View Full Version : Mel's fall from grace...1, 2, 3 & 4

07-13-10, 10:54

07-13-10, 11:03
Quite the charming man. Either she seriously hurt him, he's nucking futs or both...

07-13-10, 11:04

I COULD NOT give less of a shit about what he said. I think he's probably got a little anger management issue, and definitely some jealousy or something, but who cares. It was a private conversation. I, and most of you (including the hypocrites who won't admit it), say things in private that they wouldn't care to see repeated on the front page of the New York Times.

IME, the REAL piece of shit here is the girl who recorded that conversation and leaked it.

ETA: just listened to Part 2. Definitely some anger management issues...LOL. Probably needs a little counseling for that. However, she's being so calm because she knows she's recording the conversation. She's probably a loony bitch when she's not being recorded.

ETA again: "YOU SHOULD JUST ****ING SMILE AND ****ING BLOW ME!! BECAUSE I DESERVE IT!!" I actually spit soup out that time...LOL!!

07-13-10, 11:19
I dont care.

I still like Mel's movies. Good actor, and good director


07-13-10, 11:29
Cuckoo-Cuckoo! Cuckoo-Cuckoo!

07-13-10, 11:47
He's always been a nutcase. I still like a lot of his movies though (not the anti-gun Lethal Weapon movie though).

07-13-10, 11:54
way to completely flush your career down the toilet.

07-13-10, 12:02
He's got some anger management issues, but I agree, the Bit$# that recorded and leaked it should be prosecuted and sued.

I like his movies - one of our best actors of recent years. Hope he can gain control of his alcohol problem before he sinks too far down.

07-13-10, 12:19
whole thing appears setup to me. There's a huge sound quality difference between both sides of the call. Her side has an excellent mic, which leads me to believe someone is professionally recording it. Voice over IP doesnt even sound as good as her side did. I find this hard to believe this was recorded off an answering machine or whatever. She is surprisingly calm and emotionless even during this intense and offensive argument and is even baiting him a few times during the conversation. Whole argument just doesn't seem real. I wouldnt be surprised if the convo was editted either. Never mind the fact she leaked a private wiretapped conversation. Wiretapping laws uh oh!

Never mind the fact that her career as a composer sucks, she has no work, shes been married previously to two wealthier older men, like an idiot she signed a "cohabitation agreement" which entitles her to ZERO of Gibson's money if they split. Gibson's basically $100s of millionaire if not a billionaire after Passion of the Christ. Motive and opportunity for extortion are there.

Hes filthy rich, US biggest talent agency dropped him , sounds like early retirement to me.

07-13-10, 12:30
Hes filthy rich, US biggest talent agency dropped him , sounds like early retirement to me.

I wouldn't be so sure.

Mel has basically been independent since The Passion.

He could easily make another biblical epic and rake in another half billion.

07-13-10, 13:12
Hes filthy rich, US biggest talent agency dropped him , sounds like early retirement to me.

He can finance his own stuff. He did that with the Passion of the Christ movie and maybe also Apocalypto?

Mel is a great guy. He needs to lay off the booze. That is what will kill him. And too bad he broke his vows and screwed over his own family.

I read an interview with him in the Delta in flight magazine a while ago, late 90s. After Conspiracy Theory and he was asked about all the conspiracy nutjobs out there. He said something along the lines of, even if you are paranoid, that does not mean they are not out there to get you. Those were not his words. Just kind of the sentiment he gave. Probably not that strong. But it was an interesting interview.

07-13-10, 14:27
and yet the main stream press wont play the black panther kill the children tape ? but will play this over and over and over and over and over

WHO CARES he is a frigin actor thats it ?
many people get heated and say things !!!

I would say its the male OZY in him that is coming out where men are men and he still has that in him a bit

some of that would sound good in a movie though !!!
like the rose garden thing :) could hear a bad guy saying that line !

07-13-10, 14:30
I dont care.

I still like Mel's movies. Good actor, and good director



Brother Mel, as I call him, is one of my favorites. All the way back to the Road Warrior and to the original Mad Max

07-13-10, 14:52
just saw this after reading the thread and yes, I did laugh:D


07-13-10, 15:01
Don't make the mistake of confusing the actor with the part. By both his public and private actions of late, Gibson has revealed himself as an angry and abusive alcoholic, racist, and misogynist.

