View Full Version : NAACP vs abolitionist

07-14-10, 14:54
So the NAACP sues gun manufacturers, is generally in bed with the "don't confuse us with the facts" groups (Brady Bunch, HGC, ACLU, et al) and yet, the leading abolitionist of the time, Frederick Douglass, stated:

"The black man has never had the right either to keep or bear arms," and until he does, "the work of the Abolitionists is not finished." according to SCOTUS Judge Thomas.

Obviously, MLK is an Icon to the NAACP and black community, and he wrote:

"Finally, I contended that the debate over the question of self-defense was unnecessary since few people suggested that Negroes should not defend themselves as individuals when attacked. The question was not whether one should use his gun when his home was attacked, but whether it was tactically wise to use a gun while participating in an organized demonstration."


"As we have seen, the first public expression of disenchantment with nonviolence arose around the question of "self-defense." In a sense this is a false issue, for the right to defend one's home and one's person when attacked has been guaranteed through the ages by common law."

Source: "Where Do We Go From Here:Chaos or Community?" by MLK Jr.

MLK applied for a CCW and was turned down. He was also a Republican...

Is it just me, or does this stuff make your head spin by the fact the very group who should demand their 2A Rights, a right that was understood and appreciated by the very people (to name a few!) who championed the causes of Black Americans as essential for people to be free from oppression and tyranny.

The Irony kills me. :angry:

07-14-10, 16:13
"Black leadership" in this country has a vested interest in attempting to keep people in urban areas impotent and defenseless, and that segment of society openly opposes the concept of upward mobility.

The power of said leadership depends on it.

This is also matter of partisan politics. Many people vote for and support leaders based on irrelevant characteristics such as skin color and party affiliation. They don't stop to think that the politicians they support don't legislate based on the best interest of the people.

Jews are another prime example. Why do so many support gun control? For a race with such a strong cultural identity, you'd think they've heard of the Warsaw ghetto uprising.


07-14-10, 16:50
Jews are another prime example. Why do so many support gun control? For a race with such a strong cultural identity, you'd think they've heard of the Warsaw ghetto uprising.


Yes, I was thinking of the American Jewish community as I wrote that as a group, of all groups, who should "get it" and don't, not counting JPFO of course. Thomas making that quote got me to thinking (yet again) about how amazing it is the majority of the black community could fail to see gun laws by their very nature are racist and elitist.

I'm neither Jewish or black, and it boggles the mind.

07-14-10, 17:14
The presumption that either the black community or the jewish community is defined by a single political or ideological position is, in addition to fundamentally misguided, more than a little offensive.

07-14-10, 17:34
The presumption that either the black community or the jewish community is defined by a single political or ideological position is, in addition to fundamentally misguided, more than a little offensive.

What are you talking about? He is discussing one political position. The overall position of the Black and Jewish American positions on gun-control. The politicians that the Black and Jewish Americans back are historically anti-gun. How is that offensive, misguided, or ,hell, even a bit factually inaccurate?

07-14-10, 17:49
The presumption that either the black community or the jewish community is defined by a single political or ideological position is, in addition to fundamentally misguided, more than a little offensive.

If you want to get into semantics, that's your business. The majority of the black and Jewish community in the US are anti gun, and polls are (unfortunately) are quite clear on that. They also Vote Dem most of the time. Can we find a black Jewish pro gun Republican? Of course, but it's not racist to simply point out the realities as they exist. My GF, is black, Republican, gun owner (but not Jewish...) but I also know how rare she is... Obviously, all ideologies exist in all communities, but there's nothing "misguided" by pointing out the obvious large scale trends in communities. It's PC at it's worst to deny that.

07-14-10, 17:57
The presumption that either the black community or the jewish community is defined by a single political or ideological position is, in addition to fundamentally misguided, more than a little offensive.

Please, if you can, try to avoid tripping over your "indignation" and read the post for what it is.

I suppose you would likewise find the assertion that the "black community" supports Barack Obama "offensive" (never mind the fact that what, 95% of black voters voted for him).

Will, good post. Accurate, IMO.

Left Sig
07-14-10, 21:36
My aunt by marriage is Jewish. Her parents were Holocaust survivors from Russia who hid out in the forest for years until the war was over. Her father escaped from a train car on the way to the camps by squeezing out of a ventilation duct on the roof of the car. If he hadn't been skinny, he would never have made it. I met her parents when I was young (they died long ago) but didn't realize or understand what they had been through.

But my aunt grew up in the 60's, lives in NYC, and is hopelessly liberal. When I went to see them in 2004 she had a Bush-as-Hitler poster in the kitchen, protesting his imperial wars, or some such nonsense. I think it accused him of terrorism too.

