View Full Version : Unreal...Obama says he got us out of this 'mess'...

07-16-10, 15:49
Gee I didn't know we are out of what he came into office with. Fewer people are working, more businesses out of business or barely hanging on, housing market is still flat lined, border security is worse, fewer ICE crackdowns, trying to shutdown new oil exploration in the gulf, war on Texas refineries, ect.

They have spent over a trillion on "stimulus", yet over a year later unemployment is still higher than the 8% he said it would not go above, and little to no sign of anything getting better anytime soon. In fact things look to be getting worse with Bush tax cuts expire, and their HC BS starts coming into more effect raising costs.

This guy is such a narcissist its not even funny anymore. The dems are going to ignore and/or try to lie their way out this. Repeat lies often enough enough idiots out there who don't pay attention and have more than two brain cells to rub together will eat it up. They are also going to scare people into thinking if they put the GOP back in charge the same thing is going to happen again even though they had control of Congress since 2006.

President Barack Obama acknowledges that the fall elections could amount to a referendum on his stewardship of the nation’s affairs.

Obama tells NBC in an interview that “nobody in the White House is satisfied” with continuing high unemployment.

But he also says the midterm congressional elections could come down to “a choice between the policies that got us into this mess and my policies that got us out of this mess.”

The president said in the interview he believes voters “are going to say the policies that got us into this mess, we can’t go back to.” He also said Washington “has spent an inordinate amount of time on politics — who’s up and who’s down — and not enough on what we’re doing for the American people.”


07-16-10, 15:56
If you are just gonna make up shit, might as well make up good shit.

07-16-10, 16:04
If I said as many delusional comments as him, my family would undoubtedly seek professional help for me. Yet, politicians do it everyday and people actually agree with him.

I saw a bumper sticker today, no shit, it said "Thank me. I voted for Obama."

That is ignorance or a diagnosable mental disorder.

07-16-10, 16:06
If by "a mess" he means a Capitalist based economy, yes, he is right he is getting us out of said "mess".

Now, I am not a socialist or such. But need to remember what the person believes in and not what we have.

07-16-10, 17:44
he and every one of these talking heads on the business and stock market shows are completely full of sh*t. all signs are pointing to a severe leg down in the market, and the economy is still in the sh*tter and shows no signs of improvement.

07-16-10, 19:09
he and every one of these talking heads on the business and stock market shows are completely full of sh*t. all signs are pointing to a severe leg down in the market, and the economy is still in the sh*tter and shows no signs of improvement.

The numbers they talk about are so tinkered with they are barely even worth looking at.

Their standard unemployment rate doesn't count people who are not getting unemployment, and that leaves millions of people not counted in their numbers. It doesn't count the people who are not getting pay raises like they were, people getting pay reductions, reduced hours, college kids (a lot of them) who can't find jobs after graduating, people not getting benefits anymore since they ran out.

The GDP numbers are skewed because gov is printing so much money, and borrowing so much the majority of the slight GDP gain is nothing but printed money, deficit spending (1.5 trillion +), etc. Our GDP is around 14 trillion, and gov has printed or borrowed around 3 trillion. The GDP would be 5-10% negative, and that spending/printing cannot go on forever.

There are tons of strip malls around here that were built in the last 3-4 years, and most of them are empty....some have never been rented out at all.

The stock market has been especially freaky the last few months. One day its up 300 the next down 300, and its still 4000 points down from what it was 3 years ago.

In the end this is going to be a repeat of the 30's under FDR where the gov thinks they can fix the economy, and they end up making things worse. Even after the majority of the GD was over FDR's interventionist policies caused the GD to last longer, and there were 2 more recessions before WW2 kicked off in 39/40. Without WW2 FDR's policies would have caused an economic slump that lasted 15-20 years. Obama is doing the same type of shit, and the economy is doing the same thing it did in the 30's to a large degree.

07-16-10, 19:27
I'm still waiting for Mr O to put gas in my tank and pay my house payments for me.

Come Nov 3rd I guess we'll see how stupid at least one group of people in the US are. Either the electorate or the elected. "The People" will have either lost our minds and returned those who are in office now, or those officials will be wondered what train just hit Congress as they are figuring out how to clean out their desks.

07-16-10, 19:51
The numbers they talk about are so tinkered with they are barely even worth looking at.

The stock market has been especially freaky the last few months. One day its up 300 the next down 300, and its still 4000 points down from what it was 3 years ago.

the entire system is rigged.

check out John Mauldin, he's pretty good at cutting through the nonsense. definitely recommend subscribing to his newsletter if you do any investing


then there's these guys, they do a very nice newsletter as well and are rarely wrong


07-16-10, 21:01
To bad today I am finally working again for a rather LARGE telco, and I saw a lady pull up with an "OBAMA" bumper sticker, so I almost asked her how that shit was working out for her, when I remembered, don't you dumb shit, you've been out of work for 3 years, don't screw up now over "Mr. Supper Stupid"! AS RON WHITE SAID, "YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID"!

07-16-10, 21:34
Unreal? The fact that he was elected is unreal. The fact that as a direct result he was actually enabled to do many of the detrimental things he has very predictably done to this confused nation is unreal.

The whole friggin thing is unreal. I mean it, this POS is as diabolical as any could have predicted. Yet as diabolical as he is, his pure overall ineptitude may surpass all in the end.

07-16-10, 21:43
Unreal? The fact that he was elected is unreal. The fact that as a direct result he was actually enabled to do many of the detrimental things he has very predictably done to this confused nation is unreal.

