View Full Version : Westboro Baptist Church in Winchester KY, ran away!

07-04-10, 00:13
FIRST OF ALL: Whoever doesn't know about the WBC, please take a few minutes to YouTube them and see the kind of crap they try to pull off.

They showed up to little Winchester, KY this past week, to attend the funeral of a fallen hero who was being reurned to his hometown.

As many of you may know, my father Mike Sexton rides faithfully with the Patriot Guard Riders, to missions across the country. This one was the closest to home for my experience. Luckily enough, the turnout of people protecting this funeral site was enough to make them leave withut demonstrating. Apparently they were followed for a while the night before by several vehicles, including police patrols, and had some very "useful" conversation in the local Wal-Mart with some former military members that ensured their presence at the following day's ceremonies. That, and the fact that they would have been completely blocked from view and their idiotic chanting muddled completely by the motorcycles' exhaust notes... it would've been useless for them to try.

Here's a copy of the flyer they spread trying to organize this protest. And to think this young man died protecting the RIGHT they have to do these terrilbe things.


For those who don't know, WBC is a "church" organization that preaches God'sHATRED of the USA, saying that ALL soldiers die because God is against everything USA stands for, such as accepting Gays, Jews, and Muslims as citizens of our country. They show up to funerals chanting and singing very crude and offensive tunes directed at the families of fallen troops. They say things such as "your son died and is going to hell ecause God hates you" and "he deserved to die because you condone what your country is doing"... These people are real whack-jobs! Thank God for the PGR and similar groups ta protect families of our fallen heroes, that they don't have to go through that type of thing at a FUNERAL, of all places!

Spread the word, and keep WBC away from our fallen soldiers.



07-04-10, 00:17
God bless the Patriot Guard Riders, and what they do to honor our fallen heroes.

Very few things inspire true fury in me. But Fred Phelps and child abuse do.

Bobby, please thank your father for me.

07-04-10, 00:25
About time.

I'm a pretty damned tolerant person...but I'd like to find out if there's a jury in the country that would convict me for assaulting one particular family...for that matter is there a prosecutor in the country that would try?

07-04-10, 00:30
These people are straight up shitbags. Read the wikipedia page on the WBC or 'ole Fred to get a real taste of who these people are, truly disgusting human beings.

That flyer is straight BS as well. They hide behind the man saying that denying them their 1st amendment rights would mean he died in vain, but then basically call him a sodomite and thank God for IED's. WTF!?

I agree with you SeriousStudent, these people are one of the very few things that make me go far beyond angry.

07-04-10, 15:04
God bless the Patriot Guard Riders, and what they do to honor our fallen heroes.

Very few things inspire true fury in me. But Fred Phelps and child abuse do.

Bobby, please thank your father for me.

Will do. But they don't do it for the "thanks", it's about "Standing for those who stood for Us". I'm sure they appreciate the support, but it's not for glory at all, simply respecting the fallen heroes.

It completely blows my mind how stupid some "people" get about anti-war stuff... this is another example of an extreme group looking for publicity mostly.

I checked out their site http://www.godhatesfags.com and was disgusted at what I found. They have anti-military and anti USA songs on there for download! It's ridiculous!

07-04-10, 15:14
Will do. But they don't do it for the "thanks", it's about "Standing for those who stood for Us". I'm sure they appreciate the support, but it's not for glory at all, simply respecting the fallen heroes.

It completely blows my mind how stupid some "people" get about anti-war stuff... this is another example of an extreme group looking for publicity mostly.

I checked out their site http://www.godhatesfags.com and was disgusted at what I found. They have anti-military and anti USA songs on there for download! It's ridiculous!

my blood is boiling and my hands are shaking after reading this

Why do you picket soldiers' funerals?

First of all, read this transcript from Scarborough Country and this transcript from Hannity And Colmes that explain why.

Secondly, here are some axiomatic matters of fact:

These turkeys are not heroes. They are lazy, incompetent idiots looking for jobs because they're not qualified for honest work.

They were raised on a steady diet of fag propaganda in the home, on TV, in church, in school, in mass media - everywhere - the two-pronged lie: 1) It's OK to be gay; and, 2) Anyone saying otherwise, like WBC, is a hatemonger who must be vilified, demonized, marginalized into silence.

Therefore, with full knowledge of what they were doing, they voluntarily joined a fag-infested army to fight for a fag-run country now utterly and finally forsaken by God who Himself is fighting against that country.

They turned America
Over to fags;
They're coming home
In body bags.

America used an IED to bomb Westboro Baptist Church on August 20,1995 - an act of terror aimed at terrorizing us into discontinuing our nationwide Gospel preaching against the homosexual menace.

When America thus became WBC's terrorist, God became America's Terrorist.

