View Full Version : Los Zetos declares war.

07-14-10, 09:02
By Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter July 8, 2010 at 12:30 PM PDT

One of my informants whom I have called Juan in previous news reports, called me recently on the cell phone he provided me at our last meeting a month or so ago. He told me that his boss, a Los Zetas Mexican drug cartel officer, wanted to meet with me and give me some important information regarding the so called war on drugs raging on the border. A date and time was set up for this meeting at a public place.

At this encounter, the Mexican I met was clean shaven with a military style “high and tight” short hair cut, who looked to be about 35 years old or so, claiming to be an officer in the Los Zetas Mexican drug cartel organization. He told me straight out that he believed two of his men were shot and killed recently in the desert in Arizona by American vigilantes and he would be taking revenge. He first said he thought that his men where killed by opposing drug cartel member gangs; saying he and his men had killed several gang members recently whom they thought were responsible for those killings and other recent attacks in the area. That bloody confrontation took place just south of the Arizona border. The shootout left 21 dead.
The violence took place between the hamlets of Saric and Tubutama along a notorious smuggling corridor. Nearby is the town of Altar, which I have reported on in the past and which for more than a decade has been a major staging area for illegal smugglers headed for the Arizona border.

The Los Zetas officer said “I now believe my men were shot by crazed American vigilante cowards, who ambushed my solders at night, shot them from a great distance using high powered American rifles. Then our load of drugs were stolen”.

He said, “this is a warning to those type groups that my men have been instructed to shoot and kill any Americans who are seen armed and roaming the deserts”. He went on to say that the murder of his men has not been properly investigated by the sheriff of Pinal County.

The Los Zetas officer said “I believe there is a cover-up by sheriff Paul Babeu by protecting the Americans who did the killings. If the true facts of this case are not revealed publicly and the guilty ones are not brought to justice then I will hold the sheriff personally responsible”.

The Los Zetas officer went on to tell me that “I have many of my Zetas soldiers posted throughout the area watching these groups and their movements and it will be just a matter of time before our side gets revenge. In the mean time you must leave our people alone and the drugs they carry or my instructions will stand and this will mean war.”


07-14-10, 09:29
Impressive mental gymnastics. Drug dealing death squad member pissed because police are not investigating the killing of one of his own.

07-14-10, 09:31
That's kinda funny after you read something like this:


07-14-10, 09:33
Nice too see that BG cry that his drugs where stolen. Too bad for him.

07-14-10, 10:15
I have no idea what they are talking about...


07-14-10, 10:35
By Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter July 8, 2010 at 12:30 PM PDT

One of my informants whom I have called Juan in previous news reports, called me recently on the cell phone he provided me at our last meeting a month or so ago. He told me that his boss, a Los Zetas Mexican drug cartel officer, wanted to meet with me and give me some important information regarding the so called war on drugs raging on the border. A date and time was set up for this meeting at a public place.

At this encounter, the Mexican I met was clean shaven with a military style “high and tight” short hair cut, who looked to be about 35 years old or so, claiming to be an officer in the Los Zetas Mexican drug cartel organization. He told me straight out that he believed two of his men were shot and killed recently in the desert in Arizona by American vigilantes and he would be taking revenge. He first said he thought that his men where killed by opposing drug cartel member gangs; saying he and his men had killed several gang members recently whom they thought were responsible for those killings and other recent attacks in the area. That bloody confrontation took place just south of the Arizona border. The shootout left 21 dead.
The violence took place between the hamlets of Saric and Tubutama along a notorious smuggling corridor. Nearby is the town of Altar, which I have reported on in the past and which for more than a decade has been a major staging area for illegal smugglers headed for the Arizona border.

The Los Zetas officer said “I now believe my men were shot by crazed American vigilante cowards, who ambushed my solders at night, shot them from a great distance using high powered American rifles. Then our load of drugs were stolen”.

He said, “this is a warning to those type groups that my men have been instructed to shoot and kill any Americans who are seen armed and roaming the deserts”. He went on to say that the murder of his men has not been properly investigated by the sheriff of Pinal County.

The Los Zetas officer said “I believe there is a cover-up by sheriff Paul Babeu by protecting the Americans who did the killings. If the true facts of this case are not revealed publicly and the guilty ones are not brought to justice then I will hold the sheriff personally responsible”.

The Los Zetas officer went on to tell me that “I have many of my Zetas soldiers posted throughout the area watching these groups and their movements and it will be just a matter of time before our side gets revenge. In the mean time you must leave our people alone and the drugs they carry or my instructions will stand and this will mean war.”


