View Full Version : D'oh Iphone flaw admitted by Apple

07-02-10, 12:24

It seems that they have been using the wrong software algorithm, since the Iphone's release, to display signal strength .

Alex V
07-02-10, 13:32
eh... Im not canceling my order lol

07-02-10, 14:21
So this was all a case of people belly-aching about bars, not about actual dropped calls, lack of web service, etc.? Or is the reverse true and it shows more bars than it actually has?

07-02-10, 14:28
Interesting, hopefully they get the software fixed soon and get everyone updated. I had a friend buy one and it's already took a dive... iPhones do not like being dropped on concrete.

Alex V
07-02-10, 14:52
Interesting, hopefully they get the software fixed soon and get everyone updated. I had a friend buy one and it's already took a dive... iPhones do not like being dropped on concrete.

I still have the original one as I was unable to pre-order the iPhone4 because of the site being down. But let me tell you, that f*cker is beefy!

I droped it countless times, on the floor, on concrete, on black top. Droped it the other day getting out of the car, it was in my lap, and when I got up it flew across the parking lot. No case... it did get a slight tent on the top left corner, but still works fine!

07-02-10, 15:06
So this was all a case of people belly-aching about bars, not about actual dropped calls, lack of web service, etc.? Or is the reverse true and it shows more bars than it actually has?

Based on the article I read, it was showing more bars than it really had. That doesn't really explain why holding it a certain way makes it reveal the real number of bars...

I upgraded so I could give my iPhone 3Gs to my wife (and get a new gadget in the process) and got my 4 in on the 23rd.

My camera didn't work. I'm now on my 2nd iPhone 4, which is working great. Not sure it's worth a standalone upgrade from the 3Gs unless you just have to do the "facetime" video calling with someone. With the new OS a lot of the same functionality upgrades (folders, multitasking) are available on the 3Gs.

07-02-10, 15:45
My 4 supposedly shipped 2-3 days ago but the fedex tracking still shows China. :-( . I was going to hand down the 3GS to the wife (she is using my original iPhone -- I skipped the 3G) but then I heard about gazelle.com. Friend used it and said it works. They buy old equipment or take it to recycle if they cannot make an offer. Their offer on the 3GS almost pays for a 4 16gb (3GS 32gb) so that is what I am doing to get the wife a 4 as well.

The impetus for me to get the 4 is the better camera (even with lots of better cameras, the phone is always with me and tends to get used the most as a camera) and the faster processer and more RAM. More RAM makes the "multitasking" work better.

I have some cases already on order as well to protect the phone. Need to make sure we have extra rubber on the corners to protect from falls...

07-02-10, 15:51
So this was all a case of people belly-aching about bars, not about actual dropped calls, lack of web service, etc.? Or is the reverse true and it shows more bars than it actually has?

It is probably a combination of it all.

Holding it wrong can screw up the signal by bridging 2 antennas. And your body absorbs signal, block signal, etc. This second bit is true of any phone and you can google and find reports from older iPhones, Droid, Nexus One, and many other phones where people complain about reception problems -- especially if held a certain way. That is not a new complaint that only afflicts Apple. But the external antennas being bridged by your flesh if you hold it a certain way is probably more an iPhone 4 specific problem (which looks totally uncomfortable to me based on pictures I have seen on the internet on how you have to hold it to make it happen). But again, it comes down to how you hold it and that afflicts most all phones depending on where the antennas are etc.

That is compounded by the screw up in how many bars they are showing in some areas based on a faulty algorithm so some people may think that they are hosed when they really aren't etc. Ie, some people have had the bars go down or disappear but their calls do not drop.

07-02-10, 16:11
Ill stick with my EVO. Now that I have a giant screen I dont think I could go to a small screen like the IPhone has. My room mate has a 3g and I answered a phone call on it the other day and I was like holy shit this screen is tiny.

I have had zero problems with my EVO and I am actually getting decent battery life, but I have rooted it and have a custom firmware on it that helps as well as adds a ton of cool features.

07-02-10, 16:49
antenna attentuation + AT&T's junk network = reception clusterF

07-02-10, 17:33
Consumer Reports blog on the issue


07-02-10, 20:58
Oh no, trust me. this is an actual reception issue and not just how it shows the signal strength. If I hold mine like a phone I lose the call even with my Microcell.