Therefore the IED is God's weapon of choice in avenging Westboro Baptist Church by blowing America's kids to smithereens in Iraq. And the carnage has barely begun.

Thus, their funerals are the forum of choice for delivering WBC's message of choice.

07-04-10, 15:39
these people are satan's servants. his aim is for you to dirty your soul with hatred and rage toward them.

best thing you can do is send a one-time silent prayer that somebody will IED their church on sunday morning, and then just ignore them like any other rotting corpses you pass by on life's road.

07-04-10, 15:56
I only listened to some of heir "Patriotic Songs" and after the military parodies, became so mad I couldn't even talk straight trying to explain it to my wife.

It honestly hurts my heart to think that soldiers' families have to go through crap like this after their son/daughter has DIED fighting for this stupid group's freedoms!

I'm planning on getting a petition together to at least get the National Baptist Church Assoc. to force them to remove "Baptist Church" from their groups name. It looks terrible on ALL christians nationwide, as they see this as a church group teaching nothing but hatred and threats of Hell with no salvation available to Americans.

I only wish I could become more involved in trying to rid the world of their stupid ideas and threatening sermons.


07-04-10, 18:41
Thousands of people just disappear every year, and these guys are still walking the earth.

When they are standing on the side of the road chanting their BS, why can't a narcoleptic snow plow driver just happen by.

07-04-10, 21:18
why can't a narcoleptic snow plow driver just happen by -Amen!

This are shitbags and make me more pissed off than the obama kool aide drinkers.

Thanks to your dad and others like him who defend the sanctity of those who make the ultimate sacrifice and their families in morning!

Gutshot John
07-04-10, 21:28
I can only think of two words:

"Louisville" and "Slugger"

I hate these ****ers.

07-04-10, 21:48
Christian version of the Taliban. God won't be amused when they finally meet him.

07-04-10, 22:06
Christian version of the Taliban. God won't be amused when they finally meet him.

And I doubt it will be a long conversation, either.

When He tells someone to go to Hell, He means it.

07-04-10, 22:06
These people are as bad as it gets. My dad has always talked about the Patriot Guard rides he goes on near Philly and didnt realize (read never looked up) what they were until a year or two ago. It is great to see tons of people showing up in support of the fallen soldiers.

07-04-10, 22:16
Denholm Elliott said it best in the movie Trading Places, "religion is a fine thing; when taken in moderation".

07-04-10, 22:23
These people are as bad as it gets. My dad has always talked about the Patriot Guard rides he goes on near Philly and didnt realize (read never looked up) what they were until a year or two ago. It is great to see tons of people showing up in support of the fallen soldiers.

Dad recently went on a ride involving several HUNDRED bikes, spanning several states, to move the recovered remains of a soldier home after many many years of being held "unidentified", basically in wait for someone to discover his identity. I think it's awesome what the Patriot Guard stands for and what they represent. He also mentions a "Task Force Omega" group that participate quite a bit in their ceremonies.

Dad (a Ride Captain) and many members of our local PGR have been working with the US Army on a local project, and it is finally drawing near complete. Wll, complete is a difficult term, but it's being finalized, I guess. It's a "Memoial Garden" in place on the Bluegrass Army Depot, (in Richmond, KY) where the PGR has teamed up with Lowe's to plant a tree with a stone memorial plaque at the base of it for EACH and EVERY fallen KY soldier who has given their life in the line of duty in the War on Terror. It is meant to serve as a "Living reminder" to everyone just how much this war has really impacted our hometown, and a living memorial that can be visited to pay homage and respects for our fallen heroes.

I wish every state had a similar program that showed their respects for their local military heroes. It's really an awesome thing to drive through there and see all of that land, perfectly manicured grass, with trees placed perfectly uniform across the field in rows. It really made me appreciate what these people have done for me and my family, to know that my son can sleep at night and wake up free in the morning.

Thank you to all Vets, current serving, and anyone affiliated with our Armed Forces. I know that my freedom isn't free, and wish that more people understood that. A lot of people seem to take that for granted thesedays, assuming they just "deserve" it.

So, thanks guys and gals, for your faithful service. It does not go unappreciated in my home.


07-05-10, 00:22
Denholm Elliott said it best in the movie Trading Places, "religion is a fine thing; when taken in moderation".

What these people are doing isn't religion...it's a scam. They do the most inflammatory things imaginable in the hopes that someone will violate their "rights", so then they can file a lawsuit and get money.

If they were really the "christian version of the Taliban" they'd be killing people, and then we'd have plenty of just cause to wipe their existence off the planet. However, since they are not planting explosives in schools for girls, showing up in small towns and killing anyone who opposes them, or using violence to undermine the governments of sovereign nations it seems a bit silly to compare what is at best a mild annoyance to the taliban.