But what the hell, he makes a good movie, right? And Hitler was apparently a pretty decent painter and liked his dogs. :rolleyes:

07-13-10, 18:56
Don't make the mistake of confusing the actor with the part. By both his public and private actions of late, Gibson has revealed himself as an angry and abusive alcoholic, racist, and misogynist.

But what the hell, he makes a good movie, right? And Hitler was apparently a pretty decent painter and liked his dogs. :rolleyes:

What if Hitler had liked cats.........would he have brought world peace?

I think she was baiting him too. And if you had spent the money he had to nail her, before and after the divorce, you would have been pissed to.

07-13-10, 18:57
Who cares about Mel's behavior? Apparently nobody cared about Rev. Wright's anti-whitey and anti-American rants, or Bill Ayers bombing of government buildings. I would say that Mel's private remarks are much less offensive than the actions of Wright or Ayers. And for many of us it is difficult enough to control our own behavior, so we really do not need the additional burden of concerning ourselves with what Mel says.

07-13-10, 18:59
What if Hitler had liked cats.........would he have brought world peace?

He was a pretty good painter.


07-13-10, 20:15
Mel is a great guy. He needs to lay off the booze. That is what will kill him. And too bad he broke his vows and screwed over his own family.

yea, besides all that woman beating and jew hating and racist stuff, he's great! :rolleyes:

07-13-10, 20:21
yea, besides all that woman beating and jew hating and racist stuff, he's great! :rolleyes:

I think you are missing the point. Alcohol is probably the root for all the women and jew hating stuff. I think if he abstained from Alcohol he would probably not have said the things and done the things he did. Just a guess.

07-13-10, 20:29
Don't make the mistake of confusing the actor with the part. By both his public and private actions of late, Gibson has revealed himself as an angry and abusive alcoholic, racist, and misogynist.

But what the hell, he makes a good movie, right? And Hitler was apparently a pretty decent painter and liked his dogs.

Your point that character matters is valid, but your Hitler parallel is a little busted in that Mel has never pursued any political office.

As long as he's just an actor, it's fairly easy to write off the sloppy character as functional eccentricity and at the end of the day it doesn't matter much, it's if he decides that he should seek power that we'd really have to throw the brakes on.

07-13-10, 20:37
yea, besides all that woman beating and jew hating and racist stuff, he's great! :rolleyes:

He is free to think as he wishes.

Until he starts running for office, throwing jews in the oven and lynching black people, he is guilty of nothing. Until he starts denying people the ability to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it's just one man entitled to his own private opinion that his skank ex decided to make public for nefarious reasons.

That's the damn problem with people these days. They are on this thought crime kick.

07-13-10, 22:17
That's the damn problem with people these days. They are on this thought crime kick.

I don't think anyone is saying to prosecute him, but he clearly is a douchebag for saying the things he said.


07-14-10, 13:51
I think you are missing the point. Alcohol is probably the root for all the women and jew hating stuff. I think if he abstained from Alcohol he would probably not have said the things and done the things he did. Just a guess.

and he's still a "great guy"? he beats his wife and tells her she's going to get raped by a pack of n*ggers and thats what passes for a great guy to you? :rolleyes:

blame it on the alcohol huh? thats a f*cking cheap excuse if i've ever heard one. how about be a man and learn some self control.

07-14-10, 13:53
He is free to think as he wishes.

Until he starts running for office, throwing jews in the oven and lynching black people, he is guilty of nothing. Until he starts denying people the ability to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it's just one man entitled to his own private opinion that his skank ex decided to make public for nefarious reasons.

That's the damn problem with people these days. They are on this thought crime kick.

he can think whatever he wants. but he admitted to beating his woman and is quite comfortable throwing around racial slurs. he's a piece of sh*t.

07-14-10, 14:13
and he's still a "great guy"? he beats his wife and tells her she's going to get raped by a pack of n*ggers and thats what passes for a great guy to you? :rolleyes:

blame it on the alcohol huh? thats a f*cking cheap excuse if i've ever heard one. how about be a man and learn some self control.

if he really did knock two of her teeth out, I would like the see a police report or medical documents about the incident. An injury like that requires surgery to fix, and a doctor or surgeon would've had to report it as well. I would hardly consider this admission of anything. A statement like that wouldn't hold up as concrete evidence in court is how I see things.

07-14-10, 14:27
and he's still a "great guy"? he beats his wife and tells her she's going to get raped by a pack of n*ggers and thats what passes for a great guy to you? :rolleyes:

blame it on the alcohol huh? thats a f*cking cheap excuse if i've ever heard one. how about be a man and learn some self control.

