seen Wall-E or whatever it was called nor have I seen UP. I would like to see UP one of these days.

The first half of WALL-E is possibly the best made film in the past 20 years and THE best silent film since Buster Keaton. You have an ovoid, a cube, a cockroach, 3 words, and some music; and you are drawn in to an amazing degree. This is skilled film making.
The over-stuffed couch people are almost an annoyance when they appear, and the movie gets weaker at that point, but well worth watching through to the end.

06-30-10, 21:49
Sorry but the Big Baby is merely bush-league. The security monkey is the hands-down, off the charts, creepiest part of the movie. But then again I read The Patchwork Monkey at the age of 6 and have never been the same where toy monkeys are concerned.

Just for reference purposes here's a link: http://the-haunted-closet.blogspot.com/2008/06/patchwork-monkey.html

Yep. Toy monkeys bad.