View Full Version : Noggin shavin'

07-18-10, 07:51
Just curious how many guys shave their heads and what their routine is (i.e blade, clippers, or electric razor; how often they shave; any particular product preferences in the way of razors, skin care products, etc.)

07-18-10, 08:00
been doing it for almost 20 years. Once a month, clippers no guard. Not so much for looks but for ease of maintenance

07-18-10, 09:12
I use an electric clippers and take it all off about once every 3 or 4 days.

I dont bic it because that is harsher on the skin, and fuzz is better than Mr. Clean, shiny head cue ball.

07-18-10, 09:35
When I get up the nerve, I'm gonna try it.

07-18-10, 09:46
I did it for quite some time, but got tired seeing people stare at me and whisper at each other, and people just generally not being nice. I guess the Scandinavian appearance (pale, tall blue eyes)+shaved head+tattoos+listening to metal= something I didn't think of at first (Seen kyle?) Now I keep it shaved every week with 3mm electric clippers.:haha:

07-18-10, 10:16
I shave mine every few weeks with clippers with no guard on it. Started in college when I had no money and let random people shave my head. I guess I have not paid for a hair cut since 1990.

Oscar 319
07-18-10, 10:20
Clippers, no gaurd every couple weeks.

If I wake up with bed head, it's time for a shave.

07-18-10, 10:25
I shave mine every 3-4 days, but just with clippers on the lowest setting and lube with sunscreen. Just started last Aug, and women hit on me more than I ever had with hair!:eek:

Thomas M-4
07-18-10, 10:36
Whale electric clipper lowest setting and no guard .

variablebinary right don't shave it unless you want shiny Q-ball:lol:

07-18-10, 10:46
I used to shave my head for a number of years. I did it so I didn't spend so much money on hair cuts. I started with the clippers at the lowest setting and then gradually moved to a razor. I went from a regular disposable razor to a straight razor and hot lather. I was able to pull it off because I don't have a lumpy head but after a while it just got too expensive since I began shaving every 3-4 days.

07-18-10, 10:53
Same here; clippers no guard. once you go, you cant go back...

07-18-10, 12:23
Anybody make a set of rechargeable waterproof clippers worth a shit so a guy can shave in the shower and skip the cleanup?

07-18-10, 12:37
Not electric, but I've heard nothing but good about the "Headblade" If I ever start shaving my head again, I'm probably going to go with that.


Joe R.
07-18-10, 12:39
Started a few years back. At first I used a clipper with no guard then I went to a razor. I shave it every two to three days.

Once you get a pattern down you can do it in the shower. Just run your hand over your head and you can feel the spots you may have missed.

07-18-10, 12:41
Triple blade razor shaving cream, bald as a baby's bottom.

07-18-10, 12:56
Clippers no straight razor (although the wife keeps bugging me too).

I keep taking it lower, and am about to no guard (I'm on the last one).

I cut it about every 5 days.

Chicks seem to dig it, and it bumps the intimidation factor up a notch. :D


07-18-10, 13:31
Not electric, but I've heard nothing but good about the "Headblade" If I ever start shaving my head again, I'm probably going to go with that.


My brother uses one of these and loves it. Me, I just keep it short. I use an electric clipper with a #2 guard every couple of weeks as my wife likes it better that way.


Oscar 319
07-18-10, 14:09
What? None of you guys are rockin' a Flowbee??


07-18-10, 14:23
I don't get as close as others but I use clippers every 1.5 months. I use an 8 on top and a 7 on the sides. I like a little hair. I mainly do it because its so damn easy to maintain.

07-18-10, 14:24
What? None of you guys are rockin' a Flowbee??


The vacuum haircutting industry must be blooming for Jeff Foxworthy to branch out of stand up comedy.

07-18-10, 14:33
Clippers no guard every other week in the summer (due to clip today) and every third week in the winter. I clip at home & used to clip other folks at work. I called myself the one style barber, free haircuts but no options.

Don Robison
07-18-10, 14:33
I run my beard trimmer over my head on the lowest setting every Sunday.

07-18-10, 14:53
My brother pulls of the Mr. Clean look quite well, he even has the ear ring to go with it. He uses the "headblade" and has good results with it, after he got used to it. The first attempt was a pretty bloody scene from what I'm told.:eek: I, on the other hand, look like Uncle Fester when I go to skin. I just do the clipper and low guard thing when needed.

07-18-10, 14:59
Electric clippers, no guard, every 3 to 4 weeks been doing it about 10 years now. If I start going bald I'll probably start taking a razor to it.

07-18-10, 19:03
For those of you shaving with no guard, any issues with nicks/cuts/etc?

I've considered it several times but haven't gotten up the nerve.


07-18-10, 19:12
For those of you shaving with no guard, any issues with nicks/cuts/etc?

I've considered it several times but haven't gotten up the nerve.


Nope. No nicks or cuts ever. No sensitive skin irritation or rashes either because it's cutting the hair above the follicle.

07-18-10, 19:24
Buy yourself a set of good clippers. Find beautician or barber that you know, and have them pick you up a commercial pair for around $50-$75. It seems expensive, but if you are paying $5-$10 for a haircut, it pays for itself in just a few months. I try to buzz my dome on a 1/8 guard every couple of weeks. If you just don't want to spend the money, Wal-Mart has a set with guards, scissors, oil, and the cape thingy for like $20. It will do the job, but not as good as the commercial clippers.

07-18-10, 19:35
Razor blade, about every 5 days.

Preferred User
07-18-10, 21:31
Andis Excel clipper with CeramicEdge 000 blade. Ceramic blade is cooler against the noggin. Burnt up 2 cheapies before taking the plunge to a professional clipper.

07-18-10, 22:25
When my hair started thinning I started cutting my hair really short.

My wife gives me a haircut with clippers once a week. I have her use a #2 on the top and a #1 on the sides and back.

In a few more years I will probably be shaving my head with a razor...:(;)

07-18-10, 22:51
Beard trimmer once a week on the head, face, and nuts.

Except for maybe a month I haven't had more than 1/4" of hair in a decade.

07-18-10, 23:28
Beard trimmer once a week on the head, face, and nuts.

OK...I think I have all the information I need...and perhaps even a tad bit more than I need. :stop:

Thomas M-4
07-18-10, 23:33
Nope. No nicks or cuts ever. No sensitive skin irritation or rashes either because it's cutting the hair above the follicle.

After that first close cut in basic you loose all fear of necks and cuts :moil:

07-19-10, 09:39
Razor blade every 2-3 days, except on weekends and vacations.

Need to try out that "Headblade", though. Looks interesting.

07-19-10, 10:37
Gillette Fusion blade, with regular shaving cream. Once a week.