You are still missing the point. Sigh.

07-14-10, 15:24
Those who are recovering alcoholics or have lived with one probably aren't surprized by anything on the tape.

07-14-10, 15:43
Those who are recovering alcoholics or have lived with one probably aren't surprized by anything on the tape.

That I am not surprised by the statements and actions is irrelevant. A person, whether intoxicated or not, is still responsible for their actions, must be held accountable, and suffer the consequences.

07-14-10, 17:57

I COULD NOT give less of a shit about what he said. I think he's probably got a little anger management issue, and definitely some jealousy or something, but who cares. It was a private conversation. I, and most of you (including the hypocrites who won't admit it), say things in private that they wouldn't care to see repeated on the front page of the New York Times.

lol like racist comments? Even my super heated arguments never involved them, it's no biggie to publish them anywhere.

Mel Gibson is known for his biggotry.

It's like when you lose your temper and reveal your true feelings..

07-14-10, 17:59
A person, whether intoxicated or not, is still responsible for their actions, must be held accountable, and suffer the consequences.

Actions: Yes.

Words: No.

Do you really want to impose some sort of criminal penalty on Mel because he said some things that yo do not like?

07-14-10, 18:02
he can think whatever he wants. but he admitted to beating his woman and is quite comfortable throwing around racial slurs. he's a piece of sh*t.

+1. He can have his freedom. My freedom allows me to think of him as a POS.

I dunno why some people accept it.

07-14-10, 18:15
Do you really want to impose some sort of criminal penalty on Mel because he said some things that yo do not like?

I'm not in the criminal justice department.

The only consequence I can impose on dear old Mel is to take a pass on his next movie.

Frankly, I hope the guy gets some help. He's a loose cannon and will end up killing someone before it's all said and done.

At the very least, somebody ought to install one of those breathalyzer cut-out devices on his phone.

07-14-10, 18:25
So what he is nucking futs, why should I give a shit? I don't foresee Mr. Gibson and I hanging out anytime soon. Hell all I expect or demand from his insane drunk ass is to give me my $7.50 worth when I sit down at his movie. Like others have said, he is not looking for a political position in power or throwing people in camps. The only people he can hurt are those that allow it. He is not allowed to drive again(yet)is he, other than that I could care less if he drinks himself to death as long as he doesn't take out some innocent while doing it.

07-14-10, 18:26
You are still missing the point. Sigh.

Yea, I still can't get past the fact that you think he's a "great guy"

So what is your point?

07-14-10, 18:40
I let Whoopi Goldberg do all my thinking for me, and according to Whoopi Mel Gibson isn't a racist racist just like Roman Polanski didn't commit rape rape.


07-14-10, 22:40
You're right. He wouldn't have said it...just thought it. And perhaps that makes him a better man. I've been called nigger 3 times in my life and it was probably a blessing that I didn't have a gun on me at the time. **** him.

I think you are missing the point. Alcohol is probably the root for all the women and jew hating stuff. I think if he abstained from Alcohol he would probably not have said the things and done the things he did. Just a guess.

07-15-10, 02:43
You're right. He wouldn't have said it...just thought it. And perhaps that makes him a better man. I've been called nigger 3 times in my life and it was probably a blessing that I didn't have a gun on me at the time. **** him.

just curious ? you would shoot a person over words ? and Mel is the one out of control ?

to me this points to the fact everyone has issues and everyone has breaking points its just that not everyone has the same breaking point or the same issues that makes them break but we all have them !!!!!

me I could care less what I was called and I would just laugh and blow the person saying that to me a kiss just to piss em off more never would even enter my head to shoot a person over being called a name ? no matter what that name is ?

07-15-10, 03:57
In the 4th installment mel seems even more upset.


07-15-10, 05:37
women are evil. this is known.

what a vindictive bitch.. too bad nobody recorded her at her worst moments and put it up on youtube. mel should have smelled that shit from a mile away- you know damn well she doesn't just sit there like a poor, innocent lamb when the mic is off. her dialogue is probably on par with mel's.

as to the racism- bullshit. he may be, he might not be. we'll never know, unless he starts a genocide. and until then, who cares? use of racial slurs is absolutely zero indicator of whether or not somebody's a "racist." nobody even knows that the word means- just make sure you dont ever get called it.