Apropos of nothing at all, I was thinking about a hiking trip to Arizona.

07-14-10, 10:57
This will never make MSM.

07-14-10, 11:35
This will never make MSM.

Nor should it.

Michael Webster is a whack job. Check out his writings (http://www.allvoices.com/s/event-6081162/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5sYWd1bmFqb3VybmFsLmNvbS9taWNoYWVsX3dlYnN0ZXIuaHRt) or his website (http://www.michaelwebster.net/home/).

Is everything he writes complete bullshit? Unlikely, as he seems to have said something about every subject on the planet and even a busted clock is right twice a day. But I sure as shit wouldn't use it to tell the time.

07-14-10, 11:36
This will never make MSM.

Sure it will. They'll spin it and blame all the violence on the crazy, right-wing, Christian, conservative nut-jobs. They'll claim that drug cartels like Los Zetos wouldn't be violent if we were supplying them with guns from gun shows and if these groups were patrolling the border.

07-14-10, 11:55
All I can say is: "BRING IT ON!!" :moil: Sounds like I need to take a "hunting trip" in that area. :D

07-14-10, 12:53
All I can say is: "BRING IT ON!!" :moil: Sounds like I need to take a "hunting trip" in that area. :D

Hehe... :D

Bring it on indeed...

07-14-10, 13:01
I have no idea what they are talking about...


As far as the armed dope smugglers getting picked off, regardless of who did it ... cry me a f&^ing river.

This has gotten way past the point where the U.S. military should be involved, full scale. Not to sting any political nerves here, but this shit is a much more direct threat than any WMDs that Saddam Hussein supposedly had.

If they want a "war," I say we give it to them. With CAS, artillery, armed drones, gunship patrols. Completely take over Mexico 200 or so miles in, and go after their leadership, vacation homes, and everything else regardless of where it's located.

07-14-10, 13:40

As far as the armed dope smugglers getting picked off, regardless of who did it ... cry me a f&^ing river.

This has gotten way past the point where the U.S. military should be involved, full scale. Not to sting any political nerves here, but this shit is a much more direct threat than any WMDs that Saddam Hussein supposedly had.

If they want a "war," I say we give it to them. With CAS, artillery, armed drones, gunship patrols. Completely take over Mexico 200 or so miles in, and go after their leadership, vacation homes, and everything else regardless of where it's located.

Arizona needs to make noises about calling its NG units that are deployed OCONUS back to use them for border security.

07-14-10, 13:46
A few things.

1. You don't have soldiers. You have drug smuggling piece of shit criminals.

2. American vigilante cowards didn't murder your men, Americans simply protected their country from your drug smuggling piece of shit criminals.

3. If you stop coming to this country, they will stop shooting your drug smuggling piece of shit criminals.

07-14-10, 13:50
A few things.

1. You don't have soldiers. You have drug smuggling piece of shit criminals.

2. American vigilante cowards didn't murder your men, Americans simply protected their country from your drug smuggling piece of shit criminals.

3. If you stop coming to this country, they will stop shooting your drug smuggling piece of shit criminals.

Terse, accurate and complete. Thumbs up! :dance3:

baffle Stack
07-14-10, 13:55
Well said.

07-14-10, 17:36
[QUOTE=500grains;705983]By Michael Webster:

The Los Zetas officer said “I now believe my men were shot by crazed American vigilante cowards, who ambushed my solders at night, shot them from a great distance using high powered American rifles. Then our load of drugs were stolen”.

He said, “this is a warning to those type groups that my men have been instructed to shoot and kill any Americans who are SEEN armed and roaming the deserts”. He went on to say that the murder of his men has not been properly investigated by the sheriff of Pinal County.

That's what Ghille Suits are for.:ph34r:

07-14-10, 19:10
This guy:


has secret contacts with high level Los Zetas officers, and sneaks around meeting them in random places to talk about dead drug dealers?

The subject that he is talking about is very real, but this article is about as valid a piece of journalism as looking up drug war on wikipedia, typing something yourself, then attaching the word "syndicated" to your name. I'm sure if you did this, you would have the same credentials, sources, and resume as Mr. Michael Webster.

07-14-10, 20:16
By Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter July 8, 2010 at 12:30 PM PDT

The Los Zetas officer said “I now believe my men were shot by crazed American vigilante cowards, who ambushed my solders at night, shot them from a great distance using high powered American rifles. Then our load of drugs were stolen”.


http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/4638/nelsonhahai.gif (http://img716.imageshack.us/i/nelsonhahai.gif/)

Good kills, whoever did that...good kills...

