View Full Version : Gov Blago - the fix is in?

07-22-10, 19:13
I've got my crystal ball here - and I see for former Gov walking or getting a conviction on a very minor charge. One assumes that would be the reward for keeping Rahm and Barack out of the the testimony, perhaps?

The nation's most corrupt city lives up to its reputation?


07-22-10, 19:41
You would'nt expect anything less, would you?

07-22-10, 19:50
I can only see two good things coming out of this.

1. IT will remind the rest of the country how crooked Chicago is.
2. It will hopefully trash Fitzgerald's career.

07-22-10, 21:20
I've got my crystal ball here - and I see for former Gov walking or getting a conviction on a very minor charge. One assumes that would be the reward for keeping Rahm and Barack out of the the testimony, perhaps?

I'm not really following all of this, but how would they do that? Isn't this a jury trial in federal court? There isn't going to be a "fix" unless Obama intervenes and orders the prosecutors to arrange a sweetheart plea deal. Even less likely would be a commutation of his sentence or a pardon, which would make Obama look like a total weasel even to people that don't already hate him.

07-22-10, 21:24
Did you consider, perhaps, that the prosecutor simply couldn't make the case? Or was inept? Why does everything have to be a conspiracy?

To me, the fact that Blago didn't take the stand means that they (Blago and his legal council) rolled the dice that the case wasn't made and that there would only be downside in testifing.

07-23-10, 05:51
Fitzgerald may be, in my opinion, the most nakedly political US Attorney in the country and could, if he wanted to, not make his most persuasive case should he so choose.

If he thought, for instance, that the current Attorney General is weak and might be replaced or if he thought that the AG job would be open in the next Democrat Administration, perhaps? If, and I'm not saying he did, that perhaps Blago could call Administration officials as witnesses if he were pushed by the prosecutor's strategy?

Why did he expose the selling of the senate seat at the moment he did? Was it, as some have asserted, that he was trying to head off certain Administration officals who might have been about to make a quid pro quo offer to Blago?


07-23-10, 05:55
What you guys have to understand is that a US Senate Seat is a valuable F'ing thing and you don't just give it away for nothing - particularly if you are a Chicago Dem.

07-23-10, 07:16
Fitzgerald may be, in my opinion, the most nakedly political US Attorney in the country and could, if he wanted to, not make his most persuasive case should he so choose.

If he thought, for instance, that the current Attorney General is weak and might be replaced or if he thought that the AG job would be open in the next Democrat Administration, perhaps? If, and I'm not saying he did, that perhaps Blago could call Administration officials as witnesses if he were pushed by the prosecutor's strategy?

Why did he expose the selling of the senate seat at the moment he did? Was it, as some have asserted, that he was trying to head off certain Administration officals who might have been about to make a quid pro quo offer to Blago?


Which is why I hope that Blago goes on to make a stink about the whole deal and can make Fitzgerald look like the political hack that he is, or failing that make him look like an incompetent.

07-23-10, 20:24
What you guys have to understand is that a US Senate Seat is a valuable F'ing thing and you don't just give it away for nothing - particularly if you are a Chicago Dem.

I agree! Look at how much money people spend to get that seat...... and they just expect him to GIVE IT AWAY!!!!!!! In Chicago!!!1

07-24-10, 01:18
Actually, serious prison time is a very real possibility. Many IL govs have been convicted and sentenced to prison to the tune of 6-10 years (previous Gov. George Ryan - Republican being the most recent example. He's serving 6 1/2 in Oxford, WI).

07-24-10, 08:31
Actually, serious prison time is a very real possibility. Many IL govs have been convicted and sentenced to prison to the tune of 6-10 years (previous Gov. George Ryan - Republican being the most recent example. He's serving 6 1/2 in Oxford, WI).

Was a very real possibility. Now, not really. The case presented was not very strong. If they convict and send him to prison there will be appeals for the foreseeable future, with the possibility of them getting a judge that DOES think that BHO's testimony would be germaine to this situation.
BHO and Holder want this to go away, they will be twisting arms like mad to make it so.

07-24-10, 08:50
Actually, serious prison time is a very real possibility. Many IL govs have been convicted and sentenced to prison to the tune of 6-10 years

True but none of those govs had any connection to the Pres and lets face it that counts for a lot.

07-24-10, 11:49
Actually, serious prison time is a very real possibility. Many IL govs have been convicted and sentenced to prison to the tune of 6-10 years (previous Gov. George Ryan - Republican being the most recent example. He's serving 6 1/2 in Oxford, WI).

There is a whole wing of a prison in Wisconsin for former Illinois governors.

I never thought the case would go very far with out them first getting the goods on someone else too. It would be really hard to convict Blago with out going after someone on the other side of the table too. It seems that all Blago had to do was go to everyone who was interested in the seat and ask "Did I attempt to make you bribe me?" Who is going to answer "Yes!".

08-17-10, 17:10
Wow, it's almost as if I can see the future!

One minor count:


Probation, time served, attendance at church...


08-17-10, 18:07
Notice how everyone is found guilty of giving false statements to the Feds even when the other charges don't stick? In Karl Rove's recent book you can read about all the crap he went through and what happened to Scooter Libby based on statements that weren't even material to a separate criminal act.

Lesson learned: Don't talk to the Feds.

08-17-10, 18:42
Blago was denied the opportunity to call all of the relevant witnesses. That alone may get him a reversal, regardless of the result at the new trial.

08-17-10, 18:55
Wow, it's almost as if I can see the future!

One minor count:


Probation, time served, attendance at church...


Maybe you were in on the fix and knew what was going to happen. :lol:

08-17-10, 18:58
The defense resting as soon as the prosecuter did denied rebuttal testimony that the prosecuter needed to present to make his case complete. As it was, the jury only saw half of their shit. They won't make that mistake twice.

08-17-10, 22:26
The defense resting as soon as the prosecuter did denied rebuttal testimony that the prosecuter needed to present to make his case complete. As it was, the jury only saw half of their shit. They won't make that mistake twice.

Say what now? The defense prevented the prosecution from presenting their case by resting their case?