07-15-10, 07:38
i use racial slurs on all races, equal opportunity hater :cool:

in before wiretapping charges?

07-15-10, 07:52
women are evil. this is known.

what a vindictive bitch.. too bad nobody recorded her at her worst moments and put it up on youtube. mel should have smelled that shit from a mile away- you know damn well she doesn't just sit there like a poor, innocent lamb when the mic is off. her dialogue is probably on par with mel's.

as to the racism- bullshit. he may be, he might not be. we'll never know, unless he starts a genocide. and until then, who cares? use of racial slurs is absolutely zero indicator of whether or not somebody's a "racist." nobody even knows that the word means- just make sure you dont ever get called it.

If there was only one tape you could say she caused it and then she recorded it and acted all calm. After 4 tapes and his arrest tape and the anti-Semitic rant you kinda see a pattern. Plus him admitting to busting her in the mouth when she was holding the kid. He has some serious anger issues, or drug/drinking problem, and needs serious help.

Alex V
07-15-10, 15:57
just saw this after reading the thread and yes, I did laugh:D


He went full retard... you never go full retard!

I think you are missing the point. Alcohol is probably the root for all the women and jew hating stuff. I think if he abstained from Alcohol he would probably not have said the things and done the things he did. Just a guess.

Alcahol only brings out what the non drunk mind tries to supress. Alcahol is a filter remover. He always felt this way, but kept it inside. Give the man a few drinks and you find out whats really on his mind.

He is free to think as he wishes.

Until he starts running for office, throwing jews in the oven and lynching black people, he is guilty of nothing. Until he starts denying people the ability to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it's just one man entitled to his own private opinion that his skank ex decided to make public for nefarious reasons.

That's the damn problem with people these days. They are on this thought crime kick.

I happen to agree. He did hit that chick, so for that he needs to get his ass thrown in jail for a while, otherwise, who cares what he says.

Hell, the tapes Howard Stern has been playing are histerical! I cant stop laughing!


Tell me that is hot freakin' awesome! Non stop laughs.

They did some phony-phone calls with his tapes, classic!

07-15-10, 16:11
i use racial slurs on all races, equal opportunity hater :cool:

in before wiretapping charges?

Hell, back in Brooklyn when I was a kid, racial slurs were practically a 2nd language :p.

Everyone got their fair share too. You had to have a thick skin. The more diverse your school, the harsher the language too. It was super tribal

07-15-10, 16:13
if these assault charges are true where is the police report and hospital records. An injury such as getting teeth knocked out requires surgery to fix and a doctor to report such an injury. I wouldn't take an angry (possibly drunk) rant as a real confession. If this really happened and she didnt fill out a report shes just as stupid for signing her cohabitation agreement.

Im not defending Mel but I try to view everything as "innocent until proven guilty" just like in court. I do my best not to jump onto conclusions mat

07-15-10, 17:08
Alcahol only brings out what the non drunk mind tries to supress. Alcahol is a filter remover. He always felt this way, but kept it inside. Give the man a few drinks and you find out whats really on his mind.

I am not convinced that is really true. It removes inhibitions, but the stuff that comes out may not be true feelings. It is just as much if not more plausible that his brain, in its impaired state, takes cultural experiences (TV, movies, growing up etc) and magnifies them. Ie, racial slurs are a cultural thing that we all know about and our brain has learned that they can injure and hurt people, whether or not we really believe them, and so when he is impaired, and trying to injure or hurt someone, they come out as his learned response on how to injure or hurt someone. As an example.

07-15-10, 17:51
Originally Posted by civilian:

I've been called nigger 3 times in my life and it was probably a blessing that I didn't have a gun on me at the time.

just curious ? you would shoot a person over words ? and Mel is the one out of control ?

Holy cat shit! Please re-think the idea of shooting someone because they called you a name.


And by the way, I have been called nigger more than 3 times. (Even though I am white.)

Words should not inspire a person to violence, unless the words are conveying a serious threat to life or limb. For example, "I have kidnapped your daughter and I will kill her unless you deliver $10K to me in 1 hour." In that case, just run up and pop a cap in the guy.

Otherwise please chill out.


07-15-10, 18:21
Actions: Yes.

Words: No.

Do you really want to impose some sort of criminal penalty on Mel because he said some things that yo do not like?

