View Full Version : Iran unveils human-like robot

07-04-10, 20:49

Iran has developed a new human-like walking robot to be used in "sensitive jobs," government newspaper Iran reported on Sunday.

Soorena-2, named after an ancient Persian warrior, was unveiled by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday. It is 1.45 metres (4.7 feet) tall and weighs 45 kilograms (99 pounds), the report said.

"Walking slowly like human beings with regular arm and leg movements are among its characteristics," it said. "Such robots are designed and developed to be used in sensitive and difficult jobs on behalf of a person or as help."

The report did not elaborate on the robot's capabilities.

Iran has pursued a number of scientific projects in recent years such as cloning, stem cell research and satellite technology while it has come under increasing international pressure over its controversial nuclear programme.

Gutshot John
07-04-10, 21:15
Awesimo :)

07-05-10, 18:13
Knowing the Iranians, it's probably a midget in a robot suit :D

07-05-10, 19:51
Its loaded with semtex...stay away

07-05-10, 22:56
Its loaded with semtex...stay away

Suicide bomber robots.:D

07-05-10, 23:07
They just bought that Honda robot and coverted it to Islam. All it can do is kneel East a half-dozen times a day and bow its little robot head.

07-06-10, 04:41
They bought that from ASIA and are claiming they invented it. Sad little world they live in..

07-06-10, 07:54
PhotoChopped :cool:

07-06-10, 22:35
Suicide bomber robots.:D

You guys got it all wrong, this robot is designed to take over more mundane tasks so that manpower can be freed up for suicide bombings.


07-06-10, 22:51
You guys got it all wrong, this robot is designed to take over more mundane tasks so that manpower can be freed up for suicide bombings.


Oh good. The thought of robots in heaven with 72 virgins is disturbing. :D

07-06-10, 23:43
If its entirely Iranian, I doubt it can do much more than suck ass... :D

07-07-10, 01:03
Well it looks like NASA will help send this robot to the moon,, all in the name of making muslims feel good about themselves. WTF is this country coming too?

Alex V
07-07-10, 08:42
Awesimo :)



Honda must be piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii$$ed!

Clearly a stolen ASIMO

07-08-10, 06:19


Honda must be piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii$$ed!

Clearly a stolen ASIMO

lol, that's a fatass robot. :p

Edit: gonna find that episode on HULU

07-08-10, 15:51

Iran has developed a new human-like walking robot to be used in "sensitive jobs," government newspaper Iran reported on Sunday.


Sensitive jobs like maybe stoning their women to death? Actually, no, the robot will probably answer phones while those sadist MF'ers stampede over each other to be first in line for that.