View Full Version : Duct Tape

07-12-10, 16:34
I recieved the following e-mail today form my mom. She just learned how to use the internet and she is e-mail happy.:) I thought this one was pretty neat......


During a private "fly-in" fishing excursion in the Alaskan wilderness, the chartered pilot and fishermen left a cooler and bait in the plane. And a bear smelled it. This is what he did to the plane.
The pilot used his radio and had another pilot bring him 2 new tires, 3 cases of duct tape, and a supply of sheet plastic. He patched the plane together and FLEW IT HOME!
Duct Tape? Never Leave Home Without It

07-12-10, 16:54
care to use non yahoo pics that we can all see?

07-12-10, 16:55
since this thread is quite a disappointment, let me try to salvage it.

i've noticed there are vast differences in different brands of duct tape. so what is the good shit?

07-12-10, 17:26
care to use non yahoo pics that we can all see?

My bad. See if that fixed it.

Alex V
07-13-10, 08:21
since this thread is quite a disappointment, let me try to salvage it.

i've noticed there are vast differences in different brands of duct tape. so what is the good shit?

3M baby!

There is just not end to what Duct Tape can do!

07-13-10, 18:16
An old man is sitting on his porch one morning when he sees the kid from up street walking down the street carrying some chicken wire. He asks the kid what are you doing with the chicken wire to which the kid responds that he is going to go catch some chickens with it. The old man tells him he is crazy and goes back to his business. At the end of the day the kid comes walking back by with a mess of chickens stuck in the wire. The old man can't believe it.

The next day the kid comes walking by so the old man asks what he has today. The kid tells him that he has some duck tape and that he is going to go catch some ducks. The old man tells him that it is duct tape and has nothing to do with ducks. The kid tells him whatever and goes on with his business. Sure enough, at the end of the day the kid comes walking back by with a bunch of ducks stuck together with the tape. Again the old man is astounded.

The next day the old man sees the kid walking down the street carrying something but he cannot tell what it is. The old man asks the kid what he has there and the kid tells him that he has some pussy willows.

The old man yells to him to hold up while he grabs his hat and his coat.

07-13-10, 18:48
I am sure some where someone is working on a chart to compare Duct Tape.................:dance3:

07-13-10, 20:15
I got those in an Email a couple of months ago. Red Green would be proud!!!

07-13-10, 20:22
Funny thing is that there is a popular brand of "duct tape" called Duck Tape...

07-13-10, 20:45
Funny thing is that there is a popular brand of "duct tape" called Duck Tape...

indeed. wallymart gots it.


for the record, Nashua makes the best duct tape, dickrock.

07-13-10, 22:28
Has anyone ever used gorilla tape? That stuff is strong; a friend of mine used some to fix a leak in his garden hose.

07-14-10, 00:06
Has anyone ever used gorilla tape? That stuff is strong; a friend of mine used some to fix a leak in his garden hose.
I've had mixed experiences with the stuff. The tape is plenty strong, but I wish it the adhesive was a bit stickier. Buy a roll and see for yourself.

07-14-10, 09:42
I've had mixed experiences with the stuff. The tape is plenty strong, but I wish it the adhesive was a bit stickier. Buy a roll and see for yourself.

I've used it quite a bit and found that at first it isn't as sticky as normal WV Chrome, but once it has a chance to make it self at home :eek:

Ripped paint off of my Woods mower deck.

07-14-10, 13:55
for the record, Nashua makes the best duct tape, dickrock.

Freudian slip? Or just a lame personal attack? Creativity man, creativity. You should try it out some time.

07-14-10, 14:26

07-15-10, 16:10


I got mine at Wally World