07-05-10, 00:42
They're zealots, they're just one step away from action in support of their wacked out views and I have no use for them.

07-05-10, 01:47
Those devils are the false prophets mentioned in the book of Matthew 7:15–23 from the Sermon on the Mount:

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

They will reap what they sow. It kills me when I hear Baptist in their name. I was raised Baptist, and no Baptist that I know preaches such despicable things. Just when we need: "And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee..."

07-05-10, 10:38
What these people are doing isn't religion...it's a scam. They do the most inflammatory things imaginable in the hopes that someone will violate their "rights", so then they can file a lawsuit and get money.

If they were really the "christian version of the Taliban" they'd be killing people, and then we'd have plenty of just cause to wipe their existence off the planet. However, since they are not planting explosives in schools for girls, showing up in small towns and killing anyone who opposes them, or using violence to undermine the governments of sovereign nations it seems a bit silly to compare what is at best a mild annoyance to the taliban.

Well said!

07-05-10, 11:58
These are the type of nutcases that give religion a bad name. If you want to put a hurting on them, consider supporting this cause: http://www.matthewsnyder.org/index.html

07-05-10, 13:03
What these people are doing isn't religion...it's a scam. They do the most inflammatory things imaginable in the hopes that someone will violate their "rights", so then they can file a lawsuit and get money.

Bingo. Nailed it. Saved me some typing.

07-05-10, 13:16
Earlier in this thread I mentioned assault and what not...but honestly the only way to actually hurt these people(and I mean truly make them cry at night and destroy them emotionally,) is to ignore them. Don't walk past them and say nothing while flipping them the bird...I mean truly walking past them as though they truly don't exist. Don't point a camera at them...don't rev your engines to drown them out...pretend they are completely invisible and mute.

07-05-10, 13:23
Earlier in this thread I mentioned assault and what not...but honestly the only way to actually hurt these people(and I mean truly make them cry at night and destroy them emotionally,) is to ignore them. Don't walk past them and say nothing while flipping them the bird...I mean truly walking past them as though they truly don't exist. Don't point a camera at them...don't rev your engines to drown them out...pretend they are completely invisible and mute.

However true that maybe, it'd be nearly impossible for me to stand by and let hem yell insane profanities about a fallen hero at his/her mother and father while they mourn the passing of a child.

Emotions run high when that crap starts up... I'm surprised they haven't been removed from the planet yet... There are some good videos of them being run off from different picket sites on Youtube though... many are worth the time to watch!


07-05-10, 13:25
However true that maybe, it'd be nearly impossible for me to stand by and let hem yell insane profanities about a fallen hero at his/her mother and father while they mourn the passing of a child.

Emotions run high when that crap starts up... I'm surprised they haven't been removed from the planet yet... There are some good videos of them being run off from different picket sites on Youtube though... many are worth the time to watch!


That's why it stinks. I maintain that it's truly the only way to hurt them...but the problem is that doing that hurts the grieving families.

07-05-10, 13:34
That's why it stinks. I maintain that it's truly the only way to hurt them...but the problem is that doing that hurts the grieving families.

I wasn't disagreeing with you at all, just pointing out that it would be EXTREMELY difficult to stand by and let that happen. I know for a fact that I couldn't do it. I can't stand thinking that these greiving families have to listen to this crap if nobody stands between Phelps' maniacs and themselves. Thus, the PGR is an amazing buffer tool, providing that comfort-zone feel for them. I agree that the publicity is their main weapon against everyone else. But it is also a good tool for spreading the word against them. Kinduva win-win, or a lose-lose in this case. IF you ignore them they keep doing what they're doing, if you fight them they get more publicity, more publicity is what they want, but is also the only way to let people know what kind of crazy people they really are.

I dunno... I just wish they weren't an issue!


07-05-10, 14:15
Earlier in this thread I mentioned assault and what not...but honestly the only way to actually hurt these people(and I mean truly make them cry at night and destroy them emotionally,) is to ignore them. Don't walk past them and say nothing while flipping them the bird...I mean truly walking past them as though they truly don't exist. Don't point a camera at them...don't rev your engines to drown them out...pretend they are completely invisible and mute.

You are correct. But it's easy to say, not so easy to do when they are laying your friend or loved one to rest.

Another school of thought says "if you kill them all" there won't be so many willing to do it next time. Hard to spend your cash settlement dead.

Sooner or later they are gonna find that person who "lost everything" and learn the hard way why there are some things you just don't do.

I'm just waiting for the day on of them or a family member of the WBC dies and people show them the same consideration.

07-05-10, 14:36
Earlier in this thread I mentioned assault and what not...but honestly the only way to actually hurt these people(and I mean truly make them cry at night and destroy them emotionally,) is to ignore them. Don't walk past them and say nothing while flipping them the bird...I mean truly walking past them as though they truly don't exist. Don't point a camera at them...don't rev your engines to drown them out...pretend they are completely invisible and mute.