07-02-10, 22:02
Oh no, trust me. this is an actual reception issue and not just how it shows the signal strength. If I hold mine like a phone I lose the call even with my Microcell.

This is an honest question: what do you mean "hold mine like a phone"? What does "like a phone" mean?

I am just wondering as all the pics I have seen show a grip that is very uncomfortable and unnatural is needed to cause this.

My iPhone 4 left Alaska today after international clearance, so I don't have one to try out yet. But holding my 3GS the way I see in the pics is not very comfortable.

07-02-10, 22:02
Antenna expert agrees with Apple:


07-02-10, 22:05
Thumb on one side of the phone with the corner of the phone resting about where the thumb meets the hand, 4 fingers on the other side.

I also have the issue with the screen coming on during calls. They are replacing my phone. =\

07-02-10, 23:17
I'm posting this from my iPhone4.
I also have & use regularly Blackberry Bold II.

I have used most all of the smart phones currently available.

I have found the iPhone 4 an excellent device.

The screen is far from small & the reality is that there is only so much room to have a compact ergonomic device w/o compromising something else. The ability to stretch & magnify the screen image is a great attribute & easily negates & trumps any complaints in terms of a millimeter or two in screen size.

I have found the iPhone to be excellent as a Internet browser, GPS device / directions to coordinates etc., camera/video, Facetime (aka Video conf.) is executed well, does not apply for everyone's needs BUT
a clever application & idea for social types.
Reception is on par with all other smartphone devices & not problematic.
AT&T's network & coverage sucks at times no doubt.
The iPhone 4 is simple & intuitive to use.
There will always be functional obselescence as that is how companies insure their revenues for the
It is a tool I use everyday & rely on heavily in my business of protecting people. I would be lesser of an
asset to my employers & people I protect w/o the device.
I cannot tell you the number of times I have been w/ a VIP & requested to find an article, make a
reservation, vector a coordinate, look up a event/fact
forward an article, links, pics etc.
My Blackberry rules for texting, private COMS, emailing, pdf apps etc.
The iPhone 4 rules for internet apps, ease of pic apps, editing etc.
I sold my 3GS for $200.00 & paid $300.00 for the iPhone 4.
I'm very satisfied with it & strongly urge the Otterbox Defender for the usual perils of GRAVITY. ;-/

07-02-10, 23:30
Supposedly Apple's agreement with AT&T expires sometime this year, so the iPhones will be available on other carriers who could potentially provide better reception.

07-03-10, 05:29
As soon as the most popular cell phone in the world, ever, winds up on other carriers we will hear the same complaints about them, no doubt.

I hate Apple. I really, really hate Apple. Only thing I hate more are their fans. I've been making fun of iPhone zombies since the day the first one started showing up. Finding out someone is an Apple fan has diminished my opinion of them after the fact, much like finding out they smoke.

I still ordered an iPhone 4. No idea when it will arrive as I don't care; it gets here when it gets here. I have high hopes for the device, and the v4 had a few improvements that make me hopeful that it will help me in both business and personal life. I would have MUCH rather gotten one of the Android or Google phones but for all the complaints about the iPhone there are even more (per capita) about these phones. They are like piston-operated ARs: at best they trade one set of problems for another but without all the support and third-party accessories. :p

The things that sold me on the iPhone and made me jump on the v4

better camera with flash. I visit jobsites quite frequently and have a need to take photos that do not have to be of great quality but are often indoors where a little bump from even a tiny flash may help.
iBooks (or whatever they call it) on the phone. I have ocassions very often where I could be reading but do not have the opportunity to carry a book around with me. Putting books on my phone sounds like a great idea.
Pioneer AVIC-X920BT (http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Products/CarAudioVideo/In-Dash/GPS-Navigation-Systems/AVIC-X920BT) when tethered to an iPhone running the Pandora application it can stream Pandora to the car stereo along with full controls (thumbs up, thumbs down, buy later, etc.) at the head unit. Combined with Bluetooth for answering calls the phone doesn't even have to be visible.

All of that is great, but if the antenna issue or reception doesn't let me do what I need to to first, which is take calls remotely, then I hope it's not widespread enough publicized issue so I can pawn it off on some Apple apologist.