The whole friggin thing is unreal. I mean it, this POS is as diabolical as any could have predicted. Yet as diabolical as he is, his pure overall ineptitude may surpass all in the end.

+1 no doubt. Lots of work to unravel the mess & damage done.

07-16-10, 22:04
Unreal? The fact that he was elected is unreal. The fact that as a direct result he was actually enabled to do many of the detrimental things he has very predictably done to this confused nation is unreal.

The whole friggin thing is unreal. I mean it, this POS is as diabolical as any could have predicted. Yet as diabolical as he is, his pure overall ineptitude may surpass all in the end.


Any body with their eyes open could see right through the guy early on in the race. Then, when the lid was blown off about Reverend Wright, I thought for sure he was toast. How could anyone survive that politically?

Obama admitted that he went to Reverend Wright's church for 20 years, he married him and his wife, baptized his children, and was his mentor yet throughout his entire relationship with the Reverend he claims he never heard any of the hatred and racism he spewed. How did our nation react to these findings?

We gobbled his bullshit excuse up like candy.

Obama is a student of Wright. If you want to know how Obama views our country, listen to the reverend.

07-16-10, 22:13
Predicted this on another board...but then again it was pretty obvious. By end of next week I am sure he will claiming credit for stopping the oil leak.

07-16-10, 22:37
Elections have consequences. The American people elected a far left politician to power, along with a Democrat congress, and this is the end result. :big_boss::jester:

07-16-10, 23:32
The last thing Obama and his homies want is for the economy to actually recover. Hence, they will do everything in their power to stop that.

So far, our economy (even in the shape it has been in) has been pretty resilient and has refused to die. The Dems are going to do their best to smother it, look for lots more BS in the future. Also, I'm wondering when they are going to make the big push for amnesty so they can have a bunch of people who will vote for them in the next few big elections...

07-16-10, 23:53
We gobbled his bullshit excuse up like candy.

Obama is a student of Wright. If you want to know how Obama views our country, listen to the reverend.

Nobody gobbled up the excuse. Nobody cared.

Frankly the whole Rev. Wright bit struck me as focusing on the bullshit instead of the actual policies he would enact.

If we were to look at the actual policies, McCain wasn't leaps and bounds different(clearly he isn't personally as radical, but frankly the bills he has supported in the past are the same kind of bills the radical administration has decided to actually try.)

We had a choice between Socialist/Corporatist #1, and Socialist/Corporatist #2. One of them spoke like a geriatric and was perceived as being a war monger. One of them spoke well(or read from a prompter well;),) and was perceived as being anti-war.

The people chose the healthy anti-war candidate, who of course has both expanded the wars and at the same time limited the ability of those on the ground to actually prosecute it.

Regarding the OP...his policies have STALLED this mess. Of course they're the same policies that we were likely to see with McCain, and did see with GWB. Never mind the only actual solution which would be to man up and take the pain, allow the correction, and allow bankruptcy. When things go south again the correction will have to be that much larger, and that much more painful.

07-16-10, 23:57
The last thing Obama and his homies want is for the economy to actually recover. Hence, they will do everything in their power to stop that.

There are certainly those smart enough and devious enough to feel/attempt that type of stuff. But I believe Obama truly wants to help the poor communities. He wants to help those who's education is lacking. He wants to create a better America.

The problem is, he actually believes that he(the government,) can help.

07-17-10, 06:19
Vote for me, and all your wildest dreams will come true.

07-17-10, 07:02
thopkins, I agree with you. Our "choice" in the last Presidential election was between a socialist/progressive and s/p lite. The media had hammered into us to loathe "W" and by extension McCain.
We need a major overhaul of Congressional members and need to move away from the progressives that we've consistently elected since the turn of the century-the last century that is.
A large, inefficient, ineffective central planning government is not the solution. It is the problem.

07-17-10, 07:15
thopkins, I agree with you. Our "choice" in the last Presidential election was between a socialist/progressive and s/p lite. The media had hammered into us to loathe "W" and by extension McCain.
We need a major overhaul of Congressional members and need to move away from the progressives that we've consistently elected since the turn of the century-the last century that is.
A large, inefficient, ineffective central planning government is not the solution. It is the problem.

Don't forget, the media was pushing McCain hard in the primaries...there was a point where he was all but out of the running, until they propped him back.

07-17-10, 07:48
There are certainly those smart enough and devious enough to feel/attempt that type of stuff. But I believe Obama truly wants to help the poor communities. He wants to help those who's education is lacking. He wants to create a better America.

The problem is, he actually believes that he(the government,) can help.

I have to disagree. Look at the people he has surrounded himself with for the past 30 years. They are not the of the 'misguided bunny keeper' brigade.
They are hardcore marxist/totalitarians. Several of which were involved in the Weather Underground in the '60's and '70's where they made the statement that they would have to eliminate approximately 25 million US citizens, because they were incorrigible capitalists and would not accept the new paradigm of collectivism.
If he is stupid enough that he thinks that the lessons and advice from these people is all about helping the 'little guy' we wouldn't be making fun of him needing a teleprompter; we would be feeling compassion towards him for needing diapers and a minder to wipe the drool from his face.

07-17-10, 08:02
Don't forget, the media was pushing McCain hard in the primaries...there was a point where he was all but out of the running, until they propped him back.

More like they wanted to be assured of a non-conservative win. IIRC, The New York Times all but assured that McCain would be nominated. It was a WIN/mostly win situation for the MSM between BHO and McCain. Either way we were going to be stuck with another four years of Progressive's policies.