07-14-10, 20:25

As far as the armed dope smugglers getting picked off, regardless of who did it ... cry me a f&^ing river.

This has gotten way past the point where the U.S. military should be involved, full scale. Not to sting any political nerves here, but this shit is a much more direct threat than any WMDs that Saddam Hussein supposedly had.

If they want a "war," I say we give it to them. With CAS, artillery, armed drones, gunship patrols. Completely take over Mexico 200 or so miles in, and go after their leadership, vacation homes, and everything else regardless of where it's located.

The military should be there....primary purpose is protecting the homeland.

However with Obama at the helm he's more likely to go down there looking to prosecute the "militia" folks while turning a blind eye to the drug and human smugglers.....:mad:

07-14-10, 22:19
it's in o's lap now but all our elected officials (house / senate / potus) has failed us on securing the borders with any action...it's just getting worse daily.

This story has not made it's way to any of the reliable narco blogs.

07-14-10, 22:23

As far as the armed dope smugglers getting picked off, regardless of who did it ... cry me a f&^ing river.

This has gotten way past the point where the U.S. military should be involved, full scale. Not to sting any political nerves here, but this shit is a much more direct threat than any WMDs that Saddam Hussein supposedly had.

If they want a "war," I say we give it to them. With CAS, artillery, armed drones, gunship patrols. Completely take over Mexico 200 or so miles in, and go after their leadership, vacation homes, and everything else regardless of where it's located.

Amen to that!

Just like the Israeli's do when allowed to cut loose. We know who these idiots are and where they live. Completely level and destroy every house, building, etc If Mexico doesn't like it then they can start taking care of their own corruption and be responsible for what they've created. Until then we'll do what we have to do.

07-14-10, 22:48
We need mines, lots of mines.

07-15-10, 16:47
We need mines, lots of mines.

I've been saying for years that we don't need (just) a fence, we need minefields. Put up signs in Spanish and English, with pictogram warnings of people blowing up, to warn them. It's not cruel or inhumane when you warn them and they illegally run across anyway.

Instead, we leave them water to make sure they survive the trip. Ridiculous.

This is an international border. With armed people smuggling massive amounts of dangerous cargo. This is not some kid cutting through your backyard who's father you call up. Unfortunately, that seems to be the approach we are taking - all talk between government bureaucrats, not enough action.

07-15-10, 21:24
Video of Illegal Aliens (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KcwIy_fQuU&feature=player_embedded)

What's worse is the moron who is supposed to be running this country and his lap dawgs are using our money to defends the assholes in that video. :mad:

07-15-10, 21:41
That's kinda funny after you read something like this:


I love this one from page 1:

2010- The Zapata County sheriff Thursday was questioning why a Mexican military helicopter was hovering over homes on the Texas side of the Rio Grande.

It was one of the more jarring incidents of the fourth week of border tensions sparked by drug killings, and rumors of such killings, in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas.

Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez said he'd reviewed photos of the chopper flown by armed personnel Tuesday over a residential area known as Falcon Heights-Falcon Village near the binational Falcon Lake, just south of the Starr-Zapata county line. He said the helicopter appeared to have the insignia of the Mexican navy.

If this is true I'm surprised no one took a potshot at it. I remember growing up in PA and I'd hear stories of rednecks taking shots at the choppers flying out of Ft. Indiantown Gap.

07-16-10, 15:01
...If this is true I'm surprised no one took a potshot at it. I remember growing up in PA and I'd hear stories of rednecks taking shots at the choppers flying out of Ft. Indiantown Gap.

I had some poacher take a shot at me during Night Vision training at Fort Rucker, AL. The asshole spotlighted us just as we crested over the trees (flying NOE) which caused my NVG to shutdown. I quickly transferred controls to the IP and switched my over to unaided (looking below the NVG). That's when I saw the muzzle flash.

As far as those guys crossing over from Mexico; I wouldn't advice anyone taking a pot shot at them as they are likely to be armed and will probably not hesitate to return fire. Especially since the chances of them getting into any kind of trouble is nil with this anti-American/pro-Foreign regime that lives in the WH.

07-16-10, 16:06
...Unless they dropped a load of dope, it's not all that interesting. They never produced the photos for us to see or even did a follow up on that hovering story to prove it was the mex navy.

The rio grande river is nothing but a huge switchback of horseshoes. I birdhunt a 4k acre farm where you can point into mexcio in every direction besided east / ne. in & out of the farm. Zoom in on google earth around the hidalgo / starr / zapata area...it's pretty amazing.

i'm not sure how our bp could not skip into mex airspace from time to time.