Ironically, her daughter (my cousin) was stuck in lower Manhattan on 9/11 (where she went to high school) and took a long time to make it home to Brooklyn. For a time there, we didn't know if she was safe.

I remember my aunt talking about how horrible Abu Grahib was because we offended the muslim prisoners who had much more conservative views on sexuality than Americans.

Liberal indoctrination can last a lifetime.

As a guest, I kept my opinions to myself and ignored hers because we were there to celebrate my grandfather's 90th birthday.

07-15-10, 07:14
As a guest, I kept my opinions to myself and ignored hers because we were there to celebrate my grandfather's 90th birthday.

It's stunning to me how all the lessons can be totally lost in just one -two generations of easy living.:bad:

07-15-10, 09:24
Jews are another prime example. Why do so many support gun control? For a race with such a strong cultural identity, you'd think they've heard of the Warsaw ghetto uprising.

Ever been to the Holocaust Memorial in Boston? It's one of the most moving dedications to what man is capable of you will ever see. Similar to the Vietnam wall in it's simplicity and power. It looks like simple gray glass towers as you approach, and you get closer, you realize the "gray" in the glass is due to six million numbers etched into that glass. How does anyone fail to understand the issue after seeing such a thing is beyond comprehension. One of these days I will write an article on that, combining comments above, but 'till then:




"On Transport, people refused to be taken to the gas chambers.
A tragic struggle developed. They destroyed everything in sight and broke the crates filled with gold taken from the prisoners. They grabbed sticks and anything in their hands on to fight When the Morning came. The yard was still full of the dead"



"From our barracks we could see the gas chambers
A heart rendering cry of women and children reach us there.
We are overcome by the feeling of helplessness
There we were, watching and unable to do anything"


07-15-10, 10:00
Ever been to the Holocaust Memorial in Boston? It's one of the most moving dedications to what man is capable of you will ever see. Similar to the Vietnam wall in it's simplicity and power. It looks like simple gray glass towers as you approach, and you get closer, you realize the "gray" in the glass is due to six million numbers etched into that glass. How does anyone fail to understand the issue after seeing such a thing is beyond comprehension. One of these days I will write an article on that, combining comments above, but 'till then:




"On Transport, people refused to be taken to the gas chambers.
A tragic struggle developed. They destroyed everything in sight and broke the crates filled with gold taken from the prisoners. They grabbed sticks and anything in their hands on to fight When the Morning came. The yard was still full of the dead"



"From our barracks we could see the gas chambers
A heart rendering cry of women and children reach us there.
We are overcome by the feeling of helplessness
There we were, watching and unable to do anything"


...and yet they continue to vote for and back politicians who share roots with those who did that to them, and look away from the fact that the Nazi's were not the only Socialist/Communist government to do such things.
Mao ~40 Million.
Stalin ~20 Million
North Korea, Cambodia the list goes on of the Leftist caused mega-deaths.
They just cannot seem to grasp it isn't a simple matter that the German Nazi's were evil, but that all totalitarian governments are evil.

07-15-10, 10:13
They just cannot seem to grasp it isn't a simple matter that the German Nazi's were evil, but that all totalitarian governments are evil.

No four words have killed more people in all of human history then:

"It Can't Happen Here."

Followed closely by these 6:

"It will be different this time."

It's always interesting to me to note that tyrants are the people who pay close attention to history to use for their own means:

"Struggle is the father of all things. It is not by the principles of humanity that man lives or is able to preserve himself above the animal world, but solely by means of the most brutal struggle. If you do not fight, life will never be won." - A. Hitler

It's always those who utter the above four words, and ignore history, who die by the millions.

Those who do not view armed self defense as a basic human right, ignore the mass graves of those who died at the hands of tyrants.

07-15-10, 11:02
No four words have killed more people in all of human history then:

"It Can't Happen Here."

Followed closely by these 6:

"It will be different this time."

It's always interesting to me to note that tyrants are the people who pay close attention to history to use for their own means:

"Struggle is the father of all things. It is not by the principles of humanity that man lives or is able to preserve himself above the animal world, but solely by means of the most brutal struggle. If you do not fight, life will never be won." - A. Hitler

It's always those who utter the above four words, and ignore history, who die by the millions.

Those who do not view armed self defense as a basic human right, ignore the mass graves of those who died at the hands of tyrants.

Along with gun registration & confiscation. I highly suggest watching the video "Innocents Betrayed" that was made by JPFO. The video website: http://www.innocentsbetrayed.com/index2.htm

And if you don't want to order it they have it posted up here: http://vodpod.com/watch/3059752-innocents-betrayed-just-say-no-to-gun-control

07-15-10, 21:16
When I was in Boston a few years ago, I kind of stumbled upon the memorial...I had no clue it existed or was there. Very powerful.