07-03-10, 05:32
All of that is great, but if the antenna issue or reception doesn't let me do what I need to to first, which is take calls remotely, then I hope it's not widespread enough publicized issue so I can pawn it off on some Apple apologist.

Apple will take it back for X days, something like 30, without restocking fee supposedly, if you want to return it. So if you have reception issues etc just take it back.

07-03-10, 05:43
The Real Story on iPhone 4's Antenna (http://www.anandtech.com/show/3794/the-iphone-4-review/2) with extensive testing.

Bullet points:
-Apple's design decision to not have any insulator between the phone's internals and the outer casing allows the user's hand to bridge the phone's two antennae, screwing up reception.
-This can be circumvented by using a rubber case (such as Apple's own Bumper case).
-With a case, reception is superior to previous iPhones with cases
-In a strange turn, even when the hand is interfering with reception, the iPhone 4 still gets better reception in low signal strength areas than previous iPhones.

The revising the bars thing is just an attempt to cover for their design flaw.

Full disclosure: I'm a very happy iPhone 3GS owner and plan to upgrade to an iPhone 4 as soon as I am able with contract subsidy. When I do, I will carry it in a rubber case as I do with my 3GS. This issue, therefore, does not concern me.

07-03-10, 05:52
When I do, I will carry it in a rubber case This issue, therefore, does not concern me.

I am thinking the same thing. I would have opted for the "bumper" anyway, so I am hopeful that I will not encounter any "bridging" issues.

07-03-10, 06:01

Contains some bad language, but I think rob will enjoy it.

07-03-10, 06:08

Contains some bad language, but I think rob will enjoy it.

Shit, wait, is it too late to get an Evo? :p

07-03-10, 10:43
I would have MUCH rather gotten one of the Android or Google phones but for all the complaints about the iPhone there are even more (per capita) about these phones.

The things that sold me on the iPhone and made me jump on the v4

better camera with flash. I visit jobsites quite frequently and have a need to take photos that do not have to be of great quality but are often indoors where a little bump from even a tiny flash may help.
iBooks (or whatever they call it) on the phone. I have ocassions very often where I could be reading but do not have the opportunity to carry a book around with me. Putting books on my phone sounds like a great idea.
Pioneer AVIC-X920BT (http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Products/CarAudioVideo/In-Dash/GPS-Navigation-Systems/AVIC-X920BT) when tethered to an iPhone running the Pandora application it can stream Pandora to the car stereo along with full controls (thumbs up, thumbs down, buy later, etc.) at the head unit. Combined with Bluetooth for answering calls the phone doesn't even have to be visible.

My EVO had shitty battery life(I think thats the number one complaint of the EVO), but it is just fine now and I can get by with almost 36 hours of battery life and that is with actually using it quite a bit. I had to do a bit of work to make the battery last longer, but it also gave other benefits to the device.

1. The EVO has a better camera than the iphone. 8mp vs. 5mp. It has a dual flash as well(although I am not sure what benefit it gives). It has settings for tons of stuff like ISO and some other things, I dont know if the iphone4 has this.
2. Amazon just released their Kindle app for the EVO and with a screen that is almost 1" bigger than the iphone, its pretty easy to read. I would not want to read an e-book on the iphone.
3. The EVO(not sure about other Android devices) can do this as well. I pair it with the SYNC system in my F150 and I can do everything except the thumbs up or down(might be able to but havent messed with it enough). It plays music awesome and can skip tracks back and forth. I can also blue tooth stream the music from the music player(SD card music( which I am sure the iphone can do as well.

Overall I am glad I went with the EVO and didnt wait for the iphone4. I am sure the iphone4 will be a great product though. Hope you like yours. Just remember you have 30 days to return and come to the dark side of EVO.

07-03-10, 11:25
1. The EVO has a better camera than the iphone. 8mp vs. 5mp. It has a dual flash as well(although I am not sure what benefit it gives). It has settings for tons of stuff like ISO and some other things, I dont know if the iphone4 has this.

Most head to head comparisons dispute this. The iPhone has a larger better quality sensor than the EVO and most people think that in most categories of judgement, the iPhone 4 makes better pictures. Especially in low light.

Apple went from 3mp to 5mp but left the sensor elements ("pixel") the same size (ie larger sensor) and also implemented some new technology that makes the sensor much more sensitive.

megapixels ain't everything.