They thrive on attention and getting people's emotions riled up...without the attention they will either dry up or get stupid enough to do something that makes it legal to beat them upside the head with a stick.


07-05-10, 14:41
They're zealots

They're lawyers.

But instead of doing slip-and-fall, or asbestos exposure, they sue anyone who tries to restrict their protected "religious" speech.

And if a few people are driven away from God by seeing the behavior of these purported "religious" people, I bet that makes them even happier.

Please know that Fred Phelps was a local/state Democrat Party official, as well as being a financial supporter of Al Gore.

07-05-10, 14:46
good work running them out of the place...

i guess you have to have somebody on the bottom of the barrel when it comes to free speach, that's the price we pay for the right. we've also got the right to think they're a bunch of scumbags :D

07-05-10, 22:26
About time.

I'm a pretty damned tolerant person...but I'd like to find out if there's a jury in the country that would convict me for assaulting one particular family...for that matter is there a prosecutor in the country that would try?

Several members of the church have law degrees. One of the primary ways the church stays funded is with lawsuits against people that assault them.

I'm all about confronting these assholes at every turn! Glad to see they finally got chased off. I wonder what was said to them before the event...

07-05-10, 22:43
The problem is, even if you ignore them the news media loves running story’s about them coming to town to protest.

07-05-10, 22:47
The problem is, even if you ignore them the news media loves running story’s about them coming to town to protest.

the evil news media is the only way they can spread their "holy" gospel. little ironic.

much like is always the case, the news media, by covering the ridiculous things they cover, become the only reason the thing is ridiculous to begin with.

07-06-10, 03:45
I wonder what was said to them before the event...

All I know is that they were followed for a few hours the evening before the service, and it ended-up with a few select bikers and marine/army vets following Ms. Phelps and two others inside. They reportedly left Walmart without any groceries less than 10 minutes later... and did NOT show up for the service.

It was also convienient for us all that the only "dedicated protest area" for them to use ( they have to register with the local PD and town officials to protest certain areas ) was quite a ways away from the church an even farther from the burial site.

Regardless, the PGR was there and ready. I had about 15-20 personal friends that responded on Facebook when asked to show up, and they came over too! It really was a good day for the good guys, even though we were there because of a lost life... it was made much easier for EVERYONE, family included.


P.S. - Thank you all for the support of the PGR. It wasn't my intention of this thread, but isn't a problem with me either. As stated before... they would never dream of doing this for the praise they recieve, but its about respecting and protecting the fallen heroes of our country. "Standing for those who stood for us"

07-06-10, 07:34
They are extemists, the same the world over. Whether they call themselves Baptists or Mooselimbs doesn't matter. Christian?, not even close. The world will be a much better place without dirt bags like these. There will come a time when they push the wrong persons button, and then it will be a different storey with a different ending.

07-07-10, 04:17
They are extemists, the same the world over. Whether they call themselves Baptists or Mooselimbs doesn't matter. Christian?, not even close. The world will be a much better place without dirt bags like these. There will come a time when they push the wrong persons button, and then it will be a different storey with a different ending.

But with that sort of demise, couldn't it spark a strong following of people that see the world as THEIR enemy at that point? Almost like martyrdom? They die for the cause of "spreading their message" and people jump on their bandwagon...

It's scary to think what things could happen if more people believed the crap they try to spread.

And those songs still make my blood boil... just thinking about them!!


07-07-10, 05:07
But with that sort of demise, couldn't it spark a strong following of people that see the world as THEIR enemy at that point? Almost like martyrdom? They die for the cause of "spreading their message" and people jump on their bandwagon...

It's scary to think what things could happen if more people believed the crap they try to spread.

And those songs still make my blood boil... just thinking about them!!


It is free speech, they can argue the same thing about your views. If you start picking and choosing what speech is free it isnt free anymore. Just like you are free to picket them and protest against them and they cant do anything about it.

They did picket Micheal Jackson's funeral, so they are not all bad.

07-07-10, 08:47
I know we have a lot of LEO's here.

Say, for the sake of argument, a guy were to throw these guys a proper Brooklyn Beat Down. What are the chances the LEO's would 'look the other way' long enough to finish the job?

07-07-10, 11:18
I know we have a lot of LEO's here.

Say, for the sake of argument, a guy were to throw these guys a proper Brooklyn Beat Down. What are the chances the LEO's would 'look the other way' long enough to finish the job?

I don't think they can/should answer that one...

As for MJ's funeral... that didn't bother me much since he liked little boys. America turned him into a hero when he died, but only two years prior he was the most hated pediphile in the US.