Yes hold him accountable for his actions if he did hit a woman. But if people should be held accountable for their words, what about that piece of shit Black Panther party turd that said the black community needs to start killing white people and white babies? :rolleyes:

07-15-10, 18:48
Audio expert believes the taped phone conversations may have been altered.

07-15-10, 18:50
Yknow... when the whole Mel thing started because he shared some anti-semetic mumblings with the officer who pulled him over for DUI, I remember everybody going on and on about what he had said, and thinking:
"Am I the only one who cares more about the fact that he was DUI than the random crap he said to an officer?"

It's sad to me that this kind of thing has become so common in peoples' minds with regard to celebrities that they'll gloss over the misdemeanor/felony that puts people at risk of mortal danger and obsess over a few offensive comments.

Actions before words indeed. Plenty of people are douchebags. Plenty of people in Hollywood are douchebags. Let's focus on the crimes and not the rhetoric.

07-15-10, 19:14
me I could care less what I was called and I would just laugh and blow the person saying that to me

wow, not what I would do, but whatever floats your boat.

07-15-10, 23:12
wow, not what I would do, but whatever floats your boat.

did not say blow them :) heheheh said blow them a kiss cause that really can piss of some people that are that childish to call you names :)

I know you cut it to try to make me look strange ? hey thats OK whatever you need to do that makes you feel better about yourself :)

pulling a gun on someone for being called a name ? will get you in trouble and if someone is pulling guns on people for being called a name ? should not be allowed to carry cause they have some major issues

07-16-10, 00:43
He's probably got some loose screws. And seems to have some issues with Jews, etc. My only real issue with him is actual crimes like DUI, he should know better.

That said, I give him lots of latitude due to his work. The Patriot and We Were Soldiers were very important films.

I wish he'd get his act together, I'd like to see him doing better.

07-16-10, 01:00
He sounds to me like he's self-destructing and the booze isn't helping matters either. There's no question he's being set-up for the recordings too... if LE did that, it would be called entrapment.

07-16-10, 20:37
I don't get the fascination with this nut job. As someone who has dealt with the absolute worst a woman has to offer (who is the parent of my small child), I did a hell of a lot better than this ****tard under much worse circumstances. There is no condoning this crap for any reason, period. Especially when your future with your child is at stake.

Nothing less than a superb display of pure narcissistic idiocy. Let him waste away in the ditch he dug himself.

07-17-10, 08:52
I don't get the fascination with this nut job. As someone who has dealt with the absolute worst a woman has to offer (who is the parent of my small child), I did a hell of a lot better than this ****tard under much worse circumstances. There is no condoning this crap for any reason, period. Especially when your future with your child is at stake.

Nothing less than a superb display of pure narcissistic idiocy. Let him waste away in the ditch he dug himself.

I couldn't agree more.

07-17-10, 09:11
Report: Mel Gibson's Ex-Girlfriend Demanded $10M

oops someone let the cat out of the bag

07-17-10, 09:29
You're right. He wouldn't have said it...just thought it. And perhaps that makes him a better man. I've been called nigger 3 times in my life and it was probably a blessing that I didn't have a gun on me at the time. **** him.

You poor guy...

07-18-10, 10:57
Mel is not as racist as the current POTUS, the current FLOTUS or the current AG.


Via leftist groups like LaRaza on behalf of illegal immigrants, ACORN, the NAACP and the New Black Panther Party on behalf of blacks, and CAIR on behalf of Jihadists, the Obama administration is creating the perfect racially charged storm across America.

None of these groups are listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center list of "potential domestic terrorists" used by Obama's Department of Homeland Security as the playbook for dealing with domestic terrorism, national security or racial tensions. Only "right-wing" constitutionally grounded taxpayers and military veterans make the list of "potential threats" under the Obama administration.

None of this is accidental or without purpose. Racial tensions were nonexistent in most parts of America, until Obama came on the scene.

Before Obama was elected illegal resident of the people's White House, few in America cared what color, race or religion anyone was... Since the 2008 election, the word "racism" has been exploited as a political tool to silence any and all voices of dissent.


07-18-10, 11:57
Mel is not as racist as the current POTUS, the current FLOTUS or the current AG.

uh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not that I care personally but oh hell yes he his.
He just can't hurt anyone other than those that let him with his racism.

I believe it was someone in this thread that nailed it with;
"He is batshit crazy"

07-18-10, 15:28
Racial tensions were nonexistent in most parts of America, until Obama came on the scene.


